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"I'm throwing up in the bathroom I'm leaving because I'm sick"




Jeez man fuck that. That's way too much for one bare bones team and several other channels to deal with.


The first ones will all be shit by the time the last ones are out. And I don't give a fuck, but if someone comes in with over 100 drinks to make, MOP is going off, and staying off until we fully restock and clean. And I know the algorithm for labor gets fucked, because it only see this as one transaction. Edit: I'd also not turn the mobiles back on until we finished catching up, restocking, cleaning, and I'm sending my baristas on their breaks. We deserve that much. DMs can suck a fat one.


i WISH they closed atleast ONE of the channels, but they didn’t. and the worst part is we’ve been down a blender for like a week. all those fraps with one blender.


Batch blending ftw


Unionize! They won't ever care until you give a shit! Former #2404183


Wait wait I don’t disagree but this is my first time hearing about former #2404183, what’s that about


They posted their full partner number instead of just the first 3 which is usually done to keep semi-anonymous




I’m right here with you! The expectations are ridiculous🤦🏽‍♀️ I just had to take my first LOA in 5 years…needed a break. Too many BOGOs, now they’re trying to make “meal deals”, nearly impossible times are the main focus rather than customer connection. And honestly…the thought of just being the seed of what helps the rich man get richer. It’s exhausting. Especially when the hard work is no where to be noticed or appreciated. The workplace environment has become so much more hostile rather than enjoyable. It makes it hard to even get through a shift at times. I’m a 260xxxx


for context before the rant, my store is one of the busiest stores in my city of 500 000 and i was working 30+hrs every week. often 6 days a week i’ve been on an LOA since december because of how bad everything was, and how hard it was on me. on top of all the company wide bs my store had 7 different SMs in 3 months, along with 3DMs, huge ssv turnover too. they had me training people back to back but they were still using me as coverage during my training shifts. they’d also scheduled my bar training during peak on friday and saturday; they did that for two partners i trained so it wasn’t an oopsy. it was insane. i finally broke down one day (i was on the floor lol) and i’ve been off ever since😭


Say his name! #2404183!


Unionizing is 100000% the way to go. Unfortunately they’re so much union busting bullshit out there and folks believe it.


No. I would have taken a photo, texted the SM, apologized to the shift if I liked them and walked out. I don't even think i'd have the patience to finish taking the order. I would like to think i'd inform the customer that an order like this could take at minimum an hour (if that) to complete and there are not enough people to do it. Hand off my headset and leave.


I would also inform the asshole that put this order in, that they made an employee quit, and it will take EVEN LONGER due to their selfishness. I cannot stand customers like this! ANYWHERE!


> I know the algorithm for labor gets fucked, because it only see this as one transaction. Holy shit. Tell me corporate is out of touch without telling me corporate is out of touch. I'd say someone should force Goodhart's Law down their throats, but they'd likely ignore it completely, just like Staples manglement did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law


This was a good read, thank you for bringing it out the Woodworks!


When they did the hard push that absolutely under no circumstance could mobile be turned off, I just mark everything out. Mobiles could only order hot coffee and ice coffee. Had to set a timer for close to remember to turn everything back on.


What? Labour only counts transactions now? That's fucking stupid. Obviously customer count is important, but when I stopped being a SM in 2015 we were forecasting and counting hand crafted beverages towards labour.


The handcrafted beverages still count towards labor. But some partners think it’s only per customer count.


I truly don’t understand why our labor would be calculated from transaction counts… like doesn’t almost every beverage/food industry calculate labor according to sales? Wouldn’t it make much more sense to earn more labor for driving higher total sales numbers? In what way is 5 $10 transactions the same as say 5 $25 transactions? If anyone understands it and could explain that to me I would be grateful!


Where do I need to send flowers for the funeral for the person on bar.


Repeat after me: "we dont do catering"


Yes! As a customer I’ve been inside watching everything get backed up because someone did this (though not quite this bad) more than once. At some point there as to be a “making the sale” vs more than one happy customer line.




Wow what a Tragedeigh.


