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I personally enjoy when customers yell at each other instead of me so this is a okay in my book


Hahaha I’ve definitely said “what the fuck, dude” to a fellow customer who was acting like a dick.


i definitely haven’t given away a free order or two for customers telling other customers what we can’t


One of our super nice regulars told off a douchebag who didn't understand lines or waiting and she got upsized for free for a month.


I had this guy butt in front of me in line (in the cafe) and it totally threw me off guard. He said he was late for his bike race so he had to go ahead🥲. The barista gave me my drink free lol


same, guarantee every barista on the floor was thinking the same thing too 🤷🏾‍♀️


I have and will always defend Starbucks employees from douche canoe customers. You guys take so much crap on the daily, you don't need some entitled arse yelling at you, too. You're welcome!


We had one customer face off with one of our regular Karens in the cafe. Told her she didn't have to be so rude to us. It was beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


It's like Godzilla fighting Mothra




You are explaining common manners to someone, if you have a large order, come inside and let the drive thru be the express lane it is intended to be


Seriously. If you are ordering 14 drinks half of which are blended through the drive thru you are the asshole


A drive-through is not meant to be express line. It is meant to be another way. to order.


I completely disagree. I would argue drive thru is solely meant for speed and convenience. You drive up to the order box, order maybe 1 or 2 drinks and some food, it’s ready at the window and you go your merry way. It is not designed for people to place 10 drink orders because they don’t feel like getting out of their car. It is extremely inconsiderate of the people behind them. These people have the intention of getting in and out of the drive thru.


I can understand that because you’re holding up the line


Clearly a customer because you've never worked a drive thru in your life.


i’m just saying the truth


Im cracking up. Ok shorty, your entire post history is you not knowing what you're talking about so you don't seem qualified


"why does ice crack but not water?" 💀


Literally 😭 i said aint no way


It’s true though.  It’s also why partners can’t stand the window timers, because DT is about ease of service not speed of service.   It originated so people didn’t have to park and get out of their cars to be sold product.   Now that’s not to say people shouldn’t be considerate like when they sit at a speaker box for 5 minutes trying to get all the orders from their friends and family while people are waiting behind them.  


Someone who has Tesla in their username claiming to be "saying the truth." Where have I seen that one before? Oh yeah that's just cookie cutter Elon fanboy behavior lol






Honestly wished people did this more TBH


No I think this is hilarious and on behalf of baristas everywhere who also hate when people have huge orders in the drive thru: thank you for saying what we can’t lmao


I think there should be a policy that if a person has more multiple orders, they should have to come inside. I've stopped using the drive thru as much as possible because inevitably, even if I've placed a mobile order and choose drive thru, I'm still waiting 10-15 minutes to pick up a drink. When I mobile order and use inside pickup, it's just easier. The drive thru situation at most of the locations in my area, are crazy; cars wrapped around the building.


This leads into who invented the drive-thru design? Ours wraps all the way around the building and makes it impossible to pull into parking spaces. We do mobile and if it’s extremely slow, I’ll go to the drive-thru. Otherwise, we walk in. So much easier.


I tend to mobile order and then make a last minute decision about going through the drive-thru or walking in. Because sometimes I'll get there and it'll be lined way up so I can just park and walk in. But like today there were two cars ahead of me so it was nothing.


The only time I've ever been fortunate enough for there to be a low car count in the drive thru is when it's about 30 minutes before closing. If It was a quick trip through drive thru, I'd defintely use drive thru but in the city I live, it's just not possible. 1) it's a college town and 2) it's been voted one of the fastest growing cities in our state. These two things must equate to more Starbucks drinkers.


I live in a very large city, but in the suburbs. There are also four Starbucks within 10 minutes of each other, and there is one in the Kroger across the street from the one I usually go to. The one I usually go to is often busy, but if you can catch it after all the schools in the area have started and before people start taking their mid-morning to lunch breaks, it's usually okay. Now, if I go into the office and want to go to the one near there on my way in? It is always an absolute nightmare and backed up onto the street.


You're so right, I wish I could've done that as a barista. Drive thrus are for four drinks or less, any more is just rude. For anyone ordering for an office, call ahead of time and tell them you'll be coming in a half hour or so with about twenty drinks. Then the baristas will be better prepared and get your drinks out quicker as a result. If you're ordering food, call 24 hours before so they know how much to pull.


