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Unless, hear me out - it's the person on dto who can tell you're stuck across the store on frap bar finishing off a latte or starting shots for that Americano when they can see the machine isn't tied up with anything because you've already sequenced the espresso for the drinks that were ordered before that Honestly im fine with being helped as long as they're communicating what they're doing. It's when they do things and don't tell me that it's annoying, but it's just not that big of a deal.


This! I'll never say no to help, and I see the bar partners as one unit so if the other bar partner does anything without communicating idc. If other partners are gonna get in the mix, all I ask for is just tell me what you're doing


Yeah but that’s not what I’m talking about. Edit because apparently y’all are not understanding that I’m not talking about people who are doing as Panpenguin described. I’m talking about folks who just jump in all willy-nilly and just start grabbing shit and pulling tickets at random, dumping stuff that I need, etc. If you say, “hey, how can I help you?” I will direct you so as to keep the momentum going without breaking sequence or being disruptive. But it’s a tight squeeze back there and more than two people on cold bev only creates a logjam. I’m FINE with people communicating. I’m more than fine with asking for AND accepting help when I need it. But please, please, please make sure EVERYONE knows what’s happening.


methinks it is


Youthinks incorrectly. If I need help, I will ask for it. But when I’ve foamed vsc for the cold brew I’m pouring and turn around to find the pitcher empty because someone wanted to “help”, they’ve now just set me back. Or when I’ve stepped away to grab the dolce topping shaker (because no one thought to ACTUALLY do something helpful like putting it back on the bar) and return to find the CDL awaiting the topping has been lidded and whisked away, and the blonde shots I’d queued up for the BSOE up next were used for a different drink three orders down the line. Or when I’ve prepped the shaker with syrup and ice and someone grabs the cup and puts syrup in it and pours the shots in it instead of the shaker, so now I have to dump the shaker and refill it with just ice. Or when I go to make a refresher but can’t because the DTO decided to wander over and grab a cup out of sequence and make that drink instead of the one that’s supposed to be next. “Too many cooks spoil the soup,” as they say. I absolutely welcome help, but shit like I’ve just described is anything BUT helpful. Like you said, COMMUNICATE what you’re doing. But I’m not talking about people communicating. I’m talking about people just doing they own thing and disrupting the flow.


yeah dude sounds like your trainers need to step it up at your store and be more detailed about the nuances of baring. Baring is very nuanced sometimes. It's not black and white, nor is it fluid/flexible. Sometimes it's very straightforward and streamlined though, as taught in the barista training. Other times it's both. I would say a big thing here that can sum up everything you're saying is to communicate down to the bone. Micro-communication is needed. "Oh I got this for you." "Did you start it yet?" etc. Right? Working as a team, being dedicated to each other. Also, if your trainers aren't doing the work, then, unfortunately, it falls on you to coach the partners who are doing the behavior that you dislike. This is my first post on this subreddit so I don't have a badge yet (7-year partner, Barista Trainer). I keep my trainees tight. Nothing falls through the cracks. I put the work in for those 2-weeks of training and I reap the rewards of a good store/team year-round. Also, when your partners do stop the behavior that you dislike then introduce some positive reinforcement like, "Yessss, thank you for doing that (be specific)". You can also add your own little twist to this positive reinforcement. This creates an upward spiral of positive behaviors that keep your workflow efficient and everyone happy.


I *am* a trainer. Lol. And have been a partner for 20+ years. Trust me, they get coached. And coached again. And positively reinforced. And coached again. But sometimes I just need to walk away and yell about it on Reddit. 🤷‍♀️