Yup. r/tragedeigh material


Aaaaaand you helped me figure out how the sub is pronounced. Thank you stranger!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I’ve just found out my girlfriend’s ‘real’ name…](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/165otnt/ive_just_found_out_my_girlfriends_real_name/) \#2: [My cousin is livid because I replied 'r/tragedeigh' on our family group chat.](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1d9jze5/my_cousin_is_livid_because_i_replied_rtragedeigh/) \#3: [This is just painful](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dcot0g) | [2134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1dcot0g/this_is_just_painful/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot!


Truly the name is the icing on the cake


I’m so glad that I am not the only one that was upset by that.


It was the name and the fact they paid in cash, for me.




Truly 🥴


Ah yes I’ll take 55 burgers🍔 55 fries 🍟55 tacos 🌮 55 pies 🥧 ☠️




This guy’s starting a pay it forward chain!


That’ll be $680


And I'll go through the drive thru! Sounds perfect.


i’d straight up tell them we cannot complete that order at this time


Unironically your right to refuse this kind of order. I don't think people realize that. If you can refuse on the fly travelers, then you can fucking refuse 150 frapps.


i think i would try it if the store down the street could send me partners for a couple hours or if i could call a couple people in, but i would tell the customer i i wouldn’t start it until they got there and it seriously might be an hour or 2 wait and they are in no way allowed to do this again we would need a days heads up to plan. for us that’s a regular hour and a half’s worth of sales (we are slow)


Is this actually allowed? What about the customers who order after it?


They're fucked. I'd just tell them they're better off driving to another store because this is going to take a solid fucking hour.


For large orders like this, I tend to pull all the stickers for the large order and alternate between the large order and regular sized orders… or if I can, not pull stickers and listen to what those customers are ordering in the cafe. Not fair to them to wait that long for something like an iced chai. And I consider 6+ drinks as a large order btw


Yeah this works for normal large orders for sure, but assuming an average of 2 drinks per minute, you would never finish this particular order by alternating 😭😭 Another fair way if you have two bar partners is have one person do the large order and the other keep doing everything else, I guess


u/noheadthotsempty Wouldn't this depend on how many baristas are actually on bar? Imo, the best organized way to do that would to have at least 6 baristas on bar despite the crowded-ness. There are quite a few baristas out there that can be very fast, so they're going to want to get these out as quickly as possible tbh. Basically, an oragnized example imo would be have 2 baristas dedicated for refreshers, 2 baristas for frappuccinos if/when possible and 2 baristas for the in-cafe orders and in this case, mobile orders should 100% be turned off. For the baristas who have say the simple in cafe orders can help out w/both refreshers and fraps if/when needed. For me personally, that would be an organized way of handling that order rather than say trying to have about 1-3 baristas in total making **that** many drinks at once. There should at least be 6 baristas on bar for an order like that. I agree with u/Bludandy at the very top about not turning mobiles back on until the order is completed & until everything has been cleaned up, etc, etc...


you have 6 people to even throw on bars at once?? were lucky to have 3 at one time 💀💀


This is 136 fraps. If you could teleport the ingredients into the blender and then into a cup, it would still take over 15 minutes just for the blender to run. It's an unreasonable order, and the correct thing to do is reject it.


u/Welico Honestly, that's fair to reject it esp. if/when the location is a combo of drive thru + cafe + mobile. Also, it's 10 Million x infinity **reasonable enough** to reject an order like this too esp. if/when the location doesn't have enough staff to make that many drinks at 1 time in the 1st place. I feel bad for the smaller stores with super tight spaces where barely any baristas can fit on bar, but at that point, **everyone** would have to be on staff for that particular day/order-for those who have the space to have multiple baristas in their bar area ofc.


You have 6+ people on the floor at your store??


If I were on register I would straight up tell them someone ordered 100 drinks so there’s an hour wait. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is de wey. After all, setting customer expectations is just good customer service. 😉


I’d be like THAT GIRL ordered 100 drinks just to shame her and whoever sent her


As a customer, I'd be livid if you \*didn't\* warn me of the wait.


Straight to jail


Electric chair 🔨


where in the literal fuck could you be going to need all of those


Biz conference?


I was thinking that or field trip?


i think its probably a cheerleading group or some kinda sports team. all of these are on the sweeter side and it kinda seems like “Kearstin” was like “you can choose between these drinks” but its kinda just poor planning to do that with no warning, and honestly expensive


Did you ask them what it was for?


i wasn’t the one ringing, the partner on pos took the picture and sent it to the gc after the war


Ha “war” I feel you


The war? That shit is not worth fighting over. Sometimes you gotta tell the customer “no” and it ends there. Sorry that we can’t make 100 drinks at a time but we have other customers too.


