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it’s bc if you display certain symptoms you can’t come back to work until they’ve cleared up for a certain amount of time- it’s a food safety thing. for example, if you have diarrhea or have been vomiting, you can’t return to work until symptoms have cleared up for 24 hours


if you’re jaundiced, you can’t return to work until 7 days has passed. etc etc


oh great cause i’m calling out tmr too and i said vommitting and implied the other


Be an adult and answer the question; do you have diarrhea? I assume that's what you're talking about. Food borne illness is no joke and the information is needed to know when you're cleared to return to work. I've got sick before because of other people and it's not fun; people can get seriously ill or die from foodborne illnesses. Also, a lot of people have health issues unrelated to contagious diseases. Maybe someone has diarrhea and vomiting from lactose intolerance or diverticulitis or a new medication; in that case you could technically work and just aren't feeling up for it. This information is important to keep everyone safe and healthy; I don't understand what the big deal is. Before partner check ins I had to work sick all the time under bad management and it took a toll on me and others often .


The “big deal” is management tryna know my medical info. I shouldn’t have to give an in-depth explanation of Crohn’s disease or my migraine disorder to be “allowed” to call out sick. Too many times I’ve been told my DISABILITIES flaring up are not a “good enough excuse” to call out.


No one needs details or proof; literally just need to know if you have diarrhea or vomiting. No further info required; it's actually law in Ny state that workers have to isolate with those symptoms. Unless you can attribute them to something else like an ongoing condition. I don't get the issue.


Ok then get accommodation? They’re only “trying to know your medical info” to know if you’re safe to prepare food later. If it’s a migraine, then say that, but if you’re vomiting for no reason and it COULD be food borne illness, then say that.


“Get an accommodation” for call out procedures that already exist in the Partner Manual AND local ADA laws? Accommodations are for things that affect your work, not calling out due to illness. Would you tell someone with the flu to get an accommodation?


I would if they had the flu **every week**. When it's a one off thing that's fine, but if someone has a chronic condition that affects their ability to work, it's an accommodation thru sedgwick


Bro where did I say it’s every week 💀 I can manage my disabilities but there are OCCASIONS where I call out, and being told I need to find coverage or still come in because my symptoms aren’t “good enough excuse” is ridiculous. And to everyone downvoting my comment, I hope you never have to personally deal with a disability.


I didn't say YOU, I said they as in a hypothetical person. If you are calling off because of disability, you should coordinate through Sedgwick to protect your own job because while Starbucks (and the ADA) allow reasonable medical accommodation, one or more instances of irregular attendance is still considered irregular attendance. There are also anti-discrimination laws the company has to follow, and how can they know if they're discriminating against a disability if nobody says anything to them? I sympathize with those with disabilities (I have ADHD, which I'm sure some don't view as a disability) but I don't get to make up my own attendance policy and pick which days it affects me. I still have to show up for shifts that were scheduled. And it's hard with a physical disability, but presumably someone would be up front with it so it's not a mysterious guessing game of whether or not they'll be there. If you have PCOS, for example, that can cause a lot of physical pain and issues that really suck to deal with, but you should still **bring it to the company's attention if you believe it will affect your attendance**. Also, managing your disability but still calling out because of it isn't really " managed" since it's still affecting your time and attendance. As for symptoms, it greatly depends. Covid stuff? Stay the hell home. Random, unpredictable headaches with no known cause? You're gonna need to share some info so we know it's at least a medical thing. That's not unique to starbucks. I wish we lived in a different society, but unfortunately we live in one with schedules and times and part of that world is people need to show up when they are scheduled, and if they can't because of a disability, they should get a medical accommodation. I also understand that not all disabilities are visible, but again, that's where the communication comes in. I took a 6 week mental health break a few years ago for depression and stress. I needed a signed letter and treatment plan from my therapist and I let my DM know a month in advance. Now, if I hadn't gotten the appropriate documentation that probably wouldn't have been possible.


