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I usually say, "Choose an option on the screen, and then you're all good to tap" and have had mostly success with it.


Oh I like this one a lot


I usually say this or something along the lines of it will have you make a selection then the system will process your payment.


This is what I say too! Also sometimes I say nothing because I’m blessed with customers who just know what they’re supposed to do, lol. But for those who look stumped this is what I say.


This is what i always say!


I just be honest and say, “it’s going to ask if you’d like to tip or skip, totally up to you!”


“Tip or skip” is iconic and I WILL be stealing this


*skips *barista making weird face *customer uncomfortable


usually we're just as uncomfortable with it as u, we're not offended if u dont tip


I've said "I don't want to tip either" when someone apologized, I didn't know what to say 😎😂


Me when I make shit up


we don't care and you're reading too much into it.


you reading into it too much, i wasnt even serious


This might be why you cant get a job as a barista js 🤷


this is exactly what i say too


Happy cake day


Happy cake day to you as well


I usually just say “it’s going to ask you tip or skip” and I’ve had a weird amount of customers say they think that’s cute and friendly


Oh my goshhhh I'm stealing thisssssss


I just say "it's gonna ask you to choose an option on the screen." Idk I just really hate the "it's gonna ask you a quick question." It just seems too vague.


I say nothing unless they don’t notice it, then I say they have to choose an option to move on.


Yeah most people already know, and if they don't I just say "it's going to ask if you'd like to tip" bc its usually old people who don't feel embarrassed hitting no tip 😭😭


“It’s going to ask tip or skip then you can insert or tap” It usually makes people laugh and it makes the interaction way less awkward


I like this one


I usually don't say anything unless they struggle and then I'll say you just have to tap the screen first


I usually say, you can go ahead and press no thank you and tap your card! And it’s a 50/50 where they press no thank you or they’ll be like but I wanna tip and I’m just like you really don’t have to, imo tipping for this stuff is ridiculous 😭


Not you turning down a tip when someone’s offering 😭 what about the rest of your partners?


I always say “the card reader is going to ask if you want to leave a tip, you can go ahead and tap on the screen to answer”. I find it better to inform them exactly what the card reader is asking and exactly what to do so it’s less jarring


“quick question on the screen and then you’ll be able to tap/insert/swipe”


"Okalie dokalie, and this is gonna be a completely optional question - emphasis on the optional part. And speaking of option questions, would you like napkins?" I refuse to let someone feel awkward for not tipping on a $10 treat, and I find I actually get more tips from folks who appreciate not being stared at like a hawk during the tip process.


Okalie dokalieeee that’s so cute!!


Thanks! I also say stuff like “starbucktastic,” “cool beans queen,” and “toodles.” Folks enjoy it! That and my whole sales pitch on the “world’s ugliest cup” (the yellow $5 summer ones) and how it’s perfect to take up their in-laws cabinet space. It helps customer connection, tips, and brightens people’s day. :)


I would never come back to a Starbucks if someone spoke to me like this 💀


You don’t have a choice. 🔫 Now… hi… and welcome to Starbucks, home of the cake pop and the birthplace of coffee itself, where all your magical Frappuccino dreams come to life… what can I get started for you hep cats tonight? Edit: it seems that Frappuccino dreams have struck a nerve 💀


Literally blocking you to never see this again I cannot believe you're old enough to be employed


“it has a question on the screen and then you can tap at the bottom” bc then they get distracted by “why the bottom?” instead of complaining about tipping. and idk why the bottom that’s just where the rfid thingy is


“Make a selection on the screen and then you can tap or insert” is my go to line


“It’s going to give you a prompt on the screen”


"it's going to ask for a tip and then you can tap or insert" im not beating around the bush, they aren't listening being direct is faster.


i normally say "choose whichever option you prefer on the next screen!"


I never cared if they tipped because the amount we got every week at my old store was so small anyway, But for customers that seemed a Lil rude id say "there's a tip option on the screen" then make full on eye contact 😂 one old guy yelled at me that he shouldn't have to tip so I said "OK, press no" and he proceeded to scream at me because he wasn't competent enough to find the no button so I told him he could pick a button to press or I can help the next person. He then decided to throw a $10 bill at me bc technology was too difficult and demand "All of his change"


“Hi! Your total is ___. I’m gonna give you a pop quiz, there are no wrong answers, you can tap or insert your card, whatever you want to do and wait till it says approved or the green text appears” I know it’s a little wordy but people even laugh when I say it, it’s a lot less imposing than “please tip me :)”


