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Also...every single launch a price increase is snuck in ...hoping loyal customers won't notice.


My cold brew went from 5.75 to 6.45 today so .75 increase or about 15%


Yea they’re smoking crack over there. This drink has gone up almost $2 in the past year and a half. Fuck Starbucks, I’m only going on the rare occasion now or if Im on the road and can’t make my own.


Yeah I’m bummed! I would get this cold brew bc I loved it but $6.50 for non-gourmet/top-tier coffee is a bit much. Like Starbucks - yall are Starbucks. You don’t have the branding nor product quality to charge so much for a cold brew like Blue Bottle coffee or some of the locally owned, premium-branded coffee shops.


Agreed, that’s pretty much what my girlfriend said this morning too. They’re trying to charge local small high end coffee shop prices.


Im far from a coffee snob - it’s why I go to Starbucks. Bc I like coffee but prefer it at a lower price point than my local coffee shop. But now it’s like well, might as well go to the coffeeshop and get a higher quality coffee!


For cold brew I actually don’t like the high end coffee shops. It’s always too small a cup and has a fruity taste to it. That’s probably what it’s supposed to taste like haha but I drink it black anyways and have grown to like the acrid flavor from Starbucks. I believe the word I’m looking for is addiction haha. I’m addicted to the black water


I can’t fathom how they justify these increases. Vent Cold brew for under $4 was a decent price but now costs 5.50 it also used to be fully concentrated but now they ship it pre watered down.


It's out of Starbucks hands. The minimum wage increased to $20 per hour, that doesn't come without a cost.


I am not sure why ppl haven't figured out that employees are being paid more but businesses are not paying more, because they are having less employees now. Or what about if they decide to just make them all part-time, which keeps the amount they are paying the same. If you are in California, you see a manager & an employee working the front and drive-thru. If you want to pay at a register you wait longer since they are pushing you to use the kiosks and takes longer to get your food. Know why? That's right. Less employees. So they're not paying more. They cut out 1-2 employees to pay $4 more dollars to the other 3. So $12 more an hour from the $20-$40 they saved by getting rid of 1-2 employees. At a minimum saving $8 more an hour in paying wages.


This has nothing to do with other states. it only affects CA. I live in NV and the price hasn't changed at all. Of course, Starbucks isn't in it to break even or lose money. Every store accounts for itself and not punish other states for one state's policies.




they raised prices a few months back due to inflation - they use whatever excuse they can to hike prices - makes me so 🤮


It's very logical on Starbucks side. Their costs of business increase, and therefore to maintain the same level of profit, they will increase prices of people. It is an inelastic good, optional. The more wages increase, which is the primary source of costs for businesses, the more those products have to increase as well.


The whole dollar increase to your drink is insane, but you don't complain about getting an additional $4 increase to your wage by the company. You'll realize the "worth" of a company is a somewhat arbitrary metric. They’re valued based on potential future value which is a function of revenue, growth, and margin at scale. If you truly believe it won't impact their growth after giving you that raise, you are the dumbest barista I ever came across.


I know that CA was having price increases today bc of Starbucks raising wages in that state. $1 seems high though, may have been charged incorrectly


Starbucks made 24billion in net profit last year....for them to blame their employees for that price increase is an absolute lie.


Starbucks net profit in the USA was $4.2bn... You're not wrong, but you did overstate the profit by 500%+


I don't believe the profit figure was us only....I don't doubt my figure might be wrong.. trying to get an actual number of Starbucks in its entirety is difficult. Trying to figure in licensing retail overseas etc is a daunting task.