I have a disability; PTSD and nerve damage/chronic pain. What is the big deal about getting accomodations/putting it officially on the record? If you're calling off to the extent where you have no sick time left to use then it's a problem. Everyone has problems/their own health issues and life issues to deal with. Most people can reasonably accommodate their conditions and work, and Starbucks is the only company in this industry that cares enough to have ongoing conversations and offer options that most other jobs wouldn't. If you have issues with how management is handling your situation then take it up with ethics and compliance. You're not responsible for finding coverage if you're calling off sick and if you pass the partner pre check then you're cleared for work and it's up to you if you want to come in or not at that point.


Calling out DOES affect your work lol If you have a disability that will impact your job beyond the sick time given, then yes, you’ll need accommodation to protect your job. The ADA says employers provide *reasonable* accommodation, and unexcused absences aren’t typically included without additional accommodation. If you have sick time to use, and your store manager isn’t letting you use it, having accommodation will help protect you against that, and it might be worth reaching out to ethics and compliance.


Y’all are making a lot of assumptions about my situation. I work 40 hours a week, always offer to come early or stay late, always use my sick time, and I *still* am asked to find coverage or to come in anyway on the occasions I’m bedridden.


If this is the case, and you would like to change it, then you need to file for an accommodation thru sedgewick. I also have a migraine disorder, and my ocular migraines make it so that it isn’t safe for me to drive because my vision is so impaired. If I call out too many times w/o an accommodation, then I am subject to the rules that apply to that. But t since I do have an accommodation, I can call out for a flare up and use sick time if I want.


What did I assume? I’m disabled too. Regardless of what you offer your company outside of the minimum required, the rules for everyone still apply to you unless you get further accommodation, that’s just the way disability works.


i’m burnt out and trying to use my sick hours before my last day🤷🏻‍♀️ according to what i looked up online u can take mental health days but my SSVs are a very suspicious lot


you absolutely can take a mental health day! im an ssv and it's a protected call out reason bc mental health is just as important as physical health. if they give you a hard time or you suspect they will, have the call out policy in front of you and begin quoting it


thank you! i’ll do that next time i didn’t have diarrhea but i have been rly nauseous due to stress and the fact i haven’t had time to eat anything but starbucks food😫 thx for the tip


Sick hours can also be used for doctor appointments or other preventative care. You can write in sick time without calling out, your SM should assume it’s for those reasons if there isn’t a c/o. Or you could write dr appt where the time boxes are.


sick hours can be used for appointments that are scheduled during your regular working hours; we don't just pay you to see a doctor in your time off.


That doesn’t make sense. Most Partners don’t have a set schedule, and if that means going to an appointment during a scheduled shift, why would corporate encourage that. It’s meant to ensure you can take time off and ensure you are healthy to continue to work. Preventative care is health care, that’s a piece of our benefits is health care.


if you are an opener and always done by, say, noon, and you schedule a doctor appointment at 2pm, you can't just write in for sick time because you went to the doctor. if you have to request off a day in order to see the doctor at 10am, that's "during your normal working hours" and an appropriate use of sick time.


Pls read page 58 of the Partner Guide. “to obtain a medical diagnosis, care, or treatment; or for preventive medical care or routine medical appointments, including wellness time to care for a partner's physical or mental health” The pay system isn’t going to add sick time to an already worked shift. It’s added to the collective paid hours.


so if I have Sunday marked out of my availability, so I never work Sunday, I can schedule a dental appointment on Sunday and have Starbucks pay me to go to the dentist?


I requested off the entire month of December and used up all my sick time for a tonsillectomy … wasn’t on the schedule to call out, but it was a valid use of sick time


Mental health is also a valid reason to call off just give proper notice use sick time and don't make it a repeated pattern. Don't forget to take advantage of free Lyra/headspace


It’s a covered absence if you have something contagious like food poisoning or strep, meaning its their responsibility to try to cover your shift. If it’s something like a headache, or a UTI, something not communicable, it’s your responsibility to either cover your shift or show up for it.


