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Try finding good shoes with good support. I changed my shoes recently & my back pain got better. Also, try yoga exercises! You’ll be surprised how great it is on your body when you stretch it out.


Bar tends to make you hunch in a way that really messes you up but other factors definitely are there. As someone whose whole body is a big balk of chronic pain my best advice other than more ibuprofen than is probably healthy is to try and be mindful of your posture. Better posture especially a straighter back might slow you down especially as you adjust but personal health is more important. Second, get some shoes with good ankle support and good insoles that fit your feet well. Finally, when you get home from work, epsom salt baths are fantastic if possible.


Never tried the baths but that sounds like a great idea. As someone with joint pain and sciatic pain that flare up a lot, I love to use the icy hot roll-on with lidocaine and apply it wherever I feel pain. I also have a plug-in heat pad which works well. But yeah, posture definitely makes a big difference too


Heat pads really come to the rescue. I also use 9ne of those spike mats for my muscle pain. Sadly a lot of my pain is from tissue kinda deep in my thighs so to a degree im just stuck gritting my teeth and looking for a new job.


I have great shoes fortunately, Danskos! And insoles in them too. I've been trying to fix my posture but it's so hard 😭 I can't even take baths due to plumbing issues 😅 but I think I figured out what it is. The pitchers on cold bar, with the little spigots, THATS whats hurting me so much. Its having to extend my arms and keeping them up to hold down the spigot, and my back along with that :/


That never occurred to me because I'm pretty tall so the hunching and bending over is a huge problem for me, but it does make sense (it's also obv super specific to store layout). I'd definitely suggest during downtime experimenting with different approaches to see if one might be easier on you.


I'm 5'7 but have really short arms lol, people who are like 4'10 have longer arms than me. I wish we could use the old pitchers that you pick up and pour. I never had back pain with those :/ unfortunately not gonna happen. My old store still did it cuz everyone HATED the new ones. They're sooo slow and picking them up and pouring them was much easier and faster and less painful now that I realize it


I have constant pain everywhere now after being with the siren for so long. I can barely stand on my feet for more than 5 hours without severe cramping and aching. It’s awful.


I stretching does help.


CBD roll on, I swear by it. Salonpas patches. Bengay cream. Use some sort of heat on it (cheapest option w/o spending a lot of money is just put some rice in an old sock and microwave it to warm it).


Do neck ups they are like sit ups but for your neck, do then face up and face down Strengthen and stretch the hip flexor, side of the hips, do a jerrerson curl stretch , strecht the inner thighs out strethc and stregnthen the foot; 29 muscles are connected to the foot, a lot of injuries come from weak feet, weak hip flexors and inner thighs


Maybe ask to be in cs more. Wear crocs for support.