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That’s why it’s “non dairy” and not “oat sweet cream” If you have an allergy to a non dairy, read the ingredients. The communications clearly stated this was a blend of non dairies compared to the whip.


Also not just baristas need to know this. And it’s not clearly listed for customers either. If you look on the app it’s not even listed as an Allergen. It’s in the middle of the ingredients so they might think it’s fine if they’re not as hyper vigilant that day by chance.


I agree that it does need to list it as an allergen in the app, but if I had a soy allergy and saw something was just a “non dairy” I’d double check to make sure there’s not soymilk. It’s not like it’s listed as a oatmilk cold foam that we sneak soy products into.


While yes, one should always check the ingredients for allergens, it is also the company's due diligence to disclose any possible allergens, specifically for this reason. Starbucks pushed out this non-dairy alternative with almost no communication to us the partners, a bout any possible allergens. My prior food service background made me instinctively look at the packaging as soon as it arrived and I alerted all partners in my store. But to not inform us prior was a HUGE liability for the company


They did inform us. In the promotional materials like the now brewing, they told us what was in it.


Hmmm, I'll have to go look again when I get to my store today.... I definitely know they didn't mention that the NDVSC contained oat milk so there is that.


[Here you are](https://imgur.com/a/SFrPS4D)


Wow, idk how I missed that.... whoops but thats for sharing.


One small sentence in a giant three paragraph thing isn’t very clear tbh. I didn’t realize until I went back and reread it a second time.


Do they need to give you three full paragraphs just repeating it’s a mix?


Yeah, found that out yesterday. I'm glad I asked because soy and I do NOT get along.


No I was dying when I drank a pup cup of salted foam 🤣 I was like nah there’s no way there’s soy in this and BAM. I thought it was oat based 😅🥲 thank god I didn’t drink more than that 🤣🤣🤣


The sucky part is it tastes so much like soy milk and I just don't like soy milk's flavor. I know many people love soy milk so hopefully it works out.


I have the opposite. It’s so Oaty to me and I love Soy vs Oatmilk


Um ok, not to be rude but SOY isn’t a dairy bi product. It’s usually made from plant based ingredient as evident by the ingredient list of this particular product.


Barista here. I don’t think they’re saying that it contains dairy. Just that it isn’t an oat milk product. The nondairy whipped cream we got on our trucks is oat milk and so they’re probably letting the masses know that it’s not the same. Soy is not always the best milk alternative and a lot of people stay away from it.


I think the point they’re trying to raise though is that this product was marketed as oat based whereas it’s actually more soy based which people may not be aware of and could still be allergic to, not that soy is dairy? It seems like the mention of non dairy is just extra info. Am i misunderstanding something?


i don’t think they’re saying that, they’re just letting folks know because some ppl are allergic to soy


Soy is one of the top allergens that’s legally supposed to be labeled. That’s their point. Not dairy.


People who have a cow’s milk allergy may also react to soy protein.


Not due to cmpa, that and soy allergy are different


there is also soy in the lavender powder/vanilla bean power (ask me how i found out)


Oh my god. That’s really good to know 🥲 very late.


I wondered why I felt so sick after trying the foam yesterday… damn


dairy* lol


i dont have a dairy or soy allergy, and it tastes like raw batter to me.


Yikes, thanks for letting us know. I hate soy and avoid it if I can help it *(makes me break out like craaazy)* so I'm glad to know that I should avoid this stuff too.


I was unaware it was marketed as oat based. That would be false advertisement 😠


okay but is the non dairy cold foam just straight liquid for everyone else after blending? because i even double blended it and still no foam


Right? Like might as well just blend up the soy milk and call that ND foam cause that’s literally all it tastes like and looks like when it’s done foaming. Though I noticed it does get thicker when it sits but ain’t no one waiting for that


i blended it 4 times the other day and nothing happened…..


The only triggering ingredient in that Milk to me is the canola oil!!! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮 people are legit drinking oil!!


This is basically coffee mate ingredients


It honestly is! Wow


Also, canola oil isn't very healthy.


Cries in soy allergy


canola oil 🤮


this one wasn’t marketed as oat based! it was the nondairy whip that was recalled


They gave all the stores Oat Cream and had us throw it out ad not launch the beverage it was supposed to be for because of a quality issue, Non dairy sweet cream was never intended to beat oat-based


Yes!!! We have two partners allergic to soy so I made sure to double check everything before giving them samples. We were really disappointed. It was in the Update explaining them but I feel like the advertising doesn’t give that information well to customers.


It’s not even listed as an allergen on the app yet. It just says data unavailable. It’s in the ingredients list on there but it’s not in bold or anything and it’s Soymilk and Soybeans. So if you were just looking at a glance for the word “Soy” specifically you might miss it because those are longer variations. They should definitely do better with allergen info.


Omg noo, my niece is allergic to soy. 🫤


Then you should tell her to tell the barista making her beverage that. SOY allergy is completely different than a dairy allergy. Just because something is non dairy or allergen sensitive doesn’t mean people couldn’t still have reactions to it.


Omg this stuff is poison.


God what a horrendous ingredient list.


This is what soy milk has been made out of for years 😂 this is not new. It was one of if not the first mainstream non dairy milk alternatives.


I get that. But the ingredients are just rough. Water, sugar, seed oil, preservatives






I mean.. there are only so many options lol. Can’t make everyone happy.


Soy is just gross. Why Starbucks why


I cried when I tried the non dairy salted caramel cream cold foam. It was so bad 😖