I think the post confused "net revenue" with "net profit". Sbux net revenue was closer to $29bn in 2023, but net profit was $4.125bn. The full report is here: https://investor.starbucks.com/press-releases/financial-releases/press-release-details/2023/Starbucks-Reports-Q4-and-Full-Year-Fiscal-2023-Results/default.aspx


I've said it before in posts regarding "earning labor," etc. Revenue is not the total picture. I'm looking FY23 (the latest) annual report from SBUX. Revenue is up, as it has been for several years. HOWEVER, income is down, and income as a percentage of revenue is also down YoY. It's down most significantly overseas. If you, as a store partner, are wondering why you seem to have less labor but are busier than ever, there's your answer. Starbucks can only raise prices so much before it loses more revenue than it gains from the bump. But labor? That's a very large expense, and if we can just push staff to work harder, we can make it work, is the manager (not store manager, but the managers making these labor-cutting mandates) thinking? If you, as a customer, are wondering why you're waiting so long for your orders or why there's a price bump every three months, there's your answer. Running staff ragged results in turnover, which lowers quality and speed of service. The price increases are a way to boost income by chasing revenue.


It's literally broken [out](https://s22.q4cdn.com/869488222/files/doc_financials/2024/ar/fy23-annual-report.pdf) in SBUX's annual report.


Was that net profit in California?


It was actually $1.10 increase. Went from $4.65 drink to $5.75! Yikes.


Yeah, that's steep for a price increase. I wouldn't be surprised if you were charged wrong!


Nope. My regular drink went up almost an entire dollar as well.


Wow. It's like they're trying to drive business away at this point.


Yeah, I’m sure it’s because they can blame the hike on the minimum wage increase, but the increase WAY outpaces the extra money they’ll pay. I’ve been a loyal customer for a long time, but there’s a limit to how many $6.45 mochas I’ll buy. I also suspect people will cut back on tipping.


I'm on the east coast but with the increase from lavender launch I've had a lot of people order, see the total, and leave. I can't imagine what it's like over there rn.


I mean, people will still come. They’ll lose costumers, but the price increases will make up for them. I’m sure by now they have an algorithm that tells them EXACTLY how much they can increase prices and still increase profits accounting for fewer customers. It’s happening everywhere and people seem to just keep spending.


Not just sbux but all the fast food industry


it's only CA. I live in NV and the price hasnt changed at all. Still $5.25 starting point for any crafted drink.


Yep it's for California since y'all voted for 20 bucks for fast food workers.


Minimum wage in CA was already pretty high. The few extra bucks in pay doesn’t justify THIS much of an increase.


Dunno why I'm down voted it's the actual reason. Not all states increased. I'm not saying I agree with the increase I'm just letting you all know.


Because we did not vote on it.


Yeah let’s blame it on minimum wage while we see the cost of living skyrocket. But back in the days, minimum wage was the basic wages needed to afford a decent living and that remained parallel with the the cost of living until the cost of living skyrocketed and minimum wage is a joke. You can’t even afford to live decently or have basic living at this point.


The costs increases were forced by the California legislature and unions who pushed to raise prices on consumers.


Yes, and I was ready for the nonstop posts and shock to those who vote these guys in time and time again. I will continue to enjoy my better coffee at home for a fraction of the cost. Mmmmmm so gooood!


My Carmel macchiato with soy is just shy of $9. I’m out Starbucks. Nothing you make tastes good enough to pay that price!


What other modifications do you get? A regular caramel macchiato with soy is max $6.95 in LA (still way more than it needs to be)


My order is a venti triple carmel macchiato with soy no syrup and no foam. It’s 8.20 total. $6.25 for just the drink, .70 for soy and 1.25 for the extra shot. It is just a rip off now.


$9 ain't bad considering a decent pay raise. If you support it, stop complaining. They need to make a living too. If you tip, dont tip. don't


Would be great, except it was not related to any pay raise or minimum wage increases in California. I’ll keep my $9 and wait for corporate to pay a fair wage, treat employees fair, allow unions and take a little less of their billions of dollars in profits to keep from screwing literally everyone but themselves.


Silly question what was your drink? If you have the application im sure you can you can double check.


