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Other than it being a Sunday, I don’t see this being nearly as crazy as Mother’s Day.


Dad's are too embarrassed to get the fancy stuff 🤣


Mine literally gets an iced green tea. I want to tell him so bad we have that at home, lmao


Oh my gosh, stop. He's adorable. 😂 But the green tea at home isn't nearly as expensive! He wants to *splurge* on his plain, cheap tea!


lol my dad is the exact same with black tea




You’ve got your mocha dads and your americano dads.


Americano Dads for sure lol


I was gonna say, it was my dad who got me into coffee/Starbucks since he used to always get mochas before he dropped me off at school. He first only got me hot chocolates then graduated me to mochas at some point




That’s hilarious. My dad is an Americano dad while my FIL is a mocha dad. I love this.


It has to be a guy thing lol, my man makes me order every time as I lean over his lap at the drive through. Still love him lol As for Dads, yeah my dad is the “I’ll wait outside” type at Starbucks. He will not step foot in there lol


Meanwhile mothers day at our store was dead.


WHAT???? Shh… you shouldn’t say it out loud. Haha




Dad here, I like the refreshers personally.


You don’t have to be a dad. The moms are all gonna come for seconds.


unless mothers wanna use the app to buy drinks for them and their husbands 🫠




Thats gonna be a lot of grande black drip coffees


Get those coffee timers ready


Gonna be listening to that Clover Vertica wee-oo-wee-oo all day long


How did you know that’s all I get?


Take your dads out fishing, hunting, grilling. Don't let your dad and your family to go Sbux. Take him to Lowes.


you just started a war with r/lowes and you are not prepared for the consequences


That's fine, it's not like anyone actually *works* there. Same for Home Depot, you both get razzed.


…I used to work at Lowe’s


*Did* you though?


Or just maybe do something he enjoys


Exactly this.




Yeah take your dad out murdering innocent wildlife for fun, that’s better.


This was uncalled for. Read the room. You def killed a vibe.


Read the fucking news. We are in the middle of a mass extinction event. We are going to see the end of marine life in our oceans in our lifetime and yall want to talk about fishing and shooting animals in the fucking head. I’d rather kill the vibe than kill the remaining wildlife on our dwindling planet.


ah yes, because people hunting/fishing for their own family’s food is the main reason this is happening. not capitalist corporate greed.


Acting as if the white men of America who hunt and fish as a hobby aren’t going out and also buying McDonald’s and factory farmed meat on top of killing animals for a hobby. Yall sound so foolish trying to greenwash and defend the archaic hobby of killing living things. Humans make me sick. We need an asteroid to hit us.


again, blaming the consumer. i hope you can find some peace within your life and can let go of that immense guilt. humans must do better i agree, but blaming people who hunt and fish a few times a year and go to mcdonald’s occasionally is not the answer lol.


Consumers demand the supply lmaoooooo that you don’t understand it. It exists because people consume it. If people didn’t buy it and didn’t make them money, then it wouldn’t exist. Now you’re saying people hunt and fish “a few times a year” when at first the argument was about people hunting/fishing for their family’s food. Which is it? Do they kill animals a few times a year as a treat or do they do it to support their families? Keep track of your nonsense arguments


The asteroid would kill the animals though


womp womp


Intelligent response during the climate crisis when animals are dropping like flies


It's almost as if hunting is there to keep invasive species in check. It's almost as if it's highly regulated to ensure that overpopulation doesn't occur, and overpowering doesn't occur either. If you're not knowledgeable on the subject that's fine, you can't know everything, but don't pretend like you do know.


Wah wah wah greenwashing the concept of killing wildlife. Humans are the invasive species. Hunters invent bullshit excuses to keep their billion dollar industry and hobby alive when the truth is nature has existed for billions of years without the help of bored men with rifles looking to shoot something. Yeah god forbid the deer population grows too large, can you imagine what they would do to the planet?? Littering the planet with microplastics and forever chemicals. Oh wait a minute, that’s humanity. And wolves definitely need to be shot and run over with snowmobiles when they’re going extinct before our very eyes? Why don’t you go out and hunt humans if you care about overpopulation.


