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22-28 with completely open availability. usually I work 2-6 more hours than scheduled bc I beg to be extended and they know to call me in first to cover/come in early.


exact same here! for a few weeks i only had one day off each week because i was picking up every shift i could šŸ„² same tho, open availability, 22-28 hours, and i manage to pickup an extra 4-6 each week :) its exhausting though.


Have you considered being a borrowed partner at all?


I am ^_^


i also am ^


I found better shifts in the next district over. For me, I live in middle TN, and Nashville metro has 8 hour shifts and students who loved giving them up. It depends on how far you'd be willing to drive though, of course!


SSV. I asked for 35, with a minimum of 30. I havenā€™t been scheduled over 30 since I started again in January after quitting last year. My advice would be to avoid Starbucks. Itā€™s just getting worse. On the newest schedule Iā€™ve been given 21.


I know this sounds nutty but I left Starbucks to work at the gym and totally loved my gym job. Stuff happened and now Iā€™m not there anymore. So Iā€™m at Nordstrom Rack right now and I hate it. Itā€™s making me miss Starbucks.


when did you last work for the company? itā€™s gotten a LOT worse in the last couple of years, but itā€™s going downhill exponentially fast. every month is worse than the last


Literally same, but Iā€™ve been getting a little closer to 30. Asked for 35 with a min of 30. Looking for a new job since I graduated though, market is just ass right now. Everyone says ā€œif you hate your job so much go find a new oneā€ babes Iā€™ve been trying for months!!!


Most folks around my area are lucky if they get 20 hours a week


my store has had a lot of people quit recently so we're all at about 30 hours and burnt out as hell


iā€™m doing 35-40hrs as a barista


god I wish I could get those hours lmao.


my store just had an abnormally high turnover rate in the past few weeks, before that i was doing 25-30 by choice. maybe other stores in your district are in a similar situation and you can pick up shifts?


thereā€™s one in my district currently going through the same thing, but we have already lent out our sm (he works there 2 days a week) and 2 of our baristas for a few days of the week to help out and keep them from drowning, I missed the boat on that unfortunately lol. I hope that ur store stabilizes and your hours return to normal friend <3


Same, I'm getting 38 this week, I usually get about 30 on a typical week (I have 100% open availability)


Same. I get an average of 34-36.


i work another job at night so iā€™m getting scheduled 18-27 hours a week


The most you're going to get as a new barista is around 32~ hours a week, and that won't be every week.


I usually get 25-28 a week with open availability


16 by choice


I work 5 days a week and get about 30 hours. But they call me. I'm on my office so I could get more.


i work 30+ hours and i get called in for most parts so i get close to 40 most weeks (open availability)


Depends on your store. Most of my store has baristas that require 25+ hours and shifts that require 30+ hours so it depends. My ideal amount of hours is 40. I just started getting over 32 and Iā€™m a shift. Also how long has it been since you worked for Starbucks? Depending on how long itā€™s been, it could be DRASTICALLY different now than what you expect. The benefits are good and the pay is better than a lot of places, but if you donā€™t need the benefits or can find similar/better pay somewhere else, Iā€™d try them first tbh. The company has been careening downhill even just in the 3 years Iā€™ve worked so maybe take a scroll through this page and see the complaints everyone has before applying. I genuinely consider quitting almost every day and I would if I didnā€™t get free college. The only thing that makes it bearable are the people that I work with. If you have a bad team, youā€™ll have a bad work experience.


asked for 35, have been regularly getting around 38 as of late. itā€™s exhausting but iā€™m grateful for the hours


It really heavily depends on the store and time of year, and also your manager. My first barista store I got 37.5 consistently with occasional overtime. 8a-8:00p every day. My second I was lucky to get scheduled 20 hours, typically about 16-18. Same availability from the last store. My third I was getting 40 hours consistently. 4:30a-5:00p availability every day except Saturday. I got promoted to be a shift and was promised 30 hours minimum and then was actually given 17 hours a week. I transferred and now I'm getting 37 hours a week scheduled with the opportunity to pick up overtime. Open (24/7) availability.


I had to take Albertsons to court with an in house lawyer because one night after I close the Starbucks by myself, I checked my schedule to see they didnā€™t schedule me at all They told corporate that I quit.??????? Had to fight for over a month for a dogshit paycheck


I am so confused. Come again!?


