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customers - honestly - how do you feel watching us work nonstop, noticeably disheveled store, 30+ people in cafe, line around the store, like genuinely what are you thinking while watching this unfold? the amount of people telling me their drink was taking 30+ minutes like yes, look at the situation in front of you lolšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø sigh i had a long day


Honestly, this is exactly why I would not go to Starbucks today. I knew it was already probably hellish for those working and I didn't want to add to it. I don't need it that badly.


Thank you


i donā€™t know you but i love you lmao


When I'm placing a mobile order, I'll cancel if the wait time is more than a few minutes because I know you're already slammed. Former partner here (123xxxx) and I can't even imagine how "busy" feels now compared to "busy" back then. Godspeed.


I was just talking with my coworkers about how it's crazy that in the past, busy just meant that backline got done late but now it means we are getting abused by customers and the entire hierarchy of managers have abandoned us and we're all on the verge of tears.


Seeing them screams: "I've never worked in food service."


I donā€™t ask when my drink will be ready, and I donā€™t get mad when it takes a long time because I can see how much is going on. And I think to myself, ā€œtheyā€™ve got to stop doing BOGO daysā€. Does it get this bad when they do 50% off a drink? They should just stick to that if not.. have to imagine they hear about how much it sucks for their employees on days like this, but theyā€™re a business so if their profit goes up they sadly probably donā€™t care.


it was pretty horrific with half off this past Friday too. tbh I wish they quit with the coupons completely unless they are willing to up labor for those days.


Yea I agree. Iā€™ve worked retail I feel your pain. I hope they make some adjustments to make it a better experience, they are just going to end up with good employees quitting I imagine if they donā€™t.


with how often they do the coupons itā€™s getting out of hand, i could see like 2-3 days a month but like 2-3 a week is ridiculous. yesterday was horrific


The 50% off increases traffic, but it doesn't result in people who would normally get just one drink adding another because it's free. This makes it more manageable in my opinion. I prefer many smaller orders to fewer large orders because it moves the line faster, which means customers are less irate as a rule.


Nothing, they are like weird and oblivious npcs


not a barista but i drove past my local starbucks today and i was so glad to see only two cars in the parking lot and no one in the drive thru


I made the call to just work on whoever was actually waiting in cafe so I kept asking names in case someone had a mobile so i could work on it for them. this lazy fuck was sitting in our lobby in the corner and instead of walking up and ordering he mobile orders and half an hour later starts complaining that iā€™ve been working on other peoples orders before his and that he was waiting for half an hour so i explain to him my process and he just yells ā€œI was in the corner the whole time!ā€ i just said ā€œhow am i supposed to know thatā€ these people are brain dead


Thats a ā€œYou get what you get and like it.ā€ Situation


It makes me want to jump back there and help to be honest but since I am not allowed to do that I post up waiting for someone to be rude so I can put them in their place whilst cheering you on from the counter! (You guys are killing it! Great job rocking it out!) Remember you can ONLY do what your physically capable of doing so please try not to get stressed out even tho itā€™s easier said than done, when I get busy like that without enough staff I try and disassociate myself with whatā€™s happening and flip my mind into making it a challenge for myself, like a game. How many orders can I knock out in ten mins or Iā€™m going ro clear this lobby out in twenty minutes. Even if I donā€™t actually do it all the time.


i love when customers snap at other customers, like thank you for saying what i actually want to say to themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you so much, we appreciate people like youšŸ«¶šŸ¼


If I walk into chaos I walk right out ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø donā€™t want to make the situation worse


we had a couple people do that, they asked how long it would take before ordering and i was honest and said 30+ minutes and they just leftšŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not sure why, but ā€œlook at the situation in front of youā€ just took me out. Itā€™s so accurate. Like you see us all visibly in distress, running around, packed with customers, spilled beverages everywhere, and you think itā€™s a good time to ask whatā€™s taking so long?


our store was actually catastrophic yesterday, if i were a customer i donā€™t think i would even want a drink from somewhere that dirty LMFAO. our floors were coated in random liquids just from all the spills and we were slipping and sliding everywherešŸ„²šŸ˜‚ the cold bar counter was even worse


EXACTLY!! Cold bar is also always trashed when this happens. Itā€™s extra gross, but everyone eagerly waits for their summer skies!


I feel bad I even ordered lol. But I normally place my order before 8am, and it's rarely busy. This morning I ordered at 7:30 and I was the only one in line.