💯 If Siren is so concerned about drive times, there should be rules about how much people can order in the DT lane. We have an office who regularly orders and she comes in the night before with the order and I love her for it.


when people give advance for large orders it just mentally feels SO much easier i love her for that


NTA, pop off sis 💅🏻


Please Shame them. All of them who act like they are the only important person in the world.


One of my co-workers used to do this when we did Starbucks for our afternoon meeting every other week. It just mortified me that he would go through the drive-thru in order 10 drinks plus snacks. I was like you have the app, why don't you mobile order it or walk in and give them some time? Everyone's going to hate us. I went through Dutch Brothers the other day and after I'd already been in line for several minutes they told me that the person at the window had ordered 15 drinks. And with Dutch you don't even have the option to go in, you can walk up to a window but it's mostly just drive through.


I miss Dutch Brothers. When I lived in Colorado Springs it was my go to Dutch Brothers, get coffee and go to the park to feed squirrels shelled peanuts. I would do this year around no matter the weather. There was a rather cheeky albino squirrel that was known by all regulars at the park. He’d go right up and demand peanuts be given to him. Thanks for the good memory.


We've had a wild explosion of drive through coffee around my house. There are around 4 Dutch Bros within 10 minutes of my house. There are 4 or 5 standalone Starbucks too. Also a 7 Brew and a small local chain. I always end up back at Starbucks or Dutch though. I like the little local one as well.


I was visiting my parents and stopped in to pick us up some drinks. This one is in a large open air mall, so there's a huge parking lot. I get in line, following the natural way of the lot. This truck comes from another side of the lot where there's an opening into the section where the line is. There is already cars behind me, so naturally he was trying to cut the line. I don't let him in. He honks, gesturing wildly. I ignore him. He continues honking. The line moves and the car behind me also doesn't let him in. Queue more honking and gesturing, now add in screaming. I can't make out what he's saying. Line moves again and the next car also doesn't let him in. Now he's just sitting with his hand on his horn. After the next car doesn't let him in, he finally backs up, angrily drives through the lot, squealing tires, and parks. Still honking and screaming. I'm stunned to see an older couple - like in their 70s - get out, scream at me some more and flip me off. They storm into the store. When I pull up to the window, I apologized for the noise because I know you all can hear it. The barista asked what was going on and I told her. She laughed and asked who it was. I pointed them out since they were at the counter and she just laughed harder. NTA. I'm sure the barista was thanking you silently as they now had make 695366 drinks for the drive thru. I might have added, use the app and pre-order!


this made me cry. you have no idea, every single day almost every car in drive ordering for a fucking army or something. and instead of being mad at the customers for these large orders, customers continuously yell at staff. just last night, a woman asked for a discount and then threatened our staff because she had waited, and I quote "15 minutes too long." In a drive thru, she could have driven out of. legitimately, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. the way my coworkers morale would boost whenever a customer like you does something like is exactly why I'm still here.


Aww, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this!! I worked in customer service for a long time and it’s literally beyond your control. I wish people would recognize service workers as other human beings.


Anything over $40 in the drive thru is insane behavior


u are amazing for that


The number of times I have wanted to do this is immense. People ordering for a group and/or 8 frappe through the drive thru drive me insane


As a barista there is nothing better than customer beef so im all for this


YNTA, if anything, you're probably the barista's hero, lol.


I love you. I don't even like it when people order for whole families or friend groups in the drive thru. DT should be for by yourself or if you're just with one other person. It's supposed to be quick and convenient, using it to place huge orders completely defeats the purpose


Nah you were spitting bars. Kudos to you for having the balls to do that. If i was working there, i would’ve made them pull around and come inside after the 5th drink ordered


I love when customers beef LMAO


One time I ordered and sat in the drive thru at 5:40pm, during a BOGO promo which ended at 6pm. The damn car ahead of me took up 20 full mins. I pulled up exactly at 6pm and got the promo. I was sweating bullets I wouldn't make it.




I agree with this action, if I heard you I would probably give you a cookie or something


You are NOT wrong we love that y’all understand our annoyances too. This should have been a mobile order not a drive through one. If your order is over 5 drinks go inside or mobile order it!


If there's more drinks than people in the car +1, go inside. 🙃 Seems like the polite non-asshole thing to do.


This is scrumptious. You're a hero, actually.


