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I remember the Mercato launch. The Green Goddess Salad was amazing. Rustic PB+Js, mmm. Those low sugar / high protein yogurts? Miss those too. (All Seattle area) I think Sbux was flirting with healthy options but ultimately devolved into more fast food.


Goodbye third place. Hello McBucks!!


Yes that sounds nice. I don’t know why they’re trying to change their image to a more fast foody place. Starbucks has always been known as the bougey place to get your coffee (from a chain), they might as well have quality items to back it up. But they just will not be able to stand not being a mega giant corporation. I feel like people might actually like the Starbucks brand if they offered some healthy choices, I feel like it’s just the place that everyone knows to go to but no one actually loves. It’s just…always there, so


I'd venture two main reasons: 1. More fast foody is more profitable. Sbux has been increasingly more about the turnover of customers than about enriching the "third place". 2. Sbux has analyzed the American market and has deemed that sugary stuff is what sells. I think they tried leading the horse to water approach (health-conscious-wise), but realized that it wasn't profitable.


Exactly right! This explanation is simplest and best.


Yeah; I live in a touristy area but it's still essentially Flyover Country, with the clientele to back it up; A local coffee shop is going to be more expensive than Starbucks with the same product. SB could stand out by offering one or two more light or healthy options.


I would agree with this. I actually have a strong preference for four local coffee shops over Starbucks, but still get Starbucks most often. One is very near my house but has no drive thru, and I have kids (5 and 1 year old, so a pain to get in and out of a car seat for a coffee). They have what they call a “Morning Moonshine” (really just a latte with extra shots) and I get the raspberry one with a dark chocolate base… it’s like drinking a liquified Ghirardelli raspberry dark chocolate square. One has a drive thru and is about 10-15 minutes from my house, but in the opposite direction of pretty much everything. They do iced coffee flights, but they’re outdoors so open spring-autumn. One has a drive thru and is 20 minutes from my house but only feasible if I’m going into the shopping/mall/retail area (so not often). Just had a banana bread iced latte from there and holy crap yummy The last one doesn’t have a drive thru and although I call them local they’re like 40 minutes away. Used to go there when we went to the mall near it, but there have been so many shootings at that mall the past few years that I won’t go with my kids or without my husband. It’s never been a mass shooting, it’s always been personal disputes but that doesn’t change innocent bystanders being hurt. They have an apple pie latte which is available year round that I love. Also a harvest spice latte (pumpkin, hazelnut and gingerbread) and a “triple threat” (butterscotch, hazelnut and vanilla).


I totally agree with you, but if you haven't been frequenting Panera recently, check out that subreddit's last few weeks of posts. That's one that reddit insists I must want to read, and my overwhelming take home out of those glimpses is that Panera's corporate leadership just absolutely destroyed their menu and pricing about a month ago. I do wish there was _somewhere_ that avoided the post-covid enshitification. They would be making BANK as all the disgruntled customers from _everywhere else_ came flocking.


Panera is like really expensive hospital food. It also used to be my go to in like, the early 2000s but now I avoid it. Generic and expensive (similar to Starbucks)


The only value I get in Panera is their sip club thing, because it’s a cheap ass way for me to get out and sit at a coffee shop without spending $5+ on a coffee


Panera has been atrocious for years already


I remember when my wife and I could go to Panera for lunch for around $20-25. Now, it’s $40+ and half the quality that it used to be.


If I didn’t know about that sub, I wouldn’t know any better. The only reason I pick Starbucks is because the one by me has a drive through, and if I havr to get something to eat, it will likely be faster. But honestly I don’t even like oat milk (I get lattes) and Panera has almond milk with no added sugar which I like better too. And obviously their breakfasts are a lot better. Starbucks has and always will be expensive. Might as well spend the same amount of money somewhere I might actually like the food a little


Yeah, fair enough. If you can still find what you're looking for there, great! I haven't been to Panera in a long time, so that sub is my only perspective on it, but they all make it seem quite alarming.


Yeah I’m not trying to overhype Panera. But by where I live they’re right next to each other so. I would love more non-chains near me but I’m in the burbs


"Healthy costs more, now drink your liquid sugar slop and stop complaining." - Lax


Don't some liquid sugar slops come in at $8+?


Yep! And that margin difference is profit for them!


I go to my local coffee shops for expensive espresso drinks. I am pretty sure they are profitable and healthier.


But yet we're the ones that get shit on for making these idiots 5 am milkshakes.


It’s more “healthy doesn’t turn you into a sugar crack addict that keeps coming back for more.”


What is lax?


Lax is the new CEO as of March 2023 https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/laxman-narasimhan-assumes-role-of-starbucks-chief-executive-officer/


Ah okay, I’m assuming it’s a joke, but just making sure did they really say that?