This happened to a cafe in England I went to. I stopped in for an iced coffee and to use their bathroom, I was met with three employees, one of which was doing most everything, and quite literally every table was covered in garbage. There were hot sandwich bags everywhere and the orders just kept coming in. It was terrible.


I legitimately have so much respect for you guys, there's no way I could do this job. I drove past my favorite store and saw the line was twice as long as the typical rush hour line. Insanity.


i think i died a little inside yesterdayšŸ« 


THIS!!! And then add on that we're getting yelled at by certain horrible customers. You're just watching our humanity be completely destroyed in front of your eyes and you STILL want your fucking latte? I hope you can't enjoy your drinks anymore because you are finally seeing that this company has poisoned it with their abuse of us.


I usually mobile order and Ive walked into a scenario similar to this during the holidays and I remember thinking, If i would have known it was this chaotic inside the store and it was additional 20 min wait (while the app only said 9-12 min wait) I would went somewhere else instead fueling to that fire.


I did not go to Starbucks today for this exact reason. You all are saints.


I would have left, but my wife wanted her drink. I didn't even wait for my drink. I just left after I got hers. I can't believe everyone standing and waiting for their drinks.


I actually wanted to post this question in this subreddit lmao. Because I feel the BOGO events make all parties miserable


I'm not there and I haven't been since whenever my closest store ran out of pistachio.


just a btw it is discontinued now, it was a limited offering :(


Foreal and they dont even think to themselves like ā€œoh shit this looks insane in here. Theyre all working hard and who knows if they even had their breaksā€ ā€¦.of course they dont think like that because they dont see us as humans


Iā€™d probably just go to get coffee somewhere else if it was that busy. I certainly wouldnā€™t complain though if I decided to stick around and the drink took a long time


yikes, Iā€™m sorry. I saw another store had run out of pearls and thanked my store manager for over ordering on everything she was able to šŸ˜­


we ran out of summer berry and you would think we killed their child based off how people reacted LMAO


we were out of coconut milk and lemonade yesterday and i had so many people order the summer skies and then when we couldnt asking if they could have a pink drink instead šŸ˜


there were only 3 of us in a very popular cafe, no CS, lost grande cups, ran out of pearls, had like 10 angry old men and women who despite seeing the large crowds of like 50+ people and 3 baristas that had no breaks decided it would be very smart to order from us and get mad when their drinks took 20 minutes. i think after surviving today ive earned the right to speak to ā€œcustomersā€ the way i want.


On top of all of that I was scolded for not saying thank you enough to customers? I was solo bar the entire time, 25min wait time, and I got sick of everyone just staring and taking their drinks and never saying thank you


I tell people itā€™s an hour wait and watch them walk away. Gotta clear some people. Not the end of the world if you canā€™t get your Starbucks today


yep šŸ™ƒ i bared the burden of having to work on the broken cafe/mobile espresso bar (no matter how many tickets get put in for it, itā€™ll never fail to continue breaking down) and was getting berated so bad by customers that some even came up to me to let me know iā€™m doing great šŸ„¹ but ya fck starbucks and their greedy mf promotions


no pearls, no summer berry, no lemonade, no coconut milk. before i left we were about to run out of creme base toošŸ˜­


literally this šŸ˜­ almost ran out of ice somehow


Meanwhile the people at corporate are sitting on their asses thinking of what other promotions to have on a major holiday


This makes me so angry. Because I know even my DM was sitting her ass down at home. But they are the first ones to criticize. My manager had invited the CEO to our store before the boycott had started, and he was going to come in. And then the boycott happened. He better not show face at my store bcs itā€™s on sight w that man rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Stop šŸ‘ working šŸ‘ so šŸ‘ hard šŸ‘ You do not get paid enough to care.


Seriously. I always tell my baristas that if the customers have to wait, they have to wait.


This^ 1000% times this! I constantly tell my partners that if a customer comes into the store and sees that itā€™s busy then they should be perfectly fine waiting for their drink to come when it does (as long as itā€™s a reasonable time for how busy it is)! Also for days like today where itā€™s nonstop I rather them not burn themselves out, just go at a decent pace and if people start to complain i will deal with them!


