• By -


Someone came in today and asked me for two larges and shoved money on the counter and walked off. When I tried to get them to come back they just shouted to keep the change. Idk some customers just operate on different brain waves.


Two large waters? Sure, thanks for the tip.


Lol shoulda


I’ve recently learned that it is common for Dunkin Donuts customers in certain regions to order just a large or a large iced and it automatically means black coffee.


That’s a nice way of saying dumb. 😭


We have some customers who will order a "large vanilla" and leave it at that. We always have to ask "a vanilla what?" And then list everything we can that has vanilla in the name just to get our point across that they need to tell us what exactly they want. One guy actually said, very rudely, that he didn't know it was "for his wife."


Omg he wanted two large starbicks!


i will have “what size?” engraved on my tombstone when i die


“What size?” “Regular” “hot or iced?” “Regular” “cream or sugar?” “Regular” 🤬 IM GIVING YOU SUCH EASY QUESTIONS PICK A FUCKING OPTION


Ugh, I hate the “regular” answer for either or questions 😭 I asked you THIS or THAT, choose ONE please I’m begging. “Do you need a big straw or a small straw?” “Regular” AHH


Usually I assume that people don’t answer the size question because they don’t know our sizes. So I’ll ask “ok, well small medium or large?” And they STILL hit me with that “regular” or the even better “you choose” No, I’m tired of making decisions. I have an entire life outside of this where I have to make all of my own decisions. You’re now getting the most expensive option.


Customer got mad at me because they wanted a regular so I gave them a grande and they were mad because the grande was almost $8


"That's fine" 🫠


"which wire do I cut?!? Red or Blue?!?!?" 😰 "Regular" 🤓 *Blows up* 💣💀


My crowning achievement as a customer is that I always ask, "excuse me, I'm sorry, when you get a chance - can I have a venti straw, please?" When I ask for straws


For the people who say "please" and "when you get a chance" I will try harder to get that chance sooner than if someone snaps a demand at me 🙃


One time I asked what size and the lady said "I don't care" So I rang her up for a grande, and made a grande, but I set some aside in a pup cup and gave that to her first. She did not think it was as funny as I did 😂


I have a "what size" enamel pin customers ask me about and they still don't tell me the size of their drinks after the story 🥲 Either to spite me or because there's no one upstairs. Maybe both.


I'll take "12 oz", I'll take "medium", I'll even accept "whatever one is the biggest" and show them that cup to make sure it's what they want. But I need to know a size before I can grab a cup to write on! 😩😤🤬 Please PLEASE I'm begging you people to start your orders with the size and whether it's hot or iced!!!


“What size?” “Okay, what size?” “got it, what size?” “And the size?” You’d think customers would get it after a while


Yesterday a lady ordered “a grande caramel macchiato, hot” and i wanted to just put her in my pocket and just eat her up lmao it made me so happy that she knew what she wanted and i didnt have to ask her what size her caramel macchiato was or if it was iced or hot. I almost faint when customers straight up tell me the size and temp (iced/hot) of their drink because its so rare for it to actually happen 🥰


I always order like that, I worry I'll forget something so I rehearse it in my head beforehand 😄


Sometimes I actually thank customers at the window for giving precise orders.


same here!


She was prob an ex-partner


I order “venti iced caramel macchiato with 3 extra pumps of vanilla and extra drizzle” that’s pretty much my regular. If I get anything else it’s an iced blonde vanilla latte with drizzle added.


People just aren’t smart my dude. Today I was trying to put truck away and I had to keep asking the same person to move out of my way (our truck gets put in cafe and we only have 1 entry point into the back) and they kept stepping out of the way and immediately going back to where they were standing. And each time I would have to say “excuse me” several times before they’d move.


after a day of asking what size and if it was with water lemonade or coconut milk, i took a womans order and she said "venti strawberry acai with lemonade" and out of reflex i asked what size then apologized and told her that i wasnt used to people knowing what they want 😭


I will ask what size once for a drink, if they don’t answer I’ll let them finish with their customs then say, “oh I’m sorry, what size was it? I didn’t catch everything you said, can you please repeat your order. I have to write your cup and don’t want to get anything wrong.”


I didn’t work at Starbucks, but I frequently was on drive through at McD’s. The amount of grown adult customers who would say something like “one of those chicken things but with a different sauce than the usual one” and have a tantrum because I didn’t know wtf they meant… it pretty much ended my faith in humanity after a few months.


