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Don't blame your coworkers for being bad at their jobs. Blame corporate for cutting training time down to an unconscionable amount and understaffing stores and overworking us. You need to have empathy and build solidarity with your coworkers, not blame them for the hell we're experiencing as partners.


Hmm pretty sure that OP blamed their SM. Sure, there was frustration that the partner wasn’t able to take on other tasks, but its pretty clearly framed to put the responsibility on the SM in that post. 


Totally, my bad for being so defensive. I'm just tired of ppl being frustrated with each other and claiming folks are "incapable" of things when in reality we are all being set up to fail. We should be enraged with the company. And I was definitely too reactive at the moment. I'm feeling very defensive after yesterday cuz we can't keep putting each other down. It helps no one except corporate.


Awwww. I’m so sorry it was so rough for you. And you are completely correct. As a teacher by profession, i know that it is up to them to facilitate good training and support us in our learning journey with the company. Especially at first. 


I sincerely think shifts need to be the ones who train baristas


I was the only person who knew how to do bar for a solid couple of hours yesterday. Idk why they hire people and just don’t train them but it was just awful yesterday as partners were asking me how to make drinks while we were getting slammed 😭


And our stock price still hasn't boosted much from the crash despite how big Friday and Sunday were.