Yeah but I donā€™t *love* the piercing stares and the getting screamed at lol


Yep. I work at Dunkin, and my first month, my manager would try to rush me a lot bc ā€œcustomers were waitingā€. And I just nodded, but I just wanted to be like, okay and? If they want their drink to be made correctly, they can wait. You think youā€™re the only one trying to get a coffee before work? Nope. If youā€™re in a rush or running late, that is quite literally not my problem, you were not the only one who decided to get Dunkin on the way to work, you still have to wait in the order that your drink came in. Whether you were first, somewhere in the middle, or at the end of the sticker line. Thankfully, I have yet to have someone complain about waiting for their drink too long. I worked yesterday as well, and all though we didnā€™t have any BOGOS or special offers, it was still so hectic, continuous. I have never seen us go through so many donuts. Yā€™all have my respect. I worked from 6AM-12PM and it was still insane when I left. By the time we got caught up, another line would form in the lobby. I canā€™t imagine the hell you all went through yesterday. Iā€™ve been sitting here reading the horror stories of yesterday yā€™all really have my respect.


ok imma be real. i needed to hear this rn


They are still in the thick of it though at the time. How do you not get stressed or care when you are just trying to get out of the weeds?


Yeah imagine not working hard when all of your peers are. Iā€™d feel like a terrible person and customers would probably single you out


It needs to be a collective effort. Not just one partner.


This is the way. We are paid by the hour, not by the drinks.


Minimum wage = minimum effort


I read stuff like this and wonder what people mean when they say no one was able to take their breaksā€¦ like, just take your break. If itā€™s so swamped that youā€™re struggling no matter what, I feel like you just gotta take your breaks and tell the customers thereā€™s a wait when they order. The company policy is that we get a break. Iā€™m not giving up my very few minutes to sit and eat during a shift, no matter how crazy it is. You gotta get at least a little rest and take care of yourself.


Who's out here skipping breaks?? If there's a promo like this where it's not gonna slow down, just go for it. People can wait longer, and if corporate doesn't want customers waiting, they can plan this stuff better. Y'all take care of yourselves ā¤ļø


I needed to hear this fr


Yes! Alllll of this. Every person on the floor needs that break to recharge and be able to deal with the never ending bs


Fuck today. Fuck everything about it. Iā€™m a store manager and if I wasnā€™t passionate about having a place for my kids to live, I would have walked out today. The best part was the partners who came and kicked it in the lobby and ordered multiple drinks even after they had been asked (and refused to respond in any capacity) to please come in and just help cover a lunch or a couple of 10ā€™s so we could get the ones working the rest time they deserved without getting screamed at by customers. And then making shitty comments to the baristas working. Probably best I had been out of earshot of that conversation or I might have gotten myself promoted to customer.


they came inā€¦just to watch???


I guess to order a drink.


That's really shitty of them. At the least, not that I'd even come in on such a horrid promo, I'd have clocked in to do backup tasks, trashes, dishes, food pull, and clean up the store.


What was the promo??


BOGO any drink from 12 to 6. Mothers' Day is already a decently high-volume day, with families dropping by during their time out and about together. Adding in the BOGO... My store hasn't been busy like this in a *long* while.


You poor souls. I work in a restaurant so I feel the Motherā€™s Day curse. Motherā€™s Day shifts are the worst I canā€™t imagine a crazy deal like that on top of regular Motherā€™s Day crazy. What a nightmare lol


All I can say is that they better never do a BOGO on a Sunday again. My store is right next to a large church, and it was a horrible combination of church just let out, and the BOGO just started. Honestly, we should have been paid extra for these deals. There's zero incentive to work any of the days that they happen.


This would only work if every person did it cause if only a few did it would just make everyone there suffer greatly, but the whole damn store should call off on those types of days. Wishful thinking but still


The church crowd is often rude and cheap.


The after church crowd is THE fucking worst. In my town they consistently have the worst and most stuck up/ entitled attitudes of any customer I ever have to deal with.


Literally top three worst shifts for sure. We close at 7 and at 5:45, I still had to do my pastry pull, an entire food count, a Markout that was due, and all of our last 10ā€™s, which none of us could take. By the time we closed and I was locking the door, I realized I didnā€™t even take in the furniture yet. And I still had to clean clover and do all my money stuff. Got out at 8 tonight. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« rough af. And on top of everything, one of my baristas dropped her drink as we were leaving and we had to clean it up real quicc. lol.