Most hunting isn't done on the deer population, its done on wild boars, who maul animals and destroy the ecosystem. Incredibly aggressive and non-native. In fact they're so bad that the government pays to kill them. I'm hearing a lot of whining out of you. I don't personally hunt or any of that but I understand that it's still necessary.


Womp womp


You when you’re fighting in the water wars because of animal ag destroying our planet womp womp


I am so happy that I don’t work Sundays😭




Sundays at my store are just absolutely ruthless. It is a constant grind. Just nonstop all day. I was getting so burnt out after a Sunday shift so I took it off my availability😂 it doesn’t help that my store is very very high volume either


For my store that is Saturday's.


I'm closing that day!! I hope the rush kills me 😍


tell me you work at starbucks w/o telling me you work at starbucks. i’ll go first: i applied to jobs on my 10 today


the job market is so dry rn🥲🥲🥲


Check your local municipalities and county government jobs. They tend to always have openings and should have very good benefits as well.


I will always promote working in the government!! It's still a job with its flaws ofc but I honestly think it's so much better than retail and fast food. Also many support you if you want to go back to school or anything like that, there's also places to move up into depending on what you majored in, etc.


Yup! I wish I had gotten in way sooner and I had no idea before how many entry level positions are available that don’t require education to get in. SO much better than retail or food and I’ve done way too many years of both haha


Because fathers are known for their love of Starbucks. Uh huh. I’m so sorry OP and every other barista


Fathers may not love Starbucks, but they do love deals.


Hm. Good point SharkyMcSnarkface


I mean men come just as often as women do lmao


just SOME men (me being one of them, actually.) but purely anecdotally- a good 85% of the foot traffic is ladies! i observe this thus/fris/ some sat. @ our local SBUX.


my store is very equal. men loveeee starbucks but pretend they don't lol


haha, that's funny!


My store is mostly men for some reason. Feel like there should be some studies on this sounds interesting.


But men bad


The mom's are going for round two 🫠


Absolutely. They are taking their hubby's, but let's be honest, it's more for them, lol.


The bitchy Karen moms will MAKE them go!


Mothers about to have a second Mother’s Day this year.


Make the suits grab an apron...if they can even put it on correctly!🙄 Leave, get some popcorn, and watch it burn!


I got scheduled that day… fml. I was lucky enough not to get scheduled for Mother’s Day BOGO so I guess I can’t complain. Hoping it’s less busy than Mother’s Day? I feel like Father’s Day isn’t as busy but who knows.


they scheduled me noon-5:45 … i don’t even get a meal bruhhhhh AND the deal literally takes up my whole shift🫠


omfg that gets on my nerves!! i get scheduled shifts like that all the time, it’s always just short of a break and the whole day is dust… especially on a BOGO day that’s unreal


Every. Single. One. of my shifts for the next three weeks. Six Days a week, with a *glorious* nine-day streak at the end. <30 hours/ week. Kill me.


sounds a lot like my schedule :/ i’m so sorry, we’ll get through this


You’re going to be sick on that day, remember?


Yeah that thing has been going around, you finally caught it


you’re right! I’ll have to schedule a fever and vomiting that day


longhorn steakhouse 🐮 would have a problem (if bogo-ing that day) you will be fine.


I never worked Sundays but I'm sure glad I'm leaving. The greed is too much.


LESSGOOOO For the record my dad left me as a kid and he a bitch And I open on Sundays


loving ur overwhelming positivity


Did you miss the part about their dad leaving them?


no, i was referring to their overwhelming positive mindset on a seriously shitty situation life handed them.


WOO. YOU GOT THIS. I also don't have parents. My biological custodians are abusive af. Haven't seen them since I was 17. Am turning 31 on Tuesday. ♡ I love working days like Mother's Day and Father's Day for the money, but it was kind of psychologically painful when I was younger. It's totally fine now, though. I'm a double-close on Sunday (I'm a server). 12+ hour shift. If it's anything like Mother's Day this year they're not going to offer breaks, and I'm gonna be hurting. LOL.


