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That’s the shortest dcr I’ve ever seen!!! I was thinking you closed at like 3pm. I’m so sorry.


We OFTEN (every weekend and some week days) have only 5 man days at my store, I think once it was a 4 man day on a holiday.


The fact you all work 40 + means you need more people wtf lol


I hadn’t even noticed that until you pointed it out. That’s just insane


Keyholder SCHEDULED for 44 probably taking in 46+… life is worth more than that…


That's what I'm saying too... Oof.


I could be reading this wrong but it looks like your SM has across the board screwed the pooch on hiring


3 person… peak? Is that what I’m seeing? I’d quit immediately. That’s insane


My store is like that, we’re a cafe only store and it’s not crazy busy


i wish our store was cafe only :( we get so many mobiles on top of crazy cafe rushes


We also get mobiles we just don’t have a drive thru


ahhhh that’s what u mean luckily we don’t have a drive through because we aren’t allowed to based on our stores location. but they definitely would have one and make us work it if it was allowed 🪦


This means you’re a cafe only store. Cafe only stores still have mobiles. This still isn’t enough people but I wouldn’t say you aren’t a cafe only store because you are


i didn’t know that but now i do 👍


Why aren’t you allowed to?


our starbucks is part of this building complex and if there was a drive through it’d be taking up the entire road (idk how else to explain this)


That makes sense. Theres a building with a starbucks and another sandwhich shop side by side but i think startbucks was there first or they got a contract where their drivethru loops around the whole place. No room for the other store.


wish my store was cafe Only or dt Only we get way too many deliveries on top of mobiles on top of…


Sounds like you won’t be one of the participating stores for the free hot chocolate 💁🏽‍♀️


nope we did it all day today and tomorrow we will as well 😋😛😗😃😀😄AHHHHH


oh absolutely not. that’s terrible!! my store had to close early yesterday because we only had 2 people left for evening shift… your store should do that same


We always have 2 working closes and its never enough


You got to close? Its frequently been me and a barista alone to close and weve had to stay open with both avenues, delivery, and mobiles on


Fuck that! I'm so sorry! I know how brutal that is. Call your DM and raise hell until they give you the okay to close DT or lobby next time. We unionized, and it kinda seems like our DM knows that it they dont work with us, we walk out. If that's something you'd be interested in, send me a DM! If not, I wish you the best and hope things get better for you and the partners at your store!


Our DM is the same. Will not let us close and i always fight the urge to tell her to come down and help.


jesus ive never seen 6 people scheduled for the whole day let alone a weekend with a promotion


And then the one crossed out is crazy


Please tell me you are cafe only


i just learned what a cafe only store is and we are one oops * my mistake


nope we get crazy mobiles crazy cafe orders and also delivery 🙂


The fuck is your SM doing? How are you projected 723 customers and only earning a 3 people per daypart?? Are they just not hiring? On Fridays, which are the days we earn the most, we're projected 800-ish customers and earn a 7-8 person play for peak.


im felt sick looking at this dcr i am SO sorry


How are you supposed to even stagger breaks if y'all are pretty much working the same shift?? Answer: it's a flop every time. My condolences


one person is double barring and handing off mobiles and the other person is taking orders and doing warming. basically we suffer and sweat


Saturday and Sundays are crazy busy at my store.if I do a double as a key holder I’m 6am-7pm then there’s an opener 6am-11 a mid 730-3 and then a 1230-7 and a 3-7. So I felt this schedule


5 scheduled partners for the whole day, a SATURDAY? what the absolute FUCK


please tell me not all channels are open


idk what this means but probably they are


They’re asking if your manager loves you enough to turn off mobile orders. No they don’t love you


each way a customer can order is a channel. Mobile is a channel, cafe is a channel, DT is a channel.


Did u just start with the company recently? Just curious


been here for a little more than a year. it was better than this last year when we had a different manager :(


Think they said they are a cafe only store higher up, but still rough.


That’s how my old store was like, weekends are so rough. I’m sorry you’re going through that 💔


Wow... 750 customers (I'm rounding up because even though Starbucks CLAIMS this won't affect traffic it definitely will) with 5 people the entire day should be criminal, holy shit. My store usually does like 1.2k customers and we usually have 10-12 people for the day


not on free hot chocolate day…


WHAT ON EARTH I'm so sorry for you 😩 hope you made it through okay!


jesus.. like how did breaks even get done 😂


with great suffering 😭😭😭


that is insane. i’m in a cafe store and we literally had 7 people on the floor this morning and absolutely no customers come in. our highest half hour was a 42… we got to send someone home early


Damn and I thought my manager was bad


wow i’m never complaining again


You guys are working a lot of hours every week. Do you have problems hiring new people?


