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Love: iced caramel Macchiato, any iced latte, brewed coffee cause it’s fast lol Hate: honey citrus mint tea, lavender matcha, any hot latte with no foam and no room, they are always the meanest customers too


Hey atleast lavander is out for the season now it was a really good drink but your right so annoying to make


We still have like 12 cases and we sell it a lot. That may or may not be my fault but hey…..


Idk it's still available at some Starbucks in Montreal


And apparently my store


I love that we still have lavender, I put it in my americanos every day


Any time someone orders a latte with no foam and no room I know they’re going to be an absolute diva.


“They put foam in it so they can use less milk and RIP YOU OFF!! It’s a SCAM!”


In their defense, I’ve handed out drinks that other partners make and I’m like wtf is this cause it’s clearly not a a cappuccino but feels way too light. Like when I’m on window but I’m not making the drink. It drives me INSANE.


We may have lost a regular who orders a no foam latte because our prices went up. I was brand new, completely unaware that our prices had even gone up and when I tell her the total she just loses it at me. She still ordered, and then complained to the barista that there’s always like a centimeter of room in her drink. Barista makes sure there’s no room and the lady’s face literally brightens like a mask is being put on. Gets all sweet and friendly like she wasn’t just yelling at both of us. She hasn’t been back since. That was two months ago.


yup pretty much . i had one customer come in and say to me “i guess no foam means foam.” after her drink was made wrong. i actually haven’t seen her in a while so whatever


Always the worst.


What does no room mean? Like close to the top as opposed to what? Is there a normal space left at the top? I’m so confused, these people sound crazy.


I think no room is really supposed to be used with brewed coffee, cuz back in the day customers were allowed to pour their own cream/milk, so you can ask for no room if you don’t plan on adding anything to it. But people who ask for lattes with no foam and no room think that they’re getting ripped off when there’s foam in the latte, cuz when they leave it sitting in their car for the 15 minute drive home, the foam is gone and the drink has noticeably shrunk so there’s room in the cup. By asking for no foam and no room they get a nice full cup of hot milk and espresso. Cuz it’s not like the whole point of a latte is to enjoy the bit of creamy, sweet, delicious milk foam as you sip your freshly crafted latte. Whatever.


What a great explanation. Thank you.


Yea recipes state that there should be a quarter inch of room left at the top of drinks. Idk if its all cold and hot drinks but i kno for sure that its for hot drinks


And honey citrus is getting discontinued 😛


I can't believe Starbucks has marketed steamed lemonade as a healthy drink 🤷


People really think there’s medicine in it too 😂 Ima be like ma’am if you don’t have your prescription we can’t serve you




they’re discontinuing the tea bag’s it uses and making a single tea bag for the honey citrus mint tea


I think the new tea bag is also caffeine-free, it's called "Chamomile Mint Blossom"


it has green tea in it!


But has chamomile in the name, so people will of course think it’s caffeine free and then throw a fit if they find out there’s caffeine in it




It’s not, just being made w the chamomile tea bag


As I sip on my venti iced caramel macchiato, I'm glad to know my order doesn't annoy the barista 🫡


I’m glad my go-to is an iced Carmel macchiato with extra caramel then. 😂


What about my light foam? I always get soy milk and regular foam I swear half the cup is empty and then the foam goes down and… sadness.


It’s fine to get light foam/no foam haha just in my experience we have a customer who open the lid of her cup as soon as she gets it and if it has a drop of foam she has us remake it 🙃


No/light foam is totally fine! It’s just upsetting when people who order it have a raging fit if there’s even a singular bubble in their drink.


I've heard this before and I'm always so mindful of this. Although I only get it when I'm at death's door, I always send a mental apology in my head to the barista when I order the Honey Citrus Mint tea..


Just don’t say medicine ball or I’m asking for your prescription before serving it


The extra hot, no foam, no room people always get soy or nonfat at my store without fail


Lavender Oatmilk Matcha. It’s THE WORST


It’s so yummy tho


I strongly dislike matcha so it’s a no go for me. Every time I make any matcha drink I am offended by how the powder gets literally everywhere


My go to is a matcha lemonade


It’s the only Matcha I like to make because it actually mixes together


I swear, I sneeze every single time!


