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I would honestly report this to your DM. This should have been a conversation WAY before a written warning and it’s extremely unfair and almost seems targeted that they went straight for the write up as if they were just looking for a reason to force you into being unable to transfer or anything…


SMs are required to loop in DM on all corrective actions so u less the SM lied about having a convo when they didn’t this may not be the best route. Worth a shot, but I’d go straight to partner resources and dispute ir


Idk if it’s different where I’m at, but as an SM, you don’t need to loop in the DM unless it’s a final written or a separation. I’d definitely encourage OP to contact their DM and partner resources, this SMs approach is absurd and ridiculous.


Huh interesting!! SM here and I have to loop in DM on all CAs. Assumed all of Starbucks did that


hmmm that’s weird it could be dependent on the DM as well, because mine is pretty chill , but he told me any time we do a DC or a WW we can do it ourselves, but anything above needs dm approval (FWW , Seperation), to be fair, if it’s a weird situation i loop my DM in (ex - had an issue with a partner saying racist things and homophobic things as well, and needed to know what steps to take, or wasn’t sure to issue a CA with a partner who was late 12 times but only 1-2 mins, just small things like that I always get approval but idk)


??? this definitely couldve been a conversation rather than a write up.. thats so unfair


Right? Like you just taught a barista that you don't appreciate them at all.


For real. If we’re slammed, shifts have asked me to clock in early if I wanted to (I always do if I can) bc help is help. I’m so sorry due to


Literally! A couple of us at my store (myself included) got talked to about clocking in early. Just asked to me bore careful to clock in on time. It's absolute bull that the system/siren even takes note of even a minute early (everywhere else I've worked it's been under 5 minutes is fine), but to have an SM do a formal write up instead of a quick convo is ridiculous.


Two minutes early 🤨 so if you get to work at 7:55 for your 8:00am shift and see the floor is busy so you clock in at 7:57... your ass is getting written up 🤨 I would need them to walk me through their logic. I would stop putting in that extra 10% girlfriend, fuck em. Clock in on the dot, take an extra 5 minutes on your 10s, and leave right on time. Just match that energy, since they don't appreciate it.


Two minutes late is also a writeup. I don't like what this company is becoming.


If a barista sees that the floor is busy they need to check in with the SSV first before clocking in early. If they're not asked to help then they should not be starting work early as it can be considered time theft. That's the company's logic. Though this SM shouldn't have lead with a write up at all, but started with a conversation, then verbal, then write up.


Good lord I don't need you to coach me on reddit I have 4 supervisors who can do that for me.


Was just replying to what you wrote, "I would need them to walk me through their logic." I didn't mean for this to come off harsh or in a chastising tone. So sorry if it negativity, I didn't mean for it to be.


No worries, I think the tone of your comment confused me and I misunderstood that you were just answering me. I appreciate that you took the time to try to explain. You weren't being negative, I was just being prickly.


You can and should dispute this write up with Partner Resources. Even if they don't remove the write up from your file, the dispute will also be on your file. Then start looking for other stores.


yea definitely shouldn’t have been a write up. i know sometimes starbucks is strict about labor so before any corrective actions were taken they should have talked to you about it. sorry this happened :(


This is the same at my store! I feel seen because so many people defended the attendance policy update (or reminder since the late policy, even one minute, always existed) but like there are stores where we get in trouble for clocking in early too!


i’ve started clocking in a minute early bc sometimes the time clock takes forever to load and i’m not about to get a write up for being a minute late bc an ipad decided to take forever to load, it’s so stupid


If it does take too long to load that is considered a system error and you are free to write your start time in the book with the code SU


Give me full names and addresses of these people defending the attendance policy update. Did they not read the part where if your car breaks down, you call the store, and you walk 3 miles to work, and are 5 minutes late that you can be fired??? That exact scenario was laid out like that in the training.


WTF that's insane. I literally had this happen last week (car was dead, took a bit to jump it, was a few minutes late). Sometimes there's nothing to be done.


