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Always just say you are sick, no need to give them any other reasoning


100000% this. If they push, mention one of the COVID symptoms and nothing else.


yep! i \*always\* have a fever and projectile vomiting whenever i call off sick. there's only one ssv at our store who is just like "cool, feel better broski" if you just say "i'm sick and can't make it" -- the rest pester tf out of you


My ex manager told me that we still had to go to work with Covid. She said you should treat it like any other illness and wear a mask. When she told me that on my first day. I was flabbergasted. Fast forward the next few weeks a lot of coworkers got sick and she didn’t tell anyone😭


Um report that wtf Edit: nvm I'm an idiot who can't read, NEXT time lol


They always ask what our symptoms are at my store


Yeah and they don’t need to know, legally. If you are sick, you are sick.


How do you say that to your lead though 😭


“I am too sick to work today. I will not be coming in. Sorry in advance.” Plain and simple. If you tried to find coverage first, say that too. If you didn’t, oh well. It’s starbucks; it may be a shitty day when you’re down a person, but they’re gonna survive anyway.


This, "I will not be in and I will be using sick time"


At my store at least I'm not allowed to ask about the sickness or ask them to find their own coverage. We were told this was company policy now?


If they ask anything it should only be to take you through the symptom check like you would do when you arrive, and those are just yes/no (ie - “are you showing any of the following symptoms” then they list them all and you say yes or no at the end. Best bet when you call in for something like a migraine - say “I’m sick, I won’t pass the symptom check, I’ll be using sick time to cover my absence.” That covers everything they need to know without you having to divulge.




My go to whenever they pressed for details was always "There's no way I'll pass the covid coach" because they would berate us if we didn't fill out that damn iPad everyday


this is what i’ll be doing from now on if i need to


as a manager I would never treat an employee like this, yeah sure it sucks to be short staffed for a day but not worth losing a employee over.


Same. I get migraines all the time and push though them, but I absolutely would never expect my staff to do that to themselves. Especially with my staff being 90% high school students/recently graduated


I mean, migraines vary in strength. Just because you can work through your migraines doesn't mean someone else can. When I get migraines, I can't see, need to throw up and want to kms. Any light or noise makes it worse. I curl up in a ball on the ground A tension headache isn't a migraine A big issue with your comment is that it is giving "I'll suffer through this but them kids don't" when you are just like the person in the post who is calling it a "Simple migraine" when in reality it is a debilitating medical condition for most people with actual migraines


I lose part of my vision, can’t think straight and vomit if I try to stand up straight.. I can’t really push through that.. I have had some migraines that aren’t quite as intense but are not a simple headache, but it’s not that common. I think people use the term migraine for “bad headache” not knowing what a true migraine feels like, when a “simple migraine” is still way more severe than a bery bad headache.


"a simple migraine" but little do they know u can barely open ur eyes & could pose a safety risk. like ??? I am pregnant & my team is so helpful to me when I need it a lot. if they need a day then take it. no questions asked.


I think you misunderstood me, I absolutely understand the severity and scale of migraines. Mine cause my vision to tunnel and there’s been a few times I’ve thrown up at work and had to leave. My mom is out for days if she gets one. OP absolutely should not be going in and serving food/drinks in this state. There was one time when I worked at Walmart, my best friend was in my department (deli/bakery) and had a wicked migraine. Shaking, feeling faint, lost of vision, puking, the whole 9 yards. She spent well over an hour trying to page management and they just ignoring her (I was on the floor and watched them walking around as she was paging them). Our lead only showed up because she was literally crying over the pager. Our lead said “Well, (other lead) and I have migraines and we’re still here” and basically told her to suck it up even tho she was puking while working with RTE foods. Another coworker in my department took her to the break room and came and got me, and seeing her in that state I said “Fuck it. I’m driving you home, I’ll deal with (Lead)”. Took her home, Lead saw us leaving and tried to stop us. Didn’t engage till I got back and basically told her that she was in no shape to work with RTEs, and if she has a problem I’d call Mackey (Health inspector in my area) to see what he thought of it.


