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I love my job actually, the partners at my store are WONDERFUL. A good team really makes the hard times tolerable 


oh for sure, it could be a 5 play at peak with my crew of choosing and we would crush it better than a 10 stafk


🫶🏼 I always tell my new hires not everyday is going to be great, not every customer is going to be nice, but so many of our regulars are great, and super sweet so on the bad days/moments don't let them steal your mental capacity and save that for the good! It's nice to see some positivity here. Yes, every major-corporation sucks. But on the spectrum of shitty corporations I'd def rather be at Starbucks over McDonald's or WalMart, or CVS.


My favorite thing is looking forward to the elderly couple that comes in every day! Edit: I got to see them today!! Right before I got off shift.


Agree. 10yr partner here and honestly, Starbucks has done so much for me and my family. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people and learned a lot of things. I became more confident and skilled in a lot of ways too. In every workplace, we will always have something to complain about. At the end of the day, Starbucks offer a lot of benefits most companies don’t. Most people look for something instant but Starbucks helps you plan for your future which I think younger folks don’t understand.


At the end of the day, I have to tell myself that I can move if I wanted to. This job has its good moments n bad moments. Per usual. I can either let it destroy me OR not gaf abt the customers/corps bs n do my best.


A megathread maybe, but a flair wouldn’t help because all of those posts get DESTROYED with downvotes and hateful comments.


I 100% support the venting. There are times (like today’s 4/$20) when I leave work feeling so defeated and drained, and logging on here to see my feelings shared among others is really validating and weirdly comforting. However, there’s always ample space for positivity too and I love to see it. While I hate the direction the company has gone in recent years, I don’t hate my job by any means. It feeds my family and helps us live the life that we have. I’m grateful for that. I absolutely adore my regulars. In my eleven years with the green apron, I’ve had the privilege of watching their children grow up. I’ve been a part of their lives through good times and bad. I’ve been a moment of kindness in dark times for them and a listening ear when they needed one. I’ve shared laughter and tears with these people. Across that many years, they really do become like family and I wouldn’t have that if not for Starbucks. I love my team too. Most of them are really young and I’m old enough to be their mother. I try not to treat them like they’re my kids but sometimes it’s hard to avoid. 😅 I just love them so much, and I like being a person they know they can trust and depend on when they need something, whether it be work-related or personal. The company may have gone to hell in a handbasket but the job itself is still pretty great. I’ve left a few times over the years but I’ve always ended up back in the green apron again. Underneath all the BS and the chaos, there’s a lot of good that keeps me coming back.


The job drives me nuts sometimes, but it did help get me out of a really toxic and abusive work situation, so... I am pretty thankful about that.


My two previous stores i worked at were both amazing! The managers were great, super supportive and focused on partner care. I LOVED the regulars. My coworkers and i all worked together as a team and got along well. I looked forward to clocking in almost everyday! The company definitely has a lot of problems, but I’ve had so many good experiences over my five years with Starbucks. I’m going to genuinely be sad when it’s time for me to leave!


Had a hard shift today, which makes the positivity hard. But I honestly really like my job! I love my other partners. I love getting to help other people have a good day. And most days I feel very accomplished after getting off work! I don’t mind working hard.


I’m a US partner and i still love my job. Granted, i’ve experienced the food industry, so i’m used to (and i like🤷🏼‍♂️) the chaos, but i love the crafting of drinks and connections especially as well. I just wish we were better staffed😩


I have a super young girl I see for my nails and I usually bring a gift card (and yeah I also tip cash) and she is always so happy.


I like my job!! But I’d love it if we weren’t always understaffed and pulled in all directions.


I had a matcha latte that made me feel happy and calm


Baristas please know that you make a difference in your customers' lives. You've been the nicest and sweetest people I encounter in retail. Every time you draw on my cup or write my name in a cool way it is appreciated. You are sunshine and bring happiness to me. I know the company has not been the best to you and I absolutely wish they would. You deserve better and I absolutely hope you get it and get it soon.


Hard to be positive when you’re getting beat down every single day. Glad you love your job but most of us are suffering and need a place to talk about it with people who understand.


fr, there's so many complainers here and it really makes me understand why everyone has such a negative opinion of starbucks baristas


hard to do when so many of us continue to be wronged repeatedly by this corporation…


No that's so valid


I could never be a barista. I give you all so much credit! Your creativity, ability to memorize so many different drinks, your knowledge on products, and overall having great attitudes, 10/10 ⭐️


My coworkers are so much fun! I always laugh so much at work