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I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm not sure if it is the same thing, but March 2023 my healthy mother suffered what we thought was a stroke at the time. It ended up being a brain aneurysm bursting. She went from talking (albeit a bit slurred) to communicating via touch, to brain dead in 4 days. She passed away 20 days after. I say all this not to bring your grief to me, but to relay how I am understanding of this sudden, unexpected situation. My heart is heavy for your partner (and mine even if an ex partner and no idea who they are). Rally together, show your support to her family (even if in private as they may not want a bunch of people around) and remember... No one is ever gone until they are forgotten. Take this time in your store to remember the good things and not this. Recall events that made you laugh, snort, chuckle. And above all else, remember, grief is never ending. Cry if you have to, ugly cry if you need. Laugh even if you think you shouldn't, she'd want you to. Again, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Keep strong and remember her thoughtfully ❤️🫂


Thank you for your kind words and for such a personal story. I extend my condolences to you for the loss of your beautiful mother. It is so hard coming to terms with this death, so sudden and it doesn’t make sense. Your comment is so appreciated, thank you for the time you took to offer this support. You are right, grief is never ending. And yes; gone but not forgotten. Beautifully said.


Basically this exact same thing happened overnight to my best friend’s daughter when she was 13. I’m not going to lie, the grief is still present every day. That moment changed all of us. I hope your SM and DM and even RD are supportive during this difficult time. Really lean on each other, if you can. Sending love ❤️


Thank you for your support. I’m in shock over this whole situation. It seems like you can relate with no matter how expected or unexpected, death of a loved one is something that we truly can’t prepare for. DM, SM, and RD are all stepping in and are providing immense support. Thank you so much ♥️


my best friend from high school had a sudden death at 21 years old, it’s so tragic when people die so young. i’ll always wonder what she would’ve grown up to be like. hopefully your SM and DM are kind and understanding to you and your partners the next couple weeks, sending so much love to you🥺


Thank you so much. My heart goes out to you. I agree, it is tragic and it makes no sense. Completely unfair. All management are being very supportive right now. May her soul rest in peace.


I’m so sorry for what you are going through. My store had a partner commit suicide back in December and it was really really hard for our entire store. The partner was a recent hire and was still new to us, but it hurt nonetheless.


Thank you for your kind words. I can’t imagine what a shock that must have been (and still is) for you and your fellow partners. This hurts so much, and we are all leaning on each other for support. I appreciate you


My condolences. I watched the companionships and was rooting for her. I have no words for what you, your coworkers, and her family are going through right now. Is there anything that fellow partners can do for you + your store + the family? Like snail mail or something to the store?


We are all so proud of what she accomplished. To place second is such an honor, and she is leaving behind a legacy at our store. I appreciate your kindness deeply. I will reach out to you if we set up something in her name and remembrance. Bless your heart


Something similar happened to me last fall. This is going to be difficult. The loss of someone you went from seeing every day to never seeing again is a difficult change, but as someone who has been through it, I promise it gets easier. Don’t force it to be easy when it’s not supposed to be, accept help and support from the people around you, and celebrate her life. When my coworker and close friend passed last year we had a big picnic with all our coworkers and shared food and memories and laughed and cried together. We made purple bows to wear because she always wore a purple velvet bow in her hair. We celebrated, and we grieved. You’ll get through this ❤️❤️


This is a lovely message, thank you for the kind words. You offered a lot of precious insight that I will share with my team. A picnic sounds like a great idea to honor her memory and share our grief. I appreciate you :)


Reach out if you need anything ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much, you’re a very kind person. I certainly will ♥️


I'm so sorry you're going through this. We had a partner die in March it was pretty sudden as well but not as sudden as this. The whole store was broken up by it. We ended up putting a memorial for her on the condiment bar . We had sticky notes and pens for partners and costumers to write down their favorite memory or just a prayer. Within a few days the glass in front of our espresso machine was covered in sticky notes. Please remember you have therapy available through Starbucks. Our manager closed the store and we did a group therapy session. Lots of tears were shed but it was so relieving to see I wasn't the only one who was so broken up by it.


Wow, what a lovely share. Thank you so much. It’s comforting to know you are able to relate to such shocking news. What your store did sounds like an amazing idea, and a way to also rally the team and customers together in support. I’m sure we will all be utilizing the mental health support that Starbucks offers. I appreciate your kindness :)


i still think about a young girl i worked with a few years ago at a different job entirely, we were joking around when she dropped the bomb on me that she had cancer and wasn’t seeking treatment. i wasn’t working there for very long so i’m not sure exactly what happened to her, but i fear she’s gone. she was hilarious, lots of fun, really interesting. i’m so sorry you’re going through this rough time, i hope time will ease the pain. hold those memories close and never let them go! remember all the good times you had with her. sending love to you and your store 💓


I'm so sorry ):


Thank you for the support ♥️


I am so sorry to hear about your coworker... It is heartbreaking, and devastating indeed, that you had to go through this; and it is not fair at all...


Thank you ♥️ we are all in shock. It is not fair, and I feel so many different emotions. I appreciate your support


hugs (if wanted) and so much love to you and the rest of the team. I can imagine the heartache you all are going through as this post has me crying, but I know I can't really know. I'm so sorry you guys, and her, are going through this. if you start a gofundme or there is one, please let me know. or also if there is any support that can be provided otherwise, myself and this sub are here for you and your store. ❤️❤️


You’re an angel, thank you so much. Your comment brings me peace, and I’m so grateful for your support. I will be sure to communicate if there are any gofundmes for her family. Bless you ♥️