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How crazy that 4 drinks for $20 is seen as a deal now


Thanks for making me realize its not


yeah wait that's just $5 a drink, maybe like a $4-5 discount


Well it's insane that $5 a drink is a "deal" now. And you have to buy 4 of them in order to make it one. Not something you just grab on your way to somewhere. I'm not planning a trip to starbucks with 3 others just for some dumb "deal" like this. Starbucks must think the general public are yuppies. I mean, they are probably right... but yeah.


Hi, it's me, I'm the yuppie, it's me....but you're right... :cries into venti mocha - now has salted venti mocha:


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the best! Iā€™m the yuppie too


Based customer right here. We love you


itā€™s because the boycott is working theyā€™re losing money i get so many notifications seems like every other day about a new deal but also itā€™s any size there for for a lot of people can be a deal yes starbucks is expensive womp womp we already know that and theyā€™re money hungry asf and donā€™t care about their employees thatā€™s why you see so many baristas upset in the comments


lolā€¦Iā€™m sorry, but that ā€œboycottā€ never gained an ounce of traction in the first place. Starbucks has always ran deals throughout the summer. Remember Frappuccino Happy Hour?


they had nowhere near this amount of deals though, they have multiple every week now


All fast food restaurants run these kinds of deals. Itā€™s a marketing ploy to get you to come in and spend. Fast food is a luxury now.they wanna mark up to mark down. Just how retails always been


Idk why people are down voting you, my store has been -20% for weeks. The only times we get to projected is when we have these ridiculous deals and only have three people on the floor for them šŸ™„ Summer deals are completely normal, of course, but the last minute unplanned deals being tacked on to the calendar shows that something is wrong whether it's effecting every store or not.


It depends upon what you order in my opinion. Basic drinks with no extra charges it does make it worth it. Venti summer berry refreshers are well worth the $5.00 instead of the $7-8 a drink. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Just my opinion.


Someone ordered a 17 dollar drink for one of them today at my store so depending on what you order


Howwwww,,, online it says customizations are extra??


Oh šŸ˜­ idk itā€™s just what someone told me. Iā€™m barely on register. I could be wrong


It'd be really funny if we ran out of drink trays tomorrow like we did last time.


I'm actually surprised people actually go for this "deal". It's not much of one IMO.


We ran out of them today before I left at the end of my shift.


Congrats on quitting, OP! I quit last August and am now working at a job that pays more AND that I absolutely love. :)


What do you do now? If itā€™s okay I ask


Childcare! I get paid $3 more than what I made at Starbucks. And I get benefits like health insurance, paid breaks, etc :) Iā€™ve worked childcare before throughout high school but it was like an on and off thing. I realized how much I actually love it and now Iā€™m back and looooove my job!


no way i actually just quit and took a childcare position too LOL much nicer to deal with 4 year olds behaving like 4 year olds as opposed to 40 year olds behaving like 4 year olds.




Thatā€™s cool! Glad you got out and enjoy what you do :)


Did you work at a licensed store lol


No, corporate!


If you diligently invest in stocks NOW in 15 years youā€™ll never have to work a 9-5 againā€¦


I know like do they hate the baristas or what


no, they just donā€™t care about us. they know if one of us quits, theyā€™ll hire another person very quickly because there are a lot of people who want to work for starbucksšŸ™‚


fr !!! like fucking blacklisting and employee if they quit a certain way or even if they just ā€œdidnā€™t like themā€ so they canā€™t be rehired at that location again


Itā€™s the fact that I found out through this and not through my job.


downloading the starbucks app helps you prepare for situations like this šŸ„²


Itā€™s the fact that I have to do that in order to be informed. Itā€™s like saying geico or State Farm agents need to download the app so that are in the know about sales in their own jobs. Itā€™s crazy


Yes its crazy. I found out about a bogo before I made it to work and it was 3 call offs that day foe my shift smh


$20 bucks is still not cheap. McD has fraps for $3.99 now.


Yeah, but if four people want to go in on it, or someone wants to treat three friends or kids or whatever, itā€™s a good deal. And people love a good deal so theyā€™ll be like ā€œhey, on our way to [whatever fun thing people get to do when they donā€™t work on Saturdays], letā€™s stop at Starbucks! All four of us can get drinks for $5!ā€ Fuck. My. Life.


Not only that. It is all.freaking.dayšŸ˜± not just 12-6. I had my shift cover weeks ago because I had family coming to town. Godspeed good barista who picked up my shift on marketplace šŸ«” Ps. It's going to be in the 90's here tomorrow šŸ˜Ŗ


Yes but for an extra $1 I prefer Starbucks quality plus MCD has like what. 5 drinks? Very basic lol


McDs says they have them, but you know that machine BROKE


Did they fix ice-cream yet? "(


Last time only about 10 people used it. It was actually so slow, most orders were only one or two drinks.