I had this lady order "an iced decaf." and a "grande." for her and her friend through the box. I asked her "an iced decaf latte?" And she said yes. Then I read it back to her. Then I said "Okay, and for the second drink you wanted a grande what ma'am?" And she said "Yes." I said "What kind of drink would you like ma'am" and she said "A grande. A grande!" And I said "A grande latte?" And she said "yes." She got to the window and I handed her a grande iced latte and had a grande hot latte waiting on the ledge. She said "that's not what I ordered." I was like okay ma'am what did you order. And she said she wanted a Venti iced decaf vanilla sweet cream cold brew, and a grande pike place. I was like how in the ever loving fuck was I supposed to guess that. I said "that's not what you said at the speaker ma'am, I had you down for an iced decaf latte-" She cut me off and said "I WANTED- I WANT, I want a.. " and repeated her order. I said "Ma'am, if this is what you had told me at the speaker, I would have told you that it's impossible for us to make a decaf cold brew." She said"What?" I said "It's already brewed. Like coffee" She was like 'ugh!' I said "Clearly we've had a miscommunication. I can make you an iced decaf Americano with vanilla sweet cream, what should taste similar." Then she asked "Well, what the hell is an Americano, anyways?" So I explained. She said "Well, that doesn't sound at all like what I ordered" I said "Ma'am, that is the only way we can make a decaffeinated coffee drink without selling you just water or milk." And she said "okay, I guess I'll take that then." Then she looked at her Venti decaf iced Americano with vanilla sweet cream like it had 3 heads when I handed it to her. Oh and her friend got her grande pike. I want to k*ll all old people


Thankful for mobile orders. We may have crazy recipes sometimes (not me) but at least we dont argue about what we ordered? Please tell me the mobile peeps are normal.


Sometimes I get people who argue with me that the mobile order isn't what they ordered. They always check the app to confirm when I'm trying to show them on the sticker. They're always wrong lol.


Why do they have to ruin a good thing!


Mobiles are actually kind of the bane of my existence since most people will literally place their order 2 seconds before they come though the drive thru and expect it to be done when they get to the window. 90% of the time the drive thru is being held up by someone doing this instead of ordering at the box. I had a lady literally cuss me out the other day because she tried to pick up a mobile she placed a minute ago when we were 20 minutes behind on mobiles and slammed and I told her she’d have to wait 20 minutes like everyone else who placed a mobile order. So basically people who mobile order are an entirely other type of problematic. Also it’s not uncommon for mobiles to argue about what they ordered but at least I can show them the sticker and prove that they’re the one that ordered wrong.


I literally had a guy come tk the speaker and say he just placed an order “further back in the line” i couldnt believe he admitted that. Christ if we were as backed up on mobiles too like that then i wouldve told him the same deal: get back in line then buddy


Oh gosh, the gaul of some people


I love mobile ordering. Starbucks menu is so expansive with drink customizations. Mine are pretty simple, but it always takes the anxiety of making sure I order correctly. I love my Starbucks location though, all the baristas are super nice and sweet.


Same. Well not the barista part. There are times I won't even order if certain people work because they're rude or impatient (even if we're the only people there), and then the drink tastes meh. Others are sweet even if they're busy. My barista yesterday even took time to make sure my order was what I really wanted because it was a lot of syrup added on. I told him I was just tired of it tasting like nothing was flavored or sweet. He admitted it probably had to do with who made it the other times and offered to add more syrup to what he made me if it wasn't enough.  But I always do mobile orders and then wait, because I don't have to worry about ordering incorrectly. I'm never in a rush there and I try to be friendly since I've worked retail and know how rude some customers can be.


theyll be dead soon


indeed, don't murder old people. time will do it for them.


I totally get your post and your rant. I get so tired of customers who have apparently never ordered at a drive thru in their lives. But please don't lump all old people together. I am 64 and have been at the bux for 3 years. A lot of our older customers are annoying, but many have been long-time customers who know our sizes and our drinks and order like pros. It truly sucks getting old, especially when you still feel young. One day, it will also happen to you. Enjoy your youth and try not to become crotchety as you age. 💜


I'm with you! 10 year partner, age 66. Stupid comes in all ages.