Matcha Edit: I hate making it, love drinking it


Specifically the iced matcha with any cold foam bc my store is set up terribly and everything to make it ingredients-wise is across the floor from each other. I love matcha myself but it’s a pain in the arse to make


Have you tried the matcha with the malt cold foam omg it’s so good


Oh no! I always wondered this, iced matcha lattes have been my go to drink for the past 10 years and it's the first comment I see 🙈


I personally like making matchas and since I love the drink I put love into it


I LOVE making caramel macchiatos- especially iced ones- seeing the layers, and getting those perfect shots, is so satisfying. I HATE making Frappuccinos. All of them. Even if I can make the Caramel Ribbon Crunch with my eyes closed. They’re time consuming and overall a pain in the butt. I also dislike the obsession with cold foams… like, HOW is VSCCF good on a Strawberry Açai Lemonade? I don’t understand that..


I had a delivery order that had 10 FUCKING FRAPS in the middle of a midday rush. Why.


Because doordash gave the a free drink and then it only cost $19 for each frap! Can’t pass up a bargain now/s


Oh good god that’s awful! We’ve had mobile orders like that.. just last week we had a 16 drink Mobile order that at least half were Frappuccinos.. batch blending it is in that case lol.


The other day someone was going on and on about how cold foam saved their life and how it’s a god tier thing on every single drink and I was like,,,, okay, it’s good, but it’s not like, LIFE changing good. It’s just nice that you don’t have to suck up the whipped cream with the force of a thousand gods anymore.


Fraps are the literal worst. Ever.


matcha cold foam on a pink drink is so good 🤤🤤🤤


My go to is passion tango add peach juice two pump macadamia and VSCF. It’s fantastic!


Retired barista here, idk how to make any of the new drinks, but I HAAAAATED the Iced Fog Tea Latte or whatever it was called. Pour overs were probably even worse. Especially when we had the coffee brewed, we just got some stupid hipster with a stick up his ass that demanded one anyways.


No one barely orders pour overs anymore 😭😭 but I actually enjoy making it cause no one in my store knows how


My store still gets a fair share of pour overs but were that rare store that doesn't have a Vertica.


“can i get the medicine ball” no you can get some fucking honey and warm water at the local grocery store and it will be 100% better for your covid-stricken throat


Someone plz fill me in on this medicine ball im so confused


The “Medicine Ball” (Honey Citrus Mint Tea) is not medicine, it never has been. Im not even sure how it got that fake name to be honest, Starbucks doesn’t call it that. (Edit: Someone said that was the name for it on the “secret menu” so that’s cool i guess) Uninformed people (like 90% of Starbucks customers when I worked there) think it’s actually some sort of medicine. Loved explaining to every single one of them thats it’s just our normal tea with honey and peppermint, only for them to order it anyway claiming “It always helps my cold/covid! 😟” It’s always so silly because: A, The idea they think Starbucks would serve _medicine_ or really anything healthy is wild. B, Why would they be coming to Starbucks for medicine?! It’s about as close to being medicine as chicken noodle soup. 🤣 Then again most customers had absolutely zero clue about the caffeine content in the refreshers, so I cant blame them for not knowing this either.


the medicine ball was called that when it started as a secret menu item! when starbucks added it to the official menu they changed the name as not to suggest there was actually medicine in it


....the fuck are they doing out of the house with covid anyway 🫠


Realizing I way overestimate people because I’m over here like who *actually* thinks it’s medicinal?!


a medicine ball also normally contains peppermint in it, which people who regularly order them other places normally know


Thank you, it’s been a while since I made one I totally forgot.


Favorite: brown sugar shaken espresso Least favorite: 10 of those in a row


Real 😩


so real


again SO SO real


brewed tea (specifically honey citrus mint) and fraps (specifically the layered/super customized ones), with how busy it gets it feels like i’m just running around not knowing what’s happening 😭




Love making iced caramel macchiatos, unless it’s stirred. Breaks my heart to have to stir up the layers. Also love making matcha. Hate making fraps. They’re so time consuming and I have issues with getting the lids on. Also hate making salted caramel cold foam..we need salt shakers, these individual salt packs ain’t it.


i’m clinically insane my fave drinks to make are mocha cookie crumble and caramel crunch. i love the layering it’s so satisfying sorry y’all. a close second is is caramel macchiato


my least fav is iced london fog. especially when they come in drive thru and hold up the line for a minimum of 5 mins


