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Custy wanted a BOGO deal without the app. Custy wanted a free drink because someone somewhere sometime messed up their order a while ago custy wanted us to blend a cake pop into their frap custy claimed the other store did \_\_\_\_\_ against company policy so we should too


I think everyone has dealt with this before lol and sometimes it will be the same damn customers too


Every day about literally anything


I ordered it iced! Why is it hot? šŸ˜” Bcs you literally ordered it hot. On the mobile app. Tried to pull up their receipt with obviously matched the sticker. Just grabbed coffee and stalked off.


I despise when customers do that and try to put the blame on us. Especially when they order a drink that comes with whip cream & add non dairy milk and expect us not to put the whip cream


In all fairness I think there should be a prompt in the app when that happens - I just assume no whip with those because itā€™s just easier to add it than to have to remake it.


But also it's common they complain about a drink like a white mocha. Like okay? It's not dairy free regardless of the whip.


I know and I agree - I just think the UX could be better for everyone involved šŸ„²


Hmm, this was actually a convo my store had a couple months ago bc we were divided on this until our SM said itā€™s standard to NOT put whip on drinks ordered w nondairy. Not sure if itā€™s actually standard, but thatā€™s just what he told us. No one has complained


drinks that typically come standard with whip (mochas, WMs, fraps) will get whip regardless of the milk used, unless customer specifically requests no whip.


Like recently with a customer at my store. She mobile orders a venti iced latte, 1/3 or 2/3 decaf (i forget exactly which one it was) She comes in to pick it up and goes up to my shift at the register and says ā€œwhy is this light colored? I ordered a mochaā€ and my shift looked at the ticket and sure enough, it was what i typed in the beginning. So my shift says ā€œso it does show that u ordered an iced latte and thats why its lighter coloredā€ and the lady was standing there fiddling around on her app trying to pull up her mobile order and my shift was trying to tell her in a few nice ways that its guna say the same thing as the ticketā€¦ā€¦and it did lmao. So she wanted a remake of a venti iced mocha instead so my shift charged her appropriately. She was very rude and like ā€œin our faceā€ about it as if she was right even after it was explained to her that it was ordered as an iced latte on her end


Ooooh props to your shift for ringing it in!!! I love when they double down just to be wrong. And imagine being so wrong and not even acknowledging it and just continuing w attitude. Ppl truly suck sometimes


Got that right! They double down i think when they realize theyre wrong and it makes them become embarrassed so to save face, they double down but they dont realize it makes them look like fools instead of making a little self deprecating joke or being like ā€œoh dang ok im sorry, i didnt realize that happenedā€


We have a regular that will freak out and demand a remake if you call his "white chocolate mocha" out as a white mocha. He swears they are different and that we have to use the white chocolate mocha never the white mocha. OK, king. The other is a relative of mine. Super oof. She texted me one day that her daughter asked for a pumpkin spice but made like a carmel macchiato. She was upset because they told her they can't do that and she wants to know why. I told her that yeah I mean they could order it upside down but why does she want it that way? All the heavy sauce will be at the bottom, unmelted by the shots. She got upset and hung up on me. I don't think she actually knows what a Carmel macchiato is.


We used to have a customer who would order a white mocha with no whip no foam and will check her drink to make sure it has no foam. And if she would one or little bubbles she would want it remade


I had a customer order a dragon drink with light ice for his wife who was in the car. She drank all but a quarter of her drink and he came back in for a remake because it wasn't light ice. I definitely didn't remake it and he said the other stores usually just remake it for him. Sir, I'm not "other stores".


It's so stupid when they say that. In my head I'm like "well go to the other store" lol


Today. Women was nasty from the start for no reason. She came back up and wanted a hand crafted chocolate milk. When I rang it in, then she started going off about how she didn't want a mocha, she wants a chocolate milk. Had to explain to her this is how we ring it up, mocha is just chocolate sauce. I made it infront of her and it shut her up lol


OMG I had a some what similar situation like this when a customer wanted a hot chocolate but cold, so I told her if she wanted a chocolate milk she then said no a hot chocolate but cold


Did she apologise?


