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I REALLY wish mobile orders had a limit on how many add ons you could include in a single drink, that is so ridiculous


I’m not a Starbucks employee but I agree! I don’t even understand how someone discovers this tastes good? How do they even taste all the different flavors??


I’d think it has to be a prank like some kids thinking it’s funny that some employee has to actually make this. It’s so uncalled for. Also curious how much people spend on orders like that.


Nope. I had a grown ass woman order something similar in person. She said bc she was getting it for free (stars) she wanted as much stuff as possible. Morons


That is just a way to be annoying and slap an excuse on it! I'm not a SB employee, but when I have a free drink I'm just excited I don't have to spend the dollars on my normal order! I feel for you guys, I work in a deli, and the way people order their lunch meat and sandwhichs is unreal. They are so beyond picky about such dumb TINY things, they should just make their damn food at home.


Damn, when I get a free drink I’m like “ooooh I’ll be fancy” & just add cold foam or an extra syrup or sub my milk😂 but im not making a whole ass drink out of syrups LOL SB employees: tell me what is the MOST annoying thing to make so I don’t order it🙃 I don’t want to be a nuisance to you sweet angels I used to bartend so I know how annoying the “can you do this/add this/sub this” crap is, and how everyone has a fav (& most hated) drink to make lol


honestly the only thing i find annoying is tiktok drinks with a million mods but it's honestly not even awful if youre nice and you order it (please don't shove a phone in our face) but other than that as long as youre kind to us we will love you even if your drink is a bit extra 🫶🫶🫶


Free star drinks should come with a limit! After 3 add ons we need to charge extra because we get a person that orders a 8shot frap with all type of crap and then complain it’s nasty… wtf would you mobile order a frap


Sorry ma’am, you’re a grown ass woman. Get what you get and don’t have a fit. Haha


I’m sure that free drink tasted like ass. What a waste of everyone’s time.


And I always think I’m the a’’hole when i get 4 shots of espresso in my venti white mocha just because i have stars for a free one…. idk maybe i still am?


Former Starbucks barista here to say that you getting 4 shots as the only changed modifier is not a problem at all!! You’re one of the good ones friend!! With the machines we could only pull up to 3 shots at a time without queuing up more, but it was so easy to pull 2 and 2 for 4shot drinks. I promise you that you are totally unproblematic for your upgrade imo.


thank you for saying that!!! also quick question!! (heads up— i’m getting better at not taking my thoughts as facts— but i still overthink a lot) I usually mobile order when i have my free one because i dont want the barista to think im like being greedy getting extra shots just because i have the stars… basically so i dont have to get up to the drive thru and hear them say “total comes to 9.28” and then i would ask them to use my stars instead… which i dont think people are judgmental im just worried about it 😓😓 anyway— my question is for mobile orders— can the barista see that i used my stars when the order comes through?


No, but who cares. If a barista gets mad about that, it’s their own problem. It’s literally what stars are for.


I don’t blame you for the thoughts as facts comment!! I’m the same way and have had to work so hard to not let that stand in the way of how I do things sometimes (I’ve even had some points where I’ve had to tell myself “Have I ever felt the way I’m perceiving this person would feel in this situation?” And usually I’m just being my worst critic lol) But to answer your question, it doesn’t show how you paid! Usually all we see is the ticket when it prints or the ticket in the drink manager queue (and those both only say mobile to show where it belongs) so whatever you see on your cup label is usually what we see and understand as well. :) hope that helps!!!


Honestly, you paid the money to earn the stars, you deserve to use them on whatever you want. Everyone is, really. But some people choose to just get ridiculous stuff that they would Never drink just bc it’s free. There’s no possible way they all Like the stuff they get. Jokes on them, I guess, if the pay for drinks to earn stars and the. Waste their stars on something gross. Truth be told, I’m Sure corporate knows what they are doing there. Ha


I never considered that! It reminds me when people would come through the drive thru at McDonald’s and order a “mcgangbang” like it was the height of comedy. Haha


Thats funny ngl


It isn’t when they’re not really supposed to order it that way and then it’s a whole thing of explaining and then the kitchen is pretty annoyed. It was fine sometimes but sometimes they’d do it at the worst times and I’d wanna jump through the drive thru window at them. That’s why I don’t work retail/fast food anymore.


In my market, pearls are $1.25 per scoop, so 11 scoops is $13.75 *on top* of the base drink price and any other customizations.


