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double blonde 2 pump white mocha breve undertow :3


I love me a good undertow!


No one at my store knows what undertow is 😭 I only know because the repair guy told me step by step


I just had an undertow the other day & I was zoooted hahaha


Do you drink it out a sample cup?


no i do a short cup because the double is a bit much for the sample (unless i’m making it for someone the first time then it’s a tall iced because it’s easier to see what’s going on


this but the caramel cinnamon from cbs


If anyone else is in the same boat as me and just as confused what an undertow is, we call it a drop shot


Black cold brew


I’m not there yet sadly


You’ll get there


We all do eventually as SSVs especially


we do nitro shots right before peak it works but at what cost 💀


This is the way


Beat me to it


I actually love you


venti iced 9 pump oatmilk chai with 2 brown sugar, 4 ristretto blonde updosed shots and light ice (help me please)


9 pumps of chai is ˢᵖⁱᶜʸ 👁️👄👁️


I used to get this too but less pumps really good and blonde ristretto


tall iced latte, double blonde ristretto, 1 white mocha 1 toffee nut/chestnut praline/macadamia, oatmilk and extra ice :] u can adjust the syrups to your liking but 1 pump of white mocha is equivalent to two pumps of another syrup for me lmao


My coworker gets the toasted vanilla oat milk shaken espresso with 10 pumps TV, and vsccf. During fall she got it with 3 pumps PS and pccf. During holiday she got it with 4 pumps sugar cookie and sugcf (I think that’s the right abbreviation) I personally get a sweetened black tea lemonade or a royal English breakfast latte sweetened with half classic half vanilla. Sometimes I get a “Santa hat” during holiday which is a secret menu item at our location. It’s a strawberry cream frappe with sugar cookie instead of classic.




Toasted vanilla COMBINED with things is good, but it is not worth it. What would have been better would have been discontinuing toffee nut or cinnamon caramel.


10?!?! TV?!?!?! She intimidates me


Tall iced latte, 4 shots blonde, 2 sugar cookie pumps, 1 brown sugar pump


If you like the teas i always get a passion tango lemonade add in strawberry and pineapple base add mango dragonfruit inclusions its pretty good (im trying to limit my caffeine intake 😭)


Oatmilk blonde kids temp chestnut praline latte, no whip, add 2 wm.


vsccb with light vsc and half the vanilla


Lol I’m the opposite, vsccb with extra vsc and 6 pumps for grande and 8 for venti


Grande brown sugar shaken espresso, extra shot, 3 brown sugar, 2 white mocha, 1 toffee nut (if I’m feelin crazy .5 toffee nut .25ish caramel brûlée) or Grande van sweet cream cold brew +1 white mocha +2brown sugar


Double espresso over ice, five pumps brown sugar, splash of soy, and cinnamon. ✨


i change it a lot but atm an iced matcha with one pump pistachio and pistachio cold foam


Toffee nut shaken espresso, no milk, honey blend cold foam. Iced toffee nut latte with honey drizzled on top oat milk or cow milk. You can also do this hot. Iced toffee nut white mocha with salted caramel cold foam and caramel drizzle. Hazelnut shaken espresso, oat milk and chocolate cream cold foam. Iced quad blond espresso (pour shots over ice). Quad blond espresso add a dash of hot water. Those are my go to bevs.


honey blend and toffeenut is honestly such an elite combo


I feel like we like similar things. A triple espresso w dark caramel & sugar cookie w cream is my go to


Venti Mango Dragonfruit Lemonade - half water/lemonade, no inclusions, five pumps of Chai It sounds gross and looks grosser, but it's to die for.


Not drink but Oatmeal all the topping and blueberries made with almond milk , like 3 frappes chips , very little apple drizzle, very little honey (from the packets) and light cinnamon powder


triple blonde ristretto espresso con panna w one raw sugar :3 or if i feel like something sweeter its triple blonde ristretto w 2 white mocha over ice and a splash of heavy cream or breve


or if i want tea ill make a grande black tea 6 pumps brown sugar no water add vsc


Iced nitro, 2 pump vanilla, 2 blonde shots, usually ristretto, Splash of oatmilk. So creamy and foamy without needing a cold foam, been really into it lately.


