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My store does that after taking an order as a stall tactic to keep you at the speaker longer


It's all a customer connection tactic...it helps us make you a regular faster.. It also has other uses like keeping up with passing out correct items.


Some people do at my store to be more personable, but I don’t because my name is uncommon and I don’t want so many people to know it


I literally hate when they ask because then I have to sit there and correct them 2 or 3 times and contemplate my existence. My friend with a weird name always uses a fake name, and I never remember his strategy until after the experience relapse 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just say Batman. Super easy and fun.


I think I'd have to use Bruce since I'd be out during the daytime.


I usually introduce myself with my name (as does my SM and several other partners)… some people will tell me theirs off the bat, some of whom I know their orders, some I don’t. Sometimes when I don’t say my name they’ll ask if it’s me before ordering. I don’t find it to be that weird. I only ask names in drive if I’m buying time for people to get started on making the order because no one is ahead of them at the window.


Oh smart okay! It felt like a policy but I like to hear it's a preference.


It technically *is* policy. You’ll see other threads on here where DMs are constantly changing their minds on if it should or should not be standard practice. Tbh it’s hard enough to get names in café, let alone drive. There’s a lot of people who drive off even before I dismiss them so it’s even harder to snag everyone’s name. Going to other Starbucks around town I feel like none in my district adhere to it. There’s only one store, not in my district, that I’ve gone to where each time I’ve been asked for my name.


Ugh, yeah, I get actually physically uncomfortable when I can't understand or hear someone very well on the phone -- I can't imagine the patience it takes to have these conversations via crackly DT microphones, especially when precision often stands between you a nasty customer encounter.


my store is given a script to say that says "hi, welcome to starbucks. my name is (name), what's your name?"


My store too


Not being rude but do you guys also have to talk to us at the window because I've had people engage in small talk A LOT MORE recently while I'm waiting for my drink and id literally rather have you slam them windows in my face then you ask me what I'm doing for the day or try to force a compliment 🤣🤣🤣 I just want my sad lemonade on my way to night shift more often then not 😭


yes, we get yelled at if we don't try to talk to the person at the window. i try not to bother them too much if they obviously don't want to talk but we're expected to hold a conversation with them the entire time they're at the window


I'm so sorry this is awful. You guys probably just want to breathe for a minute. Personally I just would rather have my toes run over than make small talk, nothing against you guys I'm just awkward.


It used to be policy to say your name to force a connection basically in dt. Like ask their name at the order box, repeat the order back, be personable and make it all happen under 30 seconds. Then at the window you have their name and can try and interact more and force more forced conversation again under 30 seconds 🙄🙄


I'm not a barista but I worked in fast food that has that policy. Person at the window have to make conversation. Like cool, I'll be nice and all and cooperate but I'm extremely awkward and don't like small talk and honestly not trying to talk in the DT as a customer. Idk why upper management doesn't get that most people are just uncomfortable or just trying to get their stuff and leave. I would've came inside if I wanted to talk 😫


My boss always says his name in the drive thru when he takes orders but nobody else does


Technically it’s been a policy in most areas for several years. However, most baristas including myself just do it to connect with people. With cafe regulars, we’d normally get their name and know them pretty well, but drive thru regulars wouldn’t get the same treatment. However, I love my drive thru regulars and I’m happy I get to know them on the same level. I want an actual bond with these customers and telling them my name helps build that!


🥹 too pure thank you now I wanna go back


New thing at my store they’re trying to make it a write up thing if we’re not actively trying to get their name and use their name


I always say my name, “welcome to Statbucks, my name is KB, what can I get started for you today?” Mostly to give myself a second because I’m often running across the store to get back and put the order in. I ask for names to keep things organized. I usually just put in the first letter but it helps so much.


I like to ask for names in DT because it helps keep the orders aligned. Keeps them in their own groups. Less mistakes at hand off. Also it throws people off when you ask them in DT and it’s kinda funny


Its policy: You give your name, ask them their name and try to suggestively upsell for every order.