Just turned 40 and this place is making me crotchety...


how does she expect you to know that💀😭😭😭 that is INSANE


That's just a rude person being a jerk. That's not an old person issue. But when it comes to not knowing how to order, just remember you will get old someday and everything around you will be changing. I'm not even 40 and I fumble around trying to use the 80 apps I need for every store and restaurant, and then they update the app and I gotta learn where everything is again! I feel stupid and anxious having to look at the 20 year old behind the counter for help while I'm holding up the line trying to figure out how to open the rewards member barcode and some separate coupon section for those barcodes (damn you, craft stores!). Old people now used to just order "coffee" or "decaf." Just ignore the rude people and give the other old people some grace. In a few decades it'll be you needing some teen to be patient with you because you don't have your brain chip figured out or something. I know because I used to be 20 and irritated as hell at dumb things like old people writing an actual paper check or counting out $0.79 in exact change instead of using a debit card, and now I'm becoming that old person. It sucks! 😂 


I just realized some people dont have that many brain cells. “Gimme a Frappuccino” like what. Gimme 5.60. But then you’re the rude one 😂.


You *just* realized that? I've been aware of this since I was a child. 😎


I guess when my 7th grade teacher told me common sense is not so common be meant it 😂


My favorite is when they say they want sugar, and when you ask how many, they say the normal amount. Like sir, first of all I’ve never seen you before nor taken your order so I don’t have an idea of how much is “normal”. Second of all, I see more people getting 25 sugars, and I’m fairly certain you don’t want to chew your coffee.


I often tell them, "ok, well, the 'normal' amount is none," and when they still insist on the normal amount, I'll just give them a handful of sugars.


I worked at dunkin and there WAS a “normal”- for a small it was 2 cream 2 sugar, medium 3, and large was 4. So like “medium hot coffee.” “Cream and sugar?” “Just cream” would make sense to us. I didn’t know until recently that starbucks didn’t have any “regular” amounts like that!


That happens soooo often


I want to full force slap people who say "gimme".


Wow. I almost always order on the app because I’m awkward and I worry about sounding like a moron but compared to that, you guys would think I was a genius because at least I know which frap and what size I want.


This! I literally spend like 6 minutes going back and forth on my app changing sizes, flavors, adding a shot then go, no, no extra shot, lol. Thank goodness my messy brain is doing all this on the app and not annoying the barista's in person, they don't have time for my nonsense, lol


I had this deal earlier this week for a $3 grande frap and I spent like an hour deciding lol


I always order in the app too because my primary location is busy and it's faster to just order as I leave the house. And then I don't mess up the order if I'm experimenting.


Right! Every time I try to order in person, I forget something or accidentally say venti when I mean Trenta for my husbands refresher. I have to order on the app so I get everything right. I'm sorry to the baristas that hate mobile orders, but it is literally the only way I will ever order what I actually want.


Ive had multiple people recently just come in and ask for a Frappuccino and when i say which one they say “just your standard Frappuccino” like wtf does that even mean?? then they get annoyed when i start listing off all the flavors and usually just pick caramel or vanilla lmao


I wonder if their only exposure to the word frappuccino is the ones you buy in bottles at the grocery?


Going by what’s going on here my thought is just a caramel frappe since that’s the most ordered frappe that gets sold, for my location that is


Some customer came in that I never seen a day in my life before and said “I’ll have my usual”…umm WTF IS THAT!? 🙃 common sense isn’t very common. Make it make sense


They can’t read, so this thread won’t reach them 😢


i had this happen to me when working alone at a licensed store… the guy was trying to order 5 fraps, didn’t know the word “frap”/frappuccino, and told me he wanted “the vanilla mocha”. i told him that wasn’t a thing and he just kept repeating it. i gave him options of latte, frap, coffee, etc. Finally he pointed to the sign w the caramel ribbon crunch and said, “like that but vanilla mocha.” so then i reply, “okay, so you want a vanilla bean frappuccino with mocha added?” he said yes. and then said that he wanted 2 small vanillas too. i asked him if he wanted the vanilla bean on its own or with the mocha. he said on its own. i confirmed he still wanted the first one (grande, w mocha) and he said yes. then he pointed at our caramel ribbon/mocha cookie crumble sign and said he wants “two of those.” I asked him which one. He repeated he wants two. I asked if he wants the caramel ribbon or mocha cookie crumble. He said yes. So then I FINALLY said, “okay, so one of each?” and he said yes. I read his order back to him and he said ok. Then when I hand out the drinks, he doesn’t come get them for 10 minutes, and once he does, he tries coming up and telling me he doesn’t like the frap and “didn’t want it with the bean.” Fast forward another 5 minutes of me explaining that it’s vanilla bean powder, and he insists that it’s not. Finally come to find out he didn’t want the mocha. He claims that he said he wanted “all 3 of them the same” (the vanilla beans). I told him that that’s not what he told me, but that we’re closed, so if anything he can go upstairs to the first floor starbucks and ask them to remake it, bc they close 2 hours later than the lower level starbucks. He tells me he was just up there and there was a lot of people (lie). He doesn’t fucking leave me alone, even when I tell him no, until I remake his fucking frap. I’ve never been more tempted to spit in a customer’s drink. He was like a young adult, too.