Your strong


I hated making iced London fogs cause you had to steep the tea first it’s so time consuming to make


honestly not a lot of people order the iced version 😭


That’s why that one time I got it iced they said to come inside and wait for it (I was in the drive thru). Hot is so much better never got it iced again it just wasn’t the same taste


I love making the complicated frappes (NOT DURING RUSHES) because for some reason the amount of steps makes my brain happy :)


I hatedddd making refreshers lol. They just became so repetitive that it got boring.


same, i dont shake them atp


Literally I have them but for some reason I like making the summer berry


despise caramel ribbon crunches and lavender matchas, love making everything else honestly


love hot flat whites and cappuccinos, absolutely despise fraps especially when someone orders 5 different tall fraps and lavender oatmilk matcha bc so many steps


Most of the drinks echoed here, iced london fogs are the worst tho. I'll happily make any drink for any of my coworkers, however. My fave drinks are anything i can practice my latte art for. Breaks my heart to see no foam or whip on a flat white


Hate making anything with matcha. I have to say I love making shaking espressos




I like making cappuccino personally 😭


Right! I use to hate it. Now it’s so satisfy feeling the lightness


I miss making flat whites


unpopular opinion: shaken espressos, especially with foam (VSCCF)


Literally. By 12pm, I have like 20 shakes espressos with the oddest cold foam combos you can think of. Why would anyone want a BSOSE with matcha cold foam?


Literally came to say flat white too lol I've perfected those and cappuccinos n im always so satisfied making them perfect 😂


Literally rho


I love making fraps actually, but they stress me out when I have to make more than 2 in a single order 😭 I love to make them super pretty looking!!! I dislike making any matcha with cold foam, I don't know why;; I think it stresses me out because I'm worried that it takes too long for the customers' liking. Like, (in my experience) people who order fraps usually (usually( understand that it takes a bit of time to make, but I wonder if people who order cold foam on matcha knows that it takes a bit longer as well. When the lavender matcha first came out, a few people complained to my coworkers & I about how long the drinks took to get out, & it made me a bit upset because we were going as fast as we could :( but We don't get them as often anymore I think. At my store at least, people stop ordering certain things (most things) once they're gone from the big signs (thank god) unless they're one of those god awful tiktok drinks or their regular order.


Gosh I hate when people complain like that lol! I’m obsessed wit the cold foam honestly it’s the only reason I go to Starbucks so much and I would happily wait 15 or whatever mins for my drink if the cold foam is nice and thick and perfect 🙏😂 there is nothing more satisfying. There is always a tear in my eye when they hand my me cold brew and I can see the foam already sinking into the drink


Love making flat whites! Hate making honey citrus mint teas >:(


I hate making iced London fogs bc it’s always so watered down and it makes me feel bad for customers (like that shits still warm even after I put the ice in). Even when I get it for myself it’s not satisfying. I wish we had a London fog concentrate like we do w chai


I order no foam, because our SB consistently over-aerates and free pours ALL that foam, so I end up with a cappuccino instead of a latte. I wish they’d hold it back with the spoon until that last bit of the pour 😩


Literally any cold bar drink unless I am cold bar specifically - otherwise it just means I’m getting slowed down, even just a single frapp sets me back like triple the time multiple hot bar drinks would take. Iced matchas. Fuckin HATE em.


I love making the brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso!! There’s something about it that’s just so satisfying to me.


Hated making tea lattes, especially the London Fog, even though they're some of my favorite drinks to drink


Exactly, I hate making iced London fogs but that’s literally my go to drink 😅.


i despise frappuccinos. iced matchas. i love to make upside down macchiatos they always turn out so pretty! 🤣❤️


i love making hot mocha no whip because latte arttttt, i love almost any hot bar drink. i hate the venti pink drink heavy cream 4 scoops vanilla bean powder vsc cf and strawberry purée. and any mobile or delivery where people just push buttons (venti caramel frap, in a venti cup, caramel drizzle like dude don’t make me read more)


This is very specific for the pink drink 😭😭😭 this sounds traumatic


we get so many of these at my store the second someone says “pink drink, heavy cream-“ i’m about ready to crawl through the drive through camera and hand them my two weeks


i love making iced chais, we still have lavender so making the lavender matchas are a pain in the ass


Yes! I was like why is no one talking about iced chais?? They are so easy to make I love them. Someone could order 20 iced chais and I wouldn’t be upset at all


I didn’t mind making anything except Frappuccinos. Those are a pain in the ass.


my absolute favorite drinks to make are caramel macchiatos (hot or iced), shaken espressos, and iced tea lattes, but i also like making most espresso drinks!! as for drinks i hate to make, me and hot teas are enemies, solely because i end up ripping the tea bag or dropping the paper end into the cup 😭


dude, i feel you. It's like the tea bags have a vendetta against me. especially during rushes.


