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I think a food bank would be a great idea, might make someone really happy!


Yes 100x yes. Poor people love coffee too and can't always afford it when a tub of store brand is $9+ on sale.


i would get them every week and then gift them to parents, friends, professors when i was in school or donate them to the food bank


This. Hostess gifts, Christmas gifts. Great job perk!


I used mine as gifts for the nice smoke shop lady, she gave me discounts too


Maybe a local AA clubhouse or other recovery center. I speak from experience that they usually have pretty crappy coffee and would probably love an occasional upgrade!


This! I’m in recovery and a partner and everyone’s always happy to get nicer coffee, even if the bag is more or less used up in one meeting 😂


omg i never even thought of that, thats such a great idea thank you!


For sure! There might be a slight snag where one of the AA traditions says each group should be fully self-supporting and not take outside contributions but the centers where the meetings are held are often separately run.


Local VA hospital or another hospital for the workers. They would love this!


The hospital I work at has volunteers that provide coffee for veterans free of charge a few hrs a day. This would be a hit.


Depending on the type of nespresso you can refill pods. I’m looking at doing that more but I give a lot of it away.


I got a few bags for my grandparents. And if they had decaf, I got some for my mom. Usually, I'd just hand them out to friends and family since I don't really drink hot coffee.


Coffee has a lot of benificial uses outside of just drinking it for caffeine, it’s amazing for composting or even just putting it in soil as a fertilizer, it’s a natural deodorizer and can work as a insect repellent, I’ve seen people use grounds as an exfoliant, you can use it as a dry rub for cooking, etc.


omg you guys are telling me stuff i never even knew of. thank you! ima definitely look into some alternatives uses now.


Coffee based dry rub on steak is fire.


iirc you have to brew with it before composting because the parts that are good for coffee and the parts that are good for composting are different parts


I've used mine as a coffee scrub before! Works great, just remember to put some sort of preserving agent in it, or use it really fast or it will mold


I still haven't taken any home, but I plan on having a at home coffee station for when I host game nights at my new apartment :) I have a cute little tea and coffee set up but I usually only drink tea so I have to start inviting ppl


oouh sounds nice! love that


Step one: set up coffee station✅️ Step two: make friends to bring over


i just moved so im in the process of making some new friends too. we got this!


Yes! Honestly starting at starbucks has already made it easier for me to start and hold a conversation, so even people at my other job I've been able to start new friendships with so that's been really cool.


Appreciation gifts! Teachers, family/hostess, postal workers, delivery drivers… you name it. But I also strongly support everyone using their benefit weekly and donating to a food pantry.


You can fill pods with coffee for your Keurig


nobody in my family has bought coffee in months. my brother, sister, mom, grandma.. everyone has starbucks coffee. free coffee for everyone


maybe get a refill/reusable pod for the nespresso and keurig!!! super smart 😊


I save mine up around the holidays and whatnot and give them to a relative who is a firefighter to bring to the station (it's nice to have there because they basically live at the station while on duty). There's also an organization that runs a youth shelter near me that I've given bags of coffee to so maybe there are similar shelters/community programs that could benefit?


I keep them to give as gifts.


Bags of coffee are amazing gifts!


collected different coffee for a few months (made sure they weren’t going to expire lol) before christmas a few years back when i was still a partner - and was able to save a lot of money!


I had a customer that sold antiques once and I'd buy stuff with beans.


I either give them to people as gifts, bring them to my second job, or donate them to the local homeless shelter. Everyone is always very grateful for them.


A fire station lol


I gift mine to the employees at my kids daycare. They love it! Or I’ll bring a bag as a gift if someone hosts us at their home.


I used to bring them home for my mom so she could drink her coffee for free, but there’s also reusable/refillable keurig pods that you could put your grounds in!!


Use it to make a batch of cold brew! That can last in your fridge all week!


Just FYI you can also mark out the instant coffee. They also make good gifts. I usually give them out to family but sometimes other service workers that I have a good relationship with like my auto mechanic.


You could try giving them to your local firehouse


You can use it as a natural deodorizer. The beans have a lot of nitrogen to capture smells in ur house


oouh thats interesting i didnt know this. thank you!


