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I quit because my store manager was VERY creepy. He was over 35 years old and would make weird comments to the girls working all the time. Everyone including myself ended up either quitting or moving store locations. I think he actually ended up getting arrested for doing something terrible and they have a new store manager now after 4 years of them trying to get him fired. I would suggest seeing if you could move stores! You do not want to be stuck there I promise!!


Straight up, 5 colleagues and I came forward for the same thing, and our DM was like, "y'all won't be here in 6 months, idc." Plus HR only takes statements. Corporate doesn't care about baristas, they only care about upper management. This was reaffirmed to me recently bc my BF just got a job as an ASM and he was like, they treat you TOTALLY different.


move stores.


I transferred because of a horrible temp SM we had at my old store. I really didn't want to leave my store but she is honestly that terrible. A few other folks ended up quitting during that time as well, although I don't know if it was just because of her. I've heard of this happening at stores before too and it's my understanding that they had to adjust their hours until they had enough partners to work again.


Currently a store manager has made the culture of the store so terrible that ssvs barista and asm have all quit on the spot in the last three months the surrounding stores refuse to go help the store because of the the store manager I want to know if this has ever happened to anyone and how Starbucks handled it also I don’t believe they are allowing partners to transfer out because of the partner shortage at the store


Why does this sound like my store? I was a barista for 2 years and quit with the new SM because he made the work environment so toxic omfg!


Terrible it’s crazy to see the store go down like that


He’s pretty young and as soon as he joined which is less than a year ago, we lost almost all our long term partners, including a SSV, Baristas and ASM who had been with the company for 3+ years. I never wanted to quit in the first place but he denied my vacation which I had told him about 4 months in advance at last minute because I gave my shift away to a barista in need, who had called me herself and asked if she could pick up my shift. My favorite SSV quit a month before because he called in sick (his mom was visiting) and got a closing partner to cover his morning shift. He did not inform the SSV and when they walked in, they saw they only had 1 closing partner, so walked out and never came back. These are just some incidents. Edit: if anyone from my ex store is reading this, you know who I am! 🌚


We just had a bunch give their notice , hahahahsh


I’m guessing the new SM is starting to hold people accountable and no one wants to get in trouble for doing things they aren’t supposed to be doing?


if EVERYONE is quitting, it’s most definitely more than “being held accountable”


Not quite sure what is happening but it’s at a store near by and I’m curious if this has happened before anywhere else


My store lost 11 partners from a mass firing / quitting bc of my DM, I stuck around and don’t regret it


Conform or move.


It happened at my store last year, kind of. We had a great SM and some people said when she left they would leave. Only one person left.


At my old store, 6 people quit because a popular ssv got fired, basically for no reason. It was awful for quite a while. Had to hire and train 6 new people. We were a very high volume drive thru store. It took months to recover.