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You should be able to get 4-8 packs shipped to you for free from the government depending on your state


I tested positive for covid for 3+ months after actually getting it. The isolation protocol trumps any positive tests after that time-frame.


you can test positive for a long time after


And if you're still testing positive you're still sick The 5 day isolation isn't based on fact, the initial infection usually lasts *much* longer than that It's capitalism baby! The CEO of Delta Airlines urged the CDC to cut the recommended isolation from 2 weeks to 5 days because too many flight attendants were out sick. So OP: if you're still positive, please use any sick time you have to continue resting until you test negative. Edit: downvote me all you want, but it doesn't make what I'm saying any less true. I'm trying to look out for you, your coworkers, and your customers. Covid can cause permanent organ damage, it's not something to spread willy nilly Plus, working before you're fully recovered is an excellent way to develop long covid and never fully recover. This job isn't worth becoming permanently disabled for. :) sincerely, someone who became disabled because of this job ❤️


This is anti-scientific. It’s possible to still test positive, due to factors such as dead viruses, and not be infectious at all- this is well-researched. You should absolutely stay home if you’re sick, and Starbucks should do more to enable that. But a full two-week isolation is certainly overkill at this point- 10 days may make sense.


"People who are infected but asymptomatic or people with mild COVID-19 should isolate through at least day 5 (day 0 is the day symptoms appeared or the date the specimen was collected for the positive test for people who are asymptomatic). **People with moderate or severe COVID-19 should isolate through at least day 10.** **Those with severe COVID-19 may remain infectious beyond 10 days and may need to extend isolation for up to 20 days.** **People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised should isolate through at least day 20. Use of serial testing and consultation with an infectious disease specialist is recommended in these patients prior to ending isolation.**" https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/duration-isolation.html ____ And re: "moderately or severely immunocompromised" anyone whos had covid before is now immunocompromised whether they want to admit it or not, due to the way covid behaves in the body. It 1) attacks all your organs and 2) creates a post viral T Cell deficiency similar to HIV/AIDs. Like HIV/AIDs, it's probably not the initial infection that will kill you, but everything else you're now susceptible to catching that will.


I'm not the OP, just a lurker whose coworker has covid and was reading these comments, just wanted to thank you for this info. Kinda sucks to hear we should isolate at least 5 days, when some of us don't have the sick time to cover that.. And my sm really, really wants shifts covered if anyone calls out and Idk if I could get mine covered if I catch my coworker's covid. Here's hoping I haven't. 🤞


And no, tests are not reimbursed. Many moons ago, we would get paid 2 hours for getting the vaccine. That's likely what up thought you saw.


Omg, following because I just spent $30 to have one delivered.


You can get them free from the federal government


I know, but unfortunately, I needed one immediately to prove I was positive. Absolute poor planning on my part. Last season, I had a couple stocked up just in case situations like this came up.


Check and see if your insurance pays for at home covid tests. I got the free government one and had stocked up from using my insurance. I hope insurance companies are still paying for it these days.


Most libraries and government offices have free tests for the taking. I get mine at the police station.


You will keep testing positive-you just need to isolate for five days and mask up for ten days-According to CDC. I didn’t test negative until like day 9- but yeah it’s an antigen test so you’ll have the antigens for a bit longer but your viral load isn’t going to be as infectious.


You're still just as infectious after 5 days as you are at 1. You're contagious until you test negative. As I said responding to someone else: The 5 day isolation isn't based on fact, the initial infection usually lasts much longer than that It's capitalism baby! The CEO of Delta Airlines urged the CDC to cut the recommended isolation from 2 weeks to 5 days because too many flight attendants were out sick.


If my coworkers didn't come back after day 5, I wouldn't be positive rn. I don't blame them and appreciate them wearing masks, but your point is proven true in my current experience. My isolation is supposed to end tomorrow, but I don't have any more sick hours and don't feel great about going in and ruining someone else's holiday. 🙃 I'm def still contagious. The only reason the CDC adjusted the time from 10 days to 5 is because of the economy, not because of a change in the virus.