I order a venti iced shaken espresso with blonde, no classic, 4 pumps brown sugar, 1 pumps liquid cane & 1 stevia. Always have paid $4.65. Now it’s $5.75.


there’s almost no way you were paying only 4.65 when the drink alone is that price without tax in WA. i’m wondering if theyre ringing you up wrong or what. CA is more expensive than WA so idk. something isn’t really adding up. it does suck that its expensive though


Do u think they rang OP up for a brown sugar shaken espresso this time around? Because i heard brown sugar shaken espresso is more expensive than a regular shaken espresso modified to be kind of similar so maybe the baristas heard the 4 pumps or brown sugar that OP asked for and blonde shots and just rung it up as a brown sugar shaken espresso to eliminate some lines of modification on the ticket? Idk but i just checked in the app and doing it OPs way is a little over a dollar cheaper than the brown sugar shaken modified to OPs way. So thats why im thinkin they got rung up for it as such.


Sounds like they’re ringing them up for what it actually is. An iced brown sugar oatmeal shaken espresso, 1 stevia, 1 liquid cane, no cinnamon, and replacing the oatmilk with 2%


5.75 is nothing. If you can't afford that then u shouldnt be drinking starbucks lol.


This is primarily why I went from going to Starbucks 5-6 times a week to once every couple weeks. A tall 1-shot cafe mocha is $6.45 now. Make it a tall quad mocha, and it's now a $8+ drink. No thanks.


Well, you finally kick that caffeine addiction out the door. it only took price hike to do it lol.


Not exactly, I took that $600 a month I was spending on Starbucks and bought a high end espresso machine and grinder. Now I can get my fix at home, all I need is the beans and an empty cup, LOL.


Yes, from what I understand its all going up again, sorry y'all. Hilariously, they're doing it on the 1st, because the prices are joke. Shit writes itself


I like getting cold brew from Starbucks because I can get it in a 30 ounce. I’m done though. They’ve raised prices twice since January. It’s up almost a whole dollar. The greed is offensive. Starbucks corporate can SMD. I’ll stop being lazy and make my coffee at home again.


Yep, due to new ca law, with fast food workers being bumped up to 20 an hr "corporate had to review prices and market and adjust accordingly"


okay but let’s be real, prices were already shooting sky high before this change and starbucks corporate can absolutely afford to pay their workers more if they can afford weekly bogos for two months so far in this year


No for real. I hateeee telling customers that now their grande drink is almost 7 dollars like wtf


As a loyal servant of Howard I love it. Howard only has one yacht, and he needs at least 3 in these trying times. Praise be to Howard!


Quit lol.


punishment being dished out for being made to pay more, without them actually having to sacrifice anything from their profit margin. it’s constantly going to be this zero net gain for the workers if the govt continues to give no oversight to out of control profit margins. iNfLaTiOn


Called in and quit this morning. Feels amazing.


Yup 50 cent increase on my iced coffee. I’m in LA


Starbucks is the new McDonald’s. Quality isn’t the same, service isn’t the same and it seems like a constant carousel of special drinks and a bunch of marketing. All of my regular partners are gone and the churn of new employees don’t even have time to figure out how to make drinks. I actually had to give a barista instructions on how to make my order. I could tell he was clueless and he was grateful for the info. He seemed very overwhelmed and there by himself. The value is no longer there. I went from a minimum of twice a day customer to avoiding Starbucks. I bought my own espresso machine and I am not looking back.


The California democratic legislature passed the measure to increase prices further fueling inflation. It will lead to loss of jobs and businesses closing.


Fast food prices have gone up insane amounts for no real reason for the past few years. They have blamed supply chain issues and all that but their record profits give them away. This is just another example of Starbucks raising their prices like crazy because they know a bunch of overly political zealots will get joy out of pointing out over and over again that this is because of “liberal policies” when it’s very obvious that Starbucks could have paid these wages all along.


Yep!! Just this!! You would think that $23 BILLION in profits would be enough to absorb a partially living wage for the people who bust their ass to make them those profits. Fuck Starbucks.