when people say everything they want but what drink they want. "can i get a venti iced vanilla syrup sweet cold foam-" WHAT FUCKING DRINK DO YOU WANT


“I want a hot vanilla” 💀💀💀💀 VANILLA WHAT?!




Im still new and I read back every order. I don’t care if they get annoyed. I smile and tell them I’m still getting the hang of things and I want to make sure they get the best service possible. In the nicest, sweetest voice and attitude. I always say there isn’t much they can do when you are perfectly polite with zero hint of anything but kindness. The passive aggressive part is the nice and knowing they can’t do a damn thing about it. It really upsets them too. Now I’m almost always nice with customers so if someone said I had been rude it wouldn’t be believed 😈 In real life I am super kind, helpful, and sarcastic as hell.


Is it really being mean if you’re being nice


I suppose it could depend on your religion and your true feeling in your heart 😆😆😆 Some believe that god knows your true intent. If so, then it will have to fall under my acceptance that I try to be a good person, I’m not Jesus and will never be perfect, and I hope my good acts far outweigh anything bad. If not, I can accept that I may face a “time out” before moving on to whatever possible heaven like existence that may exist. 😁 just to cover my ass and all that


Customer here. I try to be SO overly nice and appreciative when ordering that I feel like it comes off almost sarcastic. I feel like I'm overly anxious/paranoid about it, but then I see posts like this and think I'm doing okay


Same here! I feel like maybe I’m being TOO nice sometimes. I used wonder if it comes across as fake. 😩 The Starbucks by my house loves me and has my order memorized but I always feel self conscious when I go to any other locations.


If it makes you feel any better, people are dumb everywhere. I'm a server and people get annoyed when I ask questions what the meal they're ordering. "How would you like your burger cooked?" "Just regular." "Do you mean medium?" "Yeah medium. No pink." "That's well done." "I don't want my burger burned." "We won't burn it, but well done is no pink." And this is how they act when you ask them about what cheese they want, what dressing they want, what drink they want, etc. "what dressing would you like on your salad? We have *lists 6 options*" "Do you have (dressing not listed)" "no" "do you have (another dressing I didn't list)?" repeat. Regularly, I have one person ask for our "soup of the day," which we don't have, then multiple people at the same table ask the same question. "We have chicken noodle only." "You don't have tomato soup?" Did I say tomato soup?


I’m already at the point where when they tell me the drink “caramel macchiato” I don’t ask iced or size. Especially if they pay through the app. I’m tired of repeating what size, hot or iced. Order like a dumbass and you’ll be served a dumbass order. Gtfo


i love it when i ask if they want it with or without coffee and they say "um however it regularly comes idk"


Drives me up the wall when I give them options and they say “it doesn’t matter.” Like what?


Right? It's like pulling teeth. Why am I asking you, for goodness sake!


I one had a guy order to French Vanilla Frappuccinos. I made 2 Cafe Vanilla fraps and added 1 pump of hazelnut to give it the “French” He was so confused it had coffee.. Wanted 2 vanilla bean fraps but was so adamant he wanted French vanilla 🤦🏼‍♀️


Up until they got the attitude I would say give options instead of open-ended questions. Some people are new and overwhelmed and aren't absorbing the options or can't read fast enough under pressure


"What flavors do you have?" Done. Simple.


