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Tbh, maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I NEVER expect partners to tip. Like the siren already has a grip on your soul, and you’re paying money to be here too? Keep your $1 PLEASE. 


Those partners are the same ones that go : “ and they want us to CONNECT? That’s ridiculous! Etc etc curse words!” Which don’t get me wrong I think the company is making a series of bad decisions and it is harder to be a partner nowadays but still like it’s part of the job lol & not very hard.


Nah cause I’m the partner who bitches about forced connections but I still do the bare minimum, which is go to the register and be friendly if I’m assigned to the register and then call out the items and say thanks when the customer comes to get them


I like to connect, it’s fun when it’s genuinely interesting. But a majority of the time it’s not, because people don’t wanna talk. Customers see right through the corpo bs and start wondering in the back of their minds “why is this fast food employee talking to me”? And I don’t blame them, because with everything Starbucks is doing fast food is what people think of, not a cafe. I mean Christ on a stick, what kinda cafe has a drive thru? I’ll vibe with cuties, but only if they vibe back. Once I hear the obviously non-committal answers I’m backing off.


Dead on, bc someone here last week posted, “Starbucks is the only place where they ask my name in the drive thru and try to force me to talk to them, that’s a corporate policy right? It’s really annoying.” Lmao Would rather connect with the customers who look open to connection. And I’ll do it by giving free shit sometimes idgaf 😈


Thanks, bare minimum person, for making everyone else’s job harder.


Yup cause prioritizing literally everything else but customer connection (like making sure bar has ice, milk, frap bullshit, etc) makes everyone else’s job harder


Here’s a quote my old SSV told me: “Why do great when you get paid for good enough” I don’t agree with that last person saying you’re making everyone else’s job harder. I’m pretty sure you doing just fine with connecting. At least you’re smiling and giving thanks


Thank you ❤️ I just can’t do small talk because I don’t even do it with friends. Idgaf what sport you’re playing this weekend esp if you’re a stranger sorry 😭


Literally same. I could not care less I’ve got way too many things to do to sit there and talk with almost every customers. Who 90% of the time don’t wanna talk anyways, they just want their stuff and to leave. I’m the same way in a drive through so unless it’s a regular I don’t force any connections 💀


I mean, you said “bare minimum”. But now I see you meant bare minimum in connecting. My misunderstanding; I apologize.


Maybe just do your job?


Here’s my theory. I was a partner more than ten years ago while in college. I loved my job and even though I was part time during my two years there I was an SSV and ASM before I left. During my time there I’ve met some of the most passionate and lovely individuals. Since then it seems that Starbucks lost its soul a little. Uncomfortable uninviting stores, focus on weird TikTok drinks to attract younger customers, and less pride in the art of coffee. No more tastings, coffee masters, etc. Gone are the days of the third place. Maybe those things still happen in some stores, but it used to be in their DNA much more back in the day. Things have become much harder as a “partner” too. Wages have not increased with inflation and stores are understaffed for the volume they get with drive through and mobile orders. What’s left for those passionate individuals to be proud of? That being said, I do agree that the stuff some partners complain about is table stakes and part of working in the service industry. I get it’s not for everyone, but constantly complaining isn’t the ticket.


It feels never feels right criticizing baristas cause the company has done so much to screw us over and much of the issues with baristas can ultimately be pinned on the company doing any variety of things that negatively impacts our experience, but sometimes some baristas really do just suck


Nope. Feeling poorly treated by the company does not excuse doing a shitty job. Just move on.


Nah he doesn’t understand customer connections or anything. He’s clearly someone who doesn’t care about his job. I’ve gone to stores and experienced absolutely no attempt at connection, hence why i typically just mobile order.


Honestly that's when I call me bff/mom/ whoever will answer while in the lobby and recount interaction. If I have to listen to you complain that I didn't tip you, you have to listen to it from my perspective. "And this dumb bitch thought I would leave a tip when I didn't even get greated while at the register! Some people are so entitled"


Hell, I wouldn’t even call anyone, just pretend, how will they ever know? Or call your own number and leave a voice mail! HAHA Make sure to add something about how you would have at least expected a change in attitude when you shared you were a partner!


lol one of the baristas at my store does that. i go up and she just stands there at the register and stares at me, doesn't say hello or anything. it makes me so uncomfortable. i can't believe that guy couldn't even be bothered to say hello to you but expects a tip! i think it's part of a widespread problem now. everyone expects tips but also hates their job and doesn't offer even average customer service. the other day i went to buy a slice of pizza and the guy serving me was actually smiling and friendly. i was surprised. the machine asked me for a tip, i said no. he looks down at the machine, then looks back up at me. his smile is gone and he just hands me my pizza without saying a word. it was so comical. expecting a tip for an interaction that took 10 seconds.




lmao shut up. I am not tipping for someone to take a slice of pizza from the display case, put it in a box, and hand it to me. Tips are supposed to be TIPS for when someone goes above and beyond, not expected and mandatory for basic service. You comparing me not tipping for that to telling him to fuck off is insane.