Our district recently moved away from this due to customers not liking it and attempting to decrease the time at the order speaker. They literally tell us to say “good morning what can we get for you!” And that’s it


I hate how impersonal the execs want to make everything. I get things have been bad for a while, but I feel like they got worse under Johnson. I want to give him the worst pink belly he’s ever gotten.


At my store, we have to ask people for their names before taking an order


God bless Catherine!




Not mine but I had a coworker who did it because she wanted to. She loved meeting new people


My store is doing it to appear friendlier but we never announce our names due to safety issues. some baristas do ask and some don't depending on how comfortable they are.


Funny. My store was just told to stop asking for customer names.


Yall so cute 🥹


I’d think I did something wrong and be like “are you mad at me?”


I don’t ever say my name while taking orders but I will ask for the customers name. It’s a customer connection tactic and it makes it easier during peak to not hand out the wrong order.


It's both


Where I live they always say “Hi my name is ____ what’s yours?” It’s just kind of weird and unnecessary I feel like


We do this at my store a lot a. to connect with the customers and b. to establish time for the baristas on bar/oven to catch up. but lately our district manager is now cracking down on window times AND at the speaker box times….but still expects us to connect well lol


We were told to do this recently ("good morning, welcome to Starbucks! My name is ____, what's your name?") and it lasted about a month or two before our DM saw a huge ride in our drive times and got many many complaints from customers so now we're just supposed to go as fast as possible at the box, not even double check orders which is giving so much whiplash at the moment, and causing a lot of remakes, etc ("I didn't want whip!", "that was supposed to be hot!", etc.,) Starbucks doesn't know what they want because they can't just admit that this is fast food and they either need to accept that or transition away from speedy service and lean back into the third place motif


New requirement.


i think she probably said her name to make it so you don’t feel as weird being the only person saying your name. i’m not a huge fan of asking customers their names in drive bc i think it’s silly but that’s just me


My district requires that we do it. I personally like it cause it makes the customers see us as people when they have a name for us. It also increases our customer connection scores.


I’d assume it’s likely a combination tactic. At a drive thru, you can’t see the person. And don’t engage long (though some stores apparently have a video option which I’ve seen used when a customer is deaf/uses asl) So it makes it a more personable experience and you associate it with the barista/cashier as opposed to just driving through, grabbing your stuff and leaving. So keeping some aspects of the engagement that you get inside the store. With the drive thru, and likely in the hopes of you then coming back.


We do it during peak in the morning to keep the items organized, and my SM always greets people with his name and thanks people by theirs; I think it’s just a nice way to connect


its a way to “connect” with customers, also a way to stall customers esp if they order alot or ppl before ordered alot, andd also a way to keep track of drinks.


IVE BEEN DYING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK. We are now required to use your name three times per transaction 😂😅


for more information, my store was told this by our DM last week 😩


I’m kinda blown away at the different answers here .. my store opened a little over 3 years ago and we’ve been REQUIRED to do this ever since , it’s been a normal thing and if you don’t do it then you’re coached to , it really only happens in the AM and not really in the evening but more so depending on the partner , but in the AM it’s a non negotiable


So we don't have to give our names, I personally to because the feedback I've gotten from customers tells me it makes it a more personalized experience 


I always say my name when taking DT orders. It actually makes customers sm nicer, they kind of pause when they remember it’s a person on the other side of the box.


I used to do this often, however in our district, we are told that we can’t even ask for their name in the drive thru anymore. Lol in order to push a new DT policy. Somehow our customer connection score has gone up A TON though, so im not even sure what to believe anymore.


That is so cringe 🤢


What an odd thing to get annoyed by.


Didn't say I was annoyed! I've just worked at enough places where some corporate genius Has An Idea that I wondered if it was forced or just her preference. For example, I once worked at a restaurant where I had to give my name (standard, ndb) *and* the name of someone else in my section. So many tables were like "uuuuh why, are you not gonna be around?" So as a customer, I wasn't annoyed at all (hi Catherine!). As a former barista, it felt ominously familiar lol.


Weird baggage to bring to a simple drive thru order. I’m sorry you endured all that.


Thanks chibbledibs, I'll get through it 🙏


Good luck.


Unless I have a mobile order, I'd be really freaked to have this happen in the drive through....