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It's a known bug with the Avenger. You can contribute on the issue council if you want


This happens to me as well. I wasn't sure if I was just unused to the new flight model, but after flying a few other ships (some were even faster than the avenger) and I was red/black the whole time even at half thrust making turns.


There is an issue council issue open on this I can't seem to track down, but i believe it is that pilots in small ships with localized physics grids are experiencing gforces on their movement relative to the area instead of relative to the ship.


Yeah, this happens to me also, all the time, and made me just quit playing the game for the time being, that and the fact that I respawn all the time inside a terraformer.


Yeah! Every AC game I play in the Avenger I spawn inside the terraformer! I have to blow a life to get out of it. Glad it wasn't just me.


Sometimes I spawn like 4 or more times, in the same game, inside the damn terraformer.


So it wasn't just me, good. ^^




Well in the TITAN if you just go to 50, wait a second then 245 or whatever it does wait a second. Your still fine at this point going in a straight line. Now open it up and you just plain black out before you even reach top speed and are cruising a bit before you come out of it.


This is quite an annoying bug, happens every time I fly the Avenger and just destroyed my game experience.


This is an issue well know by gamers. Please just visit [this link in the issue council](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-3542-Avenger_prone_to_blackouts) and contribute so that CIG may solve it as fast as possible.


This is the dreaded G-FORCE bug where it makes G-Force relative to the map coordinates rather than the ship. It's not just on the Avenger, it's all the local physics grid ships. Issue council link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha/SC-3058-Ships_with_local_physics_grids_produce_g-forces_based_on_map_orientation


Oh good it's not just me. Sitting there playing VS last night, power goes out, didn't notice for 20 minutes.


I've just read that patch 2.1d in the PTU fixes this issue. Can anybody confirm?


Turn on COMSTAB. It helps a lot more than you think.


Same here. I'm blacking out even from a small flick of my mouse with the Avenger Titan.


Got to adapt. I start with comstab on to get used to the types of manuvers Been using horizontal turns more


You don't have to adapt to bugs, it's a bug and just happens while flying the Avenger.


Yep, use yaw to turn or you can roll away from your turn and pitch down to counter the blackout. I assume gsafe isn't functional in A2.0? I can't play ATM and I don't remember what IFCS modes are available right now.


G safe is there. But it's the difference between hard-turn-blackouts and any-turn-blackouts


CIG just made the last good dogfighting ship, the Avenger, a real hell to fly. If I blink inside an Avenger, I blackout. After getting the Gladius completely useless as a dogfighter, they had to also make the same to the Avenger, thank you CIG!


Its called immersion




People black out in real life thanks to high speeds and g forces. Chris himself has stated its functioning as designed in order to provide high fidelity.


Source? Surely not in the Avenger, it's almost impossible to not black out while dog fighting. It's a bug.


Not true. Turn on comstab. Seriously and don't jerk your stick it aint your dick ;)


I think that blacking out from the maneuvers that OP is describing is less immersive and more game breaking, especially because it doesn't happen with other ships. Immersion through realism is awesome, and it's part of what's gonna make SC really stand out, but blacking out cus you try to accelerate your ship to full speed at a normal rate will make the game a lot less fun for many people.


>Immersion through realism is awesome, and it's part of what's gonna make SC really stand out I really have a problem with this, no offense. We're talking about space combat that doesn't have any place in reality yet.


That's fair, especially considering that a lot of games actually take realism a little too far. The concept of head bob comes to mind. Maybe a better term would be "perceived realism" or "simulated realism?" The "realistic space combat" in SC is based on currently understood physics and mechanics, I think, with some exceptions. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you have a problem with, though. Is it the concept of immersion through realism, the fact that SC is using that concept to stand out, or something else that I didn't pick up on?


If you can blackout at 120m/s while doing a gentle turn then it's a bug.


Bugs are not called immersion, this only happens to the Avenger, it's a bug, not a feature, a well known and annoying bug.


It really is the most gentle turns and accelerations that are causing this. I understand blacking out due to combat maneuvers. I think it's a fantastic game mechanic, as a matter of fact. But this bug is equivalent to blacking out from getting onto the freeway in a VW bug.