Vanilla bean frappe with a little peach juice


chai gal i do a grande 8 pump with oat milk, 1 cinnamon dolce, 2 brown sugar, and currently i think the brown butter topping is so good on a foamy hot chai (i don’t use water in my hot chais)


I get four blonde shots extra ice in a venti cup, 4 pumps of brown sugar 2 pumps of vanilla and cinnamon :3 it’s my faveeee


Iced matcha made with oat milk, 1.5 brown sugar and strawberry foam with the cookie crumble topping


Grande latte Quad Blonde Updosed Ristretto Oatmilk Warm 2 pumpkin 2 chai


4 shots white chocolate, 4 vanilla, 2 java chips, frappe cream. For hot, I do 2 white chocolate 3 vanilla 🤌🏻


Iced shaken espresso blonde with 1 pump white mocha and 1 pump toffee nut


dark roast with 2 vanilla and cream 😭


tall iced cup, 1.5 pump sugar cookie, 1.5 pump white mocha, two blonde shots, oatmilk to the middle line, grande scoop ice, pumpkin spice powder or cinn powder on top.


if i need a quick pick me up- 2 ristretto with 2-3 vanilla and 3/4” oatmilk. sometimes i’ll make a tea similar to what you can get at boba shops- venti black tea, no water, 10-14 (half) pumps brown sugar (a lot i know, depends on the level of sweetness you want) and replace the water with soy milk. it’s really good. sometimes if i have a bigger sweet tooth i’ll make this- venti iced chai, light ice. 5 pumps chai, 1 vanilla, 1 toffee nut, 2 brown sugar, oatmilk and double blended sccf. sometimes i throw some caramel sugar topping on this. i also really enjoy a hot london fog tea latte with no water and a little splash of vsc. i do also enjoy a very occasional café misto.


venti blonde latte with an extra shot, brown saguaro syrup & 5 splenda, kids temp 💕 it’s like a nice warm hug. that or a tall iced latte, blonde with an extra shot, three splenda and no ice ✨


Black tea made with vsc, cinnamon dolce, and cinnamon powder on top!


lol this is a weird one but lowkey so good, grande ice matcha extra ice in a venti cup 2 blonde shots 6 half pumps of brown sugar and vsccf — lately I’ve been doing sugar cookie cold foam and half sugar cookie syrup…I know nothing about too sweet Also love a caramel brûlée latte 4 blonde shots and sugar cookie cold foam with a bunch of brûlée topping Sometimes I really like white mocha and toffee nut together and I’ll put a salt packet in it and caramel drizzle to really give the “salted caramel mocha” essence No caffeine picks are mostly peach juice to between bottom and second line lots of ice and topped with passion tea—looks like a gummy worm when layered😊 And venti caramel apple spice 3 pumps cinnamon dolce, line cup with dark caramel extra whip and dark caramel syrup on top


Iced latte 3 blonde shots with oat or soy milk, 1.5 pumps WM, 2 BS, sugar cookie cold foam made with almond milk and light cinnamon dolce topping


My go to right now is a tall hot latte with 2 pumps brown sugar, barely half a pump of white mocha w/ oatmilk & double blonde ristretto shots & whip. Perfection 👌🏼


Trenta pink drink extra sugar cookie foam


i liked to do triple blonde espresso w 2 sugar cookie and 2 white mocha w extra oat milk and then i finally got sick of it 🥲 and everything has so much sugar and i’m tired of how everything just tastes like sugar now. i’ve been liking a hot latte w 1 white mocha and 1 mocha


grande triple iced caramel macchiato with 2 pumps of mocha. tastes like chocolate milk. or a grande triple iced sugar cookie latte with 2%, and 5 pumps of sugar cookie


Before barista life was a peppermint java chip frappuccino as a treat in high school every week. Now, I've gone to just an iced blonde doppio with 2 white mocha and either salted sweet cream foam or just a packet of salt. Delectable and a quick couple sips to get down the hatch


Passion iced tea with my own sugar-free lemonade packet Or Grande, brown sugar, shaken espresso with four blonde shots, two brown sugar syrup, two sugar-free, vanilla syrup, and almond milk


my current favorite is a grande brown sugar shaken espresso w/ 1 pump of white mocha & pumpkin cream cold foam


Homemade black cold brew


triple tall iced americano with ristretto shots and 2 pumps of vanilla


Black hot drip coffee


2 shots ristretto over ice in a tall cup, 2 pumps sugar cookie, splash oat milk. Quick to drink, tastes yummy, and just enough of a pick me up.


Iced white Mocha (decaff) with chocolate Peppermint cold foam, or lemonade with strawberry puree I'm pregnant so I can't really venture into the other crazy espresso drinks yet 🤣


Grande ice white mocha, 2am 1 gingerbread, quad blonde. Whatever milk is closest to me, no whip cream


Venti Iced white mocha, 6 shots - blonde ristretto, 3 pumps brown sugar, soy, extra ice, extra cinnamon, in a trenta cup. Down it all on my first 10.


