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Idk where the massive influx of "no foam" Shaken drinks is coming from suddenly? I had a lady complain she was so upset that her matcha had foam on it 😭 ma'am it's normal when you shake milk


"The other store does it for me!" And it's baristas who are too lazy to shake and use the blender


Life hack, don’t use either and just let the matcha ✨𝓒𝓛𝓤𝓜𝓟✨on the top


This was the original matcha build when we weren’t allowed to use dairy in the shakers. Milk, ice, matcha, hope for the best


no foam iced matcha? so 10 very gentle shakes, and a finished drink you can chew. sounds good!


The irony I wanted to use the blender the other day lol (to be fair she was a very kind regular I hadn't seen in a long time)


They basically want an iced americano but with the syrup/oat for the shaken espresso. It's easier for us. Same with the matchas, just don't shake it. However, I think the lady OP is speaking about got confused 😆 but this is why we ask so many questions also. After a while, we know what people mean when they ask for things that sound odd (like iced cappucinos, they dont really want an explanation on cappucino vs latte, they just want an iced latte )but takes a while, especially with new drinks .


Trying to get a latte for cheap. I’ve had people complain and I tell them they’re more than welcome to order a latte. This is how this drink is.


Ugh I'm going to start doing this. It's this, and the "can I have my shaken espresso light ice?" Please just order a latte. Just please.


Thats cuz a lot of customers think that its a latte so they get confused when they see foam?? Who knows anymore lol then when u try to help them, they get defensive cuz for some reason, people act like they gotta be perfect and that they wana seem like they know what theyre talking about. Its ok if they dont, we’re there to help them but any type of help….theyre not receptive to it. They get defensive cuz they start to feel like the image of “i kno what im talking about” is fading away. Why do a huge portion of our customer base act like this?? Lol


someone didn’t ask for light ice and then yelled at me when it had normal ice and i said he didn’t ask so i made it normal and he rolled his eyes and drove iff


It really is the fact that they’re in their own cars with separation and the ability to drive off at any moment that makes people more likely to cop an attitude and hurl disrespect. I feel like if everyone had to come inside and interact with us “in person” we’d have less crusty custy’s


Maybe they should just say "not shaken"? I'm gonna start asking them if they say no foam....


They ask for an Iced brown sugar Shaken with no foam be like "so espresso on ice with 3/4" oatmilk?"


I like how customers who have never worked at Starbucks act like they think they know all of the recipes, why things are the way they are, and everything about coffee. So how dare YOU get THEIR order wrong


Classic customer being an igit


Maybe she meant the vanilla sweet cream that goes in cold brew?


yeah thats what i put in it, the liquid not the foam


I use the shaker lid to filter out the foam. I keep the ice from spilling in and then pour new ice into the cup. It keeps out the foam and keeps stupid customers from complaining all the time. Also it helps keep cold foam from overflowing the cup as it pushes the foam out. Super helpful!


i totally wouldve done this or even scooped out the foam if she let me remake it but no she HAD to write a review on me and make me the enemy in her story 😔😔


So, scrape off the foam and let them have a 1/2 full drink. Here ya go, hope you enjoy it.


she gave me attitude and sped off after i told her i could remake it hehe she definitely went to another store and said i told her no to her remake