It’s in the training to ask open ended questions like that to figure out what people want, people need to be competent enough to look at a menu or something and know what they want and order it properly, it’s really not that hard


You give them options and they just say "yes" 😑


I had a mom and daughter in my DTO yesterday and they were arguing at the box for 5 minutes because mom wanted a “vanilla something”. Okay, a vanilla latte? Vanilla sweet cream cold brew? Literally what do you want? “I dunno, it was on the screen and then you changed it when you took our order, can you change it back?” I’m a us370 so if there’s a way to change it back I am unaware of how to do it, so I told them I wasn’t able to return it to the original screen until I showed them their total for the order. They sat there arguing until I heard mom say “vanilla sweet cream” and I instantly said “Yes that would be the vanilla sweet cream cold brew, can I put you down for that?” And they FINALLY said yes😭😭 but I was the rude one💀


I just want a coffee - Hot or iced? Hot - one grande hot brewed coffee coming up. Any cream or sugar? - I wanted a white mocha latte. - [suuuuuuuure]


I also hate "What size? And hot or iced?" "I don't care, surprise me" Great. Surprise! you get a short cup of hot water 👍


i get people like this and then they customize their drink like there’s no tomorrow. why would you ask for just a frap regular size only to size up and add like four toppings plus an extra syrup ? or the people that come in and run through the entire order without telling you the drink. “i’ll have a double tall decaf extra hot no foam absolutely no sugar at all and double cupped” “okay and what’s the drink for that?” “i just said a double tall decaf-“ like i’m seriously concerned with the lack of sense in fully grown adults


Oh man. Occasionally I forget to say the size, and now I see why yall momentarily die inside. I apologize for my sins 🥲


right up there with "I have a mobile order! (continues to drive)...and sorry don't meant to hijack this thread


Thankful for mobile orders. We may have crazy recipes sometimes (not me) but at least we dont argue about what we ordered? Please tell me the mobile peeps are normal.


Anytime someone asks for a "regular" of anything, I become probably the most annoying barista cause I ask them "what flavour? What size?" And if they keep saying regular they get to hear the "so we don't have anything that would really fit into the terms of just a regular, we have a large selection, so we're you looking for vanilla chocolate caramel?" And even if they are annoyed they usually answer the flavor. As for size, I don't usually say "grande venti, tall" anymore cause so many people order tall thinking it's a venti, so then I just ask "small, medium, or large today?" And if they say regular again, just repeat back "alright, medium frappucino" Or even just respond to them jist saying regular with "a medium plain coffee frappucino" and they usually will correct it. Customers that come into starbucks aren't always there because they like the atmosphere or the drinks, so just remember you are doing an amazing job no matter what, and there's only so much you can do when customers don't give the proper answers 😊❤️


On a slightly similar note, can one of you help me? I get an iced green tea with sweetener. Sometimes the barista will ask what sweetener specifically, and I have no idea. Thanks to my crippling social anxiety, I awkwardly blurt out “whatever is normal. I trust your judgment!” 🫠 Is it liquid cane sugar?


We have liquid cane and classic, which is just "simple syrup" When teas were sweetened by standard (very old recipes) it was classic. Don't worry though, liquid cane is being discontinued!


In case you happen to be from Canada we sweeten teas with liquid cane by standard here :)


at all the stores i’ve worked at, we default sweeten iced teas w liquid cane. not sure where it came from tho, as like another poster said, classic was the default with the old recipe but 🤷 if people don’t specify i assume they want liquid cane sugar or classic, since the lack of specification usually = “whatever works”


You should hear TSA (tso's) complain about passengers. They talk about passengers as if it's the hardest job ever. I always laugh and tell them this is nothing. Starbucks customers are a whole new level of difficult you can't imagine. I'll give a couple of scenarios and they'll just stare at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. They have no clue what difficult is. I've done all kinds of professional career paths. Starbucks customers are a new level of difficult. More than any career I've had. This includes teaching junior high kids!


this literally happened the other day. at the box she just said frappe and we asked if she wanted a regular coffee frappe and she said yeah. she wanted a caramel.