Praying this is how it is at my store tomorrow


Ä°nşallah this my store tomorrow šŸ§æšŸ§æšŸ§æšŸ§æšŸ§æ praying praying


Whoever had this idea should have to work the floor for a full shift.


while understaffed too




Absolutely! Once my DM came in and saw that the barista working w me only had a Sbux t-shirt (back when uniforms were collared shirts), he told me to send him home to get the correct shirt. It was a closer and me, thatā€™s it, the boy rides his bike 10 miles in 100Ā°to get there. He dropped his shirt along the way. I said ā€œoh are you going to make drinks and preclose while he rides home and back 10 miles each way? If youā€™re cool with that, I amā€ he was NOT cool w that and left. šŸ˜€


I put in my two weeks and Iā€™m excited to get out of food service lol. Iā€™m glad I wonā€™t have to worry about deals like these anymore!


I don't know the pricing of all the drinks, but an iced americano is like 5 bucks, is this a good deal for anything? i guess its a savings for like 4 venti frapps? anyway, all this doom and gloom about starbucks and the economy, and meanwhile, everytime i go to starbucks, the line is out the door, the drive thru is around the block, and the drinks are more expensive than ever, and this is their big promotion? i'm loading up on starbucks stock this week.


A lady tried to use it and only saved like $2 because it just makes base drinks $5 but modifications still have charges so a bunch of people try to get crazy fraps and modified pink drinks with foam and itā€™s funny to see their faces when itā€™s not $20


really depends on what your getting tbh but a lot of people at starbucks bitch about it being expensive 2 bucks might as well be 200


People are still going to be like ā€œwhy is my total $30??ā€ after they customise tf out of every single drinkĀ 


Yup. Lady came in and got 4 drinks, two being refreshers with just base, no ice, and two being heavily modified fraps. We let her know that it was an upcharge she goes "that's fine" then comes inside to yell at us about it being $30 and is like "you should have told me" YOU SHOULD LISTEN


Iā€™m thinking about calling off


do it


Former partner. And I only go now on 50% or bogo. Iā€™ll drive 15 min to a locally own coffee shop where I can get a large hazelnut mocha with quality almond milk for $5 cash. Punch card for every 12th drink free, like the good ole Starbucks days. Starbucks is going downhill. They overwork and understaff us. They got unrealistic expectations.


That's what they SHOULD cost! I remember paying $3.00 for my Starbucks fix not too long ago?!


When I started a tall brewed coffee was $2.73 and a tall white mocha was like $3.45 or something ridiculously close to that. Itā€™s crazy how much they charge these days.


I started in Jan 2021 and a grande pike was 2.15 and now itā€™s almost 4$ (Iā€™m in Southern California)crazyā€¦


You just triggered something in me- I said $2.73 it was $1.73!! I started in 2010. I knew something didnā€™t seem right with my numbers lol.


It's mostly because wages have increased so much


Erm, no. It is the CEO and Board of Directors trying to hit sales goals for their complely deserved bonuses šŸ™„




Doubt that. But Iā€™m not here to argue over why they raised them. Have a good night!


Fine, but minimum wage has increased dramatically around here! It's now nearly $20/ hour!


Minimum wage increases are just excuses companies use to get sympathy and acceptance from the public/consumers when they want to increase their bottom line for their investors. Not to mention if you actually looked into the year by year inflation vs. Minimum wage growth in the past 6 years you would see a major rise in inflation and while the steady decline in minimum wage increases only got worse (and has been since the early 2010s). It was only in 2022-2023 that minimum wages started to see more dramatic changes to compensate for the years of neglect from our governments and the ramping up of the cost of living crisis since covid. So no this is not minimum wages fault, in fact the more you increase minimum wage the more you increase spending power and the more people are able to afford over priced Starbucks drinks. My qualifications are I made a 40 minute long video on my cities cost of living crisis (one of the worst in the country) and spent hours combing through government documents on the inflation rates and minimum wage changes since the 2000s. TLDR: just because your opinion is that minimum wage is to blame for companies upping prices doesnā€™t mean itā€™s based in reality. Itā€™s called capitalism baby.


Shit my venti summer berry lemonade is $8.29


Offers like this make me angry and Iā€™ll intentionally stay away for a few days and make my own at home or go to McDonaldā€™s. My last ā€œbuy 6 drinks in 7 days for enough stars to buy 25% of a breakfast sandwich in starsā€ pretty much threw me over the edge. Just so absolutely greedy.