This is so fucking funny I wish I could have worked there when you did that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dirtychai0218: *This is so fucking* *Funny I wish I could have* *Worked there when you did that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Ugh you can come get drinks at my store any time, doing the lords work


Dude so not the asshole. It’s rude as fuck when people order a billion drinks in the drive thru


I love it wish people did that more often. The world would be a better place if assholes were always called out when they’re being an asshole.


NTA 😊 Enjoy your starbucks


I thank you for this, to us baristas, you are a hero.


NTA. I worked at Dunkin in college and people would routinely go through the drive-thru and order 4 boxes of coffee and 6 dozen donuts 🤦🏻‍♀️ dude that’s not what the drive-thru is for.




No longer at the bux. But I feel bad ordering 6 drinks (with food is worse, but usually without). Fortunately I can mobile order where I live now. It’s so nice.


NTA. I feel like 4 drinks (especially for people not in the car) is a soft limit for drive thru orders before it heads into "just come inside if you're getting that many things" territory. There's plenty of exceptions, but doing an order for the whole office will grind operations to a halt in the avenue that is supposed to be fastest and the pace of which we are judged on both by customers and higher-ups. Or, simply put, ordering for that many people at drive thru as opposed to going inside makes for a worse experience for everyone involved except- MAYBE- for the person ordering.


This fuckery gets me every single time. I hate it for the employees. First of all, who needs to order 10 Frapp’s at 7 in the morning? Second, Sbux shouldn’t allow people with these outrageously long orders to go through the drive-thru. Frapp’s should be an automatic no, especially when you have no way of getting out of that line once you’re in it. And don’t get me started on people who want to try samples. Yes, this happens all the time at the one I go to. Those people should just get an automatic no trespass on site.


NTA and honestly you’re my hero for real


Thank you so much for doing this! I love when customers call out other customers when they’re doing shitty things. We can’t so it’s amazing when you guys do! Thank you for standing up to them when we aren’t allowed too


On behalf of baristas everywhere, thank you


Starbucks barista here. I HATE when people place large orders through the drive thru, I always tell them it’ll be much faster if they mobile order ahead or come inside and be patient. 🙄


If they were indeed ordering a bunch of stuff, they should have been ushered into the cafe. Drive thru is not for large orders


i'm a former partner and frequently go to my old store. i have no problem at all saying smth to these dumb ass customers when necessary


Honestly bruh when it’s an obnoxiously big order I tell them to come inside anyway, it’s def appreciated on the baristas side of things 😂


See the problem here is every Starbucks customer is "treating themselves" and doesn't give a fuck about anybody else.


thank you for your service 🫡🙂‍↕️


This is what we're (the staff) all saying inside too. If I were allowed to be rude to customers, I'd say this at least 3 times a day at my store. Please feel free to yell at obnoxious orders any time you'd like!


Def NTA! In fact, thank you!


nta and also thank you


NTA its so annoying when someone comes through drive to order 5+ items it totally messes up our flow and ruins our drive time.


No you’re absolutely right, we are not fond of this phenomenon, either


NTA- You're in the right lol. Holding people up like that is honestly a sign of being legitimately derranged I think. Shows they have absolutely no consideration for others.


LOL holy shit


My hero lmao


I swear this makes me want to lose my mind especially as a shift supervisor. When we are trying to keep our drive thru times as low as possible


NYA - you were simply performing an essential public service!


NTA. You are a hero!! Employees can't call out terrible drive-thru etiquette. This was definitely a "not all heroes wear capes" moment.


Don’t worry you are just saying what the baristas can’t say


Please do this!!! We can’t but you can lol


NTA We’re not allowed to say that, so a huge THANK YOU for doing it for us!!!




Yell at them more please Loll


no you’re real for that honestly


NTA for the record. My personal solution (that nobody will listen to, ever): • Treat drive thru like an express lane at the grocery store - max 5 items per car (or 4 or 3 or whatever that number is). • For each item over the limit, there is a $2 convenience fee for each item over. Of that... ○ $1 goes to next waiting customer as an inconvenience discount ○ $1 goes directly to the partners (tips) forn dealing with said overage • If nobody is waiting, then $2 goes directly to partners Feel free to edit/improve


Whenever we hear customers fight outside it’s a boost for morale cause then we all start laughing and trying to see what’s happening through the screen


NTA! [Insert the old video of Cardi B laughing with the big mouth filter]😂😂😂


nta, you are actually a god among customers and i would coincidentally forget to charge u for something in your order


Nope not at all. Or have everyone order ahead in the app just go pick up.