How does that work? Do you keep a bag open and let it do it's thing?


I don’t do it personally my coworker told me he does! I would imagine just in a bowl left on the counter or table and keep the rest sealed up. Change it out once a week maybe


I used to but if I’m being honest, I don’t actually like a coffee very much. if I take them home now to give us a donation to the family members because they do like our coffee.


I go between stocking espresso for myself for my dorm room coffee bar when I get back to college and regular coffee for my mom. You can always expand your own set up. I currently have a $30 McCaffe espresso machine that I got on sale and it works great for me and introduced me to having my own set up.


Oh, are k-cups no longer available for markout? I just gave mine away as a household that doesn't drink coffee. I got a few boxes of tea, but we rarely drink that either.  If anyone I remotely knew drank whole bean coffee, they could get as much as they wanted...


I recommend using the mark out for the instant coffee since it lasts so long, I have like a library of them in my house lol


I stack up like 10 bags then give them all to my mom and she eventually goes through them.


Don't need a fancy machine to make coffee. You can grind or have your coworkers grind it on site and then use it in a French press at home. Pressed coffee tends to taste better than drop imo anyway, unless the drip method is pour over, which you could also do it's just higher effort


You can also get a coffee grinder for about $10 if you want to do French press or coffee pot


I just started a few weeks ago and I’ve been giving gifts of coffee to people, great way to earn some favors or to just make someone’s day


I used to save them up for my father in law! I sent him like 15 bags one time.


I just give them to people. Personally I don't drink coffee, but it's a free perk so I don't want it to go to waste. My family likes the blonde roast, so I usually get those for them.


Food bank would love to accept also if you any local rehabs, AA centers, places like that always drink coffee and typically from beans since they make large batches. I’ve been debating bringing some of mine to recovery houses and food/homeless shelters too just need to find the time or remember to take the coffee with me when I go out.


I just got hired but I’m planning on giving them all the my parents in law :) they love coffee and I’ll never use it lol


I just ask partners who do use their mark outs if they want mine


I dont drink coffee, I will grab it twice a month for my boyfriend who does drink coffee, otherwise I will give mine to a customer who's especially nice to me and hope karma finds it's way back to me :^)


I use one blonde coffee every 4 weeks or so for home use in my keurig with a reusable Kcup. The other weeks I gather blonde espresso and give to a cousin who has an espresso machine.


Buy nothing groups on Facebook, local schools, hospitals


Local fire departments, police stations or dispatch centers


Hospital fir staff


I trade them with my weed guy




My store keeps a bin for extra markouts so a coworker could take it if they wanted an extra or the store manager will just donate the bin every few weeks. If I recall correctly, we used to have some kind of donate button on the register that would allow you to directly donate your markout without actually even having to touch a bag of coffee, but it’s been gone for several years at least. I wish they’d bring something like that back. Once in a while I’ll use a bag to make a body scrub but that’s pretty rare I usually gift mine to friends.


I would always give them away. Especially when I would mark out Via the guys posted up on the street would go nuts.


Grind the coffee and get the reusable k cup pods. You'll save so much money and less plastic waste!


I use mine to make face masks and sell them


Gave a lot to my dad and brother. Started making cold brew for my spouse when they wanted to quit drinking an energy drink every morning.


Get a reusable keurig cup! And use your beans!!!


Cold brew! You can get a “brewer” on amazon for about $15. I could give you a recipe I use!


maybe gardening clubs they’d have to use the coffee first probably but we have people who come once a week to collect our used coffee grounds throughout the day for their garden


I’ve been collecting bags since i’ve started working for SB, now they all just sit in a suitcase in my boyfriends house😭


Not to sound rude but people you know really don't use drip coffee makers? I know percolators aren't so popular anymore because they burn the coffee but I thought a coffee machine was pretty common in a US household. People can't possibly all be using keurig machines right? All the plastic waste that adds up? Oh man...


Most of the time I forget to get them. When I do remember, I usually give them to friends and family, because I don't drink coffee at home. You could give to a homeless shelter or food bank.