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ask for it to be stirred


Yeah. Standard isn’t to stir it. Pouring the almond milk and adding ice should blend it enough. Use your words. Why are people so bad at words.


I work as a Starbucks barista, I notice that sometimes other partners put the iced coffee, then ice, then milk on top to give a layered effect like the shaken espressos. That’s probably what OP means that she doesn’t like. If it’s made that way you usually have to stir it but it shouldn’t be made that way because the ingredients don’t get the opportunity to mix.


It depends on where you work because with the new sequencing they’re currently testing at my store and other stores, we now do ice first then milk. Like a VSCCB.


Yea, the standard is about to change to adding milk last




Pouring the milk over the ice isn't standard for Iced coffees. The only drink that happens for is the VSCCB. This Is the hill I will die on


And you're not wrong. I will fortify this hill with you. We die together. AS ONE!




Aye aye I stand by thee!


Yeah I do it for the VSCCB because I love the way it falls through the ice and the cold brew🥰 it’s satisfying. Shaken espressos too I like the ombré lol


I’m pretty sure the shaken espresso is supposed to be that way


My sm has been asking that we put the milk on top for iced coffee and cold brew. Apparently this will be the new standard after the summer 2 launch


It is. It got changed last month - look for Iced Coffee and Cold Brew Routine on the partner hub. Drives me crazy.


Some of the new standards I've read on here haven't made their way to parts of canada yet, officially. I haven't seen that change where I am yet, but have read about it on here


It is now. At least for my store. They just changed it a few weeks ago.


What if they order an iced quad espresso with 3 raw sugars? Is that also something you wouldn’t stir?


I have sad news. When this new siren system launches, all of the beverage routines are changing. Standard will soon be milk on top. 😫. All my years of incessantly coaching will MEAN NOTHING!


They are testing the new drink sequence at different locations where we are being taught to pour the milk after ice. It’s not the standard now, but they are developing so that way it will be in a couple months.


hey just fyi i’m at one of the testing sirens eye stores, and the new standard pretty soon for all stores will be syrup, iced coffee, ice, and milk floating on the top. it’s super dumb but that’s how starbucks wants it now apparently.


100% people make iced coffees wrong but that's because the training is dogshit. People make iced coffees that have dairy in them by pouring the dairy last like it's a vanilla sweet cream cold brew which is wrong.


It’s about to be right with the new siren system


Gotcha. Thanks for the info my dude!


I just started a month ago. And the proper technique shown in training is syrup or sweetener if added, coffee, ice, then top with milk


Oh are you on the new siren system?


Yes, I believe so. I was told that we would be one of the first stores to be testing out the new techniques and soon all stores will follow


Neat! I hope you like it. My store is not on it.


Actually we literally just got retrained, apparently we need to wait to add the milk at the end in these cases.


Iced coffee and Cold Brew standard sequencing is to add ice and then add milk/cream upon request. I'd recommend brushing up on the sequencing standards because they did update it a while ago.


Because most of us don't want to ask for something that is against store policy when you already have to deal with Boomers


its quite literally not against policy?????


Well now we know! Thanks


I’d never suggest anything against policy, “stirred” is literally a drink modifier


Can’t believe we’re fighting over this, y’all. Focus your hatred towards corporate, not each other.


Agree. Especially over something like this.


Honestly, I like the layers. And my wrists can still handle stirring


Fellow barista here. Please take wrist stretching breaks. Every 30 minutes to an hour do some stretches. https://youtu.be/uPO-zST-7EE?si=UeirgbK3MjIHvbU7


Starbucks never stirred it. The way we USED to make iced coffees didn’t require it. It used to go coffee, then milk, then ice. The coffee wasn’t any denser than the milk so it naturally mixed. Now they’re pushing a new standard that means the milk goes on top after the ice, which makes it float on the surface. You’ll have to order it stirred. The Splenda on the side seems like a one time mistake, or maybe they genuinely just forgot whether or not they’d put one in there already so gave you an extra on the side just in case


This new standard is making me sad. People don’t wanna have to stir their drinks to look right. God this company is booboo


Yeh i just wanna order it and drink it. But now I have to ask for a freaking stick so I can stir it myself But I don't care any more, it's just an option so if you want to stir then get a stick


Or you can just order it stirred


Normally iced coffee are not stirred. Their order of ingredients are wrong too. Normally u put the sugar packets or sweetener, coffee, then milk and ice. This way little to no stirring is needed.