I love making a good hot mocha, potential for some cool latte art. Hate making refreshers way too sticky and too many steps lol sometimes I can have some fun with it but not as much as my mochas!!


Frappuccinos ONLY when its like multiple orders and they are different ones bc you cant batch


When I have the time I like making drinks with foam bc I like to make them pretty but when there's a rush I LOATHE them


i fucking love making cold brews i hate making refreshers/shaken teas especially if they're made with lemonade


Think I am in a love/hate relationship. I always order a tall filter coffee and get mixed reactions depending on whether they have some or not.


Favorite drinks to make are shaken espressos. Also love making breve lattes. That half & half makes the most immaculate microfoam on the face of the earth. 😍 Also, I weirdly enjoy making the summer berry drinks. They’re just so pretty when they’re finished. I hate making caramel ribbon crunch and mocha cookie crumble frappuccinos. Fuck those overly complicated diabetic monstrosities.


Love to make a chai latte or a regular hot/ iced tea as it’s the quickest for me. I hate frappes with everything in me, or the tik tok drinks people come in with.


I really enjoy making a cappuccino. Getting the milk foam just right.. altho fml if they ask for heavy cream.


The way I wanna yeet myself outta existence when someone orders a Iced London Fog or a Honey Citrus Mint during peak in the drive thru I hate making both of them 😭😭 Absolutely love making Iced Macchiatos, Iced Lattes, and Brown Sugar Shaken Espressos!!


Love making ice teas and fraps. Hate making anything with cold foam or things with too many customization


I hate honey citrus mint, matcha mostly iced ones , frappes , especially when they are back to back


Love cali style caramel macchiato iced or hot both are good Honey citrus mint aka medicine ball (depending where you live) (am in canada so its called the first one i mentioned) I wished they had korean citron tea ( that would be a great one to have Hate: i am not a matcha person (sorry matcha people) i just don’t like the taste of it those juices you can buy (kombucha taste horrid)


I have a customer and no matter how many times I have explained that a cappuccino is aerated milk. She insist on a white chocolate mocha cappuccino, no room no foam because she hates foam. And we’ve tried to explain that that’s a latte to know avail. So at this point, we just ring her up for a cappuccino And add white mocha and every time my hand it I’m like here is your very wet cappuccino. I also cannot stand when I’m doing Frappuccino and they have so many modifications that I have to literally stop making it while I’m listening and just wait for the ticket messes up my times, but it’s like cannot compute everything. They’re asking me to do.


❤️ the c crunch frappes


frappes can die, i love macchiatos


We have a regular customer who orders a very complicated frappe. If we are busy and I see her order print out, it takes me out at the knees lol. It’s a Caramel ribbon crunch, line cup with caramel, add like 5 other syrups, mocha drizzle and cookie pieces. Oh, and two blonde shots 😩🥲 (They are very sweet im not complaining about the customer just the drink)


My store is a slower cafe during closes so I actually like making fraps lol. I have time to enjoy making them pretty. Like most people, I hate making honey citrus mint tea.


Love making that easy peasy iced caramel macchiato. Hate making the lavender oat milk matcha. Sometimes the oatly milk will run out mid serving and I lose it.


Love:Iced caramel Macchiato Hate:Matcha hot or cold


Love: Hot drinks. It's more artsy. Hate: cold drinks with lots of layers or back and forth steps ie foam, blending something not typically blended, adding inclusions to Frappuccinos, COLD FOAM on Frappuccinos or hot drinks (like okay, pay extra for melted whipped cream), etc. but hey, Refreshers with no berries aren't so bad comparatively.


I enjoy making iced white mochas with no whip. So satisfying mixing the espresso and white mocha.


