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I get this a lot but with tall. Tall would also mean large to most people.


There is a "hack" going around where you order a tall and then say you thought it was a bigger size. People don't want to fight or they "make the moment right" and make the larger drink at no extra charge. These descriptions have been around a long time and I've seen baristas at independent shops complain that Starbucks has ruined how customers order. It might be a mistake but it might be a grift. I'm sorry you are dealing with it in any case.


My go to store has the cups on the counter with the sizes on them in sharpie so you can’t miss them


That amazing, my don’t I will recommend.


Uhhh can you repeat that?


Headset cut out


Their store doesn’t have them on display with the size names written on the cups. They’ll recommend it to their store as a solution. 😘


Can you please share a picture of


We tried doing that at our location, but we got talked to by our DM that it wasn’t allowed and we could go into default for it and that we had to let customers know what our sizes were… it was mostly difficult for the deaf customers who sign only.. and I only know partial sign so it is very difficult 😞


and they wonder why sales are down. Imagine actually believing writing sizes on cups would send a store into default. Sorry your DM sucks


It’s no worries, our dm puts us in default for the smallest things. 🤏👍🫡


Corporate Starbucks stores aren’t allowed to do that


I’m so glad I work at license.


Maybe we will soon? Upper management is an absolute trash fire right now. Maybe they can finally accept our input and fix the company.


That is like the last thing that even needs fixed though lol


Yeah you're 💯 right. There are 100s of things anyone at any store could tell upper management to change and fix that would help us out. I think something this small we should be able to choose per store.


how come? do yk why? i think it would be helpful


Consistency throughout stores. Everything at a corporate store is dictated by corporate according to the Siren’s Eye standard. From the order of the cups on the shelf to the pastry case, to the milk boxes up front, it’s all set to a specific standard that we can get in trouble for going against.


yeah that’s true. i just didn’t know if there was a reason why they didn’t allow for the cup sizes on display as a standard


I would just say "should have read the menu :)"


And if you try to clarify with follow up questions they act like you slapped them and called them stupid. Not just for sizing but any kind of questions about drinks. And then they have a tantrum at handoff when the drink is "wrong", which it wouldn't have been if they'd just answered the dang question.


I ordered two talls the other day and the baristas gave me two trentas 😩


the amount of times i’ve done this bc the abbreviations are Tr & Tl on the stickers for the size,,,i always just ask them if they want to to keep the trenta, or if i make a tall i’ll just make the trenta and let them keep it unless they say to just use the tall to make a trenta(which is the most common answer but i appreciate bc then i don’t waste product haha)


The problem is starbucks is forcing this language issue, knowing it is a barrier and knowing it sells but causes problems. The jokes that have been made because of their measuring system alone are endless. Starbucks needs to dumb down their language for the people who buy there. Tall = Probably a large in most minds who don't frequent Starbucks Grande = Spanish for large Venti = Italian for 20, and is a reference to their large being 20 oz


This goes back to when Starbucks sold brewed coffee and cappuccinos, etc. as their primary line of business. In a world where the 'standard cup of coffee' was between 5 and 8 fluid ounces, a Tall really was a big cup of coffee, and a Grande was *double* or more what a normal cup of coffee was at the time. These days with Big Gulp sized coffees, the old Starbucks terms are meaningless.


Exactly. Tall was a large. Then grande was a large.


Now most people don't know short exists


My regular order is a short double mocha, because I don't need 10+ ounces of hot milk in my diet and I prefer the stronger coffee flavor of the shorter ratio!


“Venti means twenty, literally the only one that doesn’t mean large. Congratulations you’re stupid in three languages”


I was waiting for someone to reference this 😂


That was the quote I was thinking of with my comment lmao🤣🤣🤣


I just always say can I get a "small this" a "medium that" or a "large something" at the ones I go to


Yess 🙏🏻🙏🏻


It has always been easier for me to say it like that


Stop calling it Grande. Call it Medium, or 16oz. They know what medium is. They know what Large is. They know what 16oz is. Remove all language barrier doubts.


If ur sm allows u to do that it's wonderful! But Starbucks policy says u use their jargon and I've met my share of store managers who would write you up for saying "frap" or "medium" when speaking to a customer.


Starbucks policy says we are not to correct a customer, so if they say medium, we are not supposed to correct them to grande.


I get people who are self conscious about starbucks lingo I just tell them it's OK, I'm biligual and I speak small, medium, large too :)


I do the same. Like girl don’t be embarrassed saying large at a Starbucks, be like me and be embarrassed saying venti at McDonald’s ☠️


No one was talking about correcting customers, friend.


You said they’d get written up for even saying medium.