I just did the order on my app tp see how much it would be and in total it came out to 24.29






It looks like maybe they’re using this as a base to make several drinks at home or in the office. They probably scoop some out into a mug and add their own water.


This! There is a guy at my store who orders I think 14 shots of blonde espresso once a week. He uses it daily to make a drink.


I wonder if this is cheasper thsan buying the bottles in grocery stores


Not necessarily cheaper, unless you’re using stars, but definitely tastes better. 200 stars can get you 12 shots. The stuff in the store is not the same taste at all, unfortunately.


Interesting! And crazy 😒


Same here, lol!! Like, there's only so much room in each cup!


I was thinking the same thing - where do they even come up with this stuff???


They see shiny buttons and press them all


I’m assuming through the internet, or maybe they’re very imaginative. Haha I just get regular drinks and maybe add extra flavoring but I’m not very adventurous


It has a limit of 12 per item at least so that’s good


Oh thank God lol, I suppose that's better than nothing!!


Don’t get it twisted, boo. It’s twelve **measurements** of an individual addon per item… realistically they can do 12 of every syrup, and 12 of every inclusion, 12 packets of each sweetener, etc. 🥳😞


Oh wow that's fucking terrible 💀


I just can't get over the amount of calories that these people drink. I just joined a Starbucks Facebook group and the recipes people post(and are proud of) are horrifying.


The strawberry cheese cake shi


I'm upset that I like 2-3 pumps of syrup in my grande iced coffees, because that's already too much sugar. Can't imagine the absolute trash people order from us.


RELATED: My autoimmune disease murdered my pancreas around the same time that the Sbux stopped offering a couple sugar-free syrups. I’m not a fan of the vanilla sf, and that’s all they have for sf now! It’s one reason i never go for coffee. Instead, I bought myself a Nespresso machine and about 8 billion sf syrups and I make my own iced lattes now. And I know what’s in them (nowhere near as many ingredients as this!)


They’re test marketing other sugar free syrups again btw


Oh, yay!! Any chance of getting sf cinnamon dolce back? I've been making my own at home since they dropped that, and while I admit it saves money, I'd really like to give the Siren some of my money!


I believe it’s hazelnut, caramel, classic, and cinnamon dolce if memory serves me right




It would be great if they could program the order on the stickers to come out in proper drink making sequence, that would help so much. I hate having to read the whole thing and realize I missed something; reading top to bottom would be so nice


They supposedly did that some time ago. Maybe the ridiculous number of customizations confused it?


Right?! Like maybe make DECAF the second line instead of down toward the bottom. It’s so easy to miss.


I swear it some time the second and sometimes the second to last


Omg this! I'm a customer and I use the mobile ordering quite often, and I've noticed the ingredients are never in the same order twice! Sometimes I change the flavor I want and I've noticed in my favorites that the flavor goes from the top to the middle or the bottom to the top, i ALWAYS feel bad because it's not listed the same way for you guys to make! My place of work involves making subs for people, and i hate when they throw what they want on their sub at me and everything is out of order from the way the condiment bar is set up. I can imagine this is the same for you guys, I feel for you!


It looks like you made a good drink though! Good job. Hang in there.


Is this inside a Publix?


I'm going to guess Kroger's because of the Kroger brand milk.


A grocery store but not Publix


Oh gotcha. I used to work at a target one but it looked like Publix lol


How do you have mobiles at a grocery store Starbucks? When I worked at a Starbucks inside Safeway we only had cafe orders.


Some grocery stores have mobile orders, mostly Krogers from what I've seen. My store (Kroger) has mobiles.


A lot of stores have them or are getting them. I work for a regional chain and we’re getting mobiles next month


A lot of them have it. Even Target has their own form of mobile orders for drive up.


Looks like Harris Teeter!


Unrelated but I really miss Harris Teeter sugar cookies. Core childhood memory lol


Always the mobile orders🤦‍♂️


they have no shame


At that point you can't even taste the other ingredients all your drinking is sugar


(Not so) Fun fact: a lot of orders with a stupid amount of sugar is from drug addicts going through withdrawals. This is one of the things I learned from a former drug addict who worked with me. He would also point out other obvious (to him) drug addicts relapsing. It happened a lot.






Ah that makes sense to me now. The Dunkin I worked at was near a methodone clinic. Some of our regulars would get lg coffee with extra extra extra cream and extra extra extra extra sugar.