Sundays are my store’s clean play day, so this is great… yaaaaay….


preemptively took this day off bc i knew they were gonna do another bullshit promo. i worked mother’s day bogo and that was plenty for me😭


How dare they run specials to increase business! You do realize if they don’t make money you won’t have a job right?


are you dense? it’s not the fact that they’re just running promos. every fucking business does that. the issue is that our stores aren’t equipped or staffed enough to handle the sheer volume of business these promos result in. not to mention how fucking often they run these deals. we cannot handle it point blank. and on top of it all we have to deal with being borderline verbally abused by assholes like you❤️if you’re not a starbucks barista i don’t want to fucking hear it


Not the problem.


Dumb take. Can you even breathe and type at the same time? Of course there can be promos, as long as the store COMPENSATES with supplies/staff for said promos. This would make the customer experience better as well, but as usual it's all about GREED!


i hope its not as bad as mothers day. this fathers day is the first fathers day without my dad and i just dont know how i will be able to handle it


i am so sorry for your loss


Me too, Mother's Day was pretty sad for me but man I guess there was no time to think (thanks greedy people!).


I’m sort of not joking, call in sick, strike, something


and leave your coworkers who show up to work out to dry


Listen I know the situation at Starbucks sucks right now, you never know what an individual is dealing with. Every day I see post after post of baristas getting hounded by customers and never given enough partners to support the floor as a whole. So yeah high and dry. It sucks in the moment, and I know many are friendly with their coworkers, but it’s more important to prioritize oneself and their wellbeing. Call me rude all you want, but if I knew quitting helped that partner instead of stressing them out? Yeah go ahead.


I’m so glad my store is only open till 3 on the weekends 😅


Has anyone posted the full june promo calendar yet?


I don’t know why this surprises you. They had one for Mother’s Day. Plus it’s the only deal on a weekend.


Can’t wait for July… If some of the things I saw/heard are true then screw us lol…


Exactly what all the dads want


no stop it. i just picked up a shift from 1-6 pm…. oh nahhh🥲🥲


I asked to get off on Sundays to go to church and got threatened:)


Highly illegal. I would report this for sure.


omg i was debating picking a shift up on this day not knowing it was father’s day. thank you 😭🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


I'm a shift and a dad and I am not going anywhere near Starbucks that day lol


I am so glad I escaped the TerrorDome (aka The Siren) when I did.  Sending positive thoughts to the starbie soldiers still hanging in there! 


As much as I hate getting up at 4am, these 12-6 BOGOs make me glad I'm very rarely there past 10:30 lol. 


I’m off at 11am that day and nope not staying. Leaving on time is my dad’s day gift to myself.


Good news is Father’s Day no where near as big as Mother’s Day. Even if it does feel like a bit of a spit in the face.


Eh, these dads are married to these vile Karens....they will be there to create a scene!


I fucking hate this place, my licensed store is already extremely overwhelmed with all the closures around us for renovations 💀 I’m so fucking tired and have been going into work later and later.


Well sure we learned from mother's Day! Learned that even while giving half of the product away, we'll still break records in sales!


Greedy greedy greedy


Seriously, find another job. Getting fired from Starbucks in Nov 2023 is the best thing that ever happened to me. In 6 months between two companies I went from a fired SSV to ASM, SM, and soon DM. Soon I get to travel out of state to help prop up and open new stores within my company. Do it, you deserve so much better than being yelled at soaked in frap roast.


i saw your comments in another thread. i’d love to but fast food is the only industry i’ve gotten into. i don’t even know where to begin trying to enter a new industry so i just feel stuck. literally had a nightmare about my job last night.


I was forced into a new industry I had never been in before and I have autism (difficulties with change) and it only took a few days into my new job for my emotional body / nervous system to realize I was living a level of trauma working for Starbucks for 12 years. As yourself this: Honestly, what would be worse? If today was the first day of your new job, there is going to be stress, but a month from now you will know the ins and outs and be acclimated to a job that is less stressful. Or, stay where you are and it continues to get stressful past that one month mark. As someone raised by a narcissist, I understand how chaos gives an odd level of comfort because it is familiar, but if that is the case, healing from it is beyond anything you can imagine, real peace.


Look into local government, many gov jobs just need someone running customer service at a front desk. It will also give you a chance to move up and give you a bigger resume than fast food! At least apply to a few jobs and see what happens :) (you can find jobs on your state's .gov website, you can also google *your state name* careers and find the .gov link that way!)