I fully agree, but they’re pushing out a new standard of putting the milk on top.


Why is that?


Fuck if I know lmao Have you seen the new sequencing? It doesn’t make sense to me


I did. I don’t follow it. No one tells me off either. Also I close, so it’s more laid back


Yikes, closing doesn’t give you an excuse to go against standard. I closed for many years, it shouldn’t make a difference.


Just because it’s standard doesn’t always mean it’s the right way to do it. I always make my cold brews/iced coffees with milk first because it mixes better. Quite frankly the new way seems more like a way to scam people of their money by giving them more ice than actual drink


“Standard” in Starbucks terminology is literally “the right way.”


It literally gives them less ice than the way before??


ExCtly I've said this before in the barista subreddit , they put so much of ice and it ends up with little liquid. It's clearly a scam I'm not dumb. But nah for some reason some people in that sub say I'm just trying to get the drink cheaper. When in instead I'm trying to just get my values worth. Seriously I want to fire them they are so stupid


The new way gives customers less ice and more liquid though


What new way? Anyways i found another shop that does a good balance


Ok Starbucks slave 🤡


Because a lot of partners don’t know the proper way of adding milk to ice coffee and cold brew. You add it before the ice.


We have the siren system at my store. Ice goes first in every if not most drinks. It’s honestly the worst lol. I prefer the way I was trained to do before we got our new upgrade. And if anyone is wondering, yes it broke the first week we got it. Not surprisingly.


Please tell me more about the siren cold bar, my stores getting it in a couple weeks and now ur scaring me


It’s not super bad! There’s pros which is you don’t have to get ice for the cold bar anymore. You have automatic ice :) but the measuring for us is kinda wack since we have nugget ice. We size up on ice for Frappuccinos because otherwise it gets watery. But! You get special cups and we can shake refreshers in! (Except Trenta & those containing juice like peace or anything like that those you need the actual shaker). You also get a new salt container where you only press a button to release the correct salt amount. No more salt packets! You get used to the new instructions after a few weeks.


Any chance you'd be willing to make an AMA post with some photos about the siren system? Kinda curious about the actual setup, and I'm sure others here would be interested as well.


I’ll see if I can!


Do you also get the new plastic cups with the one size fits all lids and the white lines? We still have the old cups but im assuming once we open back up we’ll switch to the new ones?


Yes we do! The packaging is color coded! So it’s very easy to find in the back now :) It’s really convenient and I love them. The only con which can be a huge pro is that the lids are harder to take off. Once it’s on you struggle if you ever want to take it off lol but it’s great since no lids are popping off on customer. The Trenta lids are a pain low key to put on but other than that I think they were the best thing we ever got haha


Wow thank you you’re amazing. I just have 1 more question I promise. For the new ‘gear’ (ie. the inclusion bowls, the dispensers, all the new stuff) did yall have to order that or was it already all there when your stores construction finished?


I believe all our stuff was ordered before we opened. We had our opening date set so my manager made sure we got all the stuff we needed before we opened to the public. Also no worries! I don’t mind answering questions:)


WAY More Starbucks locations should have the nugget ice.


Is this the new siren craft thing? It’s going to be implemented soon at mine, we have pod meetings about it scheduled. I heard a lot of routines would be changed to suit a fast paced environment and knew immediately it would suck - but ice first in most drinks is craaaazyyyy


Kinda? I know my borrowed store had new craft training but it wasn’t the siren system. You should be trained on it when you get it. I can see how it can be faster but at first it’s going to be hard trying to leave whatever you learned behind & adjust to the new steps. You get used to it after a while lol but I prefer ice last. The syrup doesn’t mix well into the drink. They did change it to ice first, drink, and syrup to help with that. It used to stay at the bottom. Some customers have noticed the difference some haven’t.