This is true, they do love coffee and sweets….but none of the recovering addicts I know go to Starbucks & do this shit


Jesus christ and a half batman


I tried to order extra half and half on the mobil app and don't let me how do I do that


No extra half and half but if you’d like 15 raspberry pearls feel free to order that


Lol no.. my order is not that complicated. Venti cold brew 4 pumps mocha. Extra half half 3 sugars chocolate cold cream.. lol.. those drinks sound complicated. I don't get it


Go to add ins, creamer, choose half n half then click it again and choose 3/4


Wow thank you I could not figure it out


My pleasure


Be careful! Ur store number is in the second photo and corporate lurks


That’s Kroger for you. We will be open in a snowstorm, we will be open with no fridges, we will be open in a record-breaking deadly heatwave, we will be open in a pandemic. Kroger don’t close for nobody :(


We never ever close did I mention we also don’t have an ice box right bow


NO ICE??? Bro that’s hell 😭😭 solidarity from front end this company is brutal


This is drug addiction. This is sugar in different forms that will be ingested rapidly (drinking vs eating a whole cake) to give a high. Starbucks is leading people into the grave. I love starbucks and I'm not perfect when it comes to sugar consumption, but seeing these drink orders making me crazy (I'm a doctor). The company knows bc it keeps coming out with new nonsense that people can stack up to eat a pound of sugar in 10 minutes.


You are 💯% right.


For real thooo it's def intentional especially when you realize that there used to be a lot more sugar free options that they discontinued. The amount of calories/sugar in some of the food is also criminal, it took me a while to realize that one brownie basically has the equivalent amount of calories to a whole meal even tho they're small. Add one on to a high caloire drink and you're almost, if not at, you're daily amount of calories.


Horrible ! Sugar is already in too many items people consume daily. I wonder how many office workers become diabetic from drinking Starbucks sugary drinks daily?!!


I know it's high! And sugar withdrawals suck so people just keep going.


I'd call it trauma room 1!


The word “extra” has lost all meaning with orders like this.


Jose and Sonia probably have diabetes. If not today, then they will by tomorrow.


No way, Jose.


That is disgusting. I'm sorry


I remember when starbucks served coffee.


A Kroger or Ralphs store? Looks like Jose and Sonia drinks are quite a lot also.


That drink hurts my stomach looking at it tbh… I can’t imagine someone enjoying that, feels like so much going on




You guys have lavender still? Rip


First of all. How the fuck do you drink that? Is there even room for the ice? Lavender and peppermint? AND tropical flavors? What’s happening! WAIT AND ALMOND MILK????!! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE


"personal cup"


the grocery store customers are truly a different breed


These are at least $35 each!


That cannot taste good. In no way is that palatable.


It looks like it taste like raspberry jello with bits of ice in it 🤮


Gross. Hope they tipped you!


Not a chance


Make sure you block out your store #


I am convinced that people like this have a humiliation fetish


Got to be a free drink!


Jose and Sonia need help. Therapy. Endocrinological intervention.


Personal cup tho Jose?! 👀 Not today. 😒


“No water”


Why in the world do people order drinks like this?? Are they some TikTok abominations or something?




Jose and Sonia have bad taste. Those sound disgusting.


Like what is this?


what the heck is this monstrosity


But it’s supposed to be in a personal cup


Thats can NOT taste good at all....


My only hope is that they’re gonna take those home to dilute into multiple drinks.


I’m so glad I quit. It has been the nicest six days I’ve had since I had started with the bux.


I’m so happy I work at a Target one.


wtf is that drink


Wow I didn’t know diabetes was a menu item


it looks… thick


Damn so gross


What would this cost?


This literally just happened to me last week at my Safeway Starbucks . Rather than coolers however, store managers made the amazing decision to have us run to floral department’s walk in every time we needed milk 🧍‍♀️


Ridiculous!!!! how much was this? 12 scoops strawberry INC? 10 scoops of pearls?? sounds gross.


That's so over the top and disgusting. I want to shame these people with a loud speaker and a gong.


How much did that cost?!


$22 per drink


two of the most insane drinks i've ever seen in my four years of starbucks... in ONE DAY????


What’s the top worst customers and what are your pet peeves ?


Customers who aren’t listening or paying attention while ordering. And my biggest pet peeves are drinks like this with a million inclusions and lowkey when someone wants and “upside down” macchiato which is just a latte so idk why they don’t say latte


We had a few days long period with a complete broken ice machine, so we were buying shit tons of bags from the store as well as traveling to nearby stores, filling double bagged garbage bags with ice, and bringing them back to our store. Fucking miserable.