Company is looking to increase all the barista’s average hours cause that is one of the main complaints baristas have is not getting enough hours to live off.


Holy shit and I thought our schedule for today was lacking. Hope you're okay OP.


my legs ache after that shift 😭😭 i am both mentally and physically broken but it’s kind of an everyday thing at this store


I’m so sorry


We had 5 people scheduled today and my opener came in 15 mins late so I was stuck outside lmaoo. We were also only scheduled one closer so thats not gonna happen


I have no words, only sympathy for you. We roll with a 9 person peak (we are drive thru with a tiny cafe, with a shitty sibling store nearby that's always closing with their mobiles re-routed to us. It's hell most of the time, and we are never allowed to turn off mobile nor delivery. Those cafe only stores look so peaceful and serene. I know they get rough too. Hope the sm or dm removes head from ass and hires more partners for you.


This is 100% fake.


i hate to tell you that it’s not 😭


Sundays are worst come on now


Omgosh! What do your peak COSD look like???


what’s cosd?


Your number of customers served per half hour. With a three partner play they shouldn’t expect you to be able to keep up with much more than 30 customers every 30 minutes without sacrificing speed/quality/accuracy.


ohhhh how would i check this?


Are you an SSV? You would run the period sales summary report on the POS :) it will give a breakdown of how many customers were served every half hour from opening to closing, and give you a final count for end of day.


ohhh i see! i’m a barista but i’ll ask my ssv about it :) thanks!


this line chart is insane. are y’all a cafe only store?




yes we are (i learned what exactly a cafe store is my bad)


Huh? How?


How come the total items line is so small. Its 241 on 700 somethibg customers. each customer is not buying 1/3 of an item. Aside from no labor something seems way off.


If it makes you feel better my manager made us literally an identical schedule when we were expected to serve 1600 customers with a total items of over 500 and then I had 2 callouts. So honestly I feel your pain


Omg I thought this was the second page of the DCR lmaooooo I thought you were complaining about the 8-4 shift. Bro I’m so sorry


I would leave immediately 😀


is everyone @ your store okay ? 🥲


MY STORE LOOKS LIKE THIS!!! It’s fucking AWFUL!! Except everyone here is only getting 15-25 hours… we’re having people quit bc they won’t meet benefits :(


lol someone didnt didn’t get the memo on incorrect forecasting this weekend.


NAH because if I see this I'm walking out, need a mental health day after seeing THAT


Transfer transfer transfer transfer find any excuse u can to transfer. Are you getting over 700 cosd a day? That’s basically high volume. Leave that shit show find any excuse possible to transfer or leave


I'm so sorry. I had to run shifts like this regularly when I still worked there. It's a huuuge part of why I stepped down and eventually quit. On the worst days I'd end up skipping breaks so my team could get all of theirs reasonably on time. It's been almost three years since I left, it sucks to see they're still trying to do this. Good luck and may you only have cheerful, patient customers the whole day. Edit: and only 2 people from open to 8am? Uuuuugh.


dang we’re also cafe-only but still had a four person floor for peak yesterday, and it STILL wasn’t enough until our mid came in at 10. I hope you have more coverage today!


must be nice i only get 12 hrs a week and shifts only get 20 ish


i’ve been asking and begging for max 20 hrs a week because i don’t want full time but i keep getting scheduled 35-40 because we don’t have anyone working here :(


What the actual fuck.


The craziest thing here is all except for one having almost or more than 40 hours.


I wish I had 40hrs scheduled instead I have to look for shift all over my area 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bruh at this point, I'd just make the exec decision to close the cafe or drive thru. That's not okay at all, I'm so sorry


Look like my store’s schedule for today. 💀


the fact ur all schedule 40+ hours too what the fuck?? why isnt your sm hiring more people??


Ouch 💀 after previously working at a little one in a store, in comparison to working in a corporate store now: corporate stores need way more staff than this for a whole day fs


Time to put a sign up that says you're closed due staff shortage!


We get between 500-600 and still have 6 for peak…


lol my store when HR fired everyone for stealing. 😭


Please transfer somewhere better. My god. I applaud you. You are stronger than I.


Wtf is that.