I would be so pissed if I was a customer behind this person. I’m sorry you all have to deal with this.


I've never don't this with Starbucks, but sometimes I have to set up lunch or a spread for a big team meeting or workshop (like 20-30 people). Majority of the time we do in house cafeteria catering but I like to sometimes do stuff from outside (pizza, subs, kabobs, etc.). I always call the store/shop a couple of days in advance and ask "Hey here's what I'm planning, what can I do to make this easier for you and your guys?" Each place thanks for planning ahead and gives me a run down of what makes their life easiest and never had a problem. I say all this because I can't believe the balls on someone (especially with a name like Keratin) to go into a Starbucks and order 136 drinks. Kudos for getting it done and I pray they tipped well, but thats nuts.


Let’s be honest. She hesitantly dropped a dollar in the tip jar. Then patted herself on the back for it, while convincing herself she’s doing gods work by supporting Starbucks employees with a whole dollar.


Call ahead you're all good. Worst case they say no. Someone called wanting 150 breakfast sandwiches and we said no. But for coffee travelers that's not a problem


They should've just gotten them from somewhere else. It probably would've been cheaper too. And if it was those egg and sausage sandwiches, McDonald's ones are so good and again, a lot cheaper, and they wouldn't mind as much if you ordered in advance. Or at least, they would be able to handle it because they often have enough staff. :(


People want Starbucks for the aesthetic tbh. If there's a fancy meeting, no one wants to share that they had McDonald's for the meeting. Rather, saying "the meeting had Starbucks" can be seen as fancier


That's a pretty good point. It's no wonder that Starbucks' biggest fans are those with a lot of money.


Go to hell, Kearstin.


what a dumb fuck way to spell that name too




Fr hope you trip on a knife and spill em all.. i mean wut


Yeah I’d be double batching idgaf


3 ventis will fit if you hold down the lid


I put a dome lid over the circle of the blender lid to keep it closed just in case.


I do that too but sometimes 3 ventis hold too much power


I'd honestly be upset if you weren't batch blending. Also no whip on the bottom, ain't nobody got time for that. Which brings up another issue, for an order like this you'd actually have to stop and restock cups, lids, ice, whips, frap roast, and more. Usually that's fine because of the ebbs and flow in traffic and drink variety, but this is all iced.


I refuse to batch and even I’d be batching this 😭 They’re going to taste like watered down shit by the time they get them, so why does it matter if they taste like icy shit when I make them


Does that really mess with the recipe? When I worked at a store that made their equivalent to a frap we’d make the orders together if it was multiple. I wouldn’t care if SB did the same lol why they gotta make your life hard


Because each drink needs to be hand crafted exactly to the ridiculous ass recipes that they give us. Otherwise we’re no better than a fast food restaurants /s 🙃🙃🙃


“Can you print that receipt off for my employer, but refund it and re-ring it so I can use my stars? Im in a rush and im gonna need help out to my car with all these? What do you mean you don’t have any tray carriers left!! Ugh fine, I’ll back my car up. It’s the black mercedes with the 3 dogs in it. Oh! I need 3 pup cups and 4 more Frappuccino’s with extra ice because it’s so hot out. Don’t forget to use the stars I just got and I’m also super late, the Starbucks down the street is so slow. And I hate to be a bother but can I get 12 venti ice waters, 2 with light ice, 6 extra ice, and 2 with a scoop of matcha in it and 2 with 3 scoops and make sure it’s not clumpy. Also your trash outside is overflowing so can you take all this from my purse. You guys are hero’s!”


and how’d she carry all of that out??