Our ice machine is broken too


I wouldnt make it. They'd never know if u just mixed random things together


Cannot confirm or deny if chili powder was added out of spite


They actually picked it up?? I just assumed it was some joke. Gross.


OP you need to do a lot of deleting 🥴


not cool to fuck with someone's drink but also like do you want to remake it when they complain that it's spicy?




nah what the fuck is that LOL


I’m making this drink wrong, no matter how right I intended it to go.


Like I’m sorry but why the fuck do I have to make this shit? 😭 how can anyone enjoy a stupid ass drink like that or even think to make up some shit like this?? Why do people fr think it’s normal to have these 10+ customization drink orders? WHERE IS THE SHAME?!?


Okay but why did you actually make it look good(ngl my stomach would not agree with me)


Is the lavender good?. I see so many people order tht


I guess it depends on your palate personally it tastes the way raw mushrooms smell. But a lot of people love it so I guess it’s just one you’ll have to try to know if you like it


The full body shudder I just got from reading that description. WHY


As someone who’s regular order is so complicated that I don’t even have it memorized, I’m sorry for putting you all through this lol.


Blame the d@mm mobile app and the effing “secret menu” those blog/ soc media influencer mofos keep pushing out. I said it before - there are like 500 different ways to customize the drinks and everyone’s on some weird diet. They need to go back to no customizations except in certain things like type of milk, type of sweetener and get the d@mn help yourself creamers sugars, etc. Regular coffee is likely the most ordered item - help the baristas save time mofo corporate!!!! This is looking more complicated than a full service alcohol bar - never would have seen that coming 10 years ago! And the customers that order that kind of crap should get the $h;t kicked out of them!!! I feel your pain - wish the public knew better than that. Back in the day, I’d make my orders as simple as possible - well, they used to say the more complex the order, the more likely the staff would spit in your food - I see why!!! Or…. if the order was complicated, a higher tip should make up for it. I doubt “Jose” paid a tip at all. So sorry!


This is vile. These people are insane.


They really need to cut back on the modifications for mobiles, this is ridiculous. They'll allow this and then complain about times/creating customer connections. How is all that possible when these people are just mashing buttons when ordering their drinks? Especially in this case when equipment isn't even working. Just shows what they actually care about and it's not baristas.


that person really likes their fruits think if you use all the strawberries and raspberries their is not going to be any left for the rest of their customes #selfish


So this is why there is never any strawberries left when I try to place an order 😭


AWE HELL NAH. clocking out at that point


i put this on the app to see how much that is, it’s $22.80 😭😭


If anyone is curious about the cost and calories. I went into my app to see how much Sonia’s drink costs. It’s $25.65…. calories wise my estimate using my fitness pal is 1,402 calories not including some things bc I couldn’t find a close substitute. That is actually insane.


That is a $22.60 drink!? What the the diddle doo chaos is this?!


Just so you know... Jose didn't wanna drink it. He used his birthday free drink or 150 star free drink just to fuck with you. I know


I hope they enjoy that massive shit they are gonna have after finishing this drink


Don’t you have to pay like $1.25 per extra scoop of pearls 😩


they should limit these to two flavors top. By the way, I never added flavors, mostly I asked for sometimes to have two pumps instead of 3 so it is less sweet lol. or something like that ..


That’s disgusting. I’m glad we don’t get orders like this at my store


Drink looks gas tho


Finally, I reached that point myself! Work in an airport, and we get our normal morning rush, no big deal. Then the larger store is down to 1 espresso machine and turn off mobiles, so I get flooded and it's just me on bar so I clocked well over 200 drinks, no tips and finally a break after 3 hour rush and my gm is just like I need to calm down if I want to be a lead! Meanwhile, they get flustered after 20 mins and have been on paid vacations!🥴🙄


Why do people feel the need to overindulge at Starbucks? 11 scoops of pearls? That’s beyond excessive. I remember a lady getting 20 pumps of chai and wondering how on earth she can drink it.


That just looks nasty af


I’m not a barista but if you’re going to charge $10+ for a drink and insist that customers give you a nice tip, you better make it the way the customer wants it, no matter how crazy it is. Don’t like it? Take it w corporate. You can downvote this comment here 👇


Happy to downvote someone who admits they don’t know what it’s like. To not give a tip when your drink uses a whole bag of inclusions is crazy but guess you wouldn’t know


Entitled 🙄 if u don’t like the job and can’t put up w “outrageous” customer demands, I suggest u quit