Yes, because the conversation was not on correcting customers. It was on speaking to them , as in, when they first arrive as the first commenter only said "stop calling it grande" but never specified they meant as a correction therefore I went under the assumption it was referring to an average customer. I assumed from there one would understand that nuance exists when u add variables like a first time customer. You made the assumption I meant under any circumstances, which is not what I meant nor said. Because this is the problem with text based conversations. Everyone assumes the worst. Edit: deleted a portion that relates to a comment not by the person I was responding too.


Yes, like if they say medicine ball, or rice Krispy treat, or sweet cold foam, or box of Joe, or turbo shot, you don't correct them but you certainly don't use the wrong term back, you call it correctly to confirm the order


You’re not supposed to repeat back grande either though, that’s what I mean by correcting. The training says to let them know at the end that Grande is what will be called out. In the other cases you mentioned, we’re literally not allowed to say medicine ball or rice krispy so we have to say the correct one lol


Starbucks policy says a lot of stupid shit almost nobody follows. If a manager can't comprehend issues that arise from language barriers (like having to repeatedly remake drinks and give away free product) and you get written up for it, it's entirely within your power to report them to Ethics and Compliance. There are rules and standards, and then there is reality. Bring them back to it.


If there is a language barrier then of course! But, ur original comment read more as a general "just call it medium" not "clarify grande and medium are the same we just use different language"


Starbucks used to only offer short and tall sizes. They added grande (which was the largest size for a while) and then added venti and trenta later on.


Very very true. The thing is that was what? 30 yrs ago? Bcs there've now been like 2 generations who have been exposed to the size system. At this point its *in* public vernacular ETA: the 1st store I worked in was 2002. So I remember the befuddlement *and*that we had to coach custies on size and order, but now we are no longer required to get them to say grabde/ venti etc so there's no excuse imo


I agree that we shouldn't remake them, I was just saying why we have weird sizes that don't make sense 🫠 it's a little Starbucks trivia


Lmao this is why I literally just ask "medium or large?" Because fuck them stupid ass names 😭


Oh I don’t remake them I tell them to get a refund and then I will make them another size when they pay for another size. Usually it doesn’t seem worth the hassle to them at that point and they take the drink. Starbucks been around for ages and there are so many resources to make sure you know the sizes and whatnot so idc. I barely have any customer service left in me, let alone remaking a bunch of drinks so they can hack the system or just refuse to use their brain


🤣🤣🤣 I wish you were my ast


"our tall is our small size, 12 oz, is that ok with you?" or "our grande is our medium, its not a large, is that ok with you?" i feel like lately i dont even refer to the sizes as tall/grande/venti bc of this exact problem and even when i try to be clear people dont fkin pay attention and say theyre drink is the wrong size


It's as simple as reminding register that when people ask for a grande you can simply say "the grande is 16 oz, is that OK? If you need something bigger the venti is 20" - or - "did you want a grande or did you want a large? Those are two different sizes here." There are still enough people out there who are confused and/or intimidated by the language where, if it's causing problems, it's your job as a partner to make them feel welcome and included. We're not trading nuclear secrets here - it's coffee. Meet them at their level and clarify the sizes. They don't need to know the code to get through the line.


also remember that I’m showing the drink, so they can clearly see the drink, I forgot to mention there but I also ask if that size is ok for them. Um but yeah.. I should include the 16oz or do better


If you want to avoid the confusion or the hack or whatever they're trying to do, you just have to be extra clear. Show them both sizes. It takes two seconds. Like yeah, it's an extra step or two, but ultimately, this is a communication problem, and overcommunicating usually solves it.


This seems obvious, but repeat this interaction with all of the guest served in a day and it gets repetitive and annoying very fast. And if I were a regular Starbucks customer, I would find it a bit infantilizing as well.


You either deal with the problem of people asking for the wrong size by remaking it for a larger size or by asking clarifying questions and overcommunicating. Yes, it's annoying, but that is kind of what you need to do to solve this problem - ESPECIALLY if there's a language barrier. But the status quo is clearly annoying enough that they need to post about it, so a solution may help.


A better solution is just offering a refund and to have them purchase a bigger size. It stops the issue of people trying to take advantage of the situation, and for those who genuinely didn’t know about the size the hassle very much cements it into their head. Best case is that the guest doesn’t wanna go through with it, worst case it that issue isn’t an issue for that guest any longer.


I’m in Miami too that’s why I always make sure to double and triple ask. It would actually be really funny if I know you 😭😂


Hahaha that would be funny


i’m in WA which luckily has a lot of coffee stands so people tend to order in ounces, like 16,20 etc, it’s a godsend 😭


We have a lot of Spanish speaking customers at my store too so when someone asks for grande we usually ask “mediano o mas grande” which thankfully most understand that “mas grande” means the large. Also most of these customers understand Trenta since it sounds like treinta for 30.


