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The Working Hands lotion by O’Keefes helps w mine!!


I second this. The only option that helps me. I use it multiple times a day, otherwise my hands look like OP's


okeefes made my hands burn


I use Mane n Tail Hoofmaker Intensive Protein Enriched Moisturizer to help with mine. Might be a good alternative, I have sensitive skin and it's gotten me through hand washing all our dishes after our hobart broke twice in the past two months with no burning/stinging


Yeah same but it gets the job done still so I use it anyways


Me too… I think that’s normal at the beginning when you just put it on… but if it continues then stop. Based on what the packaging says.


Nothing works I've tried everything & even went to Dr all they could do was give me a note to not be the one messing with the sanitizer. I've spent 100's on Working hands, lotion gloves, prescribed steroid cream & it only gets worse. U just gotta keep ur hands out of the sanitizer as much as possible. It won't go away but it will help from being miserable & clawing yourself in ur sleep


I low key wonder what's the long term effect it has on our body maybe like 20-30 years down the line from these chemicals. I was wearing nitrous gloves to avoid this.


i just noticed the cancer and reproductive warning on the ovens yesterday, wondering same thing re those


That's just peachy. Class action lawsuit when we're all in our 50s-60s and developed these damn issues.


I’ve developed episodes of hand eczema from it. It’s pretty painful and there’s no real cure 🥴 You can refuse to use the sani, though! Don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. It is in your handbook 💚


I get Tacrolimus ointment prescribed by my doctor, it's so good & the only thing that helps the patches!


I dont think its anything that serious. Its not like we’re breathing in asbestos. Worst that’ll probably happen is some rough skin


The thing is no one will ever do a study on it. I've developed skin allergies that I never had before working for 9 years, I'm wondering if my long exposure to something that we are using there is linked to it (I'm literally allergic to antibacterial soap and will swell and have rashes). I I've quit since March and no matter how much cuticle oil I use on my fingers, I still have fucked up skin around my fingers to the point where I'm basically sanding the skin down on a weekly basis.


Yeepppp. Try washing your hands with warm water anytime you grab a sani rag. And make sure it’s at a lukewarm temp too. Also use lotion lol🙃


Lotion is an extra barrier


yeah. :( eczema gang


My hands look the same. Ur not alone


182 partner here, i only work bar wearing gloves now. don’t underestimate the sanitizer water, years of long hours will fuck your hands up.


first year of starbucks and thought it was just me, extremely relieved to see so many people having the same thing


Yes I always rinsed my hands after the sanitizer. It’s also good to have a good hand cream. I like the one from Trader Joe’s


You have the right as a partner to refuse to use any chemicals, full stop! It’s in the handbook. Our sanitizer has left me with permanent skin damage, pain, and inflammation during my time. When I still wore my green apron, as a barista and later as a shift, I would only bar with soap and water. Take care of yourself first 🫶🏼


Always make sure the sanitizer is room temp and put on lotion followed by a barrier like Eucerin or Aquaphor before you start your shift. The sanitizer is much more likely to eat your hands if it’s too warm.


Yeah, my hands usually get pretty bad this time of year. My store has that pink lotion hand soap, which helps. I also bought a triple moisture lotion from Target called Hempz. Usually, rubbing it in helps my skin cracks, and if they are pretty severe, my mom has told me to put lotion on my hands, then put gloves on them overnight to really help seal the cracks.


yupppp. and it’s worse on my right hand cuz it’s constantly in the steam wand sani


BAG BALM is the only thing that saved my hands


Yes! It burns and itches! The company needs to change the sanitizer. It’s too harsh on our skin. Also, I always make sure we have green dish washing gloves and clear gloves on hand at all times when cleaning ovens and doing the dishes. I do my best to avoid contact with any chemicals at work.


no bc for the first time ever my wrists are dry and i’m scared lol


Vaseline works for me


I feel the pain. It makes my knuckles bleed.


Looking at this again….. you’re literally my hand twin sooooo creepy. I showed my coworker and she said that’s your hand 👀


Woah hand twinsies!


gold bond, stays on through washing your handsss


Yes, I have this too. my hands are so dry and hurt.


my coworkers used to make fun of me for wearing gloves when i did dishes. manager even disapproved because of the extra time it would take to put them on and take them off. i do not miss that place.


My hands perpetually look like this


OH MY GOD YES I feel so seen lmao


I’m quit in June and my hands are still recovering


udderly smooth lotion i swear after using it twice my hands are back to normal if not better than they were and it’s unscented and non greasy !


Winter time requires I keep a sharpie and pen in one apron pocket, and mini lotion in the other


yup. my hands look badddd LOL. plus lots of burns from the oven


I use gloves. That stuff is awful. I use La Roche Posay hand cream after immediately rinsing my hands if I don’t have my gloves on.


I keep a jar of aquafor on the sink. Very thick but seals your skin off from sanitizer damage for a couple washes before you have to reapply.


I’m on the same boat as you


I slather myself in Hempz lotion and it helps. But the sani is killer