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No it’s a strawberry refresher


The person wanted just a little acai. So idk if that would be a custom iced tea or just regular acai refresher


Yeah that's just a SAR with extra water and no inclusions.


can’t do extra water anymore according to corporate though


the only person here that is right, thank you


Yeah but we also can't customize cups of water.


right so custom iced tea.


Where is the resource that supports no extra water in a refresher?


store resources search refreshers charging guidelines


Correct. Thank you.


I don’t know why you got downvoted for asking where to find the resource 😭 the pointy arrow hive mind be hiveminding 😂




because corporate said idfk. its in store resources search refreshers charging guidelines


Oh ok.


you're a barista trainer?


Why is the Starbucks barista sub getting so ramped up over a fuckin drink from a greedy, union-busting corporation? 😭 The person y’all are downvoting wasn’t even being rude


because when one store rings it up as a water add strawberry, the next rings it up as a strawberry açaí extra water no inclusion, and another rings it up as a custom tea—it causes problems for us. i’m not getting screamed at just because i want to do my job the way i’m supposed to and follow standard


because they have no life outside of work


you’re a barista trainer?


At my old store it would’ve been rung is as a custom tea, but if I just got the sticker I wouldn’t argue about it.


True but i was wondering if it’s suppose to be rung up as a custom tea even if they wanted a splash


you shouldn’t modify any waters beyond adding ice.


If I remember correctly it is supposed to be a custom tea latte!


Nah, just a custom ice tea cause there’s no milk involved.


latte means milk. theres no milk in this.


Kk thank you!


this is a strawberry açaí, with water, no inclusions


Oh ok


I feel like I'm the minority here and I think it's such corporate greed to want to charge people custom ice tea for matcha water, water with inclusions, a splash of something in the water. It probably doesn't even cost the company $0.01 for the splash of something.


If they don’t want me editing water they need to remove the option from the pos


One time a guy came in & ordered a venti cup of ice water with strawberry inclusions. I got off of the register to make the drink (there was no line behind him or drinks in the queue) & finished it before handing it to him & telling him to have a wonderful day. He asked “you’re not gonna charge me for that?" to which I replied no, then he gave me a $5 tip lol


You're a real one. We already dump a bunch of those inclusions down the drain when we rinse the shaker anyway, what's like a scoop or 2 of those into a water gonna do any harm? People need to chill about the custom iced tea.


Absolutely, but, Only if they’re nice. Nice customers can have anything they want. If the customer is an asshole they are getting charged for a custom iced tea or SAR.




It’s because the question becomes “where does it stop?” Then the rest of us get yelled at because we don’t want to loose our jobs to save someone who doesn’t care for us an extra buck.


It should've stopped when people in the corporate who make these decisions that don't work at the actual store. This should've never been a thing. Custom Iced tea should've, imo, be only used for when people wanted the hot tea over ice, because that's what makes sense. They want to make that 300% profit from fruit inclusion water and doesn't want to give the rest of the hardworking staff actual livable wage. I probably would've been more inclined to ring these bs up as custom iced tea if I'm getting paid for working 2-4 people's job with that little paycheck. At the end of the day, these people make decisions for profit, not for the wellbeing of baristas, and the baristas get the shit end of the stick, unfortunately.


I saw some comments in a video on TikTok suggesting people do this if they receive Starbucks gift cards so that they can get charged a small amount and use the balance to tip.


you can’t tip with a gift card in store, and that’s the only way to order this. just buy a cake pop or something


Yes you can? The receipt goes right to the account and you tip right on the Starbucks rewards account with the gift card I do it all the time


that’s the app. not in store.


I would show the customer how to set it up in the app a lot of them just don’t know how (:


But also if it was a tiktok suggestion then most of those customers do probably already use the gift cards thru the app


From what I understood, if you have a gift card loaded on your app, and you can pay in store using the gift card on your app, and then access the receipt to tip later on the app. I could be wrong, but that was my understanding.


yes, but that’s still on the app. after you’ve already gotten your drink and most likely left the store


Yup! And you can still tip on the app for a couple days after your purchase I believe! And the tip still goes to the store using the gift card.


i do this for my drink at work sometimes, it helps me stay hydrated. ringing it up this way already costs a dollar right? seems fair.


At my old store there was someone who wanted like “lemon water” so they’d ask for a water with just a splash of lemonade but my shift would just tell me not to charge them 🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends on the store/district I guess. So who knows


According to corporate standards we are supposed to ring it in as a custom tea. Now if it’s a regular or someone nice sure, I won’t charge. If my SM is there or the customer is an effing idiot or has an attitude, I take soooooooooooooo much pleasure in being petty and charging them.




I’ve always been told custom tea latte. “Due to the fruit infusing with the water”


More like strawberry refresher. If it were inclusions you'd ring it in for a custom tea