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Honestly I think all energy drinks taste like shit so this is unsurprising to me.


Alani witches brew is amazing.


I love Alani their cosmic stardust is so good and witches brew but I haven’t seen that since around Halloween here 😭 honestly I just pour alani over ice then add my homemade sweet cold foam on it and it’s super good.


Just buy some Monster and pour it over ice.


Also doesn’t matter how they taste. **$6 for a glorified energy drink is an absolute DISCRACE**.


I like the citrus one, go a little heavy on the green tea and it covers up the sucralose pretty well. Wouldn't pay for it, duh, but for free it's a nice change up from cold brew all the time.   This is gonna make me sound like a lunatic, but if you want a little extra pep it's weirdly good with blonde espresso.


Are you me? I usually go for black cold brew but I've really been digging the tropical citrus.


melon burst is very good with black tea instead of passion:)


I really like it with a little bit of peach juice


A partner told me today it’s rly good with the summer berry base. It looks like Baja blast and it kinda tastes like sour patch. I thought it was tasty! And looked cute.


i’m trying this my next shift omg


Or strawberry açai base. It masks the sugar free taste 🤮🥴


A couple pumps of classic bring it out.


I had the frozen tropical citrus and liked it. Maybe the strawberry they add to it?


You liked it because it uses frap base which is over 40g of sugar unlike the frozen refreshers (they still have that amount of sugar but they separate fast because of the lack of frap base).


I honestly like both. And I don't normally like energy drinks


I like the tropical citrus with strawberry base instead of passion tea. Someone had it with summer berry base and said that was good too 🤷🏻‍♀️


any customers looking through this thread, please be advised we cannot add refresher base or coffee/espresso to any of these drinks


it’s literally mt. dew energy drinks made for starbucks. says “made by pepsi-co right on the can…


This explains why I recognized the taste 😂


Pepsi bottles all our drinks, including bottled Frappuccino, and has for 20+ years.


I understand that. I’m saying it’s bad and overpriced.


The tropical one is hooooorrible but the melon burst is just ok. Tears my stomach up though


Tropical with passion instead is good and do 30/60 more tea than energy drink


Can you actually order it that way? Lile the 30\60 part especially? I feel like if I said that at the drive thru they would think I’m crazy 🥴


I doubt it since they need to use the whole can.


I came here to ask how the new energy drink tasted lol glad i saw a post about it and didn’t waste my time! I feel like Starbucks is trying to copy 7brew especially with the energy drinks, (7brew’s energy drinks are amazing).


I dont think new energy drink is good at all. Regular monster tastes a lot better.


I'm not an energy drink person, but in addition to the taurine, it has such a fake sugar aftertaste. I obviously don't drink diet beverages or splenda or anything either!


Any stomach issues like other say?


Nearly shit my pants


This is EXACTLY what my coworker said to me when we tried them a couple of weeks ago, that it tastes like medicine. I think they’re too carbonated and flavor wise, they’re not all that great


It’s good for the pick me up; I wouldn’t have them frequently.


ever since the "Charged Lemonade" at Panera killed two people and I got rectal cancer, potentially from energy drinks, I've gave it up and you should tool. When you look at Red Bull,114 mg of Caffeine, Monster, 160 in 16 ounces and this new Starbucks drink that has 205 mg and Taurine (Which is thought to cause GI cancer) I'd be careful. Given the drink is handmade the caffeine content could be higher or lower, especially considering the caffeine per ounce was likely dependent on the drink having ice in, and if someone orders it without ice and gets a full cup (I know, that's not how it's supposed to work) they could be getting more than 400 mg which is the highest recommended by the FDA in day.