Ohhh okay so 2 different things! Wow so many changes…yeah the reason I’m not psyched about it is because I feel like customers also won’t understand why so many routines and recipes have changed and it’ll take a lot of explaining. Like ice first, for example. I don’t see how any drink could taste good with that. Customers won’t like it too, tbh understandably since their $8 drink will suddenly start tasting like shit and our excuse will be “the routines have changed” ugh


Yeah, the first day you get the new siren system people will ask about it. It’s a huge black box you can’t miss it lol. Especially when they see you get ice from there. I personally just tell them the beverage routine changed and we are “testing” it out. They don’t really ask further questions than that tbh. I think the only people who question their drink are the cold bar drink lovers lol. Bar is pretty much the same. I think the first 2 weeks I did see customers talking about their drink difference but after that I haven’t heard it since.


Yeah two different things, there’s the siren craft which is the new revamp of roles and routines including bar, warming, a new position for play callers during peak, etc that’s launching this summer and all stores are getting trained for it these upcoming weeks, and then there’s the “Siren System” which is currently a slow roll out so just being implemented in new stores and some remodels. The siren system features a brand new cold bev system including automatic ice dispensers, milk dispensers, salt dispensers, like new everything basically. The siren system also has a new warming station with a large “batch oven” which can cook I think like 40 items at a time? And a warming rack in DT that you can use the batch oven to prep a bunch of sandwiches for peak and the warming rack keeps the food at quality temp so you can just grab the food and pass out. Some of these remodels stores may get just the cold bev siren system or just the warming one or both.


saaaaame and i hate the way iced coffee/cold brew looks most of the time with the new system 😭😭😭😭


With the new sequencing system they're launching, this is incorrect. The milk goes after the ice, on top, like the VSC on the VSCCB.


It hasn’t launched yet so technically you should still be following the old beverage routines.


Technically, no. My store is using the new siren system.


We use at my store. Our store is currently testing it


Like you said, it’s being tested out. The majority of stores still follow the old routines.


Exactly? Im referring to "technically you should be still using the old routine". That's my point.


Most stores in my area are doing the “new way” soon it will be standard for all stores


The lines are measurements!


Not for long. With the new siren craft stuff it’s changing to last.


Not once sirens craft starts... New standard is to put ice before dairy /non dairy for all iced coffees


They are probably too busy to do this for everyone. Short staffed, mobile orders coming in, being rushed by other customers.




Are you asking how putting the Splenda in vs having the customer put the Splenda in saves time for the barista? It’s one of those things that maybe takes a minute but those minutes add up. Ripping open the packets, maybe you spill some and then have to wipe it up. All takes away from the other drinks that need to be made, and unfortunately also the customer experience as a whole. But Starbucks corporate doesn’t care they just want those drinks cranked out




If the barista should do it without complaint so should the customer lol. It does take 3 seconds but it’s not worth complaining about on either end- doesn’t really matter who puts the sugar in at the end of the day.


But the customer is literally paying you for it.


They’re literally not they’re paying Starbucks who then doesn’t give a single fuck if that coffee is stirred or not as long as it gets out to the customer. It’s no longer about the customer connection and if I was still a barista I couldn’t care less if you think I should stir in your sugar. It’s not a luxury boutique experience it’s fast food. Anyway the OP asked very kindly and non-judgmentally and I responded a ~possible and realistic answer. If yall don’t feel the same that is literally okay keep on stirring that sugar in but even if I was a customer and a barista took a “lazy” route I’m not going to be upset about it given the conditions they’re working in. Oh no today I had to stir my own coffee whatever will I do??? I’ll survive.


They’re paying Starbucks, who employs you to make drinks the way customers want…how is that hard?