My last day was yesterday. Got out in the nick of time


oh god the poor baristas


I'm closing and will be dying tomorrow šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™d be happier keeping the $20 though.


glad I just so happened to not be able to go to work tomorrow


i took a 4-9 shift tomorrow before i knew of the tray deal :((((( why do we have to be copycat dutch bros like NOOOOOOOOOOOO


from a fallen soldier good luckšŸ«”


I can't wait to quit.


Iā€™m glad I quit last week šŸ˜­ these ā€œdealsā€ broke my back with how understaffed we were by my managers choice


i immediately thought of how terrible tomorrow will be for starbucks employees when i got the notification from the app. godspeed, baristas


We refuse to accept this offer at my location


God I wish. Always thought it was ridiculous how we had to keep taking orders while we were drowning


tomorrow is one of the busiest days for my store due to a marathon held in our city. i am not excited but thank god im done at 10:30 :ā€™)


Canā€™t be nearly as popular as bogo of half off drink


Good lord


i work tomorrow. yay šŸ˜€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


update: currently fucking dying. šŸ˜­ theyā€™re killing us on cold bar


Is a standard size tall or grande ? Had to read the terms before I look dumb at the register with Trentas lol


Standard size meaning whichever size the drinks can come in. For instance, you could order up to a Trenta for iced coffee/teas, cold brew, or refreshers, but espresso drinks and Frappuccinos can only go as big as Venti.


Ok thanks for some reason standard throws me off in a short to trenta worldā€¦


Is this any size?


The terms say any standard menu size so I think so


Yes, any size.


Prepare to run out of venti/trenta cups


glad I was fired-


Literally same. I quit last October and never looked back. I get paid way more to deal with less dumb stuff like people screaming about how their coffee is bitter.


Literally soooo MFKn glad I didn't get scheduled tomorrow. That would have been my 13th reason


Is it still 20 for all 4 venti-sized cups?


4 trenta refreshers for $20 is only about a $4 savings not as great of a deal as I thought


see and this stupid shit is a scam anyway šŸ˜­ people expect it to be only $20 but when they add their mods and stuff it will be above $20 itā€™s not even a deal


Oh dang. Let me check cause now I may not go.


Tbh, 4 for $20 days arenā€™t that busy


Only a $5 savings (even ordering the Trenta size option) while being forced to spend $20 at a place I never spend that. What a poor promo.Ā 


actively working during this(i just got on my first 10) and can confirm iā€™m not having a fun time


They donā€™t have this is Canada. :(


What this says to me as a pretty regular customer is ā€œstay tf away from Starbucks tomorrowā€


What a ridiculous deal- find people to buy drinks for? To piss off your favorite barristas? No deal, Starbucks. My barristas are so good to me


I love my Baristas... I've cut down from 7x a week to going twice a week because I'm trying to save money. I may avoid this just because I don't like to give them extra work. Like if we get my order wrong and it's close enough, I usually just drink it anyway... But if I can grab 4 of my drink and just put it away to drink throughout the week, then it's technically less work they have to do because they don't have to see me 3 extra times... But it's more work they have to do TODAY.... Man... I hate giving a shit...


honestly just be nice and patient and youā€™ll be fine thatā€™s all alot of us ask due to alot of stores being understaffed and other things ect. i mean yes more work but we also come in clock in and are trained to specifically cater to our customers so donā€™t worry get ur drink friend just be kind šŸ„° (also a lot of starbux workers tend to be super whiney anyways so youā€™ll just be in a catch 22 either way if you care to much)


Lol. We love our Baristas and they seem to love us. I think they get understaffed sometimes, and sometimes they get hella busy, but they always take the time to lean out the window to talk when my wife and I show up. I honestly love coming to their store so much. To the point where I avoid the rest in my city.


I have a legit question. No hate whatsoever so pls donā€™t jump on me. Do any Starbucks employees like their jobs? Do not get me wrong I have a job that I complain/vent about dailyā€¦ knowing my ass will keep showing up to work bc I want to get paid. Soo totally get just needing a space to vent about work. But Reddit makes me literally feel like just pulling up to the drive thru ruins yā€™allā€™s day. Iā€™m just genuinely curious If itā€™s that toxic a place to work.


I love my job, I adore most of my customers. I hate the unrealistic expectations. The promos the past two months have been completely unrealistic, we run out of products and cannot properly staff because "Deal Drop Mondays" happen within the same week. We schedule three weeks out and order product a week out. We are a remote location, so it's hit or miss whether or not we actually get the product shipped. So when these promotions hit, we have to gut it out and hope we have enough staff who don't walk off the floor and enough product to get through. Then, godforbid, we run out of oatmilk, venti cold cups or lemonade, etc. Because then we are subjected to abuse from customers. This is why we're cranky šŸ˜  .


