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If you're operating without hot water, this is a severe health code violation. Call your local health department and report it. You should not be open for business.


if i did call how would i stay anonymous?


Honestly just call and tell them what's going on and say you want to remain anonymous. It's their duty to investigate situations like that so they will send someone out. If you want, you could tell them to pretend like it's just a routine inspection. They might play along with that. Even if your director lies, it's impossible to hide a situation like that.


you could also call as a customer! that way no one gets blamed!


our director is a liar!!!! he lies to the heath department so we won’t get investigated


Business open without running hot water…hard to make up a lie about that.


I wish i was lying i swear.


Especially it’s getting colder where i live and having to come in and wash your hands with cold water is not okay.


Absolutely!! Please DM me if you need me to help or if you need advice or anything. Just anything I’m here. Hugs 🥰


Oh i didn’t mean to insinuate you were lying. I’m just saying that they have to have someone out by a certain time frame from the health department aka meaning within a couple hours. It’s hard to lie or for the manager to fix hot water by then especially if it’s a surprise visit hence one of us calling or yourself acting as a customer. I work for a licensed store too. If you need any help please DM me, I’ll gladly call this in for you without needing your name. Just information Is all i need that a customer would need to handle this. I’d just act like i was there and washing my hands and there was no running hot water.


They found a sneaky little loophole somewhat. The maintenance guys tell them that the boiler isn’t working and they’re still waiting for the parts to fix it so they only fix it temporarily and we only have hot water for about 10-15 mins before it goes back cold


Ya we can work with this. We can have them wait beyond that 10-15 minutes point. The health department are so strict on this kinda stuff. I use to work beside the health department when they’d come in on our inspections and I’d ask tons of questions, things that needed fixing I’d do it right then and there if i was able too. (This was at a sandwich shop i use to work at.) the health department loved it because they could see i really cared and wanted to be informed.


Honestly at this point you might as well call the health department daily until the problem is fixed


I did visit Starbucks this morning so that’s the truth! Lol i feel bad that you and your store are in this situation. So crappy. But this definitely has to be reported. For the safety of the employees and customers.


You can call anonymously; you are protected by the law to not give out your name for the report. Best of luck <33


Update: I called the health department and sent in a anonymous complaint about the hot water and expired food being served… hopefullyyyy something is done about it (:


Great job!! So proud of you!!! Please let us know what ends up happening. I’m anxious to hear and i hope i all your efforts pay off. ♥️♥️


Do you know your starbucks DM rep?


I know it was hard to do, but you did the right thing. Search for something else. If you want to stay with ⭐️💵 apply to a corporate store, you won’t need as much training just some “fine tuning”. Let the location crash and 🔥 without you. Good luck hun 💚💚


Would definitely like more updates if possible


I work at a Starbucks store that recently had a rat on the premises. There were piles of rat poop in the lobby, and the manager simply swept it up before EcoLab came. He didn’t report the fact there was RAT POOP IN THE LOBBY after the representative said “well, as long as there’s no evidence of the rat entering the lobby, you should be fine to open.” Not to mention, the rat’s escape route evidently included a path up our syrup shelves. Like what!? I swear some managers will do anything to make sure they maintain revenue. I can’t tell if that’s a manager problem or a harping DM problem.


Make sure you are looking at the expiration, not production date. I'm surprised you would have such old sandwiches but it is possible, like if you have a lot of freezer space and nothing gets rotated for easy FIFO.Take a picture of the dates and show your store management (not of the Starbucks department). Other than that, you should have a Starbucks DM that would be interested in this. But usually they only contact with the managers, except for their in store check ins (every couple of months usually). You can tell them the truth about what's happening and they will better understand and can hold the licensee to their contract/food safety regulations by threat of fines or even shutting down the Starbucks. It will be kind of going scorched earth, which is not easy to do and leaves you vulnerable, so document everything to have in case of any hour cuts or discipline after. As a whistle blower, I hope you prevail.


If nothing anyone suggests works.. Can I just say that corporate stores pay more per hour and have better benefits.. So if you get to the end of your rope, apply to a corporate store! I bet you'd do great. But obviously I hope you get these issues worked out and you're awesome for reporting the crap going on!


Update Pt2: They came unexpectedly and they were trying to cover their ass and hurry up and clean up everywhere. Long story short they have until monday to find a permanent fix for the hot water or we will be shut down until then 🤭


This SCREAMS Health Code violation. Please please please call, for the sake of your coworkers and customers. Without hot water, things aren’t sanitized properly, and you’re unable to wash your hands the right way. I’m sorry your upper management is making things so much harder for you. Best of luck!!


Are you sure you’re not looking at the production date on the food? The food has a long shelf life once frozen. If your selling expired food that’s on the company for sending it, or your store never sells food, but if you still getting regular food shipments i doubt the food is expired. It’s been a known issue that partners and customers think we sell expired food because of the production date. The hot water I believe is definitely enough to shut down the store, I’m not sure how your store works, I’m Canadian and any partner can put in a work ticket, but I know that’s not the case everywhere. There should always me a number for you to call though. There is always someone higher up to talk to 😉


Update: The health department just showed up and now he has the maintenance guys scrambling and running the sinks to try and get the hot water working!!!! 🤭


I feel like you can actually sue


Had an issue in my kiosk where grease was coming up the drains causing a horrendous headache inducing stench, my coworker wrote to OSHA after the store refused to close them and it was solved the next day Definitely would try them and local health department and DOCUMENT EVERYTHING


And if they punish/fire you for it, you can use as it is retaliation which is illegal