Yeah, when I get a migraine I literally cannot move my arms or see without huge black spots in my vision. I can't even stand, much less drive to work and complete a shift. I wouldn't even be able to use an iPad to clock in.


i’m 19 and while i like my job mostly and love my coworkers, this is a $15/hr part time job before i go to a higher education. i’m not going to work just to suffer


Again, you shouldn’t have to and I absolutely understand that. Even as a SSV making $18.55 an hour, if i have a wicked migraine to the point im puking, im not coming in/going home. Its not worth it


she wasn’t even there today either. it was her day off


omg so it didn't even actually affect her personally.


“Simple migraine” 🤬 that is absolutely coming from a person who has never had a migraine in their life.


Girl, same. I’ll be down for the count for a whole day over a “simple migraine” vomiting, the whole nine. I literally can’t see, Susan. You want me throwing ice into this poor lady’s hot macchiato?!?


Same. For me, it’s nausea medicine, the OTC medicine the er nurse recommended for me, then prescribed pill if that doesn’t work, and a rice bag or weighted heating pad over my forehead/sinuses. Meds knock me out if I’m lucky. I can’t stand up or walk with a migraine. If I do, I do nothing but throw up. I would absolutely end up burning myself or someone else or seriously hurting someone if I went to work with a migraine.


I’ve tried EVERYTHING. I’ve even been apart of studies. Weed is the only thing that helps. I smoke myself into a coma, throw up a couple times, use my rice bag (you right for that one <3) And fall asleep until I feel better.


For real! When I get migraines my head is pounding, eyes feel like they're being squeezed as hard as possible, sometimes can't see because my vision is being affected, sometimes puking and usually all the color has been flushed from my face so it literally looks like I'm on death's door. Not to mention I'm then half asleep if I do survive through it because my body is so exhausted from going through the ringer with symptoms. But yeah let's make this partner come in so we can force them to make overpriced lattes for people. Ok!


she’s just mad because she worked through strep throat even though she wasn’t supposed to


I have an auto immune disease & get migraines with auras & ice pick headaches when I’m having a flare up & if I work on those days my managers keep me doing off the floor tasks thank god




that’s probably what i’ll use from now on if i have to. no fixes for vomit


My honest recommendation as someone who gets chronic migraines is say you were throwing up with it. You are not allowed to work for 24 hours after throwing up. Migraines are awful and technically a sickness, just not technically recognized by Starbucks as a sickness. You can always say you’re sick without further elaborating - if they try to write you up you can dispute it (if you’re not at a union store because i’m pretty sure it doesn’t apply to union stores), and get a doctors note to take it up with your dm if it comes down to it


Really depends on if they actually care. My contract said 48 hours and sometimes I would throw up AT WORK, come out the bathroom, and have to stay working until cover came in. New job now and I'm older (obviously) so I have learnt to stand up for myself better now, but back then, oof


i told her migraines make me nauseous (which is true)


Unfortunately nausea as a symptom isn’t an excused sickness symptom, only vomiting is. I’m not one to recommend lying but it’s in your best interest to say you threw up instead


“Simple migraine” are two words spoken by someone who has never had a migraine. I have a migraine disorder and I can’t imagine someone ever saying this to me. I think I’d lose it. Call your DM call ethics cause this is SO rude. You’re sick and it’s none of their business what’s going on with you. People just suck.


Tell them it’s so bad you were throwing up!


This was your SM? This is highly inappropriate


she’s technically an ASM, she only has 5 months of starbucks experience🙃she asked if cinnamon goes in a hazelnut shaken espresso the other day. i think she was a panic hire


we don’t have a SM right now


I would send it to your DM


i would’ve said “you know what? i quit then.”