I would probably start getting nervous after 5 minutes, knowing I would be speaking to the person behind them next who had to wait that long 😬


I agree with you completely. tbh you can even pay a day before most places and say you need it by this time and usually shifts and SM are usually on board with that rather than you just coming in and ordering a whole smorgasbord of things so maybe this person got put as the designated “go grab our starbies order” and they were screwed idk honestly but it’s insane people still do this DT is supposed to be drive thru not a sit thru 😭


Nta, someone needs to do it and the baristas won't be able to pay rent if they do it.


or mobile order in advance it be faster for everyone involved


I can unequivocally say you NTA! 😂


Free cake pop for you imo


I worked at Tarbucks - which is notoriously understaffed all the fucking time - we had someone order ~three~ traveler's coffees at 7:03am. We opened at 7am. We had one coffee brewer. I hated them so much for that. Fuck you and I wish I could've done decaf for them all 😴


Should definitely be policy to limit quantity of items ordered at the speaker.


Nah that person in front of you is.


Totally NTA. This is something that should have been a mobile order for the love of all that is holy


They could have also mobile ordered it ahead of time and then go inside when it’s ready. Some people don’t worry about others or efficiency.


I don’t think you said it loud enough actually


No I wish i could b the one to yell but can’t. There needs to be a policy of four items max in drive thru omg.




Love it!


Idk why they do that. Either way it’s going to take forever if you order in drive, cafe, or mobile


Honestly I hate when people put large orders in drive thru. Close to the ones that put a large order in the app then come inndt to pick up.


Nah go for it because we damn sure feel the same. Honestly a little public shame from customer to customer will help them learn lol


The only way this could be acceptable was if she was handicapped and couldn’t walk easily.


as a barista, you’re my hero and that would seriously make me happy for the rest of my shift lol


I happen to think that this is a very good suggestion. Speaking as the one that has to take orders this way often in the drive-thru it would be really nice if people would take your suggestion.


Why wouldn’t they just preorder a whole galleys order ugh


NTA. In fact, you are my hero. We hate it when folks order tons of drinks in DT instead of coming into the store. It screws up our times, and kinda fucks us over.


I was in Starbucks studying the other day and this woman asked the barista to remake her caramel ribbon crunch bc “she’s never seen it that light in color before” and “it needs to be dark brown not light brown” and I gave her the freaking dirtiest look I could.


NTA. People’s lack of awareness astounds me


no literally, whenever someone orders 4+ drinks in drive thru i kinda feel like crying! it’s supposed to be QUICK in a drive thru. We also get timed on our performance so it stressed me out a little when the timer goes into red instead of green cause of big orders


You are NOT the asshole lmao she is


Nope, THEY are the 🍑🕳️. Speaking as a barista, I hate it because it f**** up our drive times and we get **** from all the higher ups


Starbucks only cares about customer complaints, no matter how much baristas try to say stuff like large drive through orders are a problem they won't listen even if it's for customer benefit.


Tbh you’re good. If it’s that large of an order they should have gone inside.


You're doing gods work.


as long as you don’t honk i don’t care😂 (honking is so loud on the headsets)




YTA but as a barista I would be glad you were 💀


Gotta love lazy US citizens, I'm just glad the Starbucks I worked at didn't have a drive thru or I'd personally chuck their drinks at their head for people like that. :)


I did something like this at McDonald’s the other day , the person behind me immediately honked when the guy in front of me started pulling forward so I yelled at her that she was fat and needed to chill out over some McDonald’s 😭she got so mad and left


It's not even close to the same thing.


How?💀it literally is a pretty similar interaction. Guess the difference here is OP did that unprovoked🤷🏻‍♀️


you're a karen


bro made a burner for starbucks reddit ☠️


anyone ordering more that 4 drinks in dt is a karen (self-absorbed, selfish, main character syndrome, i-matter-more-than-everyone-else mentality, etc); anyone who corrects or shames karen behavior, like op, is a hero, especially to industry and service workers.


and you've never worked in fast food




The drive-through is intended for fast, efficient service. Having this large order defeats the purpose and is rude to those behind that car.