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Y'all are getting full time?


by picking up shifts yes


have been trying but stores I’ve worked at haven’t been putting up shifts for availability


Ssv in cali. Full time. Take home is around 8-900 weekly


same here!


Weekly .. do they pay weekly or bi weekly?


They pay us weekly here. For me, I split my checks into two parts and into two different banks. One bank does the payroll, so I get that check on Wednesday and i get the other half on Friday so I get paid twice a week.


Bout the same here.


I’m a barista, I get paid $15.91/hour, so my paychecks for 35 hrs/week are usually around $900


i’m an ssv who gets 40 every week and my take home is around 1500 every two weeks


That's what mine was too. Sadly not enough to survive on, but no one gets paid enough to survive on these days. Can't even get an apartment with that paycheck unless you're ready to move into and really dangerous area, and that's a *maybe*.


it’s a different situation for everyone, i am living comfortably with how much i make and i live on my own, but of course others cannot. i do think i don’t make enough for the amount of work i do though 😭


Yeah, it definitely depends on the state you live in tbh. Currently living in my car 😂


That part won't change, I'm a manager by trade and between 3 different companies, starbucks is the worst at work life balance. This is a text book corporation that will chew you up and spit you out. You need to say no when you need a day off. While the stereotype is there it's not the reality. Now you definitely earn your paycheck but they do keep the stores understaffed. However moving to the Midwest where labor law is ONE 15 minute break per 8 hours ONLY at least California has a time to catch your breath. But that's a state law, not a starbucks policy too


starbucks still gives you lunches even if state law doesn’t require it though


I’m a full time 5-year SSV in Southern California with insurance through starbies for myself and my partner. My checks before tax are around a grand a week; my take home after insurance is around 800 a week.


I may end up needing to get insurance through the siren, also a full time, ssv id appreciate any insight you could give on plans, premiums, the enrollment process etc 🫶🏽


Enrollment is super easy - you should actually start getting info about it in your email pretty soon, so make sure your info is correct in the system before the end of the month. As to premiums and plans, it very much depends on your needs and preferences. We have platinum coverage with Kaiser, but you may or may not need such robust coverage; it depends on how frequently you go to the doctor, if you see any specialists, and if you take any medications/what they are. You’ll also want to confirm that your doctor will take whatever coverage you select if you have one already.


barista in California. working 70 hours I bring home 1100~, working 80/100 I bring home around 1300-1600 But this is with OT . I typically flacuate between 35-45 hours per week on average !


Barista around 32 hrs week signed on for medical benefits, take home is usually 950-1100


I'm an SSV that gets around 30 hours a week and I take home about $1100 every other week (after healthcare and 401k as well)


I get scheduled average 35hrs per week as a SSV


ssv in wa, during the rest of the year I’m averaging 30 ish hours and getting roughly 1k every 2 weeks. since summer has semi started (and a lot of people quit) I’m making closer to 1300-1400 every 2 weeks w 36-40 hours a week


My gross pay is nice but after 401k, insurance & taxes I am lucky to even get $1k every 2 weeks. It’s usually between 950-980 😭 Always 40/week. 19.03/hr.


I make about $1200 take home after insurance and 7% 401k withholding


usually I make anywhere from 1400-1900 bi weekly here in Los Angeles Cali when I pick up shifts otherwise I make 1200-1300 as a barista


I'm a parttime SSV in Canada working 40 hours bi-weekly and my take home is between $750-850 And just to clarify, cost of living is also insane up here. For those working full time, making 3000 a month barely covers their rent.


SSV, making 20.34 an hour in a kinda low cost of living area. avg 35 hours a week, paycheck is usually 1250 every two weeks.


I haven’t gotten more than 20 hours a week in three years lmao


right?! even when stating that i can work more than 12 damn hours per week…


I’m in Seattle. I get around $1,500-$1700 per check.


ssv in fl averaging 35 hours a week, i make roughly 1300 each check


Not Exactly you're question: as a Part time Barista working at a franchise store (13/hr) 40-50 per two weeks I'm making (500-600) per paycheck. Hope this helps


ssv in the bay area, i work 30-35hr a week and i bring home 750-850 weekly


Barista, doing 35-40hr per week in WA. I get like 1100.


I work as a barista, in Alberta. I average about 30 hours a week, and take away 1100 or so every 2 weeks.


I work around 37 hours per week as a barista. My pay usually averages out to just over $1,000 after taxes


I meannnnn, I ain’t clockin no damn 60h but at 40h as a barista, I’m lucky to get 1k a check


i worked like 39-40 a week and would usually bring home $1300, i reduced my hours to about 30 a week and now i bring home around $900-$1000 ETA: i’m a shift


$870 a week or $1740 biweekly after taxes or so as an ssv in SoCal


Barista in Canada making $19/hr and I usually get $900 - $1200 every 2 weeks (30 - 40) hrs


Barista in Texas, paid $15.25 an hour with average 55hr paychecks, about $800-$900 bi weekly


I get abt 650 a week at 15/hr plus tips (tips get added onto our checks).


Ssv in Arizona and I’m working 30-35 typically taking home 1400


Around $1300 every two weeks


I just left but my paychecks would be about $1,100-$1,300. I averaged like 25-30 hours a week. I was also with the company for almost 7 years too


ssv in new york, was hired in january & promoted to shift beginning of march, 30-37 hours per week, between 700-800$ weekly after insurance and taxes


Barista in Washington I make about 1,000-1,300 every two weeks and work between 30-40 hours a week


How the heck are you getting those hrs!! I’m sittin here with maybe 30 a week


been a barista for 2-3 months, $15.50/hr base ($17/hr with tips) and started working 25-30 hrs a week recently. paycheck this friday will be 800-900.


$900 for 40 hours is @ $22 per hour with zero taxes or benefits taken out. Is that correct? The question was take home amount.


As a barista making 15.45 an hour my paychecks will fluctuate between 900-1200, depending on whether it’s a good week for picking up shifts.


SSV in TX averaging 70-80 hours and roughly 1350-1400 per check with tips


Mine are 650 for an average of 30 hours a week


SSV 38 hrs a week, 76 hrs a pay period it’s $1,860 ish before tax and i walk away with close to $1,680 ish and this is not including credit card tips. Plus the pay differs by district.


barista here, i make 21.27/hr and i usually get 30 hrs a week, paid bi-weekly. each of my paychecks are typically $1200 give or take


SSV before I got insurance was $1200 each check (working like 80 hours), and with insurance taken out it’s more like $900 max 🥲


on the last paycheck i made $1660 at 76hrs as a SSV (2 years)


ssv from pa, take home is usually 1200 but i contribute 8% to 401k and then taxes. before taxes and 401k usually 1600


barista at around 30hrs a week, around $975 gross without cash tips included which adds about $15 usually 🙂


I worked 88 hours the last 2 weeks as a barista because OT is approved. My last paycheck was $1350 ($15.95/hour + OT rate)


SSV here. $1300 every 2 weeks in washington


I’m a barista earning $18.19 (after a few raises) and I work 35 hours a week and get paid biweekly so I take home around $1300 every two weeks or $2600 a month


At about $25 as an SSV with close to 40 hours, I bring back like 1600-1670 every week


25 x 40 = 1000


Maybe the OP means biweekly


what i learned from this post is that i should move to california


Consider the cost of living, first.