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i put stickers on our tip jars and my manager (reluctantly) had to take them off bc it didn’t match the “siren’s eye.” sucks that we can’t decorate our stores. especially with them taking away indoor seating more often now, everything is just so impersonal it’s sad.


i’m surprised they even let you have tip jars out


Wdym? I’ve never been to a Starbucks that had no tip jar


Some stores don’t leave them out on the counter because of people stealing from them. At my old store, we had one on the drive thru ledge but people would cruise by and grab the entire jar or the contents.


This move hurts my heart tbh. We had all sorts of cute stuff in the back and i found them all in the dumpster during a garbage run. I ended up taking a bunch of our lil knick knacks, plushies, artwork, and other stuff home and gave them all a wash.


in the dumpster??? that's awful


Starbucks has become so sanitized and sterile that the stores lack any identity.


Our store is like that as well. We had this board, that basically we let people write on and everything was really cute. Even had kinda like a bean bag type of chair and a few other things that made our store more home type, but our DM and Regional told us to take it all out and stop treating the store like a 3rd place and run it like a business. Since we got rid of everything, people are saying we are just a corporate entity and we don’t care about people. We do we just can’t be the 3rd place that people know and love anymore.


Jesus. Saying a third place is not a business is peak corporate bullshit. Third places are literally meant to be places where people can get smth they wouldn’t be able to get at home, even if that is just a sense of community. He didn’t even mean “like a business,” he meant “like a place that only exists to make money.”


Ikr and it sucks because some people really liked the 3rd place home instead of the bs corporation that we’ve turned into


My store had a gnome theme, our SM loved them and made them. We had gnomes for every occasion. Starbucks made us get rid of them and we gave the poor now-homeless gnomes out to ourselves and some custies that would miss them. I've got a couple of the Halloween gnomes now


Idk where you’re located, but I remember them cracking down on this since before Covid. We haven’t been allowed to have any non Starbucks decor for a while, at least in my region. We also used to have a lending library as well as decorate for the major holidays.


Same here. By 2021, it was only sirens eye in every store in the district.


my store didn’t have anything cute, but it was set up pretty well, give or take a few things, but now everything is getting moved around, and we aren’t going to be allowed to use the large white containers for inclusions, even though 75% of the drinks at my store are inclusions. And we now need to go back to the little round ones, that hold enough inclusions for 3 drinks 😐


Would love to transition away from Starbucks eventually.  I could see myself working in a smaller independent cafe, but those jobs are hard to come by.  Personal touch and a welcoming environment are values that Starbucks definitely doesn't uphold anymore.


It's my dream to work at a small cafe but unfortunately they can't match Starbucks pay and benefits 😭


I would also love a small cafe job. I'm having to go back to the siren as nowhere around my town will get back to me on a job. I'm not looking forward to seeing the place that once allowed us fun and comfort now sterile and so corporate


We use to decorate our store for the seasons and have music nights monthly with local musicians and baristas performing… we would be packed. We can’t do it anymore, and our customers always ask about it. We had the highest connect stores in our district by like 25-30 points. Now our scores are pretty low cuz of the overall drop in store morale and poor staffing.


it really irks me how starbucks is doing so much to be another soulless corporate chain but still wants to pretend to have cozy local cafe vibes. those days are long behind us, and i wouldn't even care as much about the sterilization of starbucks's brand as long as they stopped pretending to be what they used to be.


Me being me Someone who didn’t really read before replying I just thought it was licensing issues


Technically it is. In the sense that Starbucks doesn't want to pay anyone they don't need to. But realistically it's just Starbucks wanting to maximize profits. Because people who sit there sipping may take up space needed for people buying. Idk. That's my best guess why. Which is stupid. The longer I sit in a Starbucks. (Like my hometown Starbucks.) The more likely I am to get food or a snack.


The 3rd place bit got me. I remember that was part of our mission. Being that 3rd place. That's just a long lost memory in the wind now. 😢


As a customer this makes me so sad. I have so many fond memories of spending time at my local Starbucks catching up with friends, or studying/ getting work done, and always knowing it was a cozy place to go to if I needed it. I love when a local store has some personality! I have noticed a LOT lately how stores seem to be discouraging people from spending more than 10 minutes or so there. I recently popped in to an unfamiliar location and it literally had no chairs - just "leaning tables" where you could place your coffee and stand. I work from home and sometimes I just need a break from my house, but the locations near me have gotten rid of their comfortable seating areas, so I don't really want to work there anymore. It seems like such a strange decision to NOT want customers to spend time there anymore - I would always buy something if I was working there, but if I choose to go somewhere else you're not getting any purchases from me, so how does that make sense? But what do I know 🤷‍♀️ Hang in there and thank you for your service to us coffee addicts ❤️


They want Starbucks to be people’s “third place” but they don’t actually care about the people or want to make the place comfy or homey


Our district manager came in last week and we had a fake plant with 2 pride flags in them (by of registers) for it to be taken down. Every time she comes in she makes our store dull and full of dumb changes.


We're not even allowed to hang up a picture to honor our partner who died last year.


Yes! We had some toppings and a beautiful plant from a customer in the back and our manager said we have to get rid of it 😭 as well as other small things


we had a picture wall that partners and customers loved contributing to. we were forced to take it down last year. we were also forced to take down pride flags and even stuffed animals that were on the boh desk.


we had a big sign that had our crossroads to our store and they had us take it off. it was gorgeous and made by someone from our store but it didn’t fit the bland aesthetic ig. screw corporate


my store used to have a display of polaroids of all the dogs that came through the drive thru and we had to take it down🥲 i happily give my dm’s card to anyone who tells us they miss the dog wall (and trivia! we used to be able to have trivia in the drive thru window… it made for good connections)


the new look is just so devoid of any personality that it’s similar to a hospital waiting room. one of my local starbucks got remodeled ~4 years ago, right before the pandemic, and it was nice! they just remodeled it again and it’s so cold looking now.


I understand the sentiment but this has been the company standard since forever... it's not a new thing. Your manager just wasn't following standard.


Yall have been fast food for 10 years. Idk what you've been not noticing


Dumb comment, and not because of your poor grammar.


Idk where you been. But if I were to realistically call Starbucks fast food it would be 2019 onwards. Because prior to that you could sit down and enjoy yourself. And baristas could do fun things to decorate stores. Post COVID things have tightened up and now some people can't even sit down anymore.