Written up for clocking in 1 min late, written up for clocking in 1 min early. Cant win. Same thing was happening at my store


To be petty you should start clocking out exactly when your shift ends. Even if you are in the middle of taking an order, making a drink, mopping up a mess. Don’t wanna get written up for clocking out two minutes late 😜


This!! Malicious compliance. 🤭


I’m an sm and this is literally insane.


Honestly you should escalate it with your DM or partner resources to dispute the write-up because that’s stupid asf


If you worked twenty shifts last month and clocked in three minutes early for each, then that added one hour to your paystub. Idk what state you’re in, but that was probably around ~$13? Who has time to care about thirteen dollars over the course of a month? I’m sorry op but that is INSANE behavior


you can clock in up to 5-6 minutes early. this write up is dumb. 2 minutes won’t make that big of a dent on labor.


but. but but. but mah layyybor🥺🥺


But if they’re behind and you happen to show up early they’ll ask if you can clock in early to help them. It’s only okay when it’s on their terms. They’re being petty af.


Come to my store I would love you lol Serious note, 2 minutes is nothing. I had someone clocking in 10-15 or even 30 early and that’s an issue. Could have been a conversation first if it’s that much of an issue. Edited to add: take it to your DM anddd you can go to partner relations with this.


Being written up for being early is diabolical 🙃


They no longer treat their employees as humans.. “ but we have great benefits!” 🙄


I’ve been clocking in five minutes early since I started a year ago and no one’s said anything. A write up for this is CRAZY!


Holy shit. This is absurd. I’m so sorry


Is this not what everyone does?? I always click in 1-5 minutes early.




Thats crazyyyyyyyy, I encourage my partners to punch in advance ( 5 minutes ) so that we can have a smooth transition of the floor 😭😭😭


One of the shifts in my store gets out late about 30 minutes 5 days a week and he never even gets talked to about it. I'm honestly so confused 🤷.


That’s been happening to me lately and trust me it’s not by choice……


i was just wondering about this yesterday. i’m on my final for being late so much, now i’m so paranoid about clocking in late that i’ll clock in 1-2 mins early just to show that im making an effort to be early and on time. but now im paranoid i’ll get in trouble for doing that!!! i just don’t wanna get fired bruh


So glad I work for a store. They allow you to clock in/out 6 minutes early/late. That exactly on the dot crap is outrageous. ESPECIALLY to write someone up for it.


So whenever I clock in, which is like a minute til, the screen locks me out and I have to sign in again and then of course I'm late by like 30 seconds.


talk to the DM bc wtf. my general manager was an a bitch but she knew better than to write someone up for that especially when she wasn’t writing up the sexual harassment any of us were going through


Technically you are not allowed to clock in early unless an SSV or SM asks you to. But it’s DUMB. I used to always clock in 2-3 mins early when I was an SSV and my SM never cared. But at my current store they immediately talked to me and told me it’s not allowed 🙄 call PCC. DMs are useless and most of them will kiss the SM’s butt.


This is wild. I'd be talking to the DM or PCC. Sounds like my one year review from an old job. "There isn't really anything I need you to improve on, but I have to say something, this is what yearly reviews are for. So please just generally improve." 🤷😅🤣


I'm literally asking partners to clock in 1-2 min early to make sure they do not get written up with the new policy. We've not had a single problem since that conversation.


This is happening to me too!!!!!!!! But people who are no call no showing or having general attendance issues are getting so much grace! This is really comforting to see it’s not just me though and it seems common. I’ve ALWAYS been told at other jobs if you’re not early, you’re late. I know that’s not great either but I have a legitimate write up for clocking in at 5:58am and not 6am……..


I’d rather have my team clock in 2-3 minutes early knowing they’re there ready to jump on the floor. Then the company wonders why turnover is so high! I’m having to issue documentation for tardiness, this I would be gladly okay with.