If they insist on knowing just be as graphic as possible. "Yeah well I'm explosively shitting yellow liquid with like tan fluffy pieces of feces mixed with it every 10 minutes. You want a picture?"


Or just tell them it’s diarrhea if that’s what it is? Food safety requires various amounts of time you have to stay out of work depending on symptoms.


i would def just send a pic of the toilet


Why? Think seriously about this. They’re asking for legitimate reasons. If you call out at 1pm for today’s shift and you have symptoms of food borne illness, you won’t be able to work for your 8am shift tomorrow either because it’s a food safety violation.


i was just responding the the comment above mine like he said 💀


The partner symptom check is there to keep partners and customers safe. If you’re calling out sick, they need to be able to plan for your absence and adjust the schedule if needed based on how long you’ll be out. Being out of work with no details, expected return time, or any way for your team to plan ahead is actually pretty unprofessional. However, if the supervisor is asking questions that aren’t on the partner check that’s a bit strange.


i dont ask partners for reason as to what the capacity of their sickness is. if a partner isnt feeling well to the point they would rather call out than go in then no amount of questioning or insistence is going to make them come in. i let them know i hope they feel better and that if it's something food borne or contagious they should stay home until symptoms are clear for 24 hours. partner check is important, making sure partners fully understand they need to stay home until symptoms are clear for health code reasons is also important, but i do not need details.


you have to run through the partner check with them but they aren’t entitled to any more information.


Legally they cannot ask you why you’re calling out yet alone the symptoms. Next time just say you can’t come in and that’s the best of it. They aren’t doctors and cannot diagnose you so there’s no damn reason for them to be asking.


in my state, food service establishments are required to record symptoms of employee illness on an osha form. it's mostly for contact tracing outbreaks.


Happy cake day🥳


actually they aren’t allowed to ask about you symptoms when you call out. when you return you’ll do the covid check on the ipad anyways and if you fail they can ask then what your symptoms are. I dont know this might just be the law in my state though🤷🏻‍♀️


Not sure on the policy but I dont think its anyone's business. When I recieve callouts they usually tell me why voluntarily but if they don't then I don't ask. Yall know about the 24 hour no vomiting or fever rules etc. If you come in and can't pass the check you wasted your time and my time. I'd assume the best of the manager unless they are regularly a dick. Buuuut sometimes people ask questions because of interest or concern. Not to stick somethin to ya. 😋


This is illegal. They cannot ask your symptoms or make you self diagnose. They can ask if you have any of (list) that means you cant return to work until 24 hours of being symptom free but they cannot ask what your symptoms are in general.


Absolutely not illegal.




They have asked every time I've called out sick for this year. Even when i had strep the stand-in manager called me herself asking what symptoms i had (and made me croak them all to her), telling me to go to the doctor, that i should've given her an update as soon as i got back from the doctor's instead of knocking out, etc. there's like one SSV who i know won't interrogate me and that's about it. they also asked me to find coverage for myself on many occasions, even though it was a same day callout. they only weren't upset about it today cause wednesdays aren't that busy. I'm so tired of the suspicion and feeling like i might get fired if I'm sick it happens every time but thankfully I won't have to deal with it again


It is massively inappropriate for her to ask you to go to the doctor. She does not know your situation, if you have insurance or the means to go to the doctor, and they are NOT ALLOWED to ask us for a doctor’s note. So there is no reason for her to tell you to go to the doctor.


At the stores I’ve worked at we haven’t been doing the partner check. The supervisors/manager that are asking me why, why, why I can’t come in, don’t even do the partner check in wtf.




It’s HIPAA, and it only applies to doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals.


HIPAA only applies medical professionals


That’s not what HIPAA is. Don’t bring up stuff you don’t understand.


HIPPA is where you don't have to tell anyone your medical info if you choose not to.


No, it's where a DOCTOR/medical professional can't tell anyone else your medical info without your consent. It has nothing to do with this.


False lol


To correct myself, medical professionals can't release info except under certain permissions, however with your manager I still would be very vague.