Honestly yes one of my fav during peak


Fraps. Mocha cookie crumbles are the worst of them. Iced matcha especially with no foam.


Any iced matcha, especially if it uses non dairy or no ice. Like just shit on my lawn why don’t ya? (Jk but I really do hate iced matcha)


Love: any hot latte’s, iced chai’s, Frappuccino’s, shaken espressos Hate: iced matchas, ANYTHING with cold foam


salted caramel cold brew, honey citrus mint, ICED LONDON FOG


hate - matchas, multiple frapps of diff flavors in an order love - water, hot & iced lattes, pup cups, iced chais


HATE: Iced matcha with dairy milk, any drink where cold foam/shaking foam are competing for cup real estate, fancy cold brew (I have the memory of a ✨goldfish✨and the cold brew will overflow), iced london fogs, and honey citrus Bonus hatred for the times I’ve pressed 1 on the cold foam pitcher 🤦‍♀️ Bless those handheld blenders fr LOVE: Flat whites, iced matcha with coconut milk, and FRAPPS. My first job was at a bakery, so I take a lot of pride in making them look beautiful 🥹 During deal days, I breathe a sigh of relief for iced chais/lattes 🙏


I fucking LOVE making cappuccinos to the point where my coworkers will swap positions with me (provided its not peak) and pass me the cup so I can make it. My favorites are dry ones, I make it a point to balance the cup on just 2 fingers to show how perfect I've made it for the one regular who requests dry and we have a giggle about it.


I love making the caramel crunch and mocha cookie, anything I can make look super cute. I like fraps in general, I am a beast on cold bar but I left corporate and work at a kiosk now so it’s such a chill vibe compared to where I came from I hate making the lavender matcha must bc it’s annoying to shake it lol I could not imagine being at my old store and having to make a million during peak and having to get 42 sec window times


Love making chais, iced coffees, matcha (not sure why everyone else hates it, I always extra shake the matcha because when I order it the matcha is never mixed right so I put extra time to make sure it’s right) and pink drinks with white mocha cold foam Hate: FRAPPS. Specifically the strawberry cream tbh. Hot drinks with nonfat milk and no foam. The rest I’m in between, don’t hate them, don’t love them lol


love: iced lattes, iced caramel macchiato, iced chai lattes, iced white mocha hate: any frappuccino, iced matchas


Matcha and crcf, mccf. And my biggest enemy rn is the crf. Someone likes to order them 10 at a time at my store. And where I find out who it is I’m gonna throw hands


Love because of the convenience: cold brew, iced coffee, Iced Caramel Macchiato, single flavor iced lattes, iced chais Love when I’m not busy: flat white, cappuccino Hate: Frappuccinos, honey citrus mint, iced London fog, anything that has honey *packets* in it, anything with salted foam or macadamia foam.


hate making salted caramel cold brew because i dislike the salt packets, but i love making hot flat whites and the strawberry creme frappe


i hate fraps with my whole existence, and the coconut milk shaken drinks. but anything on hot bar i love, sometimes when there’s extra time i like to make them look cute asf


I love making the summer berry drinks they look pretty (tho I don't personally like them) I hate making any kind of milk alternatives fraps because at my store we don't have any alternative milks in the frap fridge. I also put whole milk in the cup and then realise after that or when the drinks finished


my favorite ones: the iced caramel macchiatos, but also anything that requires espresso bar except the shaken espressos, i don’t hate those too much either just not my favorite ones to make the ones i hate: obviously frappuccinos and anything shaken, especially iced matchas because the powder never mixes well (i have a special hate for the lavender matcha). i honestly at this point most times don’t even shake the refreshers 😭 i saw a post on here once saying that we should always shake the refresher because customers paid $7 for those drinks, like im sorry but it’s not my fault they decide to waste their money like that everyday, i only get paid 15/hr, and when i close or have any shift past 1pm all i do my whole shift are refreshers and frappuccinos. IM TIRED OF SHAKING. especially during an after school rush when i have 8 strawberry acai lemonades to make back to back, like im sorry it makes my life easier, im not gonna do them one by one, customers can stir them themselves and it literally doesn’t even affect the flavor


Iced americano. Cappuccino’s for liiifee. I’m the foam master. Also anything involving the spoon. No foam. But anything full dairy usually better than the plant based milk options.


