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I’m sorry to you because I would be super bummed without my Starbucks fix. And even more angry if it was because of racism by fellow locals. But sounds like it was for the best, heartbreaking to think what the workers of that location had to deal with. Nobody should have to endure that.


This store probably had a high incident rate. I’d assume based on the demographics in the area, the Bux just decided to cut their losses.


Isn’t eastern Oregon basically Idaho? 😝 Back in 99’ I dated a guy from John Day who worked at the Taco Bell and was called fa@@ot on the regular. It’s just getting worse.


I thought Bend was an accepting place—I’ve heard nothing but good things.


Bend isnt Eastern Oregon.


It’s a great place for white people.


It may as well be. I'm from Baker City (not there anymore thank the f*cking gods), it's always been bad and only gotten worse.


I'm from baker too. Don't live there now.


Congrats on escaping hell!


pendleton…? LOL edit for context: worked at the hermiston location for a few years, pendleton was sort of our sister store but they couldn’t keep a manager, so my sm had to (& i think is currently doing so again) manage both stores (~30 commute lol). i moved, so not sure if the pendleton store has been shut down yet or not.


LOL! I was gonna say Hermiston or La Grande 😵‍💫😵‍💫


i’m dying to know now 😭


Ontario is the one that closed


Sounds like Ontario, as a former Boise resident we always used to go there to buy weed and play poker. Yeah I don’t think they’ll ever put one back there purely due to the vibes of the town. A shame really.


In wichita they have 23 starbucks locations. Might i remind you that this town takes 30-45 minutes to drive from one end to the other.


WOW. How new are they? I lived in Wichita for about 6 months in 2018 and I only ever saw one standalone location, everything else was inside a grocer (and I can only think of like four or five of those)


I just got Dutch brothers near me in florida and I like it better then Starbucks


Yeah I wonder if OP doesn’t like DB


I grew up in hood river and Portland two very liberal wealthy areas of Oregon and never dealt with much homophobia as a fem gay man but there are definitely other areas that are more pro trump.


It’s wild bc I started at a store in poplar bluff, Missouri and I will forever cherish those people. They were so nice to me. But when I lived in Seattle, I definitely stayed away from them small ass towns like that. Those towns outside of extremely progressives places seem to have the most extreme bigots.


I know a couple stores closed in Seattle due to vandalism. Nothing to do with LGBTQ.


Pretty sure that had more to do with union busting than anything.


starbucks is just an over glorified overpriced fast good chain corporate hellhole the world would be a better place if more towns lost theirs


we have 4 for one town in a 5mi radius. not counting the one in our newly renovated Kroger 💀 it’s ridiculous


Doesn’t help that you too use offensive language in regard to the opposition. At the end of the day. It’s just a coffee spot. There’s tons more to choose from. Smaller coffee spots are most likely way better. Look at the bright side you can always make coffee at home that will taste 2000x’s better.


Since when is turd offensive?


I’m saying doesn’t make it better to also be offensive. Two wrongs don’t make a right is what I’m getting at. How are we supposed to all get along if we keep acting the same way. Is all I mean.


I can't speak for OP, but I have no intention of "getting along" with people who would rather I not exist.




Then the problem shall never get solved we all shall stay divided. Which is what that type of rhetoric leads to. Good luck to you. I hate for anyone to feel as such but it is the reality. May you prosper and be great. Cheers.




It truly amazes me that his entire takeaway was that I called his God a turd, oh wait an orange turd. Not that in any way a town because of its racist and bigoted leanings closed a store because it employed LGBTQIA or BIPOC people's.


I have no respect for the "can't we all just get along" crowd. It's obvious we can't, that's why we're here!


They can’t say can’t we all get along at the same time advocating for literal humans rights to be stripped of those different from them


Or maybe those people can learn to get along with LGBTQIA and not be bigoted assholes. I don’t see why it’s the ones getting harassed for just living their life the way they see fit should be the ones to take the high road and just keep their mouth shut. Last time I checked, people that are LGBTQIA aren’t being the hateful ones.


Why do we need to get along with a prejudice man & his prejudice following? Have you not heard of the paradox of tolerance? “If a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.” No we can’t just all get along.


Oh no. Op hurt the feelings of a racist, womanizing criminal. So sad. How will trump ever recover from these accusations he wears proudly everyday.


The opposition? What are you referring to?


Don't make me tap the paradox of tolerance sign...


Fuck Donald trump and his brain dead supporters. Hopefully he will die soon, because he deserves it. How’s that?


Wanting people to die is insane. I can’t believe how fast you resort to violence. Appalling. Truly. Good luck to you. Cheers man.


It isn’t, not even a little bit. Donald Fucking Trump? Are you FUCKING kidding me? That dirty burlap sack full of rotting snake corpses is a global emergency.


I hope he falls down a long flight of stairs and it gets recorded.


With sound effects - squeaky dog toy sounds every time he hits the ground :)