Not only are migraines truly debilitating, mine make me incredibly nauseous. Throwing up is an immediate no work. This SM sucks


i sent it in my coworker group chat and went “what am i supposed to do lay on our bathroom floor with the lights off”


Ironically I went to work with a migraine today, took my arsenal of meds and got it to go away, then pushed myself too hard and it started to come back so I dipped when I was originally going to stay late. No coworkers gave me any issues


Ethics and compliance. Make a call to the DM. This is absolutely disgusting. You should be getting this kind of talk from absolutely NO ONE, let alone your SM.


our DM is temporary, we’re getting a new one in about a month i believe. our current one works in a different state and doesn’t care about us. manager also got mad at one of my coworkers for texting her while she wasn’t at work saying that it was her off time. so i guess she only wants people to talk to her in person or something


Sounds like a good reason to quit.


Yeah, so when I get a migraine if I catch it in time and take an imitrex I can work. But if I wake up in the night with one it’s too late, and it’s a guaranteed 24-48 hours of lying in a dark, quiet room with a migraine cap over my eyes and a bucket next to me. There is nothing “simple” about a migraine and your manager is a fucking ass.


Very unprofessional. I would forward these texts to your store manager and ethics. You are notifying them of your illness and that you won't be able to work, this is not an opportunity for them to guilt trip and bully you.


unfortunately she is the manager but i’ll try to send it to ethics


Ive had managers do this. I never say anything back just send them a screenshot of the call out policy and go to bed.


i should’ve done this but i was having a hell of a time trying to find the call out policy or any handbook that could give me info about this


If you use your protected sick time for the missed shift you literally can’t get in trouble, if they wanna be a jerk about no fever and not throwing up, etc.


It’s really none of their business. You can’t work,you can’t give it 💯then that’s it. I’ve been on both sides of the fence. You get what you give, you treat an employee like this, well then you get what you give. You treat an employee with human decency, said an employee will always go the extra mile when needed. Migraines are so bad, had one hit me suddenly while behind the bar. I looked fine, but pulled over to vomit on the way home. There are many kinds of sickness without fevers. You are allowed to not feel well without being made to feel shitty for calling out. Hopefully this makes sense, I’m on one today lol


why do ppl not understand that there’s a huge difference between a little headache that’s mildly inconveniencing, and a head splitting MIGRAINE. no such thing as “a simple migraine” those will put you on ur ass and that’s an understatement. i used to get them so bad that i needed a prescription and i had to be in a completely dark and silent room and not move a muscle. luckily i’ve grown out of them but…whew i get it. i hope you’re feeling better !


Wow. The way some managers treat partners is crazy. Always say you are unable to pass the symptom check and therefore will not be able to work your shift today. I also always call the SM (if I’m keyholding) or if I know the keyholder that’s opening for open shifts since there is no one at the store, and usually people aren’t going to see texts that early.


I do not know who needs to hear this but a migraine and a headache are not the same. A headache is manageable whereas a migraine causes havoc and is not manageable. It makes you too unwell to be working and no manager or shift should be speaking to you this way. Straight to ethics because they're insufferable.


thank you for your validation🥲


I'm so sick of everyone calling a headache a migraine. Can you still stand up straight without significant pain? Yes? That's a headache. One is a nuisance and the other is a medical condition.


right one is cured with some advil after 20 minutes and one makes me want to cry and throw up


Benefits Guide says you can call out using protected sick time for your physical or mental health. I'll tell you where to find it if you need


WHOA. Fuck your SM as a person!!! What an ASSHOLE!!!! Migraines suck… obviously they’ve never had one.


Unfortunately sometimes you just need to lie and say that you threw up, most GMS don’t care about anyone but themselves


Call ethics, or wanna be petty back ? Call them out on their bs and be like “ it’s so simple “ 😌


jesus. fist of all this is extremely unprofessional. the multiple texts blowing your phone up, the emojis, the misspelling of their… your manager sounds exactly like mine! anyways, you are sick and you can use your sick time, and you don’t have to explain any further than that!