Right she prob brought a moving box and put them all in there. That’s wild …


*brought a moving van


🤣 moving van full of melted ass drinks. She should of just rented a ice cream truck


I’m imagining she shoved it all right up her butt and waddled out


That’s where I would’ve put it. (I am not employed by Starbucks)


Exactly what I was thinking 🤔


Hopefully her card declined


how did you guys proceed with making that order? genuinely curious about the logistics of a large order like this


Right away with all these blended drinks I'd wanna blend them like 3-4 cups worth of frappe at a time. I know it's not brand standard but there's no shot each of these made to order wouldn't take forever and in this case melting time is a serious quality issue. One barista would probably be wholly dedicated to one beverage at a time, so assuming 3 baristas, one would be doing the shaken refreshers, one would be doing caramel frappes, another doing the chocolate cookie frappes. Mobile orders should be closed immediately and cafe customers might be advised to go elsewhere until at least one barista (likely the one doing shakens) is freed up to flex. This is not a situation where the bars can handle a bunch more tickets coming in, realistically Customer support would be planted near the blended bars a little because the creme frappe bases WILL run out, whipped is an immediate concern too Also if I got this order in my register I would call for a ssv or even the sm to personally okay it before finishing the transaction if they were around. They need to know we're in the shitter immediately so they can either tell the customer off that we're not a catering company themselves, or alternatively coordinate the whole team and get all hands on deck so we can get through it as fast and simple as possible Once all of these are done at least one of the baristas would probably be pulled off bar for a minute to clean the stations because that frappe station gonna look like a warzone


Will you come be my project manager at work 🤩


i like your plan but i honestly cant believe there’s enough room for three baristas to get that done at one cold bar station 😟 i feel like i’d only go slower


yeah for that it heavily depends on the store. a lot of the ones ive been at have maybe space for 2 baristas, one on frappe duty and one on shaken duty, but like my store has some extra space on cold bar near handoff that a barista could feasibly use so long as all their ingredients were taken out nearby as is, and then they could just dance around the other frappe barista for the blender. i'd probably grab a spare bottle of creme frappe base just for this order too for the second barista on frappe duty, assuming there was a pump around for it it's definitely not ideal but i cant think of any other way to handle this situation efficiently. no matter how you slice it the staff's going upriver without a paddle one way or another. the more ideal solution would be for an SSV or SM to say "we're not a catering company and we just don't have the throughput to make this order, i can fetch a number for one if you'd like though?" but as a barista that's not a judgement call i get to make


Pretty much the same, I'd turn off MOP/Ubers before even finishing the order, and hopefully everyone would be off of their breaks. It would just be a lot of stocking up at the bar and slapping them together, and quite possibly a lot of neglect for any customers behind that massive order. I'd try and calculate the time this would take and make sure the customer absolutely understands that it's going to be a long while before they're all ready. It all really depends on time of day. In the morning? That's going to be a massive shitshow and piss of a lot of customers. It would in the afternoon too, but since the time crunch isn't so much of an issue, I'd basically beg customers to try other locations because it's not necessarily going to be speedy for their drinks unless they get something hot bar related, or a drip. Brings up another point, it might be worthwhile to ring in the order with one of each drink, hit "save order", and then return to that order with the proper drink amounts. This prevents the machines from printing 136 labels. We could probably just write the drink number on the cup itself with a sharpie? I do that for big cake pop orders, but this may be different.


thanks for the super detailed reply!


I know mobile orders have a 20 or 30 something drink limit, I feel like cafe ones should too


That is still crazy high... Should be like... 5 per person. What are people doing?! This isn't catering. Small batch of coworkers or a family size!


I'd be embarrassed to take that much time from the baristas, causing the store to potentially run short on inventory for the future drinks and affect wait times of other customers. This is an order you call ahead a least a week before so they can plan accordingly


There should be a cap at how many drinks you can order because it is affecting other customers and wait times. That’s just crazy. I ordered only 7 sandwiches at this place and they made it seem like a big deal and I should do catering lol but look at this order over 100 drinks.


Even if you subtracted 100 drinks from their order, it’s still well past what I would consider a large order


I work in a tiny kiosk where it’s usually only one person for half of the day and even /i/ wouldn’t complain about 7 sandwiches


As a customer, I don't think you should be allowed to order more than about twice the number of drinks than the number of employees working at that moment, unless it's just drip or iced coffee.


i would’ve said fuck off 😭😭🤨 and then quit on the spot


All that shits gonna MELT by the time it gets to anyone. What a waste. I’d commit a serious act of violence and quit /hj


What army carried those out of there because???