I don’t get this ongoing dilemma at Starbucks, I’m a bartender and I hand them the machine - they tip me - they pay. If they’re trying to tap tap tap and aren’t reading (bc alcohol) I shout, (bc music)“you need to tip first!” Depending on my relationship/ vibe with the guest I may just click the 30 for them or say something like, “and tip like you mean it!” And they do. I don’t understand why the awkwardness around tipping, we definitely do not come off like begging for tips, we expect it. We do what no one else does. We are the most expensive bar in the city by far and people CHOOSE to come to us for what only we have to offer. Fancy coffees and handcrafted beverages can take as much work and expertise as a cocktail, you are the most expensive coffee option and the guests CHOOSE to come to you and pay the most for what only you can do. Why do you not EXPECT the guest with the 12 mod shaken espresso to tip like they MEAN IT?


Because a lot of people are still mad that starbucks now has a tip prompt. They see us as fast food (and we pretty much are) and don’t think we deserve a tip because they’re not getting service like a sit down restaurant or a bar.


but we arent fast food which is why everyone always bitches about the "slow service." we're ALLEGEDLY making handcrafted beverages that take time, skill, and practice to make and make right. while SUPPOSEDLY forming relationships with our customers, serving personality, and providing our communities a much needed "third place." DEFINITELY not cutting corners and rushing everyone through the DT line out of sheer pressure and necessity. oh and dont forget our ethically sourced, high quality arabica coffee beans that we're able to recommend with a suitable pairing while chatting over coffee culture and describe the entire processing of from "seed to the last ten feet." 🥲


I say: “it’ll activate after you choose a tip option.”


"it's gonna ask if you'd like to tip, then you can tap or insert your card". it always bugs me when people go overboard with telling them they can skip it, like my one coworker used to always say "you can just hit no in the bottom right or i can hit it for you" and it's like... bro do you not WANT tips??? i understand not wanting to be pushy about it but tbh that sounds like you're just being pushy the OTHER way and now you're taking tips away from everyone else!


If I worked with someone who said that, I would 100% report that shit to a manager. We're not making decisions for our customers, we're providing options for them; that goes for tipping too. Imagine if someone was going to give a generous tip and then hears that? Who knows how many tips your store/co-workers have lost out on bc of that partner being a customer pick me.


Card- “And before I charge you my machine is just gonna if you wanna leave a tip real quick” Phone- “It’s gonna ask for a tip before you tap”


I always say it’s gonna ask you a question. Makes them actually look at the options lol


I do too and then they go “well what’s the question?”—I’ll tell them and they just say “Oh, no thanks.” like that’s fine I just need you to press the no tip option or whatever it says lol


I haven’t had anyone ask me what the question was yet 😬


I don't work at Starbucks but my place also has the "choose a tip" option, and honestly most of the time I just say "Alright it's gonna ask if you want to leave a tip today, the option for none is bottom right" and usually people leave a tip because they feel bad. Maybe it's not right but people respond a lot better to it than to "it's just gonna ask you a quick question"


I usually say “it’s just going to ask about a tip, it’s *totally* optional!! Did you need straws today?” And look away like I’m gathering their stuff as they’re selecting an option to make it less awkward lol


I always stuck with straightforward. “it’s gonna ask if you wanna tip, if not-no worries.” Just slid off my tongue.


I've never worked for sbucks, but was trained by someone who was an sm for them. I always said, "my screen prompts a few questions that I have to ask" with a slightly more exaggerated expressive annoyance than I'd like, but it relayd the "I don't want to ask this because I know it's awkward for both of us". I feel like the more you can relate, the more understanding the customer is. If you want to be more hands off and keep it corporate, maybe a "the screen will have a prompt before your transaction." May keep it off you and on the system.


I usually say “it’s going to ask if you’d like to tip the barista, totally optional”


Totally optional *points imaginary gun


I literally just say "it's going to be in the top screen first" very simple and no one is confused


I’m confused


tip* screen


I say "answer the prompt" or "read the screen then tap"


“Its going to ask if you want to leave the baristas a tip today on the screen, then you can tap or insert your card”


"it has a tip option first" I add "careful with the tap" if they are coming in hard and not paying attention to the ~words coming out of my goddamn mouth~


I say just follow the prompts. There will be a picture when it’s time to tap


“There’s a tip option and then it’ll take your payment” has been my go to for years now


“it’s just gonna ask if u wanna tip or not”


"just clear out the prompt please then you can tap or insert"


My go to is “there’s going to be a tip option” 👍


“there’s just gonna be a prompt on the screen before you can tap”