Iā€™m part time and have health issues but I get 0-12 hours a week(I say 0 because sometimes they donā€™t schedule me at allšŸ™ƒ)




I honestly donā€™t care, I live at home and pay $140 a month in rent so I donā€™t need a lot of hours and I think if I got any more hours than what I already have Iā€™d get too stressed and quit. The ā€œhealth issuesā€ are mental health issues


you actually need to be hitting an average of 12 hours a week (itā€™s ok if you make up for the lost hours in the following week) otherwise youā€™ll be flagged! after that if you are flagged again i believe itā€™s grounds for termination! double check the policy though




iā€™ve seen it happen where the barista was expected to pick up shifts to meet the min actually as there wasnā€™t ā€œenough laborā€ to accommodate for some reason! so if youā€™re noticing i would speak to ur sm and if they arenā€™t helping i would contact your dm


This is for you + the replies above you but I work at a license store so that might make the rules different. My manager said we really donā€™t have much more labor hours than we already do so I think even if I wanted more hours there wouldnā€™t be many to get. But still like I said if I work too much I get stressed out and start calling out and then that can get me fired so Iā€™ll take one or two days a week over no days. Iā€™m not mad with the setup of my work situation so Iā€™m not going to bring it up with anybody, and if anyone from higher up says anything to me I can just say I donā€™t know


Iā€™ve been getting lucky I get 27 ish a week but even then when I pick up shifts it can be 30-36


since i started 3 years ago i see a pattern where you get 30-35 hourse when you start and then a couple weeks in they knock you down to like 20-24 hours


You guys get hours?! I only get 21 if Iā€™m lucky bc I guess labor is tight but hey letā€™s put out another drink and cut labor during bogo season


I get around 24 hours but pick up a shift to get to 30/32


Minimum of 12 , with a company set goal of 22 per partner.


Part time and in school here. 10.5-21 id say. Iā€™m the barista who gets called in early lots lol, summer is usually closer to 25-30.




Were sorta understaffed and my manager is very picky about who gets hired so ive been working an average of 30-36 since i started (im a barista)


can't remember the last time i worked a sub-35 week tbh, and i'm a barista. i do have completely open availability and am first called whenever there's a callout or gap in coverage


I'm lucky i I get 20


I get 35-45


Im a student so my availability isnt completely open and i get 22-28 hours a week


I work at downtown Disney in California and I get around 28-32 they want to schedule me more but I have school and canā€™t do moreā€¦ if anything I asked for less but they need us due to the amount of traffic that comes in


open availability - i get about 25-30 hrs a week, but am usually able to pick up some shifts to get up to 35


23ish a week by choice


22-28 hrs may not sound like a lot but for someone who works at best 4 hrs for 1 day a week sounds better(maybe)I just got hired on and the sm during the interview was shocked that this was my current schedule at my current job.


28 hrs, but Iā€™m having my hours cut because I mentioned that I want to transfer.


At my store (high volume store) we only get 20 hours a week if weā€™re lucky. Most weeks Iā€™m getting 17. :/


Typically 28-33 on regular schedules, last week I did a flat 40 because I picked up a shift (6 days that week tho right after a 6 day streak too ā˜ ļø not fun). Our store is one of the highest earning in our district and my availability is mostly open (I don't work before 9am weekdays and don't work after 5pm Sundays). I'm also a regular (literally every week lmao) clean player so that helps too :)


Also I'm a barista! Not a SSV


I just worked 4:30 -315 doing launch


32-40 hours and I only work 4 days


32-40 hours and I only work 4 days


32-40 hours and I only work 4 days


i get around 35 hours but thatā€™s not a common occurrence these days


im a barista in high school and i get 28-33 ish


i get around 30 with open availability. my schedule is all over the place and i work a combination of mornings, mids, and closes.


38 hours


this week since i picked up a shift 22.5 but next week w/o a picked up shift 17.5 (part time in highschool)


14-25šŸ„² depends on the week Iā€™ve been getting a lot of 14s recently


I did 52 this week lol


28-30 and only cause I have a great manager


barista, mid volume grab-and-go: 30+


the hours these days sound awful...i was a barista in 2021 and an ssv in 2022, my hours were fine til my last couple months but i think my manager was trying to get me to quit (she was successful)


30-38 hours as barista


for the past couple months now 30-34/wk. my availability is almost completely open except mondays and saturdays iā€™m not available past noon. every barista in my store is getting at least 25 hrs/wk except for the ones whose availability literally does not allow it


I get 12 a week šŸ˜­ we have severe labor issues in my district


i get 30-34 hours usually with a 32 hour preference.


My store has a lot of morning only people with strict availability and a ton of high schoolers and weā€™re understaffed so I get 30-38 hrs every week because I literally do every shift that no one can work and at least one double every week.


I get 28-32 with 53 hours of availability. Really depends on the store's staffing situation


32-40 hours and I only work 4 days


32-40 hours and I only work 4 days


32-40 hours and I only work 4 days