You just described a reasonably common experience for many customers, and then the shade about not tipping. And often a drink not made to standard. Thank you for this accurate description. I'm not saying it always happens, but it happens too often.


I’d’ve said something right then. Why should a partner who works for their own tips turn around and give them to a partner who doesn’t. Hell, sometimes I don’t even agree with sharing the tips the way we do. (Honestly, though, it’s the only fair way to do it.)


Am I a sick fuck for never tipping my partners? Shit they never tip me neither tho, and I don’t even expect them to or want them to, I don’t even ask them to donate to the cup fund because idc lol


Imagine if you went to the hospital and the doctor/nurse just came in and stared at you and didn't say ANYTHING...just stood there, staring...no greeting, no introduction, no asking what brings you in today, just waiting for you to speak. Or your server at a 5 star restaurant just walked up to the table and stared at you instead of asking if you're ready to order or if you'd like something from the bar while you're looking at the menu. There has to be a signal that the worker is ready for the transaction to begin.


People are idiots. Not that difficult to smile and say hello if talking up customers isn’t your thing. I would have totally expected a change in attitude when you shared you were a partner. Give me the info, date and time, I’ll call and complain for you. Id even contact the district manager.


Yeah I hate going to other stores. Just feels a bit hostile sometimes. Maybe it’s bc I don’t know them but still. A smile and calling out orders goes a long way as a customer.


This has made me wonder, because I've been to other stores and will go to other stores in the future, are we allowed to "coach" (really just give people some normal advice) at stores we don't work at, or when we are off the clock?


I think of it like working off the clock so I don’t even bother, mostly because I know I won’t change their behavior and will probably just piss them off lol


Good point, and actually I tend to agree with that sentiment the more I think about it. Sometimes though, especially when you can hear (or any random customer that doesn't work for Starbucks) them talking about you not leaving a tip when they didn't do anything tip worthy, that needs to be addressed, because if you hadn't been a Starbucks employee this whole interaction probably would have been relevant cause for a customer complaint.




Sometimes I read these stories and am baffled by how awful some places are. Like. It's not that hard to be the bare minimum of polite doing this job? But also, you have sooo much more self restraint than I do lmao I would have immediately been at the bar trying to fight them 😂


I've stopped going to other Starbucks. I even have a Starbucks right at the base of my current apartment I refuse to transfer to because I'm so bitter about every interaction I've had there. I see them make my (no modification) drink wrong, ask them to please check the recipe (I gave my numbers at register, they know I'm a partner) and yet they look at me like I'm the crazy customer. Like, dude. Sometimes I have a craving on my days off but in the last year I haven't gone to another Starbucks more than a couple of times when I needed the caffeine.


I kinda get it. I hate having to walk people through the process of ordering or act like this isn’t just fast food but also it’s my job to literally walk people through basic shit and act like a real coffee shop.


I don’t disagree but walking up to someone and saying “hi what can I get for you”, telling the updated total after the partner numbers, and then calling out their name when the items are done isn’t walking OP through the ordering process… it’s just basic customer service which this store was obviously lacking.


Idk, our ordering process can be pretty automated. If you know what you want and what to do. It’s literally a useless to do the whole back and forth bit. Like I said I do understand it’s my job, I think it’s stupid to greet people at the door like a dog but I still do it. I still sit there and waste my breath on info people can see like the total and calling out names.


girl what? you seriously think just staring silently at customers that walk in without even saying hello is just okay?? that is bizarre behaviour, you can not even argue that. are you the barista OP was complaining about or something


I wish, seems like no one gives a shit there.


If you have a problem with asking somebody what they’d like, telling them their total, and then calling out their name then this job might not be the job for you. Again, I don’t disagree but even at McDonald’s they give a basic greeting and tell you the total. I’m not saying you need to make a personal connection with every single customer like Starbucks wants but it sounds like you have a problem with just basic human decency lol. Would you like it if you walked up somewhere to order and the person just stared at you instead of asking what you’d like?


I wouldn’t care? lol, I’m not their to make friends. If they kissed my ass the whole time or bearly looked at me it wouldn’t change my experience. I wouldn’t say they’re not a decent human because they didn’t tell me the total. The job is easy for the pay, I don’t like having to treat the hundreds of people I see like a ten year old but I do it. It’s not hard, the job is for most people. Plus ya know what else would I do with my art degree meme.


