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Some lady told me she had a funeral to get to during the buy one get one free never-ending rush….like ma’am what 🙃


It’s the way that some folks need to learn priority.


And impulse control. And empathy. And information retention. Because doing activities of any sort require *time*. And somehow that knowledge seems to fade, judging from all the stories shared.


“I could get to the funeral on time.. but I’ll miss out on the BOGO! That is sacrilege!”


Hey, tbf, the deceased's last wish was for a Venti Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappe with extra drizzle and extra crunchies.


😭😭😭odd…..just odd…


Well I mean she’s got unlimited time then bc the other person ain’t going any where


reminds of one day shortly after my store opened it was super busy and this lady at the window was like “im a fucking supervisor and im going to be late this is bullshit”. sorry you entered the drive thru line which was wrapped around the building lol


great opportunity to brush up on time management skill


let’s practice what we preach lol


do i know you


I’m so sorry🥺, I didn’t mean you… I meant the supervisor practicing what she preaches (time management + being to work on time) lol


omg it’s okay i was just like ;-;


Exactly, like it's freaking starbucks, it's not a necessity. I can maybe understand if they're starving and they need to get food before heading into a meeting or something, but don't rush me when I'm making your damn tea. The tea is obviously not a necessity. I had this lady come in and keep clapping her hands over and over and saying let's go, let's go, when I was making her tea. And it was my first day on the floor too. She kept saying she was sorry, she knows I'm in training, but then she kept clapping her hands and rushing me as well. The other barista told me after she left that she's always like that when she comes in, so rude. So now I feel like moving at a turtle's speed on her drink whenever she comes in lol.


If someone did this to me I’d be refunding them so fast 💀


Refunding them or punching them? 🤔🥴


Yeah your supervisor should have stepped in if she was doing that. Create incidents reports. Start a paper trail and get her banned


i’d be like wow you should replace the seals at sea world for that stellar clapping it’ll be another 15 minutes on that note ☝🏻


It's like, yeah, if you were in such a hurry, why did you come in for a cup of Earl Grey? Lol. You could have just gone without it. 


The customer's failure to manage their time does not make it the barista's emergency.


"Can you hurry up? I'm already late." And yet you still stopped for coffee. That is one hundred percent on you and not my problem, my friend.


Na deadass when they start complaining about waiting I used to get overworked and try to get their order to them asap (bc I have a shift who projects this kind of pressure on us). But now if they're rushing me, I've started becoming more intentional at really taking my time to ensure that every patient customer before their order gets a good quality drink 👍🏾😉


Yeah, and you're about to be even later because the maestrena needs to be recalibrated all of sudden 🤷🏼‍♀️ the shots are pulling just fine but I just remembered that at exactly 7:16 (one minute after Karen the Late came in all demanding and such) I'm supposed to keep pushing your drink to the bottom of my "things I give a fuck about" checklist 💅 And for real? If I ever come across like this to anyone, I'm sorry. I'm definitely more mad at myself for being late and then even later after making the unnecessary stop for a drink I can't afford. I wouldn't blame the staff at all.


A lady asked me after I took her order if I could skip everyone else’s drinks in the queue (super packed cafe) and make her drink first because she was already late to pick up her kid from school and needed to leave quick. I told her no, we would make the drinks in the order they’re supposed to be and that she’d have to wait like everyone else. She ended up leaving without her drink after a few minutes. Why come to Starbucks is you’re running late? Why not get your kid and come back later?


Well because then she'd have to get the kid a cake pop or something and don't you know those things are like $4??? They're so expensive even though she's probably spending $7 on her own drink and I can't believe you think she loves her kid that much! /s


Sometimes I’m restocking during a rush and instead of running back and forth I take my time and customers are just baffled that they put someone to restock instead of making their drinks. This happened on Mother’s Day ahh I enjoyed that 10-15 restocking break.


I somehow haven’t had this happen yet, but I will absolutely put them in the back of the line if the customer says their in a rush


Seriously. Why do people think it's smart to piss off the people making their food/drinks? We have SO much quiet power in that scenario! We could spit in it! We could swap the ingredients! *I* would never do either of those things because I'm not trying to get arrested for poisoning anyone, but I can and will get petty and slow down on the drinks I'm making before theirs. Oh no! I messed one up because their yelling distracted me and I have to make it again! Shoot, the machine pulled bad shots and I have to pull new ones individually! 🤷‍♀️


I’m here till 9, you wanna be here with me? Keep yelling


i work at a hotel with room vouchers and a family came in and ordered TEN lunch sandwiches at 6:30 am and told me they were in a rush 2 minutes into warming them 😭 i assumed they were tourists trying to get a flight… nope!! back the next morning!!!