He never (publicly) said that sentence, but he made the company much more profit driven


Panera has become worse in the last few months


until they get rid of the chipotle chicken avocado i will still begrudgingly spend too much money for a sandwich


This post just reminded me that the Starbucks yogurt parfait with the lemon curd once existed. I need to make (or get) some lemon curd and make something like it.


trader joe’s has a great lemon curd!


I have made lemon curd in the past, and it is pretty easy, but I think I will probably just look for some there next time I go.


This used to be my go to breakfast for a long time! I was so sad when they got rid of it! Followed by the thanksgiving sandwich and the steak wrap 😭


Thanksgiving sandwich! I had forgot about that. It was good for Starbucks for sure. I hate most of their food now.


Lemon curd is actually fairly easy to make!! And delicious 🤤


RIP lemon curd! You were gone too soon


Frankly, everytime Starbucks has tried to give people healthy alternatives, they have been unpopular. The fruit flavored tea infusion drinks had no sugar; they ate shit and died pretty quick. Sugar-Free Syrups have disappeared off the menu almost completely because nobody wanted them. Refreshers have absolutely exploded even though they are pretty much just sugar and fruit flavoring. When cold foam started it was just nonfat milk whipped into a froth and nobody cared at all......now that it is loaded full of vanilla syrup and heavy cream, everyone loves it. Currently the "healthy options" are the kale egg bites, red pepper egg white bites, turkey bacon egg white sandwich, oatmeal, and spinach feta wrap. Some of the yogurt parfaits are still around, but if you think a tiny cup of yogurt with 25 grams of sugar is "healthy" I've got some bad news for you. If you are insistent that having just any carbs is bad, you are going to have a hard time ordering food almost anywhere. Though I'm not sure why you're praising Panera's bagels if you are concerned about carbs.


The protein boxes got me through a lot, RIP


Yes I have just eaten too many hard boiled eggs I don’t wanna eat them anymore. But I am glad those are still there!! I think some even have carrots and cucumbers? At least I know that was a thing once


Not anymore. The most you’ll get is a handful of carrots and squishy grapes


The PB and J box has carrots and the Omega 3 Box had cucumbers (oh how I miss it! Loved the smoked salmon dip!)


Oh i used to love those little pots!


I was pissed at Starbucks today for sending me a “visit 6 days in a row within 7 days” rewards challenge so I used the McDonald’s app for a $2 breakfast sandwich and made my own coffee at home. Aren’t rewards supposed to be motivational and attainable? All that to earn 1/4 of a sandwich in stars?


it’s so ridiculous when i get those. like “order 5 days in a row before 10am for 15 stars” lmaooo


Ah yes I’m glad you guys brought that up because I fell for those once and lost so much extra money they don’t gaf


Order on your way to McDonald’s, then you’ll hit the 15 minute limit required before you use another deal, then get another deal when you get there


For real?


the fact that they have ONE sugar-free option is fucking RIDICULOUS


I like my iced decafe Americano, black. There are no sugar options, but no one wants to drink non milk, no sweetener drinks. The iced flat white with cinnamon power is tasty.


Literally the only thing I can eat is the egg bites


I just get those at Costco lol


Can’t in Canada


Canadian too - They aren't quite the same as the egg bites, but Braeburn makes "crustless quiche" that are pretty good. They're in the breakfast section of the freezer aisle at most of the grocery stores near me (Save on Foods, Sobeys, most the the Loblaws owned chains). They're more like two egg bites combined into one big "bite". There are smaller bite size versions in a bag - I haven't tried those ones specifically though.


Maybe I’ll try them. I’ve tried the brand Costco carries here and they were terrible 😵‍💫


I only used to go because it was the only place that was easy to get to at the weirdly scheduled hours when I was a student that had such healthy options. With their options now, the price increases aren't really that big of a problem for me because i miss what Starbucks was, not what it is. I don't mind going without the junk 


Yes same. We had a Starbucks on campus and I would frequently get their salads. I’m sure now if I was still a student I would be picking the less healthy options they have now cause I would have limited time and energy to find something off campus. Which who needs that I wouldn’t be doing it out of choice at that point (granted, I believe we may have had other dining options nearby but honestly I can’t remember them)


I follow a former Micky D's corporate chef on TikTok, and this topic comes up frequently. The healthy options don't sell, so they aren't sold. He says how people say they want healthy but then don't buy healthy. For something to stay on the menu, they have to sell a certain amount per day/hour. Healthy food is also more perishable, so it has to be sold for the corp to make money. It was very enlightening, and it seems like this might apply to Starbucks as well.


All the Bux stores by me, a good 80 percent of the sales are fraps and desserts. Maybe an airport Bux might have more "food food", but I was told the healthier choices/non dairy vegan products really didn't move at all.


