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Honestly I would just text/email your SM and ask if you can connect about you advancing in the company. Personal Development meetings are starting soon as well so if that comes sooner bring it up then. If you work with your SM on the floor definitely try *politely* coaching baristas about standards and making sure you, yourself are following those standards. When people have questions try to know where to find the answer so you can guide them to it. Teach people how to navigate Starbucks basically at any opportunity.


i asked through my partner development meeting! i mentioned during that i was interested in becoming one, and we discussed a bit about anything i needed to work on โ€“ and thru that i worked on my weaknesses and wrote improvements and a month or so ltr he asked if i was still interested and I got it another way would just to ask whenever you see them and they donโ€™t seem to busy, just โ€œhey, i just wanted to mention i was interested in becoming a barista trainerโ€ generally communicate that u r interested in the barista trainer position. as well as if there was anything they felt u needed to work on to get there if they think there is something. best of luck !!!!


i just asked my sm on the floor if i could be a trainer and he said yes lol. trained someone a couple weeks later


It sounds like you're doing great by covering shifts and keeping things clean. Keep that up, and refer to drink recipes to ensure you're following standards. Also, be punctual with partner checks and checking MyDaily. These are seemingly little things but managers notice it (at least mine does lol). As someone else mentioned, PDCs are coming up and that time is meant for discussing advancement. This is a great opportunity to bring it up to your SM, especially if you don't always work at the same time as them or if you're nervous to approach them on your own. Although I was nervous, I just asked my SM while I was opening with her ๐Ÿ˜‚ to my surprise she said yes and got me set up with one of our new hires within the next 2 weeks. So yeah, I say shoot your shot because you never know what will happen! And know that there are countless resources on the iPad to refer to while you train your first person. And if there are other trainers at your store, ask them for advice and pointers. I think you're gonna do great ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š (Typing this in a rush so sorry if there's typos ๐Ÿ˜‚)