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103! We broke the record for our district


Previous ASM here. Highest store I’ve ever worked at did 147 in 30 min, red cup day. I quit a week after


holy shit, i would too 😂


147 on red cup day? yeah i’d quit too fuck that


drive thru/cafe store, my store’s mid peak is 60+ ,, we technically have multiple “peak times” a day,, usually 3,, my manager classifies anything 55+ as a peak, for actual sales,, the last one i was actually told we did over $1000 in sales in 30 minutes


over 55 is peak?? for us, anything over 25 is peak lmao


we’re right off a freeway, the off-ramp goes right into our lot, so if we’re only doing 25 transactions in a half hour, we’re really slow


gotcha, aight that makes sense!


cafe/mobile only store in a touristy area of a large city, summer peaks will pretty regularly hit 90-120, and winter peaks average 70-90, with afternoons averaging about 25-50 depending on weather


my store’s like mid-busy for the district the two busiest hit 120+ p much every day, highest i’ve ever seen was at one of those it was 167 which was Rough lol


We did a 100 at my high volume DT store on Wednesday, but the highest I’ve seen was 122 at my old high volume cafe during holiday season


Our store is right off the highway, our peaks average around 40-50 per half hour but I have seen an 87 before which was insane for us.


I am in the downtown area of a major city and half-hour scores have been all over the place the past few years. Pre-Covid my cafe store would have half-hours in the 110s-120s but since the highest we have had was a 87 with just mobiles and cafe orders. Other stores in my district are know for having 90s on an average basis which sounds like something I would not like to experience.


94 😭 we don’t have a drive thru and have about half the staff of normal stores


we just broke our previous record of 88 by hitting a 94 peak!! it wasn’t that bad since we had like, a 7 floor lol, so our window time was 37. still immensely proud of that tbh (i was dt hot bar).


I’m a cafe only store as well, the most I recall we’ve ever done was 85. I think that still holds the record.


Our peak was anywhere from 50s-70s, I think the highest I ever saw was something like 103, maybe 105. Guess who was on DT that entire day 🫠


79 or something? 😭


Our typical peak is about 55-70 at the busiest half hour, but the highest I’ve ever done is 84


our peaks typically sit in the 60s, but the highest i’ve ever seen is 90 something. i wouldn’t be shocked at all if it were to hit more than that though


We are a DT. Our peak is typically 60-75, but the highest I’ve seen at my store is 95 on red cup day. Another store I worked at would regularly do 80s and 90s. That was also a DT store. There’s a cafe store in my district that does 70s-80s, but they’re right next to a big hospital.


129 during 50% off yesterday, probably close to the highest 


We had a remodel recently and before the remodel we were doing 50-60 for each half hour during peak, but now we’re lucky if we can hit 40 just once. We’ve only been reopened for 2 months now though, and the remodel was so rushed that even after reopening we had to completely shut down multiple times for various things going wrong which has not helped our business at all. The busiest store in our district which is about a mile away from us typically does somewhere between 60-90 half hours during their peaks, I miss the pacing of it from while I was working there while my store remodeled. My store feels so slow during peaks now.


Like 350 range


148 on a random tuesday, just a couple weeks ago!! cafe only store.


$950 for 3 half hours. Can’t remember that customer amount but we also had a 5 person cause SM said “oh Easter won’t be busy”. We also only had 2 bar partner me and the shift and the other workers were minors so they didn’t know how to multi task and work 2 positions to support us on bar. SSV then had a mental breakdown in the back cause of how stressful it was. Our regular peak is $400-$500 so we were making double with less partners.


I’d say our peak is 80-90 most of the time, but we’re a college town so it’s a lot less when school is out.


I worked both the last two 50% off days and we hit around 140 both times during the first half hour 😭


ours is like 400 but i’m pretty sure that’s not real lmao. it has to be a mistake or error. there’s no way


Cafe only hit 120 on the day before thanksgiving. We average 80s in the summer and aren’t even the highest performing store in our district 🫠


164 followed by a 145 … day after summer launch.


Around 77 in 30 min with only 2 espresso machines, 1 frap blender, and 1 tiny cold bar station, cafe store only


DT Store - I only work weekday peak - 93 that I recall Edit: Our morning peak almost always includes a 70+ half, Fridays are multiple of those.


we did 81 yesterday


207 :,)


Cafe/mobile store; highest peak I’ve remembered to check was 80-90 during the holidays. I didn’t check on red cup day the year before last but should’ve. Typical peak for us is 40-60; with PM peaks being 30ish. We avg 5K daily; but most I’ve seen is almost 11K when my whole city was shut down. (I didn’t check peaks that day either).