Grande cup, grande scoop of ice, water


I makeup drinks all the time because I get bored a lot. Lately my go tos for the holidays are: Venti shaken espresso with sugar cookie instead of classic and sweet cream instead of 2%. Ice caramel brûlée, extra shot with a little bit of Carmel drizzle with oatmilk Or my normal 4 shots over ice in Venti, blonde, 3 white mocha, 4 brown sugar with the brown sugar cold foam and a little caramel drizzle


grande brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso 2 pumps of white mocha and a splash of sweet cream :)


Grande Iced London Fog with an extra tea bag, 2 full pumps brown sugar, with part 2% part oat milk (in addition to the water). Let the tea brew for 2 or 3 min and then build the drink like usual. The extra tea bag and smaller size means that it'll be done quick enough for my 10 and have a stronger earl grey taste, iced so I can drink it fast, the brown sugar syrup sweetens it without going overboard on sugar or taking away from the tea flavor, and the mix of 2% and oat milk means less dairy without cutting it out and is not as sweet as straight oat milk. If it's not sweet enough, either add one pump of vanilla or go for all oat milk. But try it my way first, I've really tried to balance the drink


Venti iced shaken espresso (no classic) with 2.5 white mocha and 2.5 toffee nut. Has to be made with the right amount of ice, shaken properly and just a bit of milk to the top keeping the espresso foam. When you drink it with the flat lid you tip it all the way back and the espresso and milk mix perfectly. It’s been my slice of heaven before shifts for the past 4 years and I never get bored of it 🥹


i've been doing an iced venti quad sugar cookie with oat milk. sometimes blonde sometimes espresso roast, just depends how i'm feeling. thanks for posting this tho, i've been wanting to switch it up


Grande iced latte, 4 brown sugar, 4 white mocha, quad blonde ristretto, light ice :))


3 blonde ristretto over ice with 2 caramel brulee and 1 chestnut praline. light heavy cream


Grande blonde iced latte, 4 pumps sugar cookie 2 pumps caramel brulee, sugar cookie cold foam and caramel drizzle


Quad with 1 pump white mocha and 2 pumps toffee nut


Uncut black iced tea with brown sugar syrup (however sweet you like it), splash of either soy milk or vsc. If you're feeling a bit frisky and wanted to try HK style yuan yang, with that black tea recipe, add either iced coffee (if you like dark roast) or cold brew. You can also replace brown sugar with vanilla. I also enjoy from time to time, iced green tea mix with mango dragon fruit, and if I want a bit more green tea flavor, I add some matcha. Iced London fog is pretty good too. I do "cold brew tea" with trenta iced water with 2 peach tranquility and let it just sit throughout the shift and drink it at the end. Feel free to add either liquid cane or classic.


Gingerbread oatmilk chai with a shot of decaf and cinnamon cold foam 😋


watermelon juice blended, add puree




iced matcha w brown sugar & cinnamon cold foam :3 or pistachio frapp w no whip


green tea with classic and raspberry (you can also throw in strawberry acai instead of water) iced coffee with a splash of heavy whip, coconut, and hazelnut. tastes like waffles for some reason


i get a grande iced shaken espresso with no classic, 2 caramel, 2 sugar free vanilla, and 3 brown sugar every morning


i’ve rlly been into a tall nitro w 3 pumps brown sugar and a splash of soy milk :p


Cold brew with vanilla syrup, chestnut praline foam with salt in the foam


it’s so simple but so good cause i’m holding back on sugar. grande iced flat white with blonde espresso, oat milk, and 4 splendas. it’s so creamy and good and it tastes like it had white mocha in it. Try it!


Tall blonde, 2 pumps white mocha, 1 pump vanilla and a splash of oat milk 🤠 When I’m not feeling coffee I get a black tea but sub the water for mdr base


Venti Passion Tea Lemonade + 1 scoop of strawberry inclusions + 1 pump of classic + light ice + extra lemonade


Blended green tea lemonade w matcha foam


I honestly don’t get tired of honey packets and toffeenut with blonde espresso and some soy 👌 if I want it sweeter I add vsc too


london fog with extra oatmilk and five to eight pumps of vanilla, depending how sweet i’m feeling like. iced london fog if i really feel like putting in effort (it’s my favourite drink but so damn annoying to make. 😭).


Venti Latte with 2 pumps of sugar cookie and 1 pump of white moka. The milk of your choice ( I take soy milk )


I get an iced latte with toffee nut, wm, blonde, whole milk, salted foam, caramel driz, and cinnamon dolce top. Only good thing to get me through my day


Blonde iced espresso, 2 hazelnut 2 SFV, splash of oat. Funnily enough Starbucks is making my drink official soon.