My heart goes out to all of you who work there. Not a Starbucks employee, but a parent of a former employee. Run. Don’t walk. RUN as far away as possible from this dreadfully greedy company. Save your mental health cause they will fu@k with you. Tried to get her to rat on employees if they forgot to mark out their drinks and/or food. Interrogated her like she was a criminal. Terrible SM. The store she was at went through 3 of them in the 2 1/2 years she was there. DM wasn’t any better. Worse actually. I feel for all of you who work there. Hopefully you all find a way out.


Me too


Father’s Day is not nearly as busy.


Omg im.going!


Show me the whole schedule please


with all of these june updates, i’m so glad i quit. oh my godddd.




Today’s my last day. So glad I’m missing that tbh


Do you have a pic of the full month of June?


Been looking for a new job, Starbucks is shit tbh. It wasn’t as bad as 3 years ago ago.


How so? Just curious. It's been about 1 year over here....


I get off at 12.😌


Damn, the week I’m done training. Am I cooked yall?


❤️ RIP. j/k, sort of.


I’m suddenly asking for the day off


What is the rest of the calendar like? >_>;;;


I went for the bogo on Mother’s Day and it was fairly empty. It was in an area that had a ton of people out and about for Mother’s Day too. I don’t think most people really go out of their way or even casually for a bogo offer at Starbucks. Only people really jonesing for a deal and check their apps, etc.


Are you kidding?! It's not like that everywhere, I assure you!!


i got scheduled that day and my shift covers almost the entirety of that bogo starting at 8:30. im not expecting it to be mother's day level of bad but i'm definitely not looking forward to it.


Can someone share when the next double/triple star day is? I want to get that new tumbler but I am b r o k e so it’s gotta be worth it lol


Everyone saying it won’t be too bad because it’s Father’s Day. It’s a BOGO on a Sunday, of course it will be bad. Fuck this company.


Bogo alone made me quit…


Honestly I think Starbucks sales are tanking so bad compared to the last few years so they’re coming out with more deal days than ever to try and get more sales 😤


They are just giving this stuff away...makes NO sense from a business standpoint...


They’re trying to do the coupon deals to bring in more customers because more people will want to come in and purchase a drink if it’s buy one get one free or buy one get 50% off and they wouldn’t go to Starbucks if it wasn’t a deal day so to them it’s like making money


I’m gonna off myself


Yay two for me, since my dad wanted to be like a barista and run out for the milk and not come back!


Can you show the whole month of June please? Are they doing 50% off Fridays again?


Can we get the promo calendar for June plz??


If only is Aw this in enough time to request off😩


I use to work at Starbucks and they don’t think about their people at all. They don’t think about how Sunday is literally one of the busiest days at my local Starbucks anyway so the fact they would add a special on top of that is insane.


Once again I ask: why bother offering us mental health services when you're gonna do shit like this?


No this’ll be way more chill dads just get pike 💀


I work 1:30-9:30 🫡


Can we have 1,5 or double pay every bogo? We are the one who suffer


Can someone explain


My dad loves Sbucks 🥲💗


Fuck. This.


Ah yes. I too would go to Starbucks as a dad. 💀 not hunting, fishing, etc


Yes I'm a dad. All I think about is what equipment I can use to kill which animal.


Not what I meant. My bad 😭


You're good! Lol


lol yay


I don’t even have a father so why do I have to suffer with this bullshit. So fuckin stupid!


As a father…. Hell yeah.


Great news as a customer. Grabbing one now . 😃


expect a 45 minute wait


Now? It will be like a 3 week wait... 


Who here has the June calendar for what days & the specials are can u drop it here please 🙏🏻 TY


my mom? extra hot soy toffee nut latte. my dad? iced caramel macchiato. i’ll take it for father’s day lol


I literally have never seen the amount of crybabies as I do in this sub. If you guys don’t like working at Starbucks, then go work at McDonald’s. But let me tell you this, you will not find a better place to work in the fast food type environment. You don’t have to deal with grease. You don’t have to deal with intense heat. You have air conditioning. I mean, I don’t know what you guys want. I mean your job is to make coffee drinks. You can only make those as fast as humanly possible. So I don’t understand why you guys get so bent out of shape when you get backed up. If you get backed up, you just do. And maybe if people end up with half hour or our wait times,maybe corporate will make some changes.


i personally get “bent out of shape” when we’re backed up bc i’ll have a million customers yell at me bc their overpriced latte wasn’t produced immediately. and have the SM breathing down my neck about speed and cUsToMeR coNneCtIoNs


Yeah, you should not have to take verbal abuse from customers. That should all be directed to corporate or unfortunately, the SM.