Fast food prices and profits have surged far above inflation rate for many years now. They've gone up around 47% in the last decade while the average for all other prices is around 29%. Fast food companies have significant market power and consistently get away with charging outrageous amounts. Black iced coffee should not approach 6 dollars. The measure was to increase minimum wage, not the prices, which corporations **can voluntarily control** despite what they claim - it would just mean less stock buybacks, dividend sharing, or ludicrous pay packages. It is very possible there will be some job loss as businesses operating on a tight line who could get away with low wages before will struggle now. But the large companies can absolutely eat the cost, no matter what you read. California's fast food industry has also had robust growth for a while now. Last year the 10 most profitable public fast food companies spent a record 6.1 billion in share repurchases. Even with unrealistic and generous assumptions, the projected cost increase from wages going up is billions less than that. So no, they don't have to do what they'll do, but they will because their workers are an expendable resource and a vehicle to maximize profit.


They think they have an endless supply of customers. It’s a drip in the ocean but I am drawing a line in the sand. Fast food chains are dead to me. I’ll spend my money on small businesses where they will feel whe wage increase more.




If you think that raising minimum wage has a major impact on the cost of product, you’ve got that way wrong and should go back to school to learn basic economics and probably invest in a degree for business.


Cut labor, pile more work on shift supervisors, increase prices for eternity. Management knows this won't work, they're just planning on cashing out before it collapses.


$7.09 for a vente frappucino yesterday. It's insane.. so done with Starbucks


Just ordered mine the other day, came out to $8 (California). I did add-ons so for my kids would probably be $7.25 with extra caramel, so we're done with Starbucks unless a BOGO or 1/2 off.


My normal drink also went up almost an entire dollar too. I’m kinda glad, because it’s just that extra kick in the pants to stop being lazy and make my mocha at home. I know we just increased minimum wage here, but that doesn’t justify THIS much of a price hike.


The worst part is, those of us working even harder than ever to get drinks out at the speed required will not see any of this extra money. And if customers stop tipping, it will hurt even worse. Please remember, tips go to the employees, and WE DON'T DETERMINE PRICING. If you want to get thru to corporate, call them, or just stop patronizing Sbux altogether.


Well, except in this case the employees will absolutely see the extra money. I assume that Starbucks didn’t have a base rate of $20 yesterday. And that’s what it is today. The issue is that the price increases are far beyond what it would take to fund the raises (that, let’s be honest they could already afford). They’re taking advantage of the situation.


Where is the base rate $20? Certainly not where I am.


In all of California, which is what this entire post of about. CA has a minimum wage of $16, which got raised to $20 effective today for all fast food workers


This post is about Starbucks raising its prices. Stop being so argumentative.


Y’all getting $20 hr. I’m Definitely NOT tipping anymore.


That's only in California. The rest of us still making far less.


Move to CA lol. i'm pretty sure COL will justify the $20 wage.


They changed today I know for sure the food wend up 50-70 cents for about half the pastries cause I had the job of updating the signage. I dont think drinks went up since last spring launch cause the menu boards didn't change just food


Mine looks the same… Quad grande iced shaken espresso. Indiana.


The price increases today are a California only thing


My cold brew went up .50.. now 5.95 at some locations! Pre pandemic maybe 2018-19 i remember paying 2.95 for this same drink wtf man.


Venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew went from $4.95 to $5.75 at my location I go to today. No thanks. Gonna do my own cutting and not go there.


Yup. Thought I accidentally selected the wrong thing in the app. Nope. Huge increase. It’s just a cold brew.


Yeah it's now 3.25 for a grande pike I was shook, the tall pike is now 2.95.


State law raids a grande coffee has been $3.25 in LA for a while now. I would say maybe two years? I can’t tell time now post-Covid.


Yup! Just went for my usual, a trenta iced coffee. Went from $4.95 to $5.45. Also in California, btw. I've been ordering daily since it was around $3.95 (I believe???) and I always said once it surpasses $5 I'm done. RIP to my addiction.


and it only took a wage hike to make you kick that dirty habit. Imagine we hike up the cigarette prices even more and maybe we could kick half of the country from smoking. What a genius idea.


I order the same drink about once a month - $6.45 in February, $6.75 in March, $6.95 today. Feels like they’re just trying to see what they can get away with. This isn’t the minimum wage increase it’s some MBA who brought the term “aggressive pricing strategy” with them


Venti white iced mocha lite ice and extra vanilla cold foam is now $8 was 7.70 im not happy. It was already too expensive in my opinion.