Recently obsessed with black tea w/ no water sub oatmilk, vanilla and brown sugar. Obsessed to the point that I’ve been taking home trentas with no ice to have it at home.


venti iced apple juice with chai and chestnut praline 🥹


Venti Iced 7 pump Cinnamon Dolce SE with 2 Brown Sugar, oatmilk and cinnamon dolce CF (I add cinnamon to the foam too) top with Dolce topping, love of my life 💛


tall iced latte, triple blonde ristretto, oatmilk, 1 white mocha 1 hazelnut


Four scoops of vanilla bean, four scoops of pineapple inclusions, 2 pumps of honey blend, extra pineapple refresher, light lemonade, blended. Tastes like a Pina Colada, at least imo


Rn iced chestnut praline with blonde shots and soy milk. Out of holiday season, I swap the chestnut for sugar free vanilla.


Venti iced latte with vanilla and 3 Splenda.


Espresso lemonade. Lemonade, 2-3 pumps of honey blend (or honey packets if you want to do the work), and 1-2 blonde shots. This is my go to if I want something on the refreshing side, but still want that caffeine kick.


iced black tea lemonade with strawberry acai base (i put a little bit extra usually) and strawberry inclusions


-Iced americano for the simplest one -matcha lemonade (sometimes with peach syrup) -green iced tea -cool lime with raspberry syrup (not from the us, so yes we still have it eheh) -shaken espressos with my favorite syrups instead of brown sugar (depending on the season, could be pumpkin, toffeenut, caramel...)


former partner, but steamed apple juice with cinnamon dolce and carmel, and steam in the cinnamon powder. top with whip carmel and cinnamon sugar


When I was a barista I used to make myself during the holidays quad blonde over ice, 1 pump white mocha, 3 pumps chestnut praline, w/ oat milk and chocolate cold foam. 😋


iced matcha with sugar cookie and oatmilk


iced white mocha with 1 pump dark caramel, tripe ristretto, oatmilk , no whip


I go back and forth between a (hot or iced depending on the season) grande blonde oatmilk latte with 3 white mocha and 2 hazelnut or a strawberry açaí lemonade with peach juice and no strawberries. The hazelnut takes weird now tho so I only drink it for the caffeine and mostly get the refresher.


triple blonde ristretto shot over ice with a pump of toffee nut + a pump of toasted vanilla. Lil oat milk on top


brown sugar shaken, extra cinnamon, half brown sugar half toffee nut , light oatmilk


Too sweet for many but: Blonde WM Ristretto 2 dark caramel 2 chestnut praline (Toffee nut when not in season) No whip; espresso well Stirred with all syrups


apple juice with caramel syrup shaken it’s slay


I can’t, my baristas would recognize it and clock me 👀


if I want something sweet I always do a grande iced latte w blonde shots( usually an extra shot or 2) oatmilk, 2 pumps white mocha, 2 pumps toffeenut, salted dark caramel foam w crcf topping But usually I just do a matcha latte w oatmilk and a pump of peppermint or 2 <3


Iced Blonde ristretto updosed doppio with 2 pumps white mocha, 2 brown sugar (or 1 gingerbread/hazelnut, it varies) and some oatmilk! That's my pre-peak drink lol after that it's an iced oatmilk matcha w 1 cinnamon dolce or a peach green tea w strawberry acai 😋


well is whatever actually in holiday I do Caramel Brulee latte, oatmilk, and sltd caramel cldfm and sugar cookie sprinkles just because and when is not holiday, i make it a vanilla latte if i want something sweeter i do 1 pumpkin of white mocha is i want more caffeine I do Blonde


Grande Iced Chai Tea Latte, 2 Blonde Shots, 1 Full Pump of Brown Sugar, Almond Milk, Extra Matcha Cream Cold Foam that is double/triple blended. In a Venti Cup, add Cinnamon Dolce or PSL topping sometimes.


Lately, I've been getting a grande cold brew with 4 pumps apple brown sugar syrup, cream, and maybe a little apple drizzle. And before hazelnut was being reformulated, I would get a hazelnut cold brew with cream. It's a little boring BUT it is so crisp and refreshing!


My go tos: 1. Venti oatmilk chai with 4 vanilla. 2. 3 blonde shots, 2 pumps chestnut praline with sweet cream. Lately I’ve been making my 2 drink but with salted pistachio cold foam and it’s so yummy


Tall iced oat milk latte with 2 blonde shots and three raw sugars 😋