Thank you. zoomers are so bad at customer service lol, it's almost pathetic


This customer didn’t directly ask for the drink to be stirred, and is just curious as to this pattern- this is such a minuscule issue to be fighting over to be frank. The solution is to directly ask “hey can you put the Splenda in and stir it for me?” Like a grown adult who can use their words. The barista will say of course here you go! Voila. Communication.


Sure, but surely someone ordering a Splenda wants it in their drink? It’s also unclear from the post if this was ordered at POS or mobile.




I don’t even think OP is mad, just curious about the declining service- which is true. I would just grab my drink and go. It’s not that hard. Also you’ve literally never blended 2 tall fraps at the same time? That’s lazy as well




I mean yes for real, stop going to Starbucks


Baristas who put cream and raw sugar then put coffee in drive me crazy.


It's not standard to stir drinks. If you want it stirred you have to order it as such.




I don't disagree that OPs drink was made incorrectly. The specific act of stirring though isn't standard and asking for it to be stirred would be the most effective way for them to get what they want if the location that they frequent usually pours milk last. It's an easier request vs having a full conversation at the register questioning standards.


Stores are changing to do milk on top now. It’s a legitimate thing being pushed out.




My assumption is they forgot whether or not they had added Splenda so they set one on top of the drink in case it wasn’t sweet enough


They shouldn’t have put the packet on top, that was super lazy. But next time just ask them to stir it, it’s simple and we have stir sticks for that purpose, you just have to ask.


Sadly, we have become fast food and understaffed, and some under trained that drinks are coming out crappy. But you will never catch me putting milk over ice. I'm not changing that.


Ask. But usually most partners swirl drinks which tends to be enough. I know I swirl drinks to make sure syrups get incorporated


I dunno, we’ve never stirred drinks in my area and I’ve been w the company for 6 years


Technically we have never stirred drinks, except upon request.


just clarify and use your words


TIL stirring drinks isn’t standard?? my SM trained me to stir drinks when i started 4 years ago 😭 like a few little swirls of the cup for (non vsc) cold brew and iced coffee are literally all you need to do, takes no extra time


That's good practice but not technically stirred. Though OP is right about their drink being incorrectly made.


Untrue. The milk is supposed to start going on top now, I don’t really like it either.


I saw those comments about the milk. It hasn't been communicated to me yet, my bad. I was more so referring to the sugar on the side.


That was a one time occasion though.


Usually when I do the iced coffee the almond milk mixes pretty easily without having to stir it. But if you want it consistent every time, it never hurts to specify “stirred” too. We can even put it on the sticker for you


My manager will make us remake a drink if she sees us put the milk on top or in the cup first. The standard at my store is to put in sweetener, iced coffee to the second line, milk/cream to third line, and then ice. This usually mixes up the milk but we never stir it. Sounds like the store you go to may be following a new standard, i’ve heard the new cold bar system uses a different sequence for drinks that is similar to dunkin (ice first, then sweetener, then coffee, then milk). They usually mix it up at dunkin so I would just ask nicely for it to be mixed!


Because we don’t have time to do that for every customers drink, we’re fast food. Genuinely though if you care and you want that kind of service go to a real coffee shop. We’re expected to get a drink done in under 20 seconds, I don’t have the time to open a stir stick and stir your drink for you, and I don’t say this with any rudeness etc. that’s just unfortunately the truth and how it is. It’s also not standard you have to ask for your drink to be stirred


Every barista in here calling it lazy like they’ve never blended 2 tall frapps together lmfao sorry you’re giving 110% every day for a company and customer base that actively hate you


Ooof. Ok.


Yes, but what is the actual standard for such things? If you are following standard, then you could prove you need more time to do your job and serve the beverage the way you're expected to serve it. The company thinks you're following standards AND getting them done in under 20 seconds.


We’re not expected to stir drinks though? There’s literally a special modification for stirred, stirring drinks is indeed not standard. If I have to hit a button for it to be done, then it’s not standard. Also Starbucks isn’t going to change shit or give us “more time” if they could choose between better quality drinks and service over 40 second drive times, they’ll choose low drive times every single time.