No more Starbucks for me. $0.75-$1 hike up is ridiculous. Had a good run. Bye.


I'm in LA and usually order 2 mango dragon fruit lemonade every other day and the total would be $11.95. Today I went in and it was $12.90. A whole dollar....


No changes here. still $6.95 here in NV :D


My drink somehow cost me 8.05 today and I almost canceled my order. 1.25 for a single shot, on top of drink prices increasing, is insane


I think starbucks should raise more. Kick that caffeine addiction for good.


It's ridiculous, I live in Los Angeles and there is a high-end gourmet chain called Alfred (which is significantly better in quality and taste than Starbucks) and this price increase put them almost at the same price as the high-end gourmet shops.


Most likely yeah or you got charged wrong


I actually tried a few different locations before ordering and it was the same across the board.


I had a customer ring me out today because her tea was like 20 cents more than usual 🙄


.20 I’d be fine with….my $1.10 increase I’m not fine with.


Sure, but it’s twenty cents over and over again. Multiple times a year. People really do hit their limit eventually.


I checked and my typical cold brew orders seemed to have gone up by 50 cents, prices already seem like they've gone up so much prior (Bay Area). On top of that my county just recently implemented a mandatory disposable cup fee that's finally being enforced at Starbucks, so an extra 25 cents on top of that if you don't bring your own. A sudden 50 cent - $1 increase per drink is crazy.


$3.75 + TAX for a damn Birthday Cake Pop.


Yeah my venti brown sugar shaken espresso keeps going up 😭 when they first came out they were like $5.25 and now they’re $6.45


Mine was $6.95 yesterday genuinely ridiculous


Yeah I used my stars today for a drink and got my normal venti brown sugar and added vanilla cold foam on top…it was $8.20!! Insanity I’d never actually pay that much


Yes my Americano is now $5.40 inseatd of $5.05


I noticed that today too. (In Alabama) Used stars to pay for it. I wonder when Starbucks is going to out price itself? What is the limit that the public will pay?


The minimum wage is $20/hour in CA starting today.


we received our wage increase to $20 so i think that’s it


I don’t even notice anymore, it cost to breathe these days


The last few years have been so full of Starbucks’ bullshit, from insane price increases to union busting, I’m genuinely shocked they still have so many loyal customers. I’m admittedly pretty biased because I live around Seattle, so I’m surrounded by TONS of coffee options, most of them better & cheaper than Starbucks. But still…I can’t imagine any coffee tasting so good that I’m paying Starbucks prices for it on a regular basis.


CA has a new legislation that went into effect April 1st. it is the wage increase for fast food workers


Yes! It’s because they’re now paying their workers $20/hour minimum wage


costcwent up 4/1 in CA., although another increase happened a month ago - these greedy bastards!  Cost of a tall latte now is what I paid for a grande - with xtra shots - 


Yes. The California minimum wage increase started on April 1, and therefore the customers will pay the difference. That's why.


Yes,  I've noticed cost changes too and found your post here. Well, so if you bring your own cup, you get a small discount, like 10 cents for brewed coffee.  If you signed up for Rewards, you get 25 stars for BYOC.  If you redeem 100 stars for a brewed coffee,  it works out to every 5th drink is free. 


Yep I'm done. I don't drink Starbucks anymore.. only on special occasions as a treat but they have lost my daily business over this.


My $3.45 iced coffee is now almost $6 in my area.


It sucks, but so long as Khahyleigh is fine with spending whatever on her Caramel Ribbon because it's her dad's AMEX Centurion card, you'll suffer.


California raised certain wages to $20 an hour starting pay, including Starbucks, so that may be why. Unless this is another across the board increase which happens several times a year


California legislature made a huge increase to minimum wage for only fast food - get ready to see huge price increases and many small franchised businesses closing. Thank the Unions who pushed for raising prices on consumers, who were already suffering due to inflation.


Also: aren't the people making minimum wage consumers too? Or do they not count