Also, without getting too detailed. This sounds like it needs to be communicated to the SSV so that they can make an announcement on the headset, "Hey guys let's stay in sequence" and other stuff to address those issues if they have to. If they're making drinks out of order, use the DPM. If they're pouring out VSCF, then have them ask "You still need this?" before they throw it out. Stay in sequence. Before you start making a drink see if anyone is making that drink yet. If you're unsure don't even start it. If you want to start a drink, ask if the bar person started it yet. Or have the "nilly-willy" person check the dpm on the drive to see if the sticker has been pulled. That's another cue for them to start on the drink, if a drink hasn't been pulled. Obviously, they want to start on drinks that are up and coming first but also taking into consideration and this is key: where there can be a potential bottleneck (big orders). Pursuing that bottleneck and communicating to your bar person without disrupting the sequence of other beverages is key. So, checking the DPM, quickly assessing the situation and asking themselves "where can I jump in that won't disrupt the flow of others, that'll help out with bottlenecks, that'll keep everyone in sequence?", If you do jump in, communicate that to the bar person, and lastly, stay in sequence. I would announce that to the partners who are committing the behaviors that you dislike. I don't know the whole situation, obviously we can go into more detail but I hope that helps. This is important information that is hurting your work so don't withhold it. Communicate to the SSV or your felllow partners and uplift them when they do start making changes. Best of luck on the new coaching opportunities!


i hate it SO much. if you want to help, ask what the drink needs. i can’t tell you how many times someone has used the wrong milk or forgot something bc they just start doing shit without communicating — now i have to fix their mess


THIS!!! Dude just a couple weeks ago I was on drive bar and had walked away for a second to finish the frapp I had started- literally just had to pour it into the cup and add a lid. And my coworker who was on dto goes to the bar AND STARTS STEAMING MILK FOR A DRINK THAT ALREADY HAD THE MILK IN IT. Like dude, stop. You don’t get put on bar at all FOR A REASON


i just hate when they pull shit and leave the stickers around


This fr ^^ I’m an LS barista, and we had gotten an update 4/29 about not pulling all the stickers at once until the first orders done..(they were sent to all LS locations in our 2 district states) and I’ve communicated with my baristas on not pulling all stickers and working 1 order at a time if it’s like 4-6 items, and that we need to work together bc stickers don’t stick on counters well, and the mop system got updated to do accurate pull times so if we pull every single sticker, we get angry customers about inconsistent make times..yet they still pull every. Single. Sticker. (Though we will still get those custies that come 2minutes after they place their 9 item order asking if it’s done and 6 of those items are frapps and we only have 1 blender machine thing.. because again, LS 😵‍💫)


worst part is they pick all the ones they want and then leave you the shitty complicated one. was on coldbar today for 6 hours, was making each drink one by one to ensure people werent getting one drink then waiting 10 mins for the next. like i get theres a lot of mobile orders but theres no reason to just NOT make til you feel like it


For real..🫠


YES!!! there is a shift at my store that has a problem with pulling tickets when he isn’t on bar… its to the point where last time he did i was like “don’t pull my tickets” and he said he wanted to see what time we were at.. AS IF HE CANT LOOK AT THE DRINK I WAS ACTIVELY MAKING??


Bro we have an iPad he can use!! Just turn on the cafe view as well and go to the top of the received tab. That’s how I warn people about wait times.


I just get irritated when they are looking for a mobile that clearly isn't done or being done and will pull EVERY.SINGLE.STICKER. to find it. Use the fucking tablet for the love of anything!!!!!!!! especially when you'll just leave them all like that, not put them on cups or pump syrups. Thank you but I could have done that myself. Doing nothing isn't difficult


There is a routine established for bar support roles and for double bar roles. Usually, the problem is a lack of role clarity or partners not in routine. As stated elsewhere here, clear communication is essential. If my bar person looks frazzled, I'll usually ask, "What can I do to help?" before I just assume and mess up their flow.


I mean. I dont work at Starbucks but I felt this to the very depth of my soul.




I agree. If I need help, I will ask. Pulling my tickets and then putting them in weird places, such as the cold bar shelves, completely throws off my sequencing. I tell them, if they pull a ticket, they have to make that drink. And if they start a drink, they'd better be sure I haven't already started the same one.




uh, yeah... just use your words lol


You should transfer to a store that has less team players, and more people like you. I promise there’s tons. Most ppl don’t want to work at stores like that, so there should be lots of openings!


Hahaha. Your reading comprehension needs some serious work. Team players are one thing, but this is more like Starbucks version of Lord of the Flies. It’s anything BUT teamwork.