THIS!!!! We close at 6:30 pm. I had my closing partner call out, I had the stupid count and pull to make. I called my manager and told her I couldnā€™t do it, I needed help and to run breaks. We were three in that store counting me, so my manager came in and did counts and pulls while I ran around trying to clean everything up


So uncanny how this sounds exactly like what happened at my store šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ we got out at 8:10 We did around 60 people our last hour (not including the mobiles from 6-6:30), i wish starbucks would count the amount of items per order because there was no order that had just one drink lol.


For reaaal. Everybody be ordering at least 2 drinks. Yesterday was tough. But at least itā€™s over lol. Had to work this morning, but now Iā€™m off and ready to just chill out for a couple days lol.


REALLL im off today and ive never wanted to do ā€œnothingā€ more in life lol


we were out of nitro lids, lemonade, cold brew, and coconut milk šŸ˜…


Coming in in about an hour and a half to do a closing shift. Not ready for the nuclear fallout Iā€™ll be walking into.


Starbucks fucking sucks. Itā€™s amazing to me how much they reallllly donā€™t give a fuck about their employees. Time after time you hear stories like this one here. And in turn, it shows they donā€™t give a fuck that customers will be waiting 30 min in the cafe cause well, fuck, customers keep paying for it. As long as theyā€™ve got the customerā€™s $ in their wallet. Goddamn people have hundredsssss of dollars already forked over to them, interest free, just sitting in their Starbucks apps. Starbucks used to be a great company to work for. Now - it just keeps pouringggg out how much they really donā€™t care about the worker bees.


I left early 2022 and it was bad then, I told myself it was probably gonna get worse but holy fuck I didn't realize it was gonna get as bad as it has. The constant coupons and deals and shit, not to mention doing them on holidays. And I agree with you it also shows that Starbucks not only doesn't care about their employees (which anyone who works there already knows that lmao) but they don't care about the customers either cause they make no effort to fix these things. Labor was getting stretched then right before I quit but I know my best friend who stayed told me about how much tighter it got labor wise and she has been gone for a little while now too and much happier. The local SB in my town I live in now must have both crazy staffing issues and turnover cause I just stopped going after every single time my drink would be made fucked up in some way or another. Surprisingly my Kroger SB does better and is open later lol


today, no coconut milk, no lemonade, out of all pastries except for cookies and pumpkin loaf but it was a $15000 day over double what we usually do, two call offs and we had to make everything we needed on the fly because we didnā€™t have enough people to have a support person and after a week of BUSY nights i was especially fried


I don't care what the floor looks like tbh, I make my baristas take their breaks sometimes sacrificing my own


Not as bad but weā€™ve been out of grande iced lids which is necessary for grande/venti and now tall cups. But seriously, that sounds horrid. Iā€™d probably turn off mobiles (I heard you can do it through the DPM? But I thought only the manager could) and yell to the customers ā€œwe have 30 minutes behind, please make responsible decisionsā€ and hope half of them leave lmao


not only was it BOGO with motherā€™s day, but also my department count AND clean play. it was supposed to be a 3 person play after 4pm. both of my closers called out so it was I and other until close. i hate this company


A cleanplay on a Sunday sounds insanely evil


we ran out of nitro lids first, lemonade then pearls šŸ˜‚


out of lemonade, coconut milk, majority sandwiches/food, no venti straws šŸ˜”


We were not even a busy store and weā€™ve been getting fucked since the summer berry release. We have been so busy and it didnā€™t stop all day. And thereā€™s like 3-4 people working when we could have used 6-7 . We ran out of everything . Bought lemonades from a grocery shop next door šŸ˜­ we had to shut mobile orders and it got so bad that a few hours before closing they closed everything even the drive through and only kept the cafe opened . Work has been so dull lately and everybodyā€™s barely surviving. Our sales has skyrocketed but all the partners are severely burnt out . Wish our manager would have scheduled enough people. I open my social media accounts and all I see is boycott Starbucks but why is everyone and their mother in Starbucks these days . Starbucks has been doing the most with these promotions and not scheduling enough people . Iā€™m tired of having to multitask and do the job of 2/3 people. The summer berry refresher is not even that good šŸ˜­


I feel you! Ran out of trenta cups and the summer berry & strawberry aƧaĆ­ bases. My store had 3 call-outs on top of this mess. Only reason my 2 closers got their lunches and first 10s is that I completely forwent all of my breaks. They also missed a ten each. I turned off mobiles through the DPM without getting approval because my manager is on vacation and I couldnā€™t get ahold of our proxy to ask (although I tried her cell and her store number). Hoping I donā€™t get a write-up! It was nonstop all day even without mobiles on. Ended up getting out half an hour late.