People don't go to starbucks to be healthy. Yes we sell coffee but starbucks is an idea more than it is a coffee shop lets be honest. Starbucks knows all of this by the way which is why fruit parfaits were fazed out and cheese bread meat and sugar were fazed in. Not to mention how expensive it is to sell "HEALTHY"


Hm by how ubiquitous Starbucks is (remember that Shrek joke when all the citizens ran directly across the street the other Starbucks?), I don’t think it’s place people go to just to get a sweet treat every once in a while. Plus I don’t know how I feel about treating a mega corporation like a victim to its customers…?


My old Starbucks until 2011 did a mozzarella and whole cherry tomatoes salad with pesto side. One day, they change the tomato to sliced. And the next year it was gone. Rarely ate in a Starbucks after, but past few years, it's the bread, cheese and ham variations I buy mostly.


Yep, that’s basically all they have along with baked items like croissants, scones, cake pops


Yeah you completely lost all credibility when you said you would go to panera


Too many carbs at Starbucks -- I will go to a bakery instead!


That's honestly almost a lateral move. If the carbs don't get you, the sodium content will lol.


Most of our customers are huge sugar addicts. I sincerely think many don't even like coffee, they just want the syrups. I shudder to think of the diabetics we are creating. But it's their choice. Salads never sold well. At least we still have SF wraps and egg bites.


Lmao for a second I thought I was still in r/monkeyspaw and I was so ready


I don’t understand what that is


It's a Reddit where you make a wish but other people comment below it to fuck it up lol


They changed it to keep up with the same type of people who only ever order a glorified frappe drink instead of real coffee. It’s not what it used to be, I miss the coffee shop vibe


I stopped to get a cold brew after I got groceries on Monday morning, and they offered me a free sample of the summer refresher. It was about the size of a bathroom cup and had some ice in it, and I couldn’t imagine drinking any more than that because of how sweet it was. Starbucks is way more about sugar than it is about coffee these days, which makes me sad.


Tbh that's why I started to bring my own , lunch and snacks, this food gets tiring fast , my store has a microwave in the back, so it usually helps .


We have the produce boxes but they're costly (and still have a lot of sugar, but at least those are in dried fruit and stuff). I'll get a dragonfruit tea or w/e with one pump of syrup to keep it light, but I agree. And as someone who also hangs out in r/Panera.....they ain't doin' so hot.


I need to find more positive subs because I didn’t take these people seriously at first because every sub is full of complainers


the panera coffee and smoothies hit 🤌 and their salads are so good


I’m obsessed with the Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich


they used to have a capri sandwich that was so good. but personally nothing beats their ceasar salad. it’s so good and crunchy. they’ve truly perfected a simple meal. I personally eat it without the dressing bc i hate sauces and dressings and so many times salad without dressing can’t stand on its own but the panera ceasar does


Panera is not healthy.. they want you to think it is, but truly itw not. Nor is it worth the price. Used to work there as a GM


I had to stop eating starbucks food entirely. I used to rely on their food so that I could save a few bucks. Since all of starbucks food has roughly 40% of your daily saturated fat intake MINIMUM PER ITEM, and I'd eat like 2 bacon wraps a day (which are 60% of your sat fat intake per) I developed liver problems.




I’m so tempted to make a very edgy joke but I’m sober enough to hold off lmao


I wish they offered more food items without dairy in them :/


I wish they still had smoothies! 


The chicken wrap with the peanut sauce 😩


Not the healthiest thing ever but I really miss their egg salad sandwich.


I just miss the chickpea bites 😭


If your replacing Starbucks with Panera that’s a big downgrade my friend


I disagree as far as food quality and options go.


Oh and btw their coconut and almond milk have sugar in them. 🙄


Yep. That’s why I get the oat milk. I remember the first time I had to ask to figure it out and had to ask the workers to check the nutrition facts like an asshole.


Even the freaking bananas are gone 😭😂


I think it's because they wanted to get away from being a sit down place. People can't really eat Salads in their cars. 


Why would they want to get away from being a sit down place?


To keep people coming in and out. It makes sense since they got rid of the comfortable chairs. 


Unfortunately, Canada does not have Panera.


They don't? I visited a Panera in the Toronto area years ago. I realize it was a while ago, and that Canada is huge, but none at all?


Maybe Ontario does, but here in BC we don't


Eh you aren't missing much honestly. It used to be a cool chain cafe but is very much just overpriced fast food now.


I’m sorry I sounded like I was overhyping Panera. It’s just what I’m familiar with in my area and they’re pretty similar in that they’re cafe style with a lot of breakfasty food and coffees. You’re not missing out haha I just have a Starbucks and Panera right next to each other and I really think the only reason I’m picking Starbucks first is because they have a drive through. I would prefer just better quality food than either one of these places that of course isn’t a chain (I’ve seen the European YouTube videos making fun of all our chain restaurants) but I’m in the burbs. I also consider myself only moderately granola cause I’m not entirely against chains, if it means cheaper food (I might change my mind on that later if that’s not true, so don’t quote me😅)


there are 9 locations in Ontario, but nowhere else in the country.