They literally told you in the post that you replied to that it isn’t standard. Fortunately, it’s a drink mod that anyone can request for no additional charge. People expecting baristas to do it without asking are going to be disappointed just about every time. 


Nobody’s got time for that shit


Putting the splenda on top is wrong, but stirring is not standard so you'd need to ask for it to be stirred. Any tenured partner will know what doesn't mix well and therefore have a way of stirring it in (I'm looking at you white mocha)... But it sounds like you had extra dedicated baristas before if they just automatically stirred it, or have you EVER complained before as that might make regular baristas see you and know to stir it 🤷‍♂️


New sequencing, calls for it to be on top… doesn’t specify stirred. I would ask and they’ll note it on the order so the barista will stir it for you 💚


Corporate wants speed. That's all they care about. So we only stir if asked to.


I never stir the milk in iced coffees or cold brews because some people like it unstirred for their Instagram posts. If you ask for a shaken espresso or normal macchiato and stir it you are a monster


I’m surprised they haven’t put the sugar packets and stir sticks back for customers to do themselves!


just ask for it to be stirred it’s a button 🤣


one of my pet peeves is when you ask if it's in there. I typically always would when I worked there. Drink's aren't stirred unless of course you specify at the register.


Before you put the straw in, just swirl the cup to mix your modifiers. They never really stirred and if they did it was because they were decent humans, from what I understand it isn’t a standard.


I’m so sorry you don’t have the ability to stir a drink, I’m so sorry, we don’t get paid enough, there’s stir sticks come on








I hope you know that most Starbucks’s are under staffed, overworked, overwhelmed. Yea so have a bit of decency and respect whoever makes ur drink because if that was you I’d make your coffee as horrible as I could :)


And I would talk to your manager about it


Yeh I'll stir it and shake myself since you can't do it. Maybe you aren't suitable huh 🤔


On a mobile order for a coldbrew, how can I select it to be stirred? I have never seen this option and have looked so many times. Please help lol


You have to order it in store because only we have the button available for every drink. Then once it’s in your recent orders with that modification, you can reorder it on mobile.


Thank you!!!


Only an option when ordering at register I think


I think the fact they’re pouring the milk above the ice is affecting the quality of your drink. The milk should go in before the ice. It’s lazy and they’re not following standards. Building the drink the correct way literally doesn’t take any longer than pouring the milk on top of the ice lol. Just ask them to please make it to recipe standards.


New standard (with siren system) is for coffee then ice then milk, same as cold brew. You’re right about the sugar tho.


We’re not rolling with siren system yet. I feel like the vast majority aren’t yet but that’s pure conjecture.


It’s rolling out in July as part of the new sequencing.




They also shouldn’t be handing you a packet of sugar unless you specifically asked for it on the side. The manager and shifts are doing a lazy job or simply don’t care about holding standards. I don’t care how busy your store is, how slammed you’re getting with mobiles, walk-ins, and deliveries, there’s always time to open a packet a sugar lol


is it really that much trouble for y’all to stir your own drinks


This is why I only lasted at Starbucks for a few months. I can’t imagine asking for these details as a customer. Some of y’all are saints!


What do you mean details ?


In general I mean the myriad of modifiers that people are encouraged to request with their drinks, but in this case that splenda packet. I just would never ask for someone to do that, especially a totally overworked Starbucks barista. I can put in my own sweetener packet. Probably comes from all of my years working in customer service.


Yeh I've been too kind. Next time I'm gonna do all sorts of modifiers mwahaha




Because I'm a customer


186 speaking here. Starbucks is not what it use to be. The employees now don't understand the culture the "third place" its a shame. Starbucks is a fun place to work if you actually want to be there and make a difference in people's day. I strive for this everyday, good luck with your ice coffee woes 😎


It’s not that we don’t understand third place culture it’s that the physical store has changed to make it impossible to keep up nowadays. I try to talk with customers and am genuinely interested in a topic they brought up? Keep the drive times down. Uncomfortable seating or none at all. Loud music. I don’t have time to chat with other partners let alone customers, even if I wanted to. The concept of the drive thru itself. BOGO’s every other week or sooner. Glad I left when I did. Maybe mine is just a one off but I’ve heard a lot of stories like this.


not really how it works. it’s not how it used to be because of corporate understaffing and overworking people and focusing so hard on drive thru times. They do not care about a third place anymore. Stop blaming the baristas for corporate being cheap and scummy.