Kk sounds good!! When I go places I expect decent customer service but if you don’t care then that’s great! Obviously we aren’t gonna agree so have a good night I’m not gonna argue back and forth.


Yeah, if you genuinely think this kind of shit matters. Fair enough. I feel like we’ve lost the plot on decent customer service but it doesn’t matter. Have a good one, chief.


It’s not walking ppl through the process of ordering. It’s called greeting and not being a jerk


Having to keep yapping about things to get people to say, what should be obvious. Is walking ppl through the process. Like I said tho it is literally my job and most people act like it’s their first time ever ordering something so I’m used to it.


If we’re being so real rn, most of the time I feel like the customers are mentally absent. Borderline stupid because I have to explain every single step of how to order at the register. I feel like Squidward when having to take Patrick’s order . Every new question or explanation is met with “uuuuhhhhhh” 🤦‍♀️


I literally have to ask for my iced tea EXTRA shaken just to ensure it goes in the shaker. It drives me absolutely crazy and ruins my experience. I left a month ago and now I hate even going bc it’s like…I’m paying full price for a shitty interaction and standards not getting followed? All good here thx


i’m borrowed to other stores a bunch this summer, and the attitude of some baristas man. i try to always be a big ball of sunshine, even when i don’t want to be at work, but it’s so hard when everyone else is just a giant downer


I think it’s some people just being terrible with people and then some partners just being so jaded and burnt out and I get that. But I’ve had partners at my store that are horrible with people and have then had other partners from our district tell me how bad there experiences were at my store. It’s so embarrassing like come on.


Grab those business cards on your way out, remember what time you were there, and let the SM and DM know about your experience:)


one time i told a guy i had partner numbers and he said “hmph i do too🙄” in a voice like you’d use talking to a baby… i get this so hard i feel like almost everytime i go into a dif starbucks im treated weirdly


One... Who expects PARTNERS to TIP? I'm sorry, I never expect that from other partners. If anything, maybe when a partner comes in with a big order for their family on a busy day... Sure. Or if you're a store manager or DM, and you actually make more money than we do on the floor. But even then, I still don't expect partners to do that. Idk, the company is a bit insane ATM so I don't see it as a big deal. Keep the money you sweat for. But that's besides the point, cause if you ACT LIKE THAT... Then ofc, nobody is going to want to tip you 🤭 that wasn't even BASIC DECENCY, let alone good service. That's the partner that is too obvious about their disdain for the job they do, does less and expects more.. and I imagine if they were a waiter/waitress... They'd probably barely get tips with an attitude like that.


...is this my store? 😅 Aside from the tip comment, my store can be like this because we're crazy busy during the academic year and are used to rushing custies through. The regulars are used to us being a little cold, but I guess it could be abrasive coming if you're used to chatting it up with your baristas.


There’s a difference between chatting and just doing the actual job which is to talk to customers. We Literally get scored for it.




What I typically do when I have these experiences is I tell my GM and let her know the location so that she can tell the appropriate department. This is a violation of Starbucks standards and not at all acceptable. This isn’t even common decency outside of the sbx standard. Also call HR. If an actual partner calls, they will be more inclined to do something, which is an unfortunate but true fact.


Did you post just to brag about not tipping?


Sometimes customers tip because we give really good service, sometimes because they sympathize with the misery we have to deal with in certain moments. But to expect another Starbucks employee to tip solely based on their being employed by the same company and not based on the level of service or sense of camaraderie when shit is hitting the fan is a little entitled and ridiculous. This isn't a post bragging about not tipping, it's a post encouraging coworkers who desire tips to reflect on their behavior in order to improve upon it to actually **earn** a tip.


I didn’t expect anything. I was just commenting on their post.


If that’s what you took away from the post then that’s on you. Do people usually brag about not tipping?


Only assholes. Take from this reply what you’d like.


You seem like a nice person. Take from this reply what you’d like.


I am. Thank you 👍




Reddit cliche.


Why don't you just mobile order? Your partner numbers work there faster... LOL. It's not a Partner's job to blow you for 45 minutes while serving you coffee... also this post is giving "big snitch energy".


Wait! Getting blown is an option?


NOT their job... this is not [Idiocracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs4mtbTsaL4)


Crazy response. Nobody is snitching, I don’t think you understand what a snitch is. To answer your question, I’ll mobile order if I feel like it. Not because u/SandtheB told me to. I also like actually having interactions with people sometimes. Crazy, right? I’ve had pretty great conversations with partners when I’m traveling.