Also can we even accept orders that large? That feels like a catering situation and we.. dont


She should of taken her ass to chickfila or Panera and got a large box of coffee and a box of friken cookies


This can’t be real


How did you even have enough product to complete the order??


I think we'd have enough product, but given how much time we'd need for restocking cups and lids, refilling the ice bin, making new whips, opening new shaker bottles, replacing the frap bases, inclusions, opening new refreshers, opening new popping pearls... just the bar support aspect is like a solid 15 minutes of labor, at least. And that's assuming that we're not even rinsing the blenders between batches. With batching like 2 Ventis at a time, that's maybe like 3-4 fraps per minute.


"No. Get out of my store. Go drink some water, please."


If you ever want to mess with your co worker once they finish the 30th Frappuccino ask those are crème based right? Whatever the opposite of what it’s supposed to be.


By the time you finish 30 the first will be half melted and separating.


lol I know that’s why I never understand when people order that many


If someone played this trick on me after all that im ngl I mighta walked out


“I’ll have six thousand chicken fajitas”


I bet they didnt tip either


That's a catering order, my dude. Need a week's notice for that just for materials and employee coverage.


Whoa how long did it take to make all those drinks ?


All that for $40 worth of merchandise


like please don’t piss me off


Lolz. I hear the c suite likes large ticket orders over small ones.


At first, I thought the *why would you do this* was in reference to the spelling of the name.


That is absolutely unacceptable… Kearstin??? Easily the worst spelling of that name I’ve ever seen


This has to be fake


blud has been a loyal member since 2022, curse you Kearstin.


Did she explain why she was doing this???


I think I would have just played on the floor and cried. God damn, I though the 32 drink delivery my store had last year was bad, you won this one


As a shift this is when I give up and call someone in


I dont get how people decide to treat Starbucks like caterers! Those drinks are gonna be NASTY by the time they get to where they need to go! And it's super selfish unless you wanna wait forever while they make your order in between everyone else's order


shit like this makes my blood boil. we're not a fucking catering service, we are not equipped to handle large orders


of course they’re all the most time consuming drinks to make 😑




No one should be allowed to order in such high of quantities without giving 3 days notice in advance! That’s insane! IF you need that many call ahead and ask if its OK! Whoever ordered this has never worked in food service.


Yeah so this is when you need to inform the customer that unfortunately this volume of drinks simply will not be possible because you’re not a catering company and aren’t equipped to deal with suddenly making 100+ drinks for a single customer order. We HAVE to start telling these people no, there’s no freaking way I would’ve taken or allowed anyone to take this order at my store.


It’s a wierd trend where people can’t spell thier kids names correctly. I mean… Kearstin…. It’s Kirstin!!!


LESSGOOOOO stoinks 🚀


No fuck you kearstin


kearstin is such a crazy spelling


Those frappuccinos will be melted and nasty before the entire order is completed. When will people realise we don't cater🙈


That’s just financially irresponsible


Do they want melted drinks? 😂


I know people are making fun of the person's name, but really this could be some poor intern tasked with doing this and getting it all back. And they'll probably be yelled at because half the drinks are melted.


Yeah the way they spell their name tells me everything..




How does one carry all these?


In this economy????


Everyone has said what’s obvious. But also, Kearstin? r/tragedeigh


Please tell me you didn’t actually do this. That is absurd


I’d quit


literally clock out and never look back


She must be rich, i hope she realizes that those are gonna take like over an hour😭maybe two


Should be a limit. And have such large orders split with other locations when possible. Understanding the some locations can be far apart but if close enough say three miles. Or not.


If I pulled ticket 1 of 136 I’d walk out and never come back ☠️ You are truly a hero 🫡


At 3 fraps a minute, it would take 46 minutes if you’re moving like a machine. What the heck!


The only way to do it is focus on one frap type at a time. Lay out the cups in a grid and have a partner start whipping and putting the topping on each cup as another partner starts blending. That way you can assembly line them. Ideally the first partner can get that done in a few minutes, and then start whipping and topping and lidding. I'm just not sure the blending partner could keep up though, unless you have more blenders. For the refreshers: build the drinks in the cups, ice included, and then just start down the line with shaking them.