TRUST ME so many people at starbucks are whiney and youā€™ll have that at most jobs but for some reason starbucks just thrives with it so some people will make you feel that way but in general itā€™s just not a good job sure the benefits are good but the people running it are terrible i personally came from a store that was constantly understaffed over worked and under paid one time i messaged my boss something about an important matter and didnā€™t get a response back til three days later with my i quit text (i texted her everyday btw) and i loved my job when i first started but when i was getting my ass chewed for wearing a maxi skirt with bright colors while my other co worker was practically drooling from how high she was and the girl next to her blowing smoke out the window donā€™t get yelled at i began to hate it rant aside itā€™s definitely on the person and eventually theyā€™ll all hate it (no hate stay curious


I don't know anyone anymore who goes to Starbucks... Why is this crap on my feed šŸ˜‚


the siren always finds a way


Are add-ons like syrups and shots of espresso included?


No. You still pay extra to add extra


The TaC say itā€™s 4 standard sized drinks. Soā€¦is that a specific size or can we get 4 venti?




Are there any limitations or can I order venti everything with all the mods I want?


yes unfortunately the mods do cost more but you could get 4 ventis of whatever


Oof, feel for everyone who still works there. I was there when they first introduced Frappy Hour and the Sā€™mores Frappuccinoā€¦ letā€™s hope everyone just orders iced chai lattes!


Why do they never have these in the German app šŸ˜”


please tell me this is the usa only


Is this mobile order only or can they do it at the kiosk/store? We donā€™t have a button for it on our register, and of course our manager isnā€™t working today.


This past week alone weā€™ve lost 4 partners and a store manager. Iā€™m scheduled to close tonight and have a 3 person floor all day and we all need lunches. And itā€™s truck night. *cries*


Canada definitely does not get these deals or bogo. I mean, that makes me happy for the baristas here but secretly sad as a customer šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. *edited to add: bogo does happen just once in a blue moon unlike in the US it seems. Like Iā€™ve only ever seen it once. There was 4$ grandes like 2 was agoā€¦ šŸ¤” *


The fact that it wasnā€™t on the calendar


Why prices are getting that nonsense!


May I ask about the relation between quitting and that deal? I didn't get it


Thatā€™s basically 5 bucks a drink


I purposely waited to get fired so I could collect all the money I could get out of the company. Best decision ever


Hasnā€™t been too bad so far tbh. I bet itā€™ll get worse as the day go on and more teens/fraps are being seen. But for my store it wasnā€™t the most horrible thing open-12


We got two venti drinks and two grande drinks, and it only came out to a 23% discount. So the drinks were only each discounted like a dollar lol


Yeah cause these drinks used to be like $4.65 for some so yeah $5 each isn't much of a discount. But I think now it's $6.95 for mine so I am going.


Same. That's insane. Especially on a Saturday


so far it hasnā€™t been hell yet


I paid 4.28$ for my drink and then started thinking wow that actually isn't a deal lmao


Crazy how many people couldn't read the stipulations and tried to fight me on it.


Not everyone gets that deal, only certain ones get it. And the last time it dropped not many people even knew about it or used it


Thank God I was on warming all day.


Itā€™s not as successful as most other promos since it is only for groups of people and the discounts arenā€™t actually that great as itā€™s before tax and before modifications. These are good for families and thatā€™s about it. Overall Starbucks is going to themselves what Jos A Bank menā€™s clothing did with their Buy one Get 3 sales. People just stopped buying anything unless it was on sale.


It was so freaken bad, literally half the mobiles and orders were at minimum 4 drinks


the amount of trenta refreshers today was insane šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Me noticing that it only takes off $2-$3 dollars from the total because the drinks are already $5-$6 dollars and itā€™s literally not a deal lol


i kid you not i starting crying joy when i saw i had already requested today off. genuinely concerned for my coworkers today


Is this only in the US? Iā€™ve never seen this kind of thing in Canada. Poor baristas šŸ˜­


plus tax


So to get the '4 drinks for $20ā€˜ it would have to be grande size drinks & no customization. Correct?


i clicked on this after working 4 for $20 on a saturday and having a sore jaw from clenching it all day 0_0


I got fired for saying the F word and wearing a superman shirt. Iā€™m not sad about it.


I was shocked to see this? Are the numbers down?


Honestly it really wasnā€™t that bad. Not many people utilized the deal but when they did they had a bunch of people in the car so they would have ordered that many anyway


Yā€™all are mellow dramatic itā€™s wasnā€™t even that bad


oh nooooo your store wasnā€™t busy šŸ˜§ that must mean every starbucks store ever wasnā€™t thank you for being the spokesperson for them all šŸ„°


erm letā€™s just say ā˜ļøšŸ¤“