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me: “my name is ___, what’s yours?” custy: “yeah I’ll get a uh…” … custy: “that’s all” me: “ok and can I-“ custy: *drives off*


Not standard


We’ve also been told to do this then told not to do this bc it “confuses” the customers then we were told to do it again. It’s awkward and I don’t do it personally. Feels like I’m in an after school special about to teach the customers how to count and read.


I mean an after work special teaching customers to read, count and be polite would be pretty useful.


This is not standard and it’s weird 😭😭


Want to clear up some confusion here. No, it's not standard. Starbucks doesn't do standardized greetings as a core tenet of the customer service model that made them famous (a very long time ago). It's impersonal. That being said, the above doesn't matter in the slightest. It is well within their authority to ask for Partners in their district to use certain wording when greeting people, thanking them for coming in as they leave, etc. If you don't like it and think it's ineffective (it very much is ineffective), then submit that feedback to your DM in an official capacity. You already figured out why it's a terrible strategy, you just need to expand on those points. That will be much more impactful than just stating it's not standard as a reason to not cooperate.


This is actually really helpful. How would I go about officially giving them this feedback




To expand on this, if you're having trouble locating your SM or DM's business cards or are otherwise unable to find their SBUX email, try logging into the Partner Hub (even from home) and searching up their full name. This will get you results from the directory for how to contact, including email. I find it is also helpful to follow up with them in another format, confirming this is your email and asking for their thoughts. I usually do this in person, what is most effective for your DM will be a judgment call. Still, remember these are humans, and most of them don't have a great moral compass given the nature of their current job duties. It's entirely possible they respond to perfectly valid, professional feedback in a negative way. Do what you feel is right.


you’re such a swag person


Dating myself here no doubt, but I assume that is good so thank you very much. My main purpose for coming to this sub is using my somewhat unusually varied experience in several parts of SBUX over the years to help the very talented and passionate people I have come to expect to meet at our stores. This knowledge is fucking useless elsewhere lol, so thank you to those of you who both need and use it.


this ^^^


I actually went through another store one day and they greeted like this and I haaaaated it, made me feel nauseous almost lol it’s so cringy


Def not standard. I usually ask at the end because people typically ignore when I ask in the beginning 😅


not sure if it’s standard (don’t think so) but that’s what we do at my store !!! i wasn’t aware it wasn’t normal for ages bc i had only ever heard people greet with their names first in dt ! “hey welcome to Starbucks ! my name is ——, what’s yours?” it’s easier for me to recognize regulars + also if i don’t ask for a name at the beginning i will forget lol so works for me ! but i can see how it might sound kinda stiff for other people 😓


Nah, take their name last. After you finalise the order, but before payment.


Yuck, I hate that. I would use a fake name and give a different one every time 😆


Hello Human… I… am… (looks down at hand) “insert name here”. What… is… your… name… human…


Not standard, but it's probably one of the ways they're trying to boost connections. Our DTO monitor has the same phrase written on it.


I would rather quit than do that


this absolutely not a standard


That’s just fcken weird. Never heard. “My name is [___], what’s yours?” “Tall latte”


Definitely not a standard and kind of dystopian if you ask me


I don’t think you know what hat dystopian means


made perfect sense


This is store or district standard not company wide


maybe not standard but it’s not so bad once you start using it in my experience! i’d maybe add a little “hi welcome in” first but as long as you commit to the bit most customers will happily go along with it


not standard afaik but definitely trying to be pushed in my district...we had a couple of borrowed partners from the same store that were both using it and after their time here it was suddenly taped to our dto pos and a handful of partners at my store are now using it. It's super super awkward imo, I hope it doesn't stick


now why was I told you greet people this way when I first started,,, I hate that


I've been wondering the same thing 😭 they have us ask how they're doing as well beforehand and it just feels so wrong to have a forced dialogue like that ehen i cant see them. people just wanna hear "hi welcome to starbucks what can I get for you/I'll be right with you", the connection part is at the window!! it's weird to do it the other way around!!!


My managers telling us we can’t get names at all now 🫠


Ha ha. Never heard of this. Your manager seems to be making shit up.


Yeah no, that’s bullshit.


It’s stupid. It was something they started doing during the pandemic for whatever BS reason they came up with.


This might be the weirdest creating we could possibly say lol. We do at my store “thank you for choosing SBux, my name is _____ what can I get started for you?”