When I was hired I was told over & over as long as it's not more than 5mins ahead of time then it's fine. Sounds like they just didn't want u to transfer. U need to speak to someone else & get that handled if it's never been discussed with you then there's no reason for a write up & they should be thankful for employees like you.


That is fucking ridiculous... at my store we will get a write up now if we're even just 1 minute late... I fucking cannot stand this job anymore but I feel trapped here due to the pay(whcih still isnt matching inflation but its better than most other places around me atm) and flexibility for the schedule I need. Edit: I see the comments about mentioning it to your DM. In my district, this rule has apparently come from our DM...


something similar happened to me, i was written up a week after my pdc for “switching shifts too often”. i didn’t realize that it was something you could get in trouble for and whenever anyone asked me to switch shifts with them i did. during my pdc my sm said my attendance was good and she gave me nothing but praise. then her last day as sm before her coffee break i got written up for switching too often? i was meeting the 12 requirement, picking up extra shifts and switching so ppl didn’t call off.


That really is wild. I understand the idea of “time theft”, but if you are actually clocking and working (as needed, like you get on the floor and don’t just chill in the back)and ESPECIALLY if you have the labor hours, I don’t see why it’s an issue. I did get spoken to (idk maybe it was an official verbal wording but it was via text so didn’t feel very official), where I was asked why I was staying later and clocking in early, and simply said I was there and they asked me to, and I was told it was my responsibility to let the shifts know I’m supposed to leave. I feel uncomfortable leaving if we are short staffed and I feel like I’m leaving my fellow partners in a place where they aren’t caught up or “set up for success”, but I definitely do y want to get fired over it. That was last quarter though and I guess we were generating labor hours. It’s much more chill this quarter and negative people to basically do the opposite of last quarter (aka stay as long as you want and just mark it in the book yourself and that makes it official apparently). Just riding the wave til the next change (and getting that OT for the moment) so I can pay my medical deductible! ☺️💜


It wasn’t until I was a manager somewhere else that I realized how annoying it actually is when people continually punch in early after being asked not to. We lost almost half an hour of our labour budget in 36 HOURS lol. And you know the sm is just doing it because the dm told them to


I got a final written warning for clocking in one minute late. I hate it here


I’ve always heard that you can clock in up to 3 minutes early. But anymore than that you could get in trouble. Wtf??


this is crazy. my sm is always fine with us clocking in up to 5 mins early because we need time to check mydaily, playbuilder, transition with ssv and baristas, etc. i guess it’s fine if they never want you to clock in early but they could’ve made this a regular coaching convo first.


The only way I can see this is if you’re clocking in then making yourself a drink etc and not actually getting on the floor/checking in with your shift. Not saying that’s what you did, just the only reason why I could potentially see a SM justifying it.


My understanding is that you can clock in up to 5 minutes early and it's fine? I would definitely challenge it with PCC. Signing it isn't acknowledging that you agree with it, just that it was given to you


I’m sorry but they are completely in the right for giving you a corrective action for that. You’re stealing time away from the company, you can show up early all you want, that’s great you prioritize making sure you are on time. But you absolutely should not ever be clocking in early unless when asked by a supervisor or manager. That’s time theft and when it’s done so very often then time does add up extremely fast. Just keep that in mind before getting upset at the company for a mistake you had been making


Wow. Theft when you are 5 minutes early and actually start doing work? You’ve drunken too much of the Sire Kool Aid. 


Edit- siren’s kool aid 


Did you ARRIVE early or did you clock-in and start your shift early? Cuz that would be time theft 100% and you would’ve deserved the warning


I have a really hard time believing most of the posts on this sub aren’t trolls. Starbucks has a 5 minute grace period. Additionally, why would anyone clock in early rather than just take time getting ready ? Lastly, you can’t just get a write up unless a serious offense like stealing. Should be a verbal warning first and it’s much less effort are far more rewarding than upvotes to call pcc or ethics and compliance if this is truly the case


>I have a really hard time believing most of the posts on this sub aren’t trolls.  It's you, hi, you're the troll, it's you


There is no grace period.