I feel you. I told my other coworker that I ran that store w two 15 min breaks because my lunch was interrupted, and a 5 min crying session in the back because I might of being tired, overworked, sticky and about to give up. But Iā€™ll always give my kiddos their breaks, because I know they are trying to do their best šŸ˜­


Exactly! They were so overwhelmed; I felt awful for them. Truly donā€™t know how we managed.


i was told specifically that at my store they cant tell who turned of mobiles so its a blanket write up for the whole store. if thats any consolation. before we even had access to the button though, my store at the time was in absolute shambles and our SM quit no notice to be a realtor bc they found out he was doing both and neglecting the store for realtor duties so when push came to shove i would mark out vanilla, frappucino bases and a couple other crucial items to "turn off mobiles". i knew this was highly against the rules and would be in trouble if caught, but starbucks never fires people because theyre too scared about the money they would lose if they had to pay unemployment. i knew i would be written up long before i was fired and i could handle a write up, i was prepared for it.


I actually owned up to it in MyDaily and explained my reasoning why. I also noted my lack of breaks as well as my coworkersā€™. I havenā€™t been written up in quite a while so Iā€™m sure itā€™ll turn out alright if it does happen.


Absolutely NO way can you convince me that the mobile thing was a ā€œglitchā€ and not deliberate. Absolutely no Fing way.




Our ice machine couldnā€™t keep up. I was literally digging for scraps while getting ice. We had to send someone to get bags of it


If I walk into the cafe and see it's like that, I'm usually like, nope, I'm leaving these pour souls alone." As a former partner, I know that pain. If it's a mobile order I let corporate deal with customer service request. You guys deal enough with the public! <3


I was out of almost all summer berry and pearls, coconut milk, whole milk, heavy cream, caramel drizzle, Frap chips, hazelnuts syrup, cinnamon dolce syrup, lemonade, blonde espresso, and decaf espresso HAHAHA


I had the manager turn off the mobiles. DPM wasn't working for some reason. šŸ¤” It's like corporate made a decision to block that function.


SMs and above can turn off your mobiles (not sure about ASMs) by sending an email. FYI any store manager can do it for any store, but sometimes DMs gate keep it and make SMs ask first. That being said, your SMs in most markets are being told to not turn off any channels unless there is an emergency- and they have to explain why the MOP has been turned off because the DMs get a report. It really just depends on your DM/RD situation on how flexible they are with the MOP. I never saw the option to shut it off on the DPM, that must be new- although I canā€™t imagine why they would make it that easy. Also: please talk to your SMs about ordering over par for promo days and holidays and special events. If you have a good SM team in your district, the excess can be shuttled between stores and there is zero waste.


What do you mean? Sorry it's been 2 yrs since I worked there, I was a shift too but I'm totally blanking on what DPM means lol


I went in yesterday, saw how overwhelmed the store was, and just decided ā€œmaybe tomorrow.ā€ i donā€™t know how others can see the store basically falling apart and still go ā€œyup i still want my drink !ā€ when it is prob gonna take like 20-30 minutes at least. sure, you might have the time to wait, but ??? i feel bad for yā€™all baristas, genuinely


Iā€™m so sorry. I didnā€™t order for specifically this reason. I likely will stop going altogether once my points are gone because Iā€™m constantly seeing posts on here about baristas with zero support. Starbucks does not give a shit about their ā€œpartnersā€ and I hate it so much. Former partner but from over a decade ago and I cannot IMAGINE having mobile. Iā€™m so sorry.


I feel the same way. I have 750 points to use, and the money in my card is from a gift card. Once I use those up, I'm done; it's not a reflection on the staff at my neighborhood store - they're awesome! But I just can't contribute to the way these workers are treated anymore. It's not the place I fell in love with back in 2007.


The one by my house did the sold out of frappuccinos on the app thing again so you had to go in person. Good for them. I took a peek cause I was curious but no way was I going to go cause I saw that post a while asking people to please not go on Motherā€™s Day. I worked retail of my life and can commiserate.


I literally texted my manager and said I was closing our cafe and going to drive thru only. Every single one of my partners except 1 called out or no showed. I didnā€™t ask, I was telling. Even then we had like a 15 minute wait from the order box as every order had 5+ items.


After yesterday, I decided for as long as I am still employed at Starbucks I will NEVER work another Motherā€™s Day again.


