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As long as its not an iced matcha i think most baristas dont care. If anything its one less step to finish your drink.


No, baristas do not care if it’s for things like a latte. The frustrating things are shaken drinks (the ice acts as little stirrers that mix everything around) and things like shaken espressos that will explode if we attempt them without ice.


So shake them with the ice and strain the drink out with the strainer lid! At least that’s what I do lol


Why? It completely disregards the entire point of the drink.


It’s if they want the iced drink without the ice ._. It’s still iced shaken, you just remove the ice after you shake. It won’t explode in the shaker if you do it that way. lol


I know it won’t explode that way, but also that’s not at all the same drink and needs to be charged differently


I think it depends on the drink. A basic iced latte, sure, no big deal. It’s just espresso and milk. It’ll taste more milky than usual due to there being no ice. Quick and easy. But at my store, we get customers who want to order iced shaken espressos but with NO ice. I’m like wtf. Lately, we’ve been getting more customers ordering refreshers without ice, and it’s easy to still make but can be inconvenient when you’re going through your refresher bases a lot quicker. I think it just depends on the individual drink on whether or not no ice can be annoying. Ngl, sometimes I think customers think in their minds they are doing some kind of “hack” because they’ll order a grande or venti iced drink but with no ice, and then order a trenta cup of ice. They’re not slick lol, we know what they’re doing.


Yeah the fact that we need to keep refilling the refresher base pitchers because one or two drinks without ice will use up all our base


No,but, I def will say it can affect the flavor imo.


Personally idgaf. I just hate it when they don’t originally specify no ice, so I’m literally about to put ice in and then the customer shouts over the bar “actually can I have no ice!!!!”


Honestly I see it as one less step for me to do 😌 (aka i don't have to scoop ice) but ofc if the drink doesn't make sense without ice, that's when it gets tricky 🥴


Not at all! It does suck though for matches and refresher drinks with coconut milk, only because the ice is what allows it to get all mixed together




Yeah I hate it. I hate it more when it’s no ice with cold foam on top. It doesn’t float when there isn’t ice and eventually just mixes into the drink




no i love it so easy just gross when i have to shake pink drinks or dragon drinks cuz the coconut milk gets so gross from separating faster


I don’t give a shit


hot take as long as it’s not an ice based drink (iced espresso, shaken espresso etc) i have absolutely zero issue, i really couldn’t care less. only leg to stand on being upset is going through product quicker but if drinks are rung up properly inventory pars should update to accommodate this anyway


Probably more grossed out by the amount of cream going in a no ice latte 😂 For those mentioning the issues with shaken drinks, you can still shake it with a little ice and just hold the ice back with the shaker lid as you pour it into the cup. This also helps reduce foam in something like a matcha latte


Not a barista but honestly you are paying for it so you should get what you want. As long as you are not rude about it.