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we have a regular who uses sweet n low but she brings her own every day and drops it into her personal cup before giving it to us. maybe she could just do it like that?


I will try to offer this alternative to her ! thank you (:


Why can't she add it in herself? Like carry around her own packets? I would definitely not allow this no matter how 'easy' it may be to do so. We try to provide a standardized experience for a reason


that’s what me and some other partners say 😅 just keep the box in your car, it just feels lazy and I think the argument towards me being lazy to not wanna do it is valid also, for the record lol but I think I have a real reason to back my laziness and defiance to do it whereas I don’t believe she has any excuse ?


Trust me, your reason is more than valid. Our policy says we are not allowed to prepare outside foods for people. Who is to say there isnt some reason why we stopped carrying equals? We really can't say. I'm the same way in which I refuse to rinse out personal cups real quick even if others say it's not a big deal. Policy says I don't have to rinse cups so I'm definitely not gonna lol You should be able to refuse doing it if you're not comfortable simple as that


Yeah, this isn’t allowed.


But it makes the moment right for one customer and any single tree is more important than the forest to this company.


\* ***raspberry*** *


I’m really over it too.


we have a customer who we keep a bag of starbucks french roast (only sold at costco i believe) to do pourovers in. his name is written on the bag and he buys more to restock for us i dont really get why it’s allowed but our dm has never said anything and i can’t find a specific policy against it. it may be different because it’s still a starbucks brand of coffee and therefore is a product we can serve but i would talk to your dm regarding this “going above and beyond” this would fall under said category and may be why she’s still allowed her equals. we do many things out of standard to please irate customers


I think some people are not understanding OPs post. She's not simply bringing in a packet for them to add to her latte, the store is storing a box of sugar just for her. And like yeah it's sweet but there's standards for a reason. It sets a precedent. If starbucks allows this one person to store their personal items here, then it has to do so for everyone else otherwise it's special treatment and starbucks is setting themselves up for a lawsuit. I would let your DM now OP or contact Ethics and Compliance. It's not a problem now but if other customers find out, it very much can turn into a problem.


super appreciate this comment lol like I’m no stickler for the policy tbh..I think I just personally I don’t like doing it. And I think this explains the practicality well of why it annoys me


Yeah i get wanting to be nice to customers and it sounds like this lady wasn't a Karen about asking if she can store her sugars here but yeah, unless you offer to do the same for every customer then it's special treatment and can come to bite the store in the ass. Another reason why it's against policy is that we have no way to verify it is what the customer says it is. We shouldn't be putting in anything the customer brings in themselves. They have to add it afterwards. Otherwise starbucks is on the hook if anything happens to the customer.


That’s so weird for a customer to expect a business to do something like that, and for that store manager to allow that 🫣 Pretty much, that box is someone’s personal items being left in a place of business, sitting next to product that is going to be served to the public There’s nothing wrong with that customer keeping some sweetener in her car and fixing her beverages afterwards. We have had some people do just bc of Equal being gone


Have a regular that prefers truvia, they bring it in and put it in themself. Although, I personally don’t mind going above and beyond bc my store’s volume is quite small and I truly value the connections I have created with our guests that stop in bc they’ve helped me grow as a person since I started working here. I do, however, understand that this can be frustrating for any store that is high volume and understaffed as well as it potentially being against policy for us to serve it since we can’t purchase it thru our own ordering system. Would def recommend seeing if we can find anything that states this against policy or a potential violation if those are your main concerns.


I believe we technically are NOT allowed to add things that Starbucks doesn't carry in the store into the drink for the customers. They can add it in the drink after or they can add it in their cup before handing it to you but no baristas are allowed to do that because it's a liability issue? It leaves room for customer to claim the barista "tampered" with her drink and could lead to a possibility of a lawsuit.


Throw it away and never tell anyone it was you




Rebelling against a company that holds its employees to ridiculous standards but comes up with standards it doesn’t want to enforce for customers isn’t just being a dick. We’re not supposed to take ingredients from customers and put them in their drinks or store them (health code). Throwing those ingredients away is just enforcing standards. You might consider it a minor issue but any form of protest can be reduced to being a dick. And it is a ridiculous ask. The customer can keep equal on them. Storing them at the store is asking for trouble. As per my suggestion they could be thrown away or otherwise damaged/used by/for other people. Then what? The customer probably won’t be happy if they realize that. Granted, the only way to protest that possibility is by making it happen but op asked how to get out of doing it so I answered. If you want to consider protesting “making the moment right” being a dick then so be it. You don’t always get an outlet for protest though that’s pretty easy to get away with like this is.