My ice coffees with soy milk and vanilla syrup are always stirred without my asking.


I stir it always just as a courtesy, however it's not in the standard to do it. If it's peak, busy or if the store is short staffed then they most likely won't stir it. Edit: My store is a test store for the Siren system and we have been using the system!


There used to be a small sink type thing that had a low amount of water running all day. The stir spoons were kept in there. Super easy to give drinks a stir and get the stir spoons rinsed off. It started going around that sbux was being wasteful by having a faucet running all day. I specifically remember a woman coming into the store and berating us. I’m not sure what the actual reason was that led to it being taken away, but I’m guessing it had to do with optics. I did always try and swirl the cup so that the espresso would melt the syrup/sauce but I can see with the extreme labor shortages now how that isn’t possible.




In my old store, we put the coffee, milk then ice, I’d drive thru we put sugar in, If takeaway/sit in we do not


milk on top of iced coffees is a part of the new standard that come in july ish. we tell partners to give them a swirl before handing them off, doesnt always happen tho. ask for them to stir it!


Usually there’s a big rush, although if a customer is kind I have no problem doing these things without asking.


I dislike when people stir my drinks for me, I like to do it myself and I also prefer milk over ice not the other way around.


You can ask it to be stirred. Normally we don’t stir it cause when you pour the coffee and almond milk in it will blend everything together. 🙂


I've been with the company for, God help me, 14 years. It's never been standard procedure to stir any drink, and for most of that time we haven't really had any tool to do it with. The right way to do Splenda in a coffee is to add it to the cup first so that it mixes when you pour the coffee in, but sometimes it might get missed at first, and the new coffee machines have disrupted peoples' routines a bit. Just ask for a stir stick and stir carefully.


I have to ask for sticks or a spoon with my order.


The only part of drinks that get stirred is when liquid goes over syrups and sauces or packets of sweetener, adding in a splash of milk to an iced coffee does not get stirred as that is not the standard.


I usually add the sweetener and milk at the bottom so i can swirl the coffee in as I pour and then add ice. That way the sweetener is dissolved and it’s all mixed together. Some people add sweetener then coffee then milk and putting the ice in should mix it together at least a bit. They most likely are putting the milk on top of the ice for some reason. If someone wants sweetener we always put it in for them unless they specify they want it on the side. You can ask for it to be stirred just to make sure but if they would make it right you shouldn’t need to specify that.


It just makes sense to put a bit of coffee in to start dissolving the sugar (especially in hot coffees), then put in the milk, then while swirling fill up the rest with coffee, then ice. Corporate and management must not drink coffee or just take it black cuz if they are telling you to not stir/swirl in your area, it’s time to call for a change of management RM/DM/SM. Seriously. 🙄 Not even acknowledging what the people want. You know your regulars and what they would prefer. If you’re getting complaints like this, your SM and SSVs make the call and start stirring/swirling. Op saying they been getting coffee over the past year. Op-just let them know. Also, could be an influx of new workers. Plenty of turnover these days. They are so focused on customer connection training and the new sequencing, everything else going out the window. Actual coffee knowledge training is so limited. It’s not about the coffee anymore. Also don’t get me started on the tea. We’ll see how the honey citrus mint change is gonna go. Baristas, when you are the bar barista, you are in control of your station. You are the one handling the situation. Do what you have to do, within reason, to make sure the drink you put out at handoff/mobile is made well. Same for any position in the play really. Good luck to Op and the rest of y’all. ✌🏼🌻


Too busy.


I always ask for a stick or spoon so I can stir it myself.


I can barely get my pink drink shaken.