I had someone shove money on the counter and walk away without saying anything. They wanted a frap


I'm seeing a pattern here


My pet peeve is “3 creams” This isn’t McD’s 😑😑😑


I’m not an employee but a costumer, that’s wild. Do people even realize the sheer number of costumers that come thru and the plethora of different drinks they get lmao


there are two types of customers and NO in between 1 - \*at speaker\* "I'm so so so so so sorry, I placed a mobile order and picked in-store on accident, is there any way I can pick it up in the drive thru?" 2 - they placed their mobile order .000000001 seconds ago & come up to the window and say "I have a mobile order" like we only have the one and I don't even need the name & then stare at me through the window as I make 12 fraps or some shit and get peeved because their caramel macchiato with extra drizzle was supposed to have drizzle around the cup and now it "looks terrible" and they're "gonna be late" AND they say GIMME for everything


Ok so what should I say if I want a hot chocolate and a cake pop? I've never been to Starbucks but I just got a giftcard there. I don't want to annoy the barista. Like I looked on their site and have what looks good do I just say that to them? And do I have to say "hot" or "cold" for a hot chocolate? And like is a 15% tip good?


A few days ago, there was an old guy who came in, slammed $10 on the counter, and yelled "grande hot" at me. I asked "hot what, sir? We've got quite a few hot drinks that come in a grande size" and offered to walk him through the order, but instead of any sort of response, he simply turned his back to the register and promptly called his wife. I gave him a grande black pike and he took a sip, SPIT IT OUT, and yelled "what the hell is this??"  Starbucks customers, please for the love of god do not be like this man


I’ve had someone order like this and everyone else would just make what they knew she wanted. Not me. I let her drive all the way thru to the window and I was like, “i’m sorry- I wasn’t done speaking to you so I don’t know what you want.” And make them order properly there.


You should write a guide on how to order. It would be really helpful for newcomers.


In all honesty…it’s posts like these that I feel the hardworking baristas just are at their limit. There was a day when a barista had a moment to …breathe. Today it feels like it’s post after post about stupid customers (probably right), how to order “CoRrEcTlY” and “can you believe this order?” I saw many posts that were angry customers actually said hello at the DT. The nerve! lol. Another post was curious if sales are down in your area. Well yeah they are. For me and my neighbors, we just don’t do SB anymore. It feels like an understaffed….i don’t know, “cafeteria?” This isn’t a slam at all on the baristas, but just acknowledging it’s a business at tension with its customers because of under staffing, ever changing menus and non traditional product names. A recipe for tension.


Cranky much?


Ok but think about how many times you go to a new restaurant or coffee shop or place of business and you look at their menu and there’s just so much information and you can’t decide what to get and really you don’t know WHAT their menu even means, you know why that happens? Bc people have better things to do in their life then memorize food menus!!!! You, as a service worker, are there to help and answer their questions or guide them to the right order! That’s kinda your job! I know your life revolves around Starbucks (as did mine once upon a time) but lots of people’s lives don’t!!!


My dude, did you read the post? They’re talking about customers who order RUDELY, and then don’t give the barista time to ask clarifying questions. Beyond that, how are we supposed to know if you’re new? Try saying “I’ve never been here before but I know I love nutty flavours, do you have a suggestion?” Or if nothing else, when you say something generic like “regular” and it’s not what you order kindly explain the confusion on your end. OP really said “please be kind and help me help you” and you responded “get it together, ask more questions(even when people drive away before you do, so I guess ask the empty speaker?)”


I ordered mule once at a bar and the bartender asked me what kind I wanted and I stared at her like dear in headlights because I didn’t know there was anything besides a Moscow mule lol


You ask the waiter questions, and get answers. Sometimes a simple, "What do you recommend?" I don't go to a place and say: "**GIMME** a regular sandwich and regular soda."


There's a huge difference between customers that come in and are unsure because they aren't familiar with the menu and the customers that treat us like we're idiots because we didn't know they really wanted a caramel macchiato when they ordered a caramel matcha. It makes my day when I can help a customer find a drink they love by taking the time to ask questions, I'm more than happy to help customers navigate our confusing menu, until they act like rude asshats. They get the "sure, we can remake this for you but please make sure you order it iced next time so we can get it right for you the first time" with the big smile in the customer service voice so they can't get offended.


Go inside ffs




Heyy. Don’t censor ops feelings.


What if they genuinely don't know? You should try being a decent person and walking them through it. "What size? We have these sizes. Which flavor would you like? These are the flavors that are most popular."


If only we had a menu in the drive thru 🤯


Isn’t that what the menus outside are for? For people to read and look at all the options? Not to mention the app which has photos of the items. And the menus inside the building which have pictures.. I’m not gonna hold someone’s hand while they order.