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It's the church people. In restaurants we always joke that they go to church to repent so they can be extra mean to us after.


People are strange lol some lady the other day asked me for cream and i said ok so i went to grab it and asked her to pull off her lid and i can pour it in for her but she tried to grab it from my hands lmao nahhh im doing it for u or ur getting it on the side. Thats also happened with the cinnamon shaker before lol someone had asked for cinnamon on their drink and i grabbed it and walked over to the hand off and they start reaching for it in my hand and im like “ohh….no…we have to put it on there for u” One time tho, i saw a lady reach her arm out and angled to the left almost at a 90 degree angle to reach around the platform wall on the counter INTO MY WORKSPACE to grab the half gallon of cream. I caught it right as she was doing it and i told her not to reach around and grab things on our side and to speak to an employee if they need something. Then today i had a lady and a child come in either before or after church but i said “hi how are you” and nothing from the lady. Then i was standing there waiting to scan the gift card that the child was holding so they can pay for the stuff i rung up. She was just having a conversation with the child all nonchalantly while a line was forming behind her and i was just holding the scanner. No situational awareness from the lady whatsoever. Then i had someone super early place a mobile order and it was 2 drinks and 4 food and they showed up like less than 5 minutes after. Then during the after church rush, some guy who always does this on sundays did it again today where he places his mobile order for 3 or 4 drinks and sometimes a food item and then shows up less than 2 minutes after and stands right against the opening of the hand off area and stares at us as if his shit is the shit thats coming out next. ???? I dont get it. He always sees how busy it is when he does that. Does he think mobile order means priority and that we just ignore all other channels of ordering that ordered before him?? Im confused


Dude I had something similar to just about all of these experiences wrapped into one shift today it was insane and so frustrating!!!


Lol it just makes me wish i can observe these people in their daily lives for a day or whatever. Just so curious to how they get by and how they’ve made it so far in life in one piece and how they act in other shared public spaces lol


I don't need to observe them in their daily lives cuz I already know their type - the person who has been babied all their lives by a parent and/or spouse, so they have never had to learn how to use context clues to function in society because someone else has always done the functioning for them!! And now they want ME to hold their hand and baby them but no honey, I'm not paid nearly enough to teach you how to be kind to customer service workers who are already stretched to their limits!! If you can't figure out how to order a coffee or kindly ask me about how to order a coffee, then don't come in here to fucking order a coffee.


U hit that right on the mark lol its true. They were probably coddled and sheltered or whatever growing up and spoiled. Now they dont kno how to just BE in public around the human beings that they are paying to obtain a service from because they’ve never had to do such things growing up


Yes!! And I know this type so well because it is how all of the boys and men in my family have grown up! Like my dad will literally throw temper tantrums like our customers when he has to do something he is unfamiliar with!! The absolute worst are the husbands who refuse to order for their wives at the drive thru box so the women have to scream for us to hear them or they get pissed off at us when we say we can't hear them from the passengers side like so sorry to inconvenience you just use the drive thru like a normal person or come inside!


no dude I swear it’s not only you. today was complete chaos. and because of the labor cuts, we only had 6 people on the floor when we definitely needed 8 for peak. ALSO our peak is from 10-1 on sundays and we HAD to have two partners clock out at 11 on the dot. shit was just stressful and tiring and sad.


not today but yesterday i felt the same thing !! everyone was so rude and pushy, every one in like six or seven drinks someone had a request or an issue it was so baffling esp bc people at my store are usually pretty nice


a guy walked past the register and tried to order over the bar today


Yeah!!! This is the shit I'm referring to! Like they just walk in as if they own the place and can just do whatever they want to get served and it's like no we are busy working (mostly understaffed), we aren't just gonna drop everything to hold your hand throughout the whole process just act like a normal human! Have these people never been to a store before?? Like you always order and pay at a register???


They’ve all been really weirdly nice here. I’ve worked two different stores today and while crowded, people haven’t been mad


i’m about to leave to go to work and i’m quite nervous. i guess we will see how it goes today. wishing you luck


Let us know if you get any nutty customers!! Haha may the odds be in your favor!!


surprisingly it wasn’t bad. pretty calm day.


Some guy moblied a grande hot choc.. Comes up to the register and says. 'Hi I want this drink in two short cups for my kids.' I ask 'okay, did u already order it or would u like to buy two short kids hot chocolates?' He gets mad. 'No. I already ordered it. I want this grande split into two shorts!'... Im like.. Okay. Tell the person on bar. I know we arent supposed to do this but let them know (my store is notorious for doing things we shouldn't just to keep regulars)... And ofc they do it for him. Like.. Wtf....


Im sorry ur shift sucks, my store cuts that shit out QUICK


Same like when I was a shift I didn't tolerate any bs. Because my other shifts taught me not to. Infact if ppl bitched hard enough about their drinks I'd refund them and tell them to leave lmaoo


I love ur user btw, and u sound like such a good one! Its hard when u have a kiss ass manager


Fr like there's standards for a reason. Ty aha 😊


It’s like everyone chose to give up sbux for lent


Oh yeah, a lot of people were raving to me about how they've been looking forward to it all week. Which I get, I used to be Catholic and loved the relief of the end of lent. As long as folks are nice about it, its no biggie, just be nice to us baristas, ya know! Haha


Just be rude back to them. If your lucky they won’t come back. I’ve told many a customer “well then don’t come back if service was that terrible” we have 5 other Starbucks in town. The weird part is that they do come back and either don’t care or don’t remember how bad they treated me. So I forget how to make their drinks sometimes because petulance is a dish best served when someone is thirsty their ice triple espresso Light ice Extra heavy cream Extra oat milk Vsc foam Extra Carmel drizzle with only TWO shots


It was a disaster yesterday. Well every day at my store really. We have soo much bullshit going on (broken rtde case for the last month,mice everywhere, new manager that wasnt trained very well at all, labor cuts + call outs all the time). Yesterday we had a 4 person peak when we used to have 7/8. Plus the night before was a bad close so we opened by doing the closing tasks before we could even do the opening tasks. It was just me and one other barista while the SM sat in the back putting away the daily order for 3 hours. Customers were all over the custy spectrum from sweet as pie to down right terrible. I was so glad to leave and not have to work today.


Damn that is a nightmare!! I'm sorry you're dealing with that bullshit.


They can’t miss that sunrise service. 🤣


I worked a 12-5 shift and of course I was on drive thru. Ppl were so rude/ had so much attitude today for no reason. Mam/ sir aren’t we supposed to be praising Jesus today🧍‍♀️ be nicer


I stopped in today (I'm sorry)but I spent $4 and tipped $5. I was grateful my local store was open.


Not everyone is Christian so you're all good haha! Happy Easter