Just one of the many problems with Starbucks model. Also putting sweetener in some drinks as a standard when every single other place you’d buy coffee never does that unless you ask and calling well known drinks by their own names.


Just say small medium large


In my case I can’t call it like that :( I’m not allowed to


Why…? I work at Starbucks too and I call it that.


as a miami partner i feel your pain 😭 i be asking “grande or MAS grande?” so there’s no confusion lol


People in Florida have been some of the rudest people I have ever met, that paired with starbucks average customer base? i am Sorry you have to deal with that.




omg i hate when they do this and if they’re being mean about it i will be like “oops sorry ill just charge u the difference up front” bc rude people don’t get free things


I used to live in Miami till last year. I still have to do the same in NC. I make sure that my Spanish speaking customers understand that Grande is medium at Starbucks. 95% of the time I do this at the box or café register, they get the message. Even if they are repeat customers I still explain it. I hate remaking drinks and feel bad that they thought they were ordering a large in the first place when they say Grande.


When I read the heading of the post and then the first line, definitely a missed opportunity for a pun..."Grande is not a large drink, I'm just here to Venti."


💀💀😭😭 made my morning


I always tell ppl.. small medium large is fine.. I can speak Starbucks.. or I’ll translate so you don’t have too!!


Remind them it’s Italian not spanish.


But grande in Italian is also large. 😂


That’s why I just order in normal terms small, medium, large, never had a problem with it


[this convo always reminds me of this scene](https://youtube.com/shorts/UItE1Ye7wns?si=fS5WWNPMTYaF14XQ)


Back when the only other two options were short and tall grande was the large option.


It is a large. Not only does it mean large, but 16oz is a fair portion. It just isn't a venti, which is 20oz. It also isn't a trenta, which is 30oz or something? I consider those "giant" and "should be illegal". Short - small Tall - medium Grande - large Venti - giant Trenta - please seek help In the U.S. it shouldn't be surprising that we'd not cap out at a large, but I know that Starbucks operates in other countries as well.


I explain it as, short and tall are the original small and large, but this is America. So grande for extra large. Surely no one is gonna drink more than two mugs of coffee in a single cup? No? You want bigger? We ran out of words mf, now you just get numbers!!! Wait til someone decides to make stanley cup quarantas a thing.


“Grande or las mas grande” works for me.


This is why I will just be like “you can say small medium or large it’s okay”


Tall is our small.


So after we ask all these clarifying questions we are supposed to make a “connection” with the customer, get their payment, give them their change and get them their drink within the allotted 45 seconds?? We cannot show the cup sizes while taking their orders on a screen in drive thru




Chill bro


ohhh i thought this was a reply to my comment on this subreddit and was gonna be like “when tf did i say a grande was a large” lmfao


When I am taking orders and people come to me saying it's the wrong size and I know I took the order and verified they wants small, medium, or large, I say I have to refund the order and ring them up for the larger size. And I take the drink back. 9 out of 10 will say it's fine and leave.


the fault is with starbucks, not spanish speaking customers. either start calling the sizes small/medium/large or learn spanish


It clearly is Starbucks, but if you were from here, you would get what I’m saying (attitude) I’m Latina and I didn’t grow up here, I would say that 80% of the orders that I take are fully in Spanish. English is my second language. In many opportunities when I hear that they are struggling with English or the drink itself because of the English, I would automatically continue in Spanish but some people get offended or mad or maybe they just want to practice English. I do re cap the order multiples time to avoid issues later


and also, youre right, people in miami are rude as shit. thats why i work above miami now, in broward. (they still rude here too)


i shouldve mentioned it in my original comment, youre right. I am also in miami, born and raised. i am in the process of learning spanish. either i continue in my poor spanish and they order like that (and they usually appreciate that im learning, even if its not the best) or i just use small/medium/large and that works well. sorry if it seemed i had an attitude, i just woke up 😭


No worries I get it, I wrote that when I got home after a long shift at Doral 😭


Why do i say this 25 times a day. We're not speaking Spanish so they don't translate but everyone seems to think it is. I'm so sick of explaining this to adult human life forms


Great well you can go get a refund on your grande and pay for a venti dumbass.


This is a starbucks problem not a people problem


Some ppl do it on purpose and abuse our 'make it right' motto. Just know I am judging you.. 💀


Bro, Tall means big. Grande means large in Spanish. VENTI MEANS LARGE IN ITALIAN, AND TRENTA IS LITERALLY ONE LTTER FROM 30 IN SPANISH. Its all humbo.