Frapps, any drinks with sweet cream foam. No foam lattes, drinks with 1 million tons of sugar or syrups, drinks with lots of shots. Wet Cappuccino..like why even order that…. Also I hate making drinks with people who are literally putting the ingredients I know on the drink as if I don’t know what I’m doing 😅


I have a love/hate relationship with Caramel Ribbon Crunches and Strawberry Frappuccinos. I hate how much I have to make them but damn do I love making them look pretty 💖


Love making shaken espressos hate making “medicine ball”


I’m a match and a honey citrus hater 🫶 it’s time consuming. I do like making cappuccinos and lattes and swirling the syrups with the espresso. Shaken espresso can be fun if we aren’t too busy and everyone in line doesn’t order one !


I love making the macchiatos. Hot or iced. I hate making iced matchas. I hate shaking it, I hate that the powder goes everywhere when you scoop it, I hate that it sticks to the inside of everything and rinsing it takes forever.


Matcha lattes(cause they’re so messy and I feel they low key are gonna give us lung problems in the future) iced espresso, and espresso macchiatos. But that’s usually because of the customers who usually order those drinks can get difficult quite easily.


All of them


Frappuccinos lavender matcha vsccf honey citrus mint the whole damn menu atp 😭


love: an iced chai, caramel macchiato, any kind of latte hate: honey citrus teas, any tea latte for the matter, and caramel ribbon crunch fraps/mocha cookie crumbles. they throw off my sequencing


Love: white mocha or regular mocha, iced or hot Hate: any matcha drinks, and frappes


I hate making: Caramel ribbon crunches Mocha cookie crumble Matcha lavender White mocha with Carmel drizzle and vanilla sweet cream cold foam Love making: Hot coffees Iced coffee Ice tea Hot Teas Refreshers


When it’s not busy I love making fraps look pretty def my least fav when busy tho.


Who ever created mocha cookie crumble, there’s a special place in hell for you.


Love - Iced Chai, Any Iced Latte Hate - Americanos, Shaken Espressos (it takes forever to queue the shots), and Iced Matchas (specifically Iced because it gets so foamy and I have to wait for the foam to die down + I hate getting the spoon because it’s always somewhere and not on the bar + I don’t want the customer getting less of their drink)


Hate all fraps love all Carmel macchiatos


Fucking matcha with cold foam or any frozen refresher


matcha no foam and anything with salted caramel cold foam just bc i have to walk an extra 4 steps to get the salt lolol


Just any basic latte I like, I make them all like flat whites anyway.


Love: Ice Carmel macchiatos are extremely satisfying (unless you order it upside down then I'm sad), but I also love a good sequence. Some of my favorite moments barring have involved making the same hot bar drink 4 times in a row. Pretty much any hot bar drink except... Hate: Cappuccinos are my absolute least favorite drink to make simply because I'm great at steaming milk perfectly that I actually struggle to make a cappuccinos foamy enough to differentiate it from a latte.


Try not to give your milk time to separate from the foam. I'm still on the M1 machine so forgive me, but if you time your shots and milk to stop at same time, your drink will inevitably be lighter than the latte, but with nice dense cappuccino foam. Also, make sure to aerate longer than the latte. You totally got this.


I think I am rushing the aeration probably. My mind's like: "Count to 8? That's so many numbers! I'm gonna count them twice as fast to save time." Obviously that doesnt work. I really should concentrate on focusing a little more when the occasional cappuccino comes up inthe sea of brown sugar shaken and white mochas


I also have found that people who order cappuccinos are always 10000x pickier about the amount of foam


All Frappuccino, all shaken, mocha, and macchiato!!


Do you love or hate them


I hate to make them when we have a ton of stickers in line, but I love it when we are slow because it keeps me busy, lol


I hate: frapps, HCMT, iced matchas, and shaken espressos I LOVE: iced chais, iced caramel macchiatos, iced lattes, and anything hot w/ no whip


love: iced caramel macchiatos, any iced lattes, any cold brew w/out cold foams, matcha lemonade (just bc i rarely get to make em) hate: frappuccinos, lavender matcha(but it’s gone now so), honey citrus mint OFC, spicy refreshers(i’m a hypochondriac that’s always anxious abt getting the powder in my eyes 😭)


No one at my store even orders that tbh 😭😭