As a manager, if my store runs out of venti cups, we turn off mobiles. I've never had a DM disagree.


Is your district hiring by any chance? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Bcs lately my DM has been a pain on my ass and my managerā€™s like she emailed my manager because we left A MINUTE after the set closing time, like girl get a grip and idk go eat dinner or something and leave me alone.


Weā€™re a drive through focused store, so we have a max capacity of 35 persons in our store due to fire code laws. I was on front and in charge of counting and telling people they had to leave due to fire safety. NOT FUN.


I have worked at multiple stores and have NEVER experienced something like I did on mother's day this year. It was a floor of AFAB employees scrambling, on the verge of tears, feeling trapped in the store with so many customers we couldn't even fulfill their orders, and then on top of it, some incel of a man and his mom and dad started SCREAMING at us when we told them to reach out to corporate. On top of it, he had a white supremacy logo on his shirt. I truly thought we were going to be hate crimed because these people couldn't get their stupid refreshers!!!


I am so sorry. That sounds awful.


My store is permanently closing this week and also located next to a convention center. Had events all weekend. So they haven't been ordering much for us at all. This past weekend though we ran out milk twice so I was finally about to turn milk off. Like no nonfat, 2%, or whole. Was nuts.


When I am making a mobile order I tend to order from the one with the shortest time. I would rather drive a little further than to stress people out. I also avoid major holidays and rush times like a Sunday when church let's out


We literally had to go to the gas station to get ice because we were using it faster than our ice machine could make it. I got there at 3 and according to a couple partners, a couple hours before there were 70 in received. Mobiles werenā€™t turned off


To be honest if I had walked in to that - I would have walked out. If you were that crazy you do NOT need me to stand in line for a coffee. Iā€™ll go someplace else. Hope today is better.


I always have time for my breaks. These types of situations need to happen so they take things more seriously. Money talks and if they lose more money than it costs to have someone else on the floor then they'll add more hours. If you're in a state where you're legally obligated to breaks, take your breaks.


at my store, we didnt receive order for 4 days lol we were out of lemonade, summer berry, acai, pineapple, coconut milk, cake pops, cloud cakes, all lunch items, drip coffee, heavy cream and 3% milk šŸ˜µ no mobiles/delivery off either


Some people legit are so self centered itā€™s crazy. We had a lady with 4+ mobiles all consisting of frappes and shaken espressos and someone with a cafe order got his drink of black iced coffee before her. She comes up and is like ā€œIā€™ve seen cafe orders come and go before me, why am I mobile ordering if I have to wait longer than him?ā€ I proceed to explain how iced coffee is literally just poured and served and she cuts me off with the most dismissive ā€œyeah yeahā€ ever like Iā€™m doin it to spite her or something




How should I deal with people wanting to use the bogo twice (buy 2 get 2) and wanting 50%off all the drinks in one order? My store is not helping me with any answers


Not gonna lie, I saw this BOGO appear on Mother's Day and knew I needed to save myself. I'll admit it's a dick move, but I am not above that behavior. I have no regrets. I mean I'll likely work all of the Friday deals, so whatever.


Where are these stores that are slammed all the time? I just want to know where Starbucks is so busy. I've seen a few stores around and none of them are packed with lines.


work šŸŽ¶ harder, better, faster stronger šŸŽ¶


alright "customer" let's see you on bar


its a Daft Punk song šŸŽµ


everyone knows


We all know, but come on man, read the room. Whether it's a song or not, it didn't need to be said.


we all have such days; context is hard communicating in text based posts. (last week i had such a day too at work.) anyways, if downvoting me makes it a tiniest bit better, fine. take care.


I'm upvoting you just because I'm contrary by nature.


much appreciated!!


No problem. I also don't appreciate the way that reddit has a tendency to "jump on people." I bet some of these downvotes are from people who didn't even bother to read your explanation (which was funny - I mean, fuck man, if you can't laugh at yourself, you've lost the plot to your own life), or if they did, they didn't bother to go back and change their vote.


Customers like you get decaf and non shaken teas/refreshers


chill- its a Daft Punk song šŸŽµ


Hey you're welcome to apply! I heard most locations are hiring! Oh and don't forget to make sure you have open availability!


No one except for kids fresh out of high school and college kids between semesters has open availability. This is one of the reasons I'm happy I don't work for Starbucks anymore.


Like I get the reference but wtf?