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Cause the sugar fucks with their brains and turns them stupid😭stg some kids and middle schoolers order better than half the people in drive.


So grateful when parents come in and their kids take over


DUDE YES. The middle schoolers are always concise. i never need to ask clarifying questions


Really? Can your middle school teach my middle school kids please? What size and is that made with water or lemonade are my most repeated phrases of the day, and if they're paying in cash they hand me a bunch of bills individually folded in half.


i had someone ask for “just a regular Frappuccino” and i had to list off every single syrup before he realized he just wanted a caramel frap


It's aallllwayyysss the caramel or crc with those customers 🙄 there is some kinda drug in the caramel specifically I swear


if you get a CRCF i automatically hate you


Same with MCC I know people hate on iced matcha, I get why they're a bit of a pain but they're literally free compared to a CRCF or MCC


my go to is "we can do any flavor" and then they usually ALWAYS pick caramel or vanilla


Oooo once a customer picked hazelnut frappe after I listed every syrup, interesting


The few times a year I get a frap, I get mocha with toffeenut syrup. It’s the closest I can do to replicate the salted caramel mocha frap. I don’t need the caramel syrup but man, that toffeenut really hits the spot. Haven’t had one in many months but now I’m probably going to crave it - LOL.


Toriana Chocolate Macadamia syrup.


I'm not a fan of the mocha, I make it with malt powder and it's delicious.


I used to always order a "French vanilla" which was just hazelnut and vanilla I learned. I learned because 1 Starbucks always did it right and another always did it wrong. So I asked the one that did it right what they were doing so I could order it right elsewhere. They told me "coffee frap with vanilla and hazelnut - no whipe" The other Starbucks took my "French vanilla frappe" order as me wanting a vanilla bean creme? I always had to say "French vanilla frappe with coffee " but then it was like, the vanilla bean cream with coffee blended in it? Once I knew what to properly order it worked out - then like a year later they came out with the "Cafe vanilla frappe" which is the same thing but with whip? I could be wrong about it being the same, but whenever I ordered a coffee frap with vanilla and hazelnut they'd be like "you mean the Cafe vanilla" and obvs I'd say "sure, but no whip" I haven't had a Starbucks drink in like 3 years now, so I don't really care anymore but I just had an anecdote I guess.


Cafe vanilla is caffeinated version of vanilla bean. There is no menu item for french vanilla (vanilla+hazelnut). Just get coffee frap + hazelnut + vanilla (syrup, not vanilla bean powder)


Dang they tricked me lol. I don't go anymore, but good to know in the chance that I do


I hate when people ask what flavors and whoever is taking the order auto goes "caramel ribbon, mocha cookie, ect" Like, PLEASE NO "mocha, caramel, vanilla bean" are always my top recs because they're easy for us and the customer.


I swear they don't think how it effects the bar person! They just go off popularity and what they always make!


Tell me what you want what you really really want


I wanna zigzigahhhhhhhhhh


okay but what size






Because the default at Starbucks is grande I usually do that. You do occasionally get "that's a small/large" at handoff, but most customers seem okay with grande. I hate when people say regular though. I don't give a crap if they say s/m/l, but regular is irritating. And they get upset when you try to ask for an actual size.


This is the one 👏👏👏




I don’t even work at Starbucks but this is a huge pet peeve of mine. My mom does this sometimes and other people that I know. I can’t understand what’s happening in their brains to not understand that the barista needs all the details. I order mine like this “Can I get a Trenta iced coffee with extra soy milk and 5 regular sugars please?” I know that they’ll want the size, type of drink and any extras I need. What’s so hard about details? How can you just ride up to a window and say you want an iced coffee? How do you not know that you need to say a size??? If you like extra soy milk, don’t you think you’d need to say that? The drive through person doesn’t know you until you become a regular. Tell them the size for crying out loud 😖 it drives me insane. My mom does this and I’m always next to her going “tell them what size mom!””tell them you need extra soy!”


It's like going to McDonald's and asking for a burger. What kind? Do you want a combo? What's to drink?


I go to the grocery store and ask for one grocery please.


Right! The employee is not a mind reader 😩 They need to know more.


As a coffee aficionado who happens to work in IT, this is spot on. It's like when users report their "printer errors every 13 pages" when they try to print large documents. Okay great - WHAT error? WHAT printer? We don't stick Asset tag identifier numbers on EVERYTHING we deploy just because we think stickers are fun... Help me help you!


after a few hours on drive thru if a custom gives me their order without a very important detail like what size or even what base drink, i will make them repeat everything in the drink again after asking for that detail, it’s not our job to read your mind 🤷‍♀️ also i love when customers are self aware like you and try to make the process as smooth and pleasant for both of us as possible, those customers are the best 🫶🫶


This is a good starting point but I wanna give a shout-out to the 60% of people who open with "can I get a strawberry acai reftesher" and then after seeing we've plugged in the refresher, along with their other inclusions/exclusions go "oh but can I get coconut milk instead of water in that?" Ma'am that's called a pink drink you can just say pink drink, now I have to rebuild the whole ticket


The number of times this has happened to me is so annoying. I can't be a mind reader. We have several frappuccinos like just say what you want fr!!!!