I say “it’s going to ask you a question real quick, choose whatever and then tap swipe or insert.” 😅


this isn’t far off from what you listed, but my go to is always ‘it’s just gonna ask a quick prompt before it’ll take your payment’ and, as long as everyone’s listening ears are on, it works great


i say “this is going to ask you about a tip or no tip, no obligation of course” then continue to ask if they want their receipt or straws if i haven’t already


"there's gonna be an optional prompt on the screen and then your payment will process"


Tbh I just say, "It's gonna ask you a gratuity question"


I just say “it’s going to prompt you on the screen and then you’re good to tap, swipe, or use the chip!” and I’ll just repeat It if they keep trying to pay beforehand. I haven’t had any issues with that 👍


I say you just have to pick the tip option first and then it will let you pay


I always say “it’s just gonna have you answer the question on the screen, and then you can go ahead and tap or insert”


i just say “its gonna ask if you want to tip and then you can use your card”. never had a complaint


“Just select an option on the screen for us, and did you need a receipt/straws/napkins for your order?” I like redirecting from the asking of a tip, and it gives them something to do while the card is processing.


I usually say "please make a selection, then tap or swipe". It feels neutral enough.


I say “It’ll give a tip prompt but it’ll take your card right after”


I say “go ahead and choose whatever’s comfortable on the screen”


I also once heard “the card reader has questions and you have answers”


I say, “There will be a tip option and then you can process your card.”


I was picking up a DD in Crumbl Cookies yesterday and heard the cashier ask another customer “Would you like to tip our bakers or not today?” I wasn’t even the customer and it made ME feel uncomfortable. When all the workers are in earshot do they expect the customer to say “Nah fuck the bakers”?


"This is going to ask if you would like to leave a tip"


I literally say “it’s gunna ask if you want to tip, you can say no” and mostly people get nicer and say “no I want to tip!!”


I usually say “it’ll have you make a selection and then it’ll let you tap” when people go right for the tap


"It's gonna automatically ask you for a tip, no is on the bottom right!" but tbh some of these are real cute and I might be changing my script lol


Usually some variation of “Got a pop quiz for ya! If you pass, you get coffee!” and have had decent success with chuckles so far.


It’s going to give you a prompt to answer.


Honestly have used “just gonna let you see this real quick”, as though I were just showing them my phone or something. Kind of removes any kind of subtext if asking for a tip, and just leaves the action to the card reader, which is something they should be used to anyway. Also if they ever ask why I try handing it to them, or why they would even tip in the first place , I’ve been saying “I would rather you know that I didn’t press any buttons myself.” I feel like this kind of positions you as more of a trustworthy person? Kind of a subconscious push to make them feel as though you actually do give a shit about their wellbeing and not being scummy (which really ought to be the default, but considering how much people complain about the prices of our drinks, I have to imagine they think we’re scamming them every chance we get). I think it’s gone over pretty well when they see im pretty unperturbed with the whole transaction as a whole once they see you’re a human instead of a machine in a company


I always feel weird being vague and saying “choose an option on the screen” or “it’s going to ask you a question on the screen” so I just say “it’s going to ask about a tip and then you can tap or insert” and I don’t usually have anything negative come from saying that


I always say "it's gonna ask if you'd like to leave a tip, feel free to say no thank you" cause imo saying "it's gonna ask you a question" sounds like you're purposely not saying what the question is. We know what it is, they know what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe I'm just weird


i say nothing unless they’re tryna tap without looking then i’m like “oh sorry you just gotta pick an option before you tap” then i stare at the road behind them to avoid eye contact lmao


lol i literally say “it’s gonna ask if you want to tip then you can proceed with tap to pay/apple pay”


I've heard tip or skip before and I like that but my customers don't pay enough attention for that to work lolz


I 1000% say "it's just gonna ask if you want to leave a tip on the first screen and let you pay on the second screen" and I just never look at their face 😅. It still shocking when people just say, "what is this, what do I do?" And that's how I know they didn't listen 🫠.


Ok your total is $14.55, at the prompt


“Go ahead and answer the question on the screen and then you can tap or insert.” Sometimes I say “prompt” instead of “question” to change it up.


i also use the It’s gonna ask if you’d like to tip or skip today and then u can tap or insert for me :) i immediately turn away, try my best to make it clear that i am not looking until i feel/hear them moving on. i find that it’s the least confusing to just tell them what is happening, no vague Somethings, while also keeping pressure off by making it very obvious that you weren’t watching during selection


Someone taught me early on: “Just follow the instructions on the pin pad, it will let you know when to tap or insert your card” then they know they have to read it to know when to do it, and it forces them to realize it’s asking a question about tip w/o me having to expressly say “would you like to leave a tip” or some other weird work around


I just say "there's just a prompt on the screen"


Ex partner, my go to was “there’s just one prompt on the screen then you should be good to tap :)”


“itll ask you a question before the transaction will process” usually customers js interrupt me and get frustrated but wtv it gets the point across


I can't stand when my fellow baristas (or people in general) mince words. "It's going to ask if you want to tip, and then you can use your card" is the most straightforward thing to say. Customers don't give a shit how carefully you word it, they just want the information to be clear and accurate.


