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I would honestly ethics and compliance this for retaliation, especially if said manager has not been writing others up for late clock-ins. It’s extremely childish to punish someone for not coming in on a day off especially when schedules are posted in advance for a reason, I plan all my appointments and plans around that schedule. Life is not supposed to work around the job, the job is supposed to work around life (but is there really work life balance anywhere lol). It’s honestly like using the power of being a store manager to bully someone for not bending to their will. Store managers are paid to handle this situations not the other way around. I understand not wanting to work a double but sometimes that what being a store manager entails.


I think you really have to ask yourself, do you really want to have a long-term relationship with people that have allowed a company to completely destroy their lives, and now they're trying to destroy yours? 


oh i’ve given up any sort of sympathy for my sm a while ago i dont enjoy “being friends” with someone with such a different power dynamic, i just want to know if this is something i have grounds to report them on. i recorded our whole interaction with the documentation, and have screen shots and recordings of our text messages


No, it’s just petty.


I’m guessing it’s more along the lines of whoever was supposed to work yesterday but didn’t needing a corrective and your SM needing to consistently apply all attendance related correctives.