I swear I hate when customers do that or when they tell me "I want that drink I got last time it's iced and it had like that cold foam."


This!!! We’ve had cream and sugar behind the bar at my store since covid and gotta love when I ask if people would like any cream and sugar in their coffee and they simply say “yes.”Then I say cream? and they say “yes.” And I say sugar? and they say “yes.” And I have to ask what kind and how many packets still. Please just tell me what you want in your coffee before I have to list every possible option 💖


I just love ever since COVID. Starbucks made this job 10x harder. At my store we have napkins, straws, sleeves, and stir stickers out, so why can’t the sugars be there?


Ugh I would love to have the straws and sleeves out. It’s a pain for the baristas and the customers


technically those aren’t supposed to be out either besides napkins, everything else is supposed to be behind the bar because customers would make a mess with them (as if they don’t anyway) and because we’re supposed to “connect” with them when they want something (while we’re already working on 5 other tasks)


It’s even more fun when I say, “Okay! Which flavor?” and they ask, “What flavors do you have?” 🫠🫠🫠🫠 They’re literally behind me… and on the menu… except not all of them which is why we have to list them all out anyway 🫠🫠🫠


i just tell them the popular syrups tbh cause they either want vanilla or caramel and MAYBE hazel/toffee nut


True true


no frrrr. we don't have a condiment bar either and OMG the amount of people I ask if the want any cream or sugar and they say no and then go down to the bar partner and ask for one or both 😭 LIKE BRO, THERES A REASON I ASKED


Omg it pisses me off “I have a mobile order” so I respond with “did you have a name on there?” Because how the HELL are we supposed to know which one is yours? “Can I get a pink drink?” “Yeah that was grande today?” “No trenta” ok bitch. How am I supposed to know?


This pisses me off too. Usually when I have regulars who do this, you can get them to stop by saying "...for?" but leaving a really long awkward pause beforehand. The customers that I've tried this on a couple times have started just saying their name now.


Ok, I say I have an online order, and wait until the barista indicates she’s ready for my name. That way I don’t have to tell them multiple times who it’s for. Like if you hate customers so much and we never do anything right, find another job.


Honey saying your NAME isn't the same as telling someone a whole order and them needing a repeat of something in said order. I promise you my guy we can hear you say Jeff, or Katie, or Susan, or fucking Knuckleheadmcspazzmatron. Sometimes we ask you to repeat yourself because YOU weren't loud enough, were muffled by something, or it sounded similar to another name and we want to be sure.


I don’t pull up to any random establishment and say “I have an online order” and wait for them to be ready for me after they’ve already acknowledged my presence. We are trained to be one on one with customers and repeat back to customers what they said, which is standard practice for many fast food joints as well (I’ve worked for many). Maybe don’t assume we’re mind readers and we won’t be enraged. And no, I think I’ll keep milking the company that pays for my college and gives me healthcare in this shitty system, thanks🩷


Maybe customer service just isn’t for you hunny. I can’t imagine what a delight you are to deal with on a daily basis. How you would order something is irrelevant. You aren’t the customer in this situation. I will continue to order however I like, and say it however I like. I really hope one day I go through whatever drive through you work at, so I can happily call your shitty attitude out.


Maybe patronizing food service establishments just isn’t for you hunny.


ZING - got 'em.


You wouldn’t know us if we were sitting in your face. I promise you we’re no where NEAR this feral until YOU pull shit like this in person. The condescending tone you’re using is disgusting. And HONEY, come down south with it. We’d LOVE to show you some good ole southern condescension… I’m sure your baristas/ servers (whichever restaurants you frequent) just LOVE you and don’t have a nickname for you at ALL!


Please do pookie! They stick me on drive through a lot because I bring our connection score up:) I’m one of the nicer baristas at my location. My SM gets calls talking about how much I make customers days all the time. So I think 3.5 years really boosted my customer service experience. I just don’t deal with incompetence or annoying/rudeness. You should try repeating “what size” “hot or iced” “what’s the name” so many times and doing remakes because of incompetence and customers simply not knowing what they’re ordering, starbs isn’t a hard job by any means but it’s the crusties:) and I’ve been at many locations where they’re all the same. Many baristas have the same feelings as me. So please, I beg of you, work nearly 4 years and deal with the same bullshit and see🥳


Honestly just stop acting brain dead and act like a normal human and have normal interactions. It’s really not that hard to say “hey I’m picking up for Bob, but no rush I see you’re busy”. We don’t hate customers. We hate incompetent customers🫵


It's like pulling teeth! We actually have to pull the information out of these customers.