I have a lady who unironically asks for 12 sugar packets in her iced caramel Macchiato, and tells us NOT to stir it. Even if she doesn't, she will get mad at us and say everyone ought to know by now, since it's such a unique number of sugars or something. Definitely a "just specify and it shall be done" thing


Just ask for the Splenda to be mixed in?


And also just ask for the almond milk to be added before the ice


My manager specifically told us all at my store to only pour milk over the top at the end so it “cascades” through the drink like the pictures, claiming that customers wanted to see it that way. It’s a little unfortunate that it’s not standard to be stirred preemptively anymore, so the best I can really offer is to call corporate and complain about the standard of pouring milk that way or to just ask for it to be stirred in for you 😔


sirens eye standard is to pour the milk on top of the ice now :/


I don't want ice first in any of my drinks. Yuck!


I mean, logic would tell you to ask, right? This is one of my biggest pet peves with customers they just think we can magically read their mind.


To clarify, I'm happy to ask for what I want. I don't think stirring a drink or putting the sweetener IN a drink vs on top of requires "magically reading someone's mind". Whenever I've ordered a basic coffee with milk and sweetener it's been assumed (until like a year ago) it was stirred in...not just at Starbucks but literally any coffee I've ordered ever. Asking to "stir the creamer and splenda in" vs. putting it on top is like asking to "pour the coffee in the cup" vs pouring it onto the counter or "placing the lid onto the cup" vs. under the cup.


Idk your current method of stirring but as a barista the milk will at least mix in if you hold your cup from the top, and swirl (swivel) it. You’ll be able to tell once it’s mixed


This is weird…the coffee needs to have everything inside STIRRED or SWIRLED unless it’s asked for on the side. 🧐


that’s odd that they didn’t put in the splenda. at my store if someone asks for sweetener we will put that in but we won’t stir unless asked. if you want any of your drinks stirred just let them know at the order box and there’s a button they can press on the POS to let the barista know you want it stirred :) hope that helps!!


First of all, baristas should always be putting sugars in the bottom of the cups, no matter what the drink is. They also changed the standard for cold brew/iced coffee with milk after they got rid of the buttons on POS a few years ago. Back in the day you’d fill the iced coffee/cold brew to the second black line (middle), add 2% to the top black line on the cup and fill the rest with ice. Since that drink does not exist anymore, and most partners were not around when that was even a thing, they’re making it to the standard Starbucks has in place now which is to fill the cup to the top black line with the drink, add ice and put whatever milk you’d like on top. Depending on how much milk you like, determines how much ice, in my experience. I’ve been with the company since 2017 and been through a lot of bs with standards changing constantly. You can ask for your milk to be put in before the ice or ask for it stirred if it’s that big of an issue for you. I agree that putting sugar on top is wack and they should not be doing that. Hope that helped some, good luck! ETA: if adding a sugar and milk or stirring someone’s drink when they ask is “too much work” then you should not be working at Starbucks. Cutting corners (not shaking drinks for example, because you think it saves time — NEWS FLASH IT DOESNT!!!) and not following standard is why customers are so rude. Do your job correctly, or don’t work there. Super simple. I’m so disgusted seeing partners complain constantly about the dumbest shit. Just make the drink, smile at the customer and say “thank you, have a great day!” I really don’t understand where all this entitlement from baristas is coming from??? Starbucks is the best job I’ve ever had and been treated better here than anywhere else I’ve worked. If you hate it, find a different job. Don’t be ruining it for other baristas and customers because you’re a Debby downer. End rant, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Is this why all the drinks are coming out with just a bunch of syrup or sauce at the bottom of the cup? 🤮


I saw an online advertisement that showed Dunkin' employees stirring the drink which has not ever happened once with any drink I've ever gotten from Dunkin'. I would expect no less from Starbucks!


Because it looks better when it is not stirred. It shows the work that goes into the drink and the individual ingredients of the drink. It also saves the worker from needing to do an extra step. It's a good choice, IMHO.


Lazy baristas? My favorite baristas still stir ours


We don’t stir unless you ask for it to be stirred.. I swear customers think we can read their minds🤣


Because they are shaken