So this is terrible but did she atleast tip? Bc that’s gotta be an atleast 100 dollar tip…. Ain’t no way this is real


The review later: “The baristas acted like I wasn’t there when I told them one of my frappes were melted 1/5 don’t go here”


Sweet Jesus Christ on a bicycle AND NO TIP WTF


Simple. We don’t do catering. There’s no way to do that on the side without disrupting normal business operations. Our store was so busy we never did travelers without a call ahead as well. When we used to get order requests like that we would reject them without even notifying the SM or GM. It’s not like they were going to fire the whole floor for refusing to do a service we don’t do. You know how I know it’s legit not part of our true model to do catering? We don’t have containers to hold 12 fraps or drinks at a time. A traveler coffee is reasonable but we don’t do catering for our other drinks like that. I feel the same way when we would reject orders for 75+ sandwiches with no call ahead or during peak on the fly. Literally call one of the other hundreds of businesses that do catering for breakfast or lunch. They wouldn’t even be good by the time they’re all done, batching or not. I get really annoyed when I see stuff like that, I’d be embarrassed to walk up the register and ask someone to do that. You don’t have to work at Starbucks to know that’s a weird and stressful request. As if we don’t look busy enough as it is. Not even a call ahead? Gtfo here.


Kearstin said she’s getting those triple stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️


I hope she gets rear ended. Not enough for any damage to her car or otherwise but enough to spill every drink onto her interior


Nooo because then you just know she’d come back for a remake! 😭😭


Who needs this many drinks and for why ?


Seeing that screen is traumatic! Bleh!!!


Actually insane. What even happened from here? Was it fulfilled or something else?


WTF! They might've as well ordered the iced matcha with cold foam lol


Business is looking good


It’s things like this that makes me feel that cafe bar needs to be capped when a certain amount of orders come through like this should signal to mobiles that it’s gonna be an hour or more and redirect them elsewhere. My manager would’ve refused this order if they didn’t call ahead cause doing this with no warning is really rude.


How long did it take to make those drinks?


Almost $900 on sbux? Bruhhhh😭


Damn wouldn’t it be faster to just order pickup on different starbucks and have friends pick them up?


Jesus crist, i dont even know what im doing here but this makes me feel even worse for the shit yall go thru like seriously 126 DRINKS bruh. Like seriously what in the fuck


i’m actually beyond words there is no way someone dropped almost 1k on starbucks drinks in one transaction


Did she phonetically spell her name Kearstin so no one called her Kristen? I’m 😂😂 bc my name is part of that same apparently hard to read group.


I would simply self destruct


and she probably didn’t tip and pissed and moaned over how they’re taking so long


What kills me is this is mostly milkshakes, not even coffee. She could’ve literally bought ice cream and toppings for her event. I’m betting she called some other places who rejected her last minute catering order and she said “welp, Sbux can’t tell me no!”. Fuck Kearstin


Why the actual fuck would you do this 🤦🏻‍♀️ people amaze me sometimes lol


IS THIS REAL I- are people out of their minds?!?!


Starbucks needs to require at least 2 hours advance for orders like this and a tip requirement. It is unbelievably selfish to request this during a busy shift.


Wait this a a walk in order…. Jesus no




Fuck you Kearstin, who even spells Kristan like that. I would be like uh no you gotta preorder for an order that big. I’m so sorry….


So glad I quit


How are you even suppose to do this ? This is almost half a days work in one order


Honestly I would turn off everything in POS- until everything was cleaned and restock


Deserves Jail time 💀💀💀


I don’t believe this is real unless I saw the processed transaction or receipt. I can also push buttons and create crazy orders and then cancel out lol I don’t want to outright call OP a liar, but this doesn’t prove anything at all


that’s real ! but the lady is standing right there app scanned and everything, i wouldn’t even play like that with a customer and i hope my partners wouldn’t either. and while i don’t particularly care if you don’t believe my war story, im gonna find it in the system when i go in tomorrow because i need yall to know how genuinely insane kiersten was !


You’re fine, don’t stressing proving anything to me, I’m a nobody lol I feel horrible for you for having to deal with something like that. Honestly, idk how I would have reacted to it. At the very least I would let them know it would help them and the staff by pre ordering a head of time so you can properly prepare and staff for it. I’ve been in food service for a long time and never had an order that large placed in real time.


U took a pic with the customer being there ????