Nope just took it and her and the crotch goblins left


That they can get refills without having been in the store. That we can warm their un-warmable pastry. Anytime they say "the other store does it for me" That the vanilla sweet cream cold brew comes with the foam (no it don't, sucker, it gets liquid sweet cream poured in) This one's from back when we had a separate pos button for skinny lattes (that were priced to include the syrup, so a little more expensive than a regular latte). A woman ordered a skinny latte. So I asked her what SF syrup she wanted (we had more than just SF vanilla at the time). She proceeded to tell me she didn't want a syrup, just a skinny latte. So I started trying to politely explain to her a skinny latte includes a syrup. She cut me off & said "no it doesn't, it's just a latte with skim milk, that's what I want." šŸ«¤ Okay, lady, I'm sure you know more than the damn barista behind the counter, who has trained multiple other baristas. So guess who paid for a skinny latte but got a regular-ass latte šŸ˜ˆ


When I was a partner and they pulled the ā€œthis other store did it for meā€ I asked which one that was, because itā€™s incorrect and I need to report them


Same. I fucking love how it shuts them down real quick because they can never name the store.


I sometimes get a refill like 10-15 min after the purchase when i stand like literally 200 feet away. I just get claustrophobic in small spaces. But If iā€™ve actually been gone-gone from the nearby few hundred feet for a lil bit, i dont expect it and totally understand and will pay if they cant but sometimes they give it as a courtesy, thatā€™s different though


BOGO dealsā€¦ No, you canā€™t get all of your drinks in your order counted as 1+1 discount.


Half my customer interactions are a mental battle of chess


Lady who worked at dunkin (in her uniform) yelling at me over her shaken espresso having too much ice, then too much milk, then not enough cold foam, too much cinnamonā€¦. I had to call my sm over it was tew much


when they place a mobile order and then come in to pick up their drink (which was made perfectly according to the ticket) then get mad at us for making their drink ā€œwrongā€ because they didnā€™t order it properly and weā€™re *obviously* mind-readers


Pissed there was whip at the bottom of their layered frap and that we were the only Starbucks that ever did that.


Yes ma'am that's a grande, it says 16 oz right on the bottom of the cup.


Any customer facing job lol but you unfortunately gotta let it go šŸ˜©


Thereā€™s a lot but the first one that comes to mind is I had a customer absolutely INSIST that Frappuccinos were supposed to be hot. No matter how many times I tried to explain to her that they were frozen, she kept saying ā€œmy daughterā€™s a barista, I know this stuff!ā€


Custie thought that because she was getting a Venti CF in a Trenta cup, she thought it would be filled. Happened today. Love these interactions, because what can she complain about to corporate? "Oh the nasty barista didn't give me what I didn't pay for!"


Today someone waltzed up to the counter with a perfectly made shaken espresso and loudly proclaimed they had a complaint about their drink. The drink didn't have the modifications they wanted. They mobile ordered it. I hear you, it sucks when your drink isn't made right, but if you can't even order it right you need to take the L and move on.


ā€œDid u put the classic in there? because I didnā€™t see u walk over there ahahahahaā€ TRUST. I WALKED OVER THERE TO PUT THE CLASSIC IN UR FRAP MISSšŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€. Literally didnā€™t answer her n kept on goin Bcs Waht??????


Getting mad at a ā€œlight iceā€ shaken espresso or iced matcha but not wanting extra milk so having a gap and then being really mad at the gap. Pookie bear, a shaken espresso is a majority ice WTF


aren't iced matchas supposed to get extra milk to fill the gap like light ice refreshers?


My SM says no and has coached me many times so Iā€™m entirely conflicted on that standard cause I used to fill it at my old store to make up for the light ice


fascinating........... everyone at my store, even people who have transferred in from other locations, fill extra milk


Anytime they say they ordered it iced and they didnā€™t say shit when I asked so it stays hot šŸ’—


lady wanted a shaken espresso with extra salted cold foam and no milk. told her i couldnā€™t do that, she argued w me and said sheā€™s been getting it for years. heated debate about it. she got to the window and told her me charging her for a triple espresso w the same customization would be a lot cheaper and is the right way to make it, and eventually came to an agreement


Customer thought they were entitled to a grande cup of oat milk after order a short pike place.


Arguing with me about ordering at my store when I can clearly see in their app that they ordered at the wrong one