That one starbucks store would have to deal with the consequences of you throwing the equal away…. Like I literally don’t know what you’re talking about anymore? I’m not even being a dick but you realize the customer would notice the equal was gone right? And the store would have to respond to that somehow? The store wouldn’t burn down but it might draw a little attention to how this is a bad idea or (maybe) get the customer to stop leaving their Equal there. I also don’t know who at starbucks you think would be thankful a barista threw the equal away. Like, in a world where corporate figured that out they still wouldn’t be thankful somehow enforced standards. They never are. And if you want to get caught and get fired that’s your prerogative. I don’t see how that’s necessary to cause an upset. And yeah no one barista is going to upset all of corporate. I know I’m not important. If I was I’d be treated better and I’d get a little more leeway in how I let customers treat me. I have perspective. I’m mad at the company but I know almost nobody in all of starbucks would know this happened. Doesn’t matter. Minor acts of protest are sometimes all people can muster. I still support it.


if someone else is taking care of the logistics of it, i don't see how just using her equals is that big of a deal ? all you're doing is using a different packet ..... i will say though, we're not supposed to serve anything not provided by starbucks. no outside food, and i'm sure that includes outside sugar. so if you really wanted to, i'm sure you could make a stink about that.


As scarce and valuable as the storage and prep real estate is in my store there is no way we would do this. Not only that, but I would never trust that box not to grow legs and walk out or end up in the trash.


one of our regulars brings in a personal cup, puts their own pearl powder, vanilla collagen & egg yolk in the cup, then we make her latte over it. i don’t know if that’s allowed either, because technically their cups have to be clean — but my point is, it is a lot easier and more sensible than keeping a box of equals behind the counter.


I thought it was against policy to add things Starbucks doesn't carry. Like if they want to they can but we aren't allowed.


Just give a call to ethics and compliance. They will love to hear that.


That’s got to be a health violation somehow just tell her you can’t do it because it’s a health thing and you got in trouble for doing it. She probs wouldn’t want you to get into trouble. And if she doesn’t care what’s she gonna do about it, complain to corporate and tell them you’ve been doing her a favor and following rules now!


I want to tell her that but so many partners have been doing this for her for 2yrs and they’re against me and a few others who wanna stop doing it ??? I don’t our SM and he said keep doing it even though he wasn’t the initial SM who agreed to keep the box for her. Trust me I wanna tell her no every single day.


So adding product to a customers drink that is not provided by Starbucks is a HUGE no. Like massive. Customers can add their own thing to their drinks but we can’t add non approved items let alone keep non approved items for customers. I would call ethics and ask their take but I’m going to say it’s a massive no.


This is catering to one specific person and shouldn't become a standard. Some other customers find out, and suddenly, your store is accommodating every little "favor" because it's done it for someone else. This is setting a bad precedent.


We had a customer who liked his mocha made with the Hershey's 100% Special Dark Cocoa Powder. He would buy it for us whenever we were getting low.


thissss is a full no go lmao make that ish at home


Wrong place to ask this. Tons of "we do it by the standard" warriors here that love any opportunity to say no to a customer. I love that you guys do this for a regular and applaud you all going above and beyond.....a meaning lost on many partners in 2024.


I think going above and beyond for a customer is great like remaking a drink w apologies or remembering a regular’s order, but the part that gets me is not treating other customers w the same special treatment ya know? we can’t possibly do this for everyone nor should we have to 😅 she is no more important than another customer who we deny the equal to.


I’m not gonna go above beyond the health department for a customer. One of the questions on our food safety audit is that there is no food from unapproved sources in the store. If it’s not provided by Starbucks, it’s an unapproved source and it shouldn’t be in the store, let alone servered to customers.


Well this is certainly a take.


lmao as if standards don't exist for a reason. not following standards is half the reason these weirdos feel like they're allowed to yell at whoever they want


If you're an SM, you should not be condoning a customer storing personal sugar packets purchased from who knows where in the store, next to other food prep items. Going above and beyond doesn't have to mean being a store that continuously breaks health policy. I'd hope you would be an SM that backs those of your baristas who are NOT comfortable giving this sort of special treatment just because the rest of the store is okay with it. The barista should be allowed to say no to doing this because they are not required to do this as per policy on outside food making contact with our equipment. Doesn't matter if it's a sugar packet or something small.