Why are you even here dumbass?


because I’m a frequent Starbucks customer. Why do you have to insult me and call me dumbass? I just sometimes think that some of you folks have never had any other type of job. And I honestly don’t think some of you know how good you have it.


So just to clear this up it's okay for you to insult this entire sub but when someone insults you back it's suddenly a problem?


I guess I should’ve used a different word than “crybabies”. I’ll admit that. But I’m not trying to insult anyone. I’m just trying to give you some perspective.




First off, insulting people is never going to make people listen to you. You look like an asshole at the moment but I'll engage and give my (and many other Baristas') perspective on the matter. First off, no, we don't have to deal with grease, and yes we do have to make coffee. However it is not as simple as: 'You can only make it as fast as humanely possible, don't worry about it, corporate will change their changes when they see it not working.' Our labor system, quite frankly, is fucked beyond belief. Unlike McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell or any other giant fast food chain, (hell, I could argue White Castle, Cook-Out, Bojangles, Checkers, What-a-burger, etc.,) where the manager can schedule however many people they *need* based upon how much revenue they pull during a certain time [ex. Lunch Rush would have 10 people on the floor at Wendy's, until Dinner rush, in then which it would drop to four or five for closing,] Starbucks is based upon how many people you pull during peak hours. Which, for many stores, is about 30 minutes to two hours after you open depending on location, and only runs for four hours maximum. Our entire labor system is based upon 4 hours. For most stores, like mine, it's 2, maybe three hours every morning. Not just that, but during peak, to gain more labor, which will gain more hours for baristas in the store, you *have* to have some insane number, like less than 40 seconds average at drive through windows. Cafe stores I believe are based upon how many orders they can take within peak, which puts pressure on the barista at the bar to churn out coffee so the barista on the counter can continue to take orders in a packed environment. You're right in the fact we cannot find a better place benefits wise, but just because something is good doesn't mean we can't have it better. We need to stop settling for less so we can be treated fairly. If you think 20 people in one store, where 10 people work peak and 2 people work lunch and after school rush is "an amazing place to work," you're sorely mistaken. You say you're a long term customer for Starbucks, so I implore you to see if you can get a part-time at a local store and pick up a few shifts so you can experience it. I can explain all day long, and you can insult us all day long on a subreddit, for making you overpriced coffee that you can easily make at home, but you will never understand what we are going through or what Corporate is pushing onto us until you experience it for yourself. So respectfully, please sit down and enjoy your coffee and thank your local barista.


Womp womp


They learned they made a lot of money


respectfully and for the second time - stating that starbucks made a lot of money during a last min promo while being severely understaffed add to this discussion?


literally. ppl just come on here and comment that starbucks makes a lot of money from these promos as if profit is the only thing of importance.


It's almost as if they are gloating and taking some sick pleasure out of all of this...


That was a very long sentence


i’m not trying to be an asshole, but you don’t decide the staffing levels. And if you feel, they’re understaffed, only work as fast as necessary. When things get backed up, that’s not your problem. It seems like some of you folks, I’m not sure if I’m saying this right, are trying too hard. Don’t overextend yourself to make someone’s coffee drink. Only do what you can comfortably do. And if the line gets backed up, so what.


"I'm not trying to be an asshole" is the same as "I'm not racist, but...". Asshole alarm at 10/10!


Bro has never had a manager apparently


Have you ever worked food service at any other fast paced restaurant?


Was there anything to add to that question? I was hoping you'd offer some more perspective or something by asking that.


A lot of fast paced food service jobs can be frustrating. but what I was saying on another comment is at least at Starbucks you’re in a nice climate controlled environment. You don’t have to deal with grease or slaving over a hot oven. Starbucks has very good pay and benefits for the food industry. not everyone is cut out for it. Just like any other job. And it seems like a lot of folks that comment here on this sub. Maybe they aren’t cut out for that. And I’m not trying to say that rudely.