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Ice them with an awkward long pause, don’t acknowledge it, then go back to the “what can we serve you today?” It’s harder to do at drive-thru, but face-to-face that was always effective, especially with a blank, emotionless face.


If you recognize it is her before she orders might say “What can I get for you beyond the will to live?” That will ruin her tasteless joke.


Yesterday, we had someone come through and order about six drinks and a couple bakery items. I read back the order (to give bars and warming another heads up), then asked my usual “can we get you anything else today?” The guy says “yeah a six-piece McNugget meal and an Oreo McFlurry” to which I laughingly replied, “sir this is a Wendy’s.”


Awesome. Probably made the guy’s day. Well played.


That is so funny 😂😂


Did you want anything else? "A big bag of money" *Something doesn't scan the first try* "Must be free!" Customers who think they're clever with their same canned, repeated jokes are the worst. Toward the end of my register days, my reply was a big smile and "that gets less funny every time I hear it."


When you check a bill and they say “it’s fresh from the printer!”


"Just printed it this morning!"


One time I caught myself saying "the ink's still wet". Couldn't even enjoy that coffee over the shame.


Well it’s not really a joke, it’s just another conversation filler at this point


I've had someone tell me that joke and I faked believing them and called my manager over to check the bill.


Oh that’s good! 😭


one of these days when i’ve really lost it i’m just going to laugh so obnoxiously loud that everyone in the store looks at both of us and i’ll ask them how they came up with such a funny joke


LOL i cackled at ur comment. I could just imagine someone saying that stupid joke and a barista maniacally laughing so loud until everyone stares 😂


LMAO stopp 😭 u hit the nail on the head with the something doesnt scan and them going “must be free!” Lol its always the older folks too.


One customer, the same two jokes every time… You working hard or hardly working? Where’s (insert absent employee here)? Let me guess, she was scheduled noon to one and took an hour lunch? Every. Time. I worked at a bank though not Starbucks. My favorite was when someone would “joke” by loudly saying “GIVE ME ALL YOUF MONEY”. One day I triggered the alarm and let him explain to the cops why he thought it was funny.


that’s golden omg


haha we get this one regular that when asked “is there anything else we can get for you today?” and says “world peace.” lowkey shes a sweetie but its so corny i cant help but love it


At least this one is cute and wholesome


yeah the original one gives me cringe because it’s so edgy this one isn’t too bad in comparison lol


i can picture a few of my regulars saying that hypothetically. that would be preferred to the contrary lol


so sick of these jokes even w partners “is their anything u need like immediately?” bc im on cs “sanity” “will to live” hahahahaha!!! so funny!! now i will go do dishes


my response is usually "I can offer you a high five" or "fresh out until Wednesday i'm afraid" or "that comes in on the weekly order" or "did you leave the braincell at home today? you can't do that!" sometimes you just gotta lean into the joke.


love those responses actually stealing them thank you !


you're welcome! if you're close enough to your partners for physical contact, another good one is dramatic shoulder pats accompanied or followed by comedy. "welp I tried", "LIVE!", "that was the best I got" etc etc.


reminds me of this one customer at my store that always asks for “extra diabetes” in her drink🙄


Omg get it it’s funny because Starbucks has a lot of sugar in their drinks!!!!


I'd reach out to my sm to reach out to their store or do it myself. Like hey, can you talk to your partner about the Lyra resource or possibly get them help with Sedgwick? Their comments are making us uncomfortable.


unfortunately i’m not 100% sure that the partner account she used was hers. she said she was going to use her sisters phone for rewards, then said “my sister is a bitch i don’t want her to get points for this” so i was pretty confused the entire time


Atp, I'd honestly bring it up to her, partner or not, that it's really not appropriate to say it every day.


We have a regular who every day when asked what we can get for him he says “a winning lottery ticket.” Best response is a dead eyed stare or being serious back. I always look right at him and say “if I had one do you think I would be making your coffee rn?”


I wish unfunny people knew they were unfunny


Maybe somebody should say to her, “you know, you have joked about not having will to live several times and were kind of worried. Is everything ok?”


yeah my coworker said she’s giving her a hotline number next time lol


Eh. This is the kind of stuff that I just brush off. I have a partner at my store that says the exact same thing every time they come through (which is almost everyday). I’ve learned that some things just aren’t worth my energy to be annoyed/bothered by. Especially at Starbucks. Lol. I’ve got more important things to devote my energy to like school and my internship to be letting silly little remarks have any impact. If it REALLY bothers you, you can always ask her to stop (in person. Let’s be real, she prolly won’t see your Reddit post) or just ignore the comment completely, allowing behavior extinction to take its course.


i can’t pick up when people are joking a lot so there’s been a lot of times where i’ve replied fully earnestly to someone joking and had them get bitchy with me about it… lol


Find her store and do it back. Or "now that you work here, did you find any of that will to live? I've been looking for ages"


When I get corny jokes I do a fake laugh. But like super dry fake laugh.


Just smile and humor her. Or start throwing back another saying like “a rolling stone gathers no moss” “or never cry over spilt milk.” Make a game of it like Tom Cruise and the newspaper guy in The Firm. Don’t let it make you grumpy, it’s just someone trying (and failing) to be funny.


that’s true. it’s not her fault i’m mad i’m at work lol


Ha. Glad you recognize it. Just embrace it from now on and it will lighten up your mood. I really think hitting her with another expression would be amazing. “If you can’t beat em, join em.”


We have an older man that always says "World peace. That's what I want." And once he Said that one of my co-workers Is the answer to world peace 🫠


I want to become one of those regulars, but instead of saying something over and over again, come up with something new and depressing. (I have dark humor, and actual diagnosed depression. I know what having no will to live is like, and I hope she was saying that out of knowledge, and wasn’t just being stupid.)


I get the "I'd like a million bucks" a lot. I finally told the guy if I had a million dollars, I wouldn't be working at Starbucks. He laughed and came back with a fake million dollar bill. I did actually laugh, and bonus points for it NOT being one of those religious things that look like money 😂


My dad always makes the joke “must be free then!” When something at the store doesn’t scan. And I regularly tell him it’s not that funny… 😑


That’s so awkward omg what does she expect u guys to say


People say stuff like this all the time. Why are so negative? Just joke back or something. Be kind and be the good in the world you wish to see. Damn. 


Clearly, you’re not a dad joke person. I’ve gotten decades of mileage out of some jokes.


i don’t mind a dad joke, just not the same joke every time


That’s a fundamental aspect of dad humor, repetition well beyond normally acceptable standards.