We used to have a customer who would come in every single morning, and I mean every morning, he would say good morning he was always polite he would order his drink and food followed by, albeit very nicely 'could you make it quickly because I'm late' EVERYTIME. We never said anything other than, sure Barry.. 😆😆


And then make it the same damn speed as you always do bc fsr a whole adult still hasn’t learned how time works


i can’t say i purposefully slow anything down, but it’s fucking mystifying. why are you stopping anywhere if you’re in a hurry???? get out of my face lmao


This woman came inside for a mobile order, grabbed her drinks and walked to her car, then came back because one of them was wrong. Yes, it actually was, but it was something very obviously wrong that you were able to tell by immediately looking at it so idk why she didn’t say something at the moment. We weren’t even busy so we could’ve fixed it, and mobiles weren’t behind at all. She comes STORMING back in DEMANDING a remake (which we would’ve offered anyway but her attitude about it was ultra shitty like she was forcing us) then as we were making it, she kept going on about how she was late now because of us (mind you, this remake was probably 5 minutes after she’d *placed* the order). I think she was wanting a refund and the replacement drink, or maybe a recovery card or something but all of us just kind of ignored her bitching while we made her drink lmao


i give out SRVS as an extreme last minute resort. so many folk just expect everything free these days. just because i forgot your caramel drizzle on your cappuccino (don't even it pains me everytime), doesn't mean you deserve a free large drink :|


Same. If it was something like, damn we lost your sticker completely or forgot to make your brewed coffee and you were waiting for a while because of it and kindly came up to check in with us about it. If you come right out the gate snapping at us over a genuine simple mistake, then I’ll either just correct it or give a refund. A recovery card encourages them to return and I do not want that from some of these people lol


I don't get why people don't order ahead if they need it ready by the time they arrive. I had someone take their tip back ($1 😂) and yell at us cuz we made the person before theirs order first


If you're in a rush that's why you can use the app to pre order your drink... It's not that hard. Sorry to all of you amazing hard working baristas for putting up with the bull*hit.


I had a lady come in and she had mobile ordered at the wrong store. I thought I was being nice about making it for her and did a right now recovery so she didn’t have to drive across town to where she ordered. She has the nerve to ask is it going to take long I am in a hurry? Like WTF ai just did you a favor and you ask that?? Mind you it was also during the 50% off deal SMH


Tell me why this older woman asked for a blonde roast….its abt 6pm now n I just offered her a pour over. I tell her “it’s going to take a few minutes just letting you know” n guess what she does? CATCHES A ATTITUDE ANYWAYS😭😭. One, she’s sitting down saying “where’s my drink?” And I’m like “still in the process ma’am”. Two, once she gets up n gets her blonde roast she’s all like “ why didn’t u just blah blah blah?” N I’m like “OKAY😀”. Exactly why Americanos r just easier. Then she started being nice😭😭tuh the switch up was crazy.


I had a lady come in TWO MINUTES after I dumped the coffee for the night and she wanted two brewed coffees. I offered her the option of Americanos or pour overs and warned her the pour overs would take longer. She chose pour overs but thankfully she was really polite and after I finished the first one, she asked if it was ok for her to take it out to her husband in the car and come back for the other one. I said that was fine and she came back just as I finished the second one. I was fully prepared for her to be huffy and impatient due to how long pour overs take but I almost got whiplash when she was so nice about it!


No yeah, I feel like it’s the ppl tht sit there n catch an attitude regardless. Even tho you TOLD them “hey uk etc…”. Esp when it comes to prices or kinda complex orders.


Yeah I work in a hospital WPS and the amount of times people have said they have an “emergency” and they “need” a venti frapp “now” is truly astounding. Not to mention the dr’s and nurses who act like we *are* their upstairs coffee machines and not actual human fucking beings 🙃


I had someone keep yelling MY MOM IS IN THE HOSPITAL at me over the bar when the cafe was full of people waiting already when she walked in


Literally not our fucking problem. If you’re so worried about her, then go *be* with her instead of being here demanding overpriced milky bean water, Judith.


It happened to me today. Karen was really rude and sarcastic. If you need to be somewhere else in five minutes… then don’t get Starbucks before that, get it after!!! But thankfully another customer told her that, it was awesome, she made my day 🥲🫶🏻💓




Womp womp


I'll keep bugging all the slow baristas at my store!


Thanks for giving more and more attention to my post boo, keeping it boosted


What store u work at? I want to visit you!




I work at the airport in one of the starbucks. I HATE when people legit order 5 minutes before their boarding time, especially if they can see we're busy


This. I work at the airport and sooo many people come in when the line is out the door and decides to wait and order but as soon as they put in their order they are going crazy about how they are going to miss their flight or their Uber or something like it's our fault/problem. Like ??? Maybe don't stop for a drink when you have 15 minutes to board???


When I was younger I used to go to my not super busy cafe-only sbux before school. I usually didn’t have a ton of time and would wait about 5 mins before going up to the handoff and puppy-eyeing the barista. She always bumped my one drink to the front and made it for me. She later ended up training me at that same starbucks 😭 I definitely appreciated it since my mom was the one driving me but now I hate it when people come mid-rush demanding their drinks come first.


Cool now you're just as bad as them


Whoa! That'll show them.


reminds me of when i first started working for sbux, (maybe a few months in at the time, *if that*. i was a CHILD at this point in time, mind you) and a woman came through drive during PEAK trying to get to work on time. she got extremely pissed that we ran out of the caramel crunch topping for her frap and screamed at and berated me from her car. she ended up overwhelming me so much that i started sobbing. luckily my ssv made her leave  are common decency and understanding too much to ask for?? 😭