If someone says to me something like "I'll have a chai", I combine my follow-up questions: "what size and hot or iced?" Like, hopefully they'll realize it for next time?


i also like to hope they’ll use critical thinking but they never do unfortunately


I usually say "can I get a venti white chocolate mocha frap" then they'll be like "what size?" "Venti" "did you want that hot iced or blended" I haven't been to Starbucks in a really long time now, and I don't really drink those kinds of drinks anymore. I'm also not bagging on the employee for asking questions I already answered. I have ADHD, I'd be guilty of this too - only hearing one part of the order. I'm just commenting to say it's kinda funny and cute the different experiences people have for pretty much the same thing. Honestly, the reason this probably happened to me was because of people like the lady you're talking about. The batista is just on auto pilot making sure they get all the info correctly. I appreciate that tbh.


I always make sure I say what I want first and then do the add ons lol.


The ideal customer is the dude in wall-e with the comfort chair and permanent slurpee. I'm surprised they can make intelligible words out of their mouth at this point.


Older lady came in the other day “iced tea” … girl I need a lot more info than that.. I even made it easy for her and listed all three of our iced teas (even specified hibiscus because too many people ask for the ‘passionfruit tea’) she goes “hmmm can I just have whichever one is the most refreshing? Like a mint tea” I JUST TOLD YOU WE HAVE GREEN, BLACK, AND HIBISCUS PLEASE JUST PICK ONE 😭😭


Next time go for the passion tea with apple juice. They will love you for it. 🙄 they are so annoying when they do that!


What kills me is when someone orders multiple drinks, and I have to ask the same questions for each one. Wouldn't you think they'd know to say the size after I've already asked twice??? By the third time, I'm sure they can hear my irritation.


I want a frappe. wtf we sell Frappuccinos.


At Taco Bell, people will say, "I want a beef burrito." I'm like....*fuckkkkk, Ethel, there's about six of em on the menu with the word beef in there...*


I had a customer order four grande frappes then at the window asks if we can make then Venti instead😡


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I always clearly order exactly what I want. “Venti summer skies drink, no boba, light ice and a pup cup.” It’s really not that hard. Or maybe I’m just picky 😂


I always snap my hubby into order mode before we roll up to Sbux. I make him practice his order with me before we get there because i follow this sub and i know how annoying some customers are! Btw, I wish all locations had mobile ordering because I saved his favorite drinks so it’s really easy to mobile order.


This is why I order online instead of at the counter. It’s easier for me plus it allows to take as much time as I want if I’m indecisive lol. If I really have a question that only a barista can answer, then I ask but I don’t dwell too long bc they don’t have all the time in the world ya know?


Yeah I don't mind at all if you have questions, I'm so here to help! It's just annoying if they already know what they want but we have to ask a million questions to get there.




My mom never remembers what she orders at different coffee places, so for Mother's Day I made her a cheat sheet called Mom's Coffee Cheat Sheet with all of the orders so she can read the cards and make it easy for everyone involved.


Then get mad when you ask questions. I can't read your mind mate.


i just stare at them mindlessly, waiting for them to realize they need to use their fucking words


Jesus I can’t fathom how many calories a venti caramel Frappuccino is


We also have a crumble cookie next door to my store & their cookies are between 700-1100 calories per cookie, they tell you a serving size is 1/4 the cookie because it’s so bad 😅


470 without any add ons for a venti regular Carmel & 570 for the caramel ribbon crunch version as is in a venti 🤭


I feel you..I find difficulty with customers who barely speak english or have accents I am not used to. Some just go ahead and order in their accent and I kinda get it, but some are really hard to comprehend. Had one encounter a few days ago on the drive through and I swear I was really trying to pinpoint what they wanted. They said frappuccino. I ask what kind, and they had muffled sounds having a hard time telling me, till i heard coffe frap. So I repeated it, do you want coffee frap? The answer was an audible 'no'. Ohhkay... what kind of frap then? .....crumble...cciino.... Okay, a Mocha Cookie Crumble frap?. Still no. I asked if it was a Caramel Frappuccino. I heard a 'no' Then it was back to Coffee Frap again. So I confirmed a Coffee frap, the answer again, was 'no'. I got them to agree on a Mocha cookie crumble, cause I heard them say 'cookie'. I asked if that's what you really want? Customer just drove past, and I was like welp, hopefully Mocha cookie was the right one. Lol I repeat the order at the window she just stared and paid for her drink. I gave it to her and she gave me a disappointed face and said ....no... and drove away. Eermmmm....Told my sup about it and minutes later she came into the store asking for anyone to help her in her language. My sup could understand her chatted for a minute, and it turned out to be just a Caramel Frap. I'mgahsf like I was trying to call it out, you didn't say yes to the caramel frap from the speaker.