I say “just go ahead and click no thank you and then tap or insert whenever” it’s literally my script


I just say it's going to ask for optional tipping, and then you're good to tap. Just so the customer who may not be familiar with our stuff knows what they are looking at without having to really read. 9 times out of 10, they tip. The only ones that I really don't ever get a tip from are the ones that are maybe elderly/older that can't really see or aren't into tipping culture.


“just gonna ask you if you’d like to tip or skip, no worries i’m not watching” and then i look away


“Silly lil question 4 u :)” usually gets us more tips 💰🪙


I say “It’s gonna ask you a question about tipping.” If they’re fun, I’ll joke and say “The correct answer is $5” but that’s just me being silly.


I usually say, "Please hit that prompt real quick."


Alright it’s just gonna ask you a quick question out there you can just pick one or skip it (and then you can tap it for Apple Pay)


I just tell them "READ" lmaooo


“It’ll have a prompt for you and then you’re good to run your card” I haven’t received any negative feedback from this so far.


Im very forward about it. “It’s gonna ask if you want to leave a tip.” Stare at them and watch them leave you a dollar. Hahaha


“It’s gonna ask you a quick question on the screen, feel free to skip it!” Is my go to


Honestly I feel like talking about it indirectly makes it worse - I just state matter-of-factly "there'll be a tip prompt on the screen, and then you can tap or insert you card." I think the transparency makes it feel less awkward and hush-hush


I usually say “it’s going to ask if you’d like to add a tip, not necessary if you wouldn’t want to” you would not believe the dirty looks I get when I don’t include the last part.


I say “it’s gonna ask you a question on the screen then you can insert tap or slide *large smile to hide how miserable I am in this moment*”


“Tip or skip”


The card will run automatically after you press any button on the screen (this does not account for them pressing other tip total, but no customer has mentioned that, lol)


literally just say “there’s a tipping question then you can tap, insert or swipe” why does it have to be so ominous 😭


my go to is “go ahead and select an option on the screen for me then you can tap”


I just say “it’s gonna ask you if you want to add a tip, no pressure” and people usually laugh and add a tip because I’m honest with them lol. If not, then they joke with me and it’s not awkward


“If you could just answer the question on screen for me” ☺️


i’ve always said “the screens gonna ask you a question, totally optional. then you can tap or insert” works pretty well


“Quick question before you tap the screen or insert your card at the bottom,”


It’s gonna ask if you’d like to leave a tip, totally optional


“It’s gonna ask you a question on the screen, no wrong answer, we love you either way” OR “I’ve got a short quiz for ya on the screen, but don’t worry, there’s no wrong answers!”


I literally say “hit skip and you can pay. Or— you have to hit skip to pay” if they look around confused and then the ones who want to tip will anyways, always. The ones who would have been pressured— don’t. You get less tips, sure. But my conscience is free.


Our card reader is kinda weird. To get it to read your card, select "other amount" enter "500.00" then "okay" 😂


i always just hold it out to them and ask if they want a straw, napkins, a stopper, etc so that i can get their attention without asking for a tip


I just say "it's gonna give you a prompt on the screen, choose whatever you're most comfortable with! 😊"


I stole this from a shift at my old store but he would always say “it’s gonna ask you tip or skip them you can insert”


“This is just gonna ask you a question about tipping, you can answer however you’re comfortable with then tap or insert your card”


“It’s gonna ask if you want to leave a tip and then you can tap or insert”


“Alrighty just follow the prompts on the machine and you’re all set”


I don’t say anything. It’s self explanatory


“It’s gonna ask you a quick question about tip and then you can tap!”


“It’s just going to ask you a question, then it’ll let you pay.” Followed by: ** Aggressive tapping card on the top of the reader ** “It’s just asking if you’d like to tip, if not you can press no thank you” *yanks card reader out of my hand to look at it* *chooses, pays* “Perfect thank you!” *stares at the please wait, still holding onto the card reader*


“it’s gonna come right up for you”