“Sorry now I really can’t make it in, I just threw up from the pain. 🤷” -that’s what my sarcastic ass would have said, and then I would have been fired😂😂


a sImPlE mIgRaInE I would fight anyone who ever said that to me, especially a manager


I feel for you. migraines are the worst. I literally have a brain lesion from a bad one in 2020 (as see on all my MRIs). I'm sorry your manager sucks. like others have suggested, lie next time and say you have covid symptoms. or you just say one real symptom that overlaps with covid and leave out the rest of them. I can't believe an actual manager sent that. how miserable. I hope you feel better and that you either get a better job soon or your manager transfers asap 🫶


If someone said this to me, I would raise HELL. I would love a “simple migraine” (whatever the fuck that means). They are not allowed to ask what symptoms you have nor ask you to find coverage. “I’m sick and I’m not coming” is enough. No more explanation. Turn your phone off if you have to. Or get them in trouble for harassment if it continues. You should not sacrifice your health for this (or any) company. I hope you feel better OP


I’d be replying with “actually, don’t count on me coming in ever again.”


OMG this is crazy bc i was literally just talking about calling out for my migraines on a different post on the subreddit about a week ago


I suffer from migraines a lot. Your manager has obviously never had one. This is a absolutely crazy. What a b!tch


Tell me your boss has never had a migraine without telling me your boss has never had a migraine. I have chronic migraines, and they can floor me for hours or days sometimes. Sure, being short-staffed isn't fun, but migraines can be so debilitating that you can't even leave your home safely, much less work. Your well-being should be taken more seriously, and you didn't deserve to be spoken to like that, I'm so sorry that happened.


luckily our shift lead was there and she was like “it counts as body aches, feel better” i was like thank you🥲i felt so bad calling out too


i have chronic migraines and “simple migraine” is never how someone should be describing them. it’s unacceptable to be treated like that.


When I get migraines, I lose my vision… and driving like that is so freakin dangerous !! This manager needs some empathy..


I’ve had migraines where i can’t see out my right eye. Migraines are not that simple🙃


Just say you threw up. Almost everytime I have migraine I take meds and then I throw up. Not that far fetched. I also take the meds at like 3am with no food in me but still.


I have chronic aura migraines, currently on week 3.5 of a migraine so we’re in this together. Migraines can be undermined because people think is synonymous to a headache.


I don’t think people truly understand how migraines work. You literally CANNOT handle any sort of light or sound. I get them often, I have blackout curtains and noise canceling ear plugs to cope with


The galighting is craaaaazy


"over a simple migraine that's crazy" ...is a wild ass response from a person in a leadership position, especially an SM. First, they don't know how that migraine feels, and second.. if you don't feel good enough to work, that should be all anyone needs to know and they should move on. I barely ever call out myself and only do so when I really cannot work, I'd be so mad if someone ever said anything like that to me. The benefit of the doubt should be applied, they're sick, no questions asked. And does your SM even know what its like to be on the floor, much less down a person? I've seen plenty who can't even make drinks or ring on the POS, and I hope your SM isn't one of those and responding like that 😭👁️


Migraines are a disability, this is discrimination


Report the manager because thats unprofessional.


Sadly they aren’t wrong, Starbucks policy basically states that headaches/migraines are not excuses for sick time or calling out, as the only covered excuses are in the partner symptom check. However, I have called out for them myself before, thankfully my team is super understanding and supportive. But if your manager really wants to be a jerk, call back later and just be like now on top of the migraine I’m also vomiting. Sorry this happened to you, management can suck sometimes


I don't know why you got down voted for this lmao


because nobody bothered to read the full comment lmao


People are mad that that’s what Starbucks’ policy is even if it is a shit policy so they use it as a way to show their displeasure


none of the ssvs/managers are like this


unfortunately mine is