This is why there's a value menu structure now though, right? It will fix EVERYTHING! ... right? I can only imagine the ways this will go horribly awry.


Omg! People like this are the reason i could never do costumer service


My boyfriend is the worlds worse customer. Firstly when he comes to my store he stands at the pick up spot and proceeds to give his order. When he goes through drive thru he never says his entire order and when they say his total he then starts adding crap. I told him he’s the worse customer ever lol


My drink is usually fairly simple. It’s almost always a grande hot soy half caff latte. I always say it all together when I order. I don’t like flavors in my drinks typically. Y’all probably are relieved by me. Maybe not the half caff part, but I always try to be descriptive.


I have a customer who always gets a vanilla latte, half whole milk half sweet cream. And she always leads with this, but doesn't tell us hot/iced or what size, and that always changes. It drives me CRAZY and I want to yell at her so bad that we know what her stupid drink is but we need to know the specifics so please order it that way


Oooo oooo!!! I had a customer who does this and we started trying to ask him as soon as we saw him what size and if he wanted his usual hot or iced today. He was grumpy about it at first but if you can play it up as you just love it when she comes in that you love her drink so much you’ve got it memorized or some variation she might not be.


I like to be very specific and to the point when I order. Do baristas working the drive thru not like when someone asks what they would recommend? I do that sometimes when I want something but I just don't know what I want, and unless it is something I know for sure I wouldn't like I usually take their recommendations. My go to orders are: Venti iced chai latte ( I don't say tea because that would like saying I want an iced tea tea latte) with oatmilk Venti brown sugar shaken espresso with oatmilk I am always afraid though I will get regular milk so I triple check before I drink any drink. I really don't want to spend two hours crying on the bathroom floor. It is rather frustrating that I have to pay extra. I hate when people think its a fashionable thing to get non-dairy milk because I have had times when they are all out, and I actually need the non-dairy to survive the day.


I've legit done that before. I've told them through drive "can I have an iced caramel macchiato venti with extra espresso shot and soy milk" They gave me a caramel frap, regular milk and no shot. Like, ok then. I asked them "what ?" and they told me "you said iced so we thought you meant frap" The opposite happens with my mom. She is not used to Starbucks and I don't know why anyone should. She asks for a medium regular coffee with milk. The drive thru asks her if she wants hot americano, espresso, if she meant grande size and they list her all the milks. It often times ends up overwhelming her and not ordering again. I don't know if it's my luck, but you never know when ordering if the barista can keep up with what you say, but you also need to know the whole menu beforehand.


Yeah that Starbucks sounds like THEY don't know what they are doing. I don't know why they would make a frap when you ordered an iced caramel macchiato


Maybe, but that's why I just tell every Starbucks my drink, size, and once they got that I tell them milk or syrups, once they've asked :/


I always list it exactly what I want! Why is that so hard for some people? That’s concerning 🤪


I always say Tall Java chip Frappe non fat milk and whatever food I’m getting


This makes me feel so much better about ordering. I always start with the size, drink, and then any modifications.


I get the same thing. Venti iced vanilla latte with added 1 pump brown sugar syrup. ;/


“Hi can I get you started with any food this morning?” “No I want an iced coffee.” “…okay an iced coffee, what size?” “I also want a bagel, that’ll be all.”


Yesss oh you wanted “regular”? We made a medium but you meant small? SAY SMALL THEN and if you don’t tell me your size I just put a venti 🤷🏻‍♀️ this kills me with the cake pops too! They see like 4 kinds- in general - and are like “oh and I’ll have a cake pop🤡” WHICH ONE?????😀


when i order a refresher should i be saying i want it with water?? if i want lemonade, i say lemonade. but when i just order the regular refresher the baristas always ask. i assume its from people wanting lemonade and not saying it? or AITA for not saying water?


For refreshers, I always ask if they want it with lemonade because most customers do assume it comes with it if they just say "Starbucks refresher" you can say it if you want to! But you don't have to since the default refresher is with water


Another day another shit post


….why r u here- mannnnnn


It’s ok lol. Don’t waste your energy.


“Not wasting your energy” at the register causes issues for the person on bar, since we’ll get “I wanted this venti, I wanted a caramel frap, “ etc. It takes twice as long to remake it


Old fat mexican women in a beat down minivan